Light Spirit Epic Chapter 2: Contract to death


Chapter 2: Covenant to Death

In an instant, the battle between the boy and the dragon started.

“Huh!” The dragon spit out fire rain, and thousands of fine fireballs shot like lava droplets, each one being enough to set people on fire.

The boy jumped up, using subtle movements to avoid the rain of fire.

The fireball shot towards his chest, the boy leaned back slightly, and the fireball brushed past his left shoulder;

The flame tongue was about to engulf his left leg, but he twisted his waist with amazing softness, and the flame only blew over his heel,

The fine fragments of fire rushed towards his face. The young man stretched out his fingers and flicked it a few times, and then the fire fragments with sharp rubble flew away.

Every attack was disintegrated at the moment when it almost hit the boy. The flames only left a lot of scorching marks on his clothes, but they could not hurt the boy.

However, this is within the dragon’s expectations.

“Roar!” The giant dragon raised a wall of fire, and the flaming fire rushed towards the ground, forcing the boy to dodge in mid-air.

“Hey!” The giant dragon spit out a huge fireball and hit it in the direction where the boy landed. The cunning dragon calculated the movements of the boy and laid a deadly trap before the boy reached the predetermined trajectory!

Wait until you hit the ground before dodging, it will be too late. The young man had an idea and kicked the stone wall, using the reaction force of the stone wall to change the direction in an instant.

Touch! The fireball hit the teenager and exploded! The teenager rolled with his head in his arms, and under the impact of the explosion, took the opportunity to roll over in front of the giant dragon.

“What?!” Facing the sudden change, the dragon was stunned for a moment, but he was not fooled by the battle experience.

But did not scan. It’s not a miss, it’s ——

The dragon felt only a pain in its tail. A large section of its tail has already flew out weakly, slamming into the stone wall like a corpse, shaking off a lot of dust.

I don’t know when, the boy had already held the lightsaber in his hand, the lightsaber that the knight had dropped on the ground earlier. The green light shone brightly, illuminating the thin face of the young man.

“It’s really amazing.” The dragon squinted his eyes and looked at the boy: “So the tumbling just now was not only to avoid my attack, but also to pick up weapons at the right time?”

“Of course. Do you think I’ll be stupid enough to be your living target, stupid dragon!”

The part of the dragon’s tail that was cut off is hurting.

The lightsaber could not have penetrated the scales on the dragon’s tail, causing damage to the dragon. The only possibility is for the young man to cut into the gap between the dragon scales at the moment when the dragon attacks, avoiding the hard parts and breaking the dragon’s tail!

Is this young man really so powerful, he will cut it when he sees it, or is he just lucky?

Is it pure luck? ! You must know that even those swordsmen who have challenged dragons have never possessed such precise swordsmanship! !

“Damn boy!” Long stretched his courage and stretched out his claws.

He didn’t want to take his chances. No matter whether the opponent is lucky or really strong, he should use his best claw strike to solve it.

There are a lot of inherent photons attached to the claws, and their sharpness can break iron and gold, which is unmatched by any weapon made by humans. Once the dragon wields his claws, even the strongest adversary can’t take advantage of melee combat!

——He has given up on his plan to leave the boy’s corpse intact. Although it didn’t taste very elegant, Long planned to tear the young man to pieces first.

Swipe, swipe, swipe! ——-The dragon claws with red light roared in the dim cave. The boy kept dodging sideways, and at the same time avoiding the fireballs ejected by the dragon.

Touch! bump! bump! bump! ——-The fireball exploded in the cave, and there were flashes of fire everywhere, and the cave began to become brighter.

The figure of a short and thin boy with black hair and black pupils was reflected in the dragon’s eyes.

Even among human beings, this boy is the weakest. He has pale skin and a frail physique. His square face is a little slender and stiff. He looks ordinary and even dull. Only those straight and thick black eyebrows are the only part that is eye-catching. The black pupils stared energetically, as if [being energetic] was the only advantage of this young man.

The whole body exudes a beautiful and dazzling fiery red brilliance, and the figure of the majestic and burly giant beast also catches the boy’s eyes.

This dragon, which has lived for tens of thousands of years, is at the age of youth and strength. The crimson dragon armor on his body is actually translucent. It is only under the influence of the excess light of the firelight and the photon itself that such a fiery red beauty appears, and there is a flame burning in every piece of the lin. The bright golden eyes are the most beautiful decorations that adorn this red fire dragon, just like the gold diamonds set on the ruby ​​colossus.

The greatest and strongest epic photonic creature, against the smallest and weakest human beings.

The disparity in strength is as vast as the sky and the earth. In the face of this hopeless and inevitable battle, there was no trace of fear on the young man’s face.

It’s not that he’s not afraid, just because he doesn’t have the feeling of [fear]. He had nothing from the beginning. It is because you have nothing that you can go ahead regardless of everything. There is no fear in the face of a monster as huge as a mountain, and no fear in the face of the surging death!

Plan! The sharp claws brushed across the boy’s chest, tearing only the clothes. He flanked, briefly avoiding it.

Swipe again! The sharp claws slid across the top of the boy’s head, only cutting off a few strands of hair. He crouched down slightly, dodging easily.

Swipe! The giant dragon stretched out its claws and grabbed the boy’s chest and calf diagonally. The young man rolled over, his body leaned thirty degrees, and slipped between the dragon’s claws!

Swipe, swipe, swipe! The dragon claws violently grabbed, and the boy rolled, crouched, and blocked with his sword, always reluctantly brushing past death in the nick of time!

The young man has been focusing on dodging. On the surface, the dragon that was in the upper hand became more and more impatient.

——Why, why does it always miss? ! Could this weak human being be able to avoid death? !

After calmly dodging hundreds of attacks, the boy unleashed a sword. It was just one blow, but it was a sure-kill blow.

This sword slashed the right claw of the red dragon! From the part of the wrist joint, through the gap between the scales, cut off the epidermis, cut off the muscle, cut off the bone, and cut off the entire dragon’s arm!

  "呃啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!!!!!!!!"鲜血喷洒,龙一阵钻心的疼痛! Just when he lost his balance due to the pain, the young man swung out another sword and slashed the dragon’s right arm!

It is also an extremely accurate swordsmanship, and it is also a fierce and unhesitating attack. The boy stepped on the fallen dragon’s right arm and jumped to the dragon’s chest!

“Roar!!” Knowing that the situation was not good, the red dragon spit out a fireball at the oncoming teenager!

The boy swung his sword to fly the fireball, ignoring the burn on his arm due to the heat of the fireball.

He landed in front of the dragon’s chest scale, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at the heart of the fire dragon.

At the same time, the fire dragon also opened the mouth of the blood dish, ready to bite the boy to death!

The time that was jumping wildly just now is now stagnant in an eternal moment.

——The moment when the dragon and the boy confronted each other.

“Do you still want to fight?” the boy shouted: “I can pierce your heart in the next second!”

The fire dragon knew that what the boy said was true. The lightsaber has been waiting in the gap between the dragon’s chest scales. With its penetrating power, it can definitely penetrate the dragon’s heart, resulting in the loss of the dragon’s life.

“Do you still want to fight?!” The dragon still insisted: “I can bite you down in the next second!”

The boy also knew that what the dragon said was true. The monster’s teeth are extremely sharp and unparalleled, and they can pierce into the young man’s body in an instant, creating countless large holes for bloodletting. With just a little tear, the teenager will end up with a gut-wrenching stomach!

“Damn monster!” The boy cursed angrily.

“Damn brat!” Long also cursed angrily.

The dragon and the boy immediately confronted each other, hating each other and not giving in to each other.

“You can compare your patience with me!” Long said again, “I can stand still for thousands of years without sleeping for decades, without eating for hundreds of years.”

“I don’t need to compare your patience with you. When I’m too tired to hold on any longer, I will pierce your heart with a sword and die with you.” The boy said.


Then, they confronted each other in silence again.

So similar, yet so different.

The strongest dragon and the weakest boy stand on opposite ends of the scale. At this moment, their souls have the same weight, and they can no longer distinguish the strength from the weak.

The giant beast that has lived for thousands of years only feels humble and ashamed. His self-esteem is constantly crumbling.

In the end, the dragon couldn’t bear it anymore: “Okay, you’re ruthless. You’re just doing this to protect yourself. For me, it doesn’t really matter if I eat more or less. I’ll let you go today.”

“Oh, let me go?” the boy said calmly.

“Yes, I’ll let you go. Thank me. It’s not worth the power I’ve spent tens of thousands of years repairing for a nobody like you.” Long suppressed his anger and said.

“What?” The young man’s sword tip came closer, “You want to say that your life is more valuable than mine, right?”

“Yes, my life is more valuable than yours.” The dragon repeated, “How can I say that I am a creature much higher than your human beings.”

“Really.” The boy’s eyes were full of anger, and the other party’s words touched his inverse scale: “Then, if you are defeated by a creature far inferior to yourself, it must be embarrassing?”

“What? That’s a shame, boy. You really think you can—”

The young man said nothing, bit his finger, drew a magic circle on his chest with blood, and said something in his mouth: “ELIS DAK ELIMUS…”

“What…? It’s the ultimate──”

“Do you recognize this spell?” the boy said coldly.

“No! Impossible…! How could a mere human kid use the ultimate magic nuclear fusion technique? You want to bluff me?”

“I read it in my father’s book before,” said the boy, “and it is also the only ultimate magic that can be used without prior preparation. It’s no big deal, just dedicate my soul. Just use it. You must die. But you can’t escape from here alive. Everything will be wiped out.”

“No matter what you are living, you are dying the same way. There is no particularly honorable death, nor a particularly vile death. How high do you think you are, stupid dragon?”

The boy’s hand never stopped, and he was about to complete the spell.

“Stop, stop!” Long shouted hastily, “Are you really a lunatic? Aren’t you afraid of death?!”

“I don’t know any other feelings except anger. Of course I don’t know fear.” The boy shouted, “You’re unlucky when you meet me!”

The boy completed the magic circle. Even his father disapproved of the knowledge he secretly learned in his father’s library when he was young. That magic, which requires a high degree of concentration, was originally impossible for a child to use.

Everyone underestimated the ability of this teenager, especially, when he did something desperately, what happened—[miracle]—.

The air whistled, trembled, and shrank. The sound of a crackling discharge resounded in the boy’s ears as it was five years ago.

(Death is so sudden, yet so natural. What kind of mood did he have to launch this technique back then?)

(Anyway, perhaps, this will be a relief.)

Fusion is about to explode in the cave. The giant dragon knew that this was not a child’s play, and the boy did use the magic with the determination to die.

“Stop it!” the dragon shouted hastily, “Okay, okay! I’ve got you covered! I take back what I just said. You’re a great person, and I’m no better than you. You’ve conquered completely. I, you are a great knight.──Is that all right?!”

The boy recovered from his red-eyed state. He looked at the giant dragon and suddenly felt a little overwhelmed.

(Not yet dead.)

“…not a knight. In this day and age, a creature like a knight is useless. You remember me, I am Arthur Kelton, a swordsman. And, one day, I will become the highest and strongest swordsman on the whole earth!”

(——For the moment of revenge on Kama (Fate).)

(In order to tear off the veil of hypocrisy of God, it will be crushed.)

“Hahahahaha!” the dragon laughed, his laughter like a lion roaring.

“Very good, so funny. Arthur Kelton, what an interesting guy!”

Obviously just a human being. Obviously weak. But the youth’s [will] is extremely powerful.

—— His empty [heart] is stronger than anyone else.

“I’ll see how far you can go. Take this and call me when you need my help. If you were a weak guy, I might eat you in one bite. drop.”

The dragon bit off a fiery red scale and threw it to the boy.

“Then I will accept it, Red Fire Dragon Shaxing.” When the boy touched the scales of the giant dragon, he naturally knew the other’s name. He vaguely understood that this was some kind of contract.

“Then, there will be an appointment later, Arthur Pantoracken.” The giant dragon said something cast a space teleportation magic, jumped into the teleportation port and left.

“Um…” Arthur slumped to the ground, his body softened involuntarily, and his whole body began to be cold and numb. He blamed it on being too excited just now, now it’s a side effect of adrenaline.

A kilometer away, in the Crystal Cave.

“Smelly Mage, you’re actually playing with me!” The giant dragon roared as soon as he entered the cave, “What do you say there is treasure there, I didn’t expect it to be not only an empty cave, but also encountered so many troubles! Almost lost my life!”

“I did say that there is a treasure there.” The old master said, his eyes hidden under the cloak were like a universe spinning: “However, the treasure is not the gold and silver jewels you imagined. You have already met.”


“If the boy really used [nuclear fusion], it is estimated that only you will die.”

“What do you mean? Is this possible? Stop deceiving people! Even the oldest dragon species can’t get away with the ultimate magic!”

“He’s special. Even if everything around him vanishes, he’ll be intact.” The mage looked at the crystal, as if he could see everything in the world through it.

“How…is this possible? Just a human——“

“Human?” The wizard smiled mysteriously.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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