Light Spirit Epic Chapter 160: Sinking to the Nightmare (Part 2)


Chapter 160: Falling into Nightmare (Part 2)

——Man is always swallowed up by the abyss he created.

Arthur subconsciously looked at the sentence engraved on the reef in front of the cave. It seemed to be a warning slogan, which had been eroded by the long-term weathering of the sea breeze and the tide, and had become illegible.

“Is it almost time to meet? No one fled out crying.” Sha Xing sneered.

“When you encounter a nightmare, you can’t escape it at first.” Arthur said, “It will first use the magic of ‘into a dream’ to force its way into your consciousness.”

“Then create all kinds of illusions in your consciousness that frighten you the most.” Greenville said.

“Fear?” Arthur shook his head. “No. Not just fear. The scariest thing about a nightmare is that it allows you to see your sins.”

“Sin? Never heard of that,” Greenville said.

“Have you ever been in?”

“Of course not. I’ve been doing ambulance work here many times, but want me in? No thanks. I’m not interested in the title of Knight of Gaia, and I don’t want to see that disgusting creature at all. “

“Very wise.” The evil star said.

“Cough cough.” Arthur coughed dryly, “The knights of the Northern Heaven Knights are clean and self-love, they have not committed any terrible crimes, so they should not encounter them. The [fear elephant] and the [Nie Barrier] is different from person to person, some people should not see [Nie Barrier].”

“Does that make any difference?”

“The difference is big. Seeing [the fear of the elephant], as long as one has enough courage, one can overcome it. But the person who sees [the stigma], which is one’s own past sins, will be overwhelmed by guilt and guilt. Devour. To overcome one’s own [sickness], it takes not courage, but … [something else].”

“Damn it! Don’t give a shit, tell me now!” Shaxing said angrily.

“I’m sorry, that’s impossible. This needs to be experienced in person, and what [that thing] is needed cannot be expressed in words.” Arthur sneered, “If you want to know, it’s very simple. , you will also have nightmares when you go into the cave, and you can experience it firsthand.”

“Want to lure me into fishing? It’s not that easy!” Shaxing said disapprovingly, “Well, I’ll ask the little devils after they come out.”

“The premise is that some of them are able to overcome [the evil barrier].” Greenville sneered.

Arthur shrugged and stopped talking. He was still a little worried about Bedivere. The Papalov thing could turn out to be an insurmountable [evil barrier] that would eventually destroy the child.

In order to overcome [the wickedness], what is needed is a man to face the darkness of his own past, and to overcome them, [determination].

All that is needed is to stand firm in the face of one’s sins, [faith].

For a person, the sins of the past are the most difficult to overcome. However, if he can cross this hurdle—he can really grow up.

A person’s heart must be at least this strong in order to be at least qualified to be upgraded to a Gaia knight.

Pantoracken’s knighthood trials have always been so severe.

The werewolf boy sneered.

Another white bear boy, about one to two years older than his younger brother, is now trapped in a trap prepared by his younger brother and unable to escape.

It’s been a long time since my younger brother harmed my elder brother once or twice, but this time, it almost cost my elder brother’s life.

“Babe? Is that Beibei? Stop playing, please let me out! It’s getting dark, if you don’t go back, mother will be worried.” The white bear boy shouted.

Bedivere did not respond. Of course not responding. If he responded, wouldn’t he admit that it was his prank?

The werewolf boy did not know that his brother broke his leg when he fell into the pit, and now his bones are still exposed and bleeding. No matter how good the white bear man’s regeneration ability is, the sharp bone fragments still ripped apart the skin of the legs, and it has not been able to regenerate smoothly.

The werewolf boy did not know that when his brother was discovered by the adults, it was already the next morning. People from the whole village went out to find a child who was trapped in the wild, and they searched for a full night.

All he knew was that when he saw his brother again, he was already weakly lying on the hospital bed, dying. The strong vitality of the polar bear saved Papalov from death, but he still lay there for a full week.

“I know you did this.” Mom’s tone was reproachful, but more sad, “Babe, why are you doing this, why can’t you be nice to your brother? You have the love of your father and mother, but he has nothing. Why can’t you give him some of this love?”

Bedevier, who was only a child at this time, did not understand.

He only remembered that his parents loved his brother far more than he loved himself.

He only remembers being beaten by his father for various small things, but his father never beat his brother.

He only remembered that this incident made him slap his father firmly in the face, and by this time there was still a burning pain on his face.

At night, he couldn’t sleep. When he slipped out of the room to go to the bathroom, he heard their conversation through the crack of the door of his parents’ room.

“What should I do now? If Lord Long Shenguan can’t sleep like this—” Mom’s voice said.

“Don’t worry, he will get through it. The best doctor has been hired and the best medicine… He can get through it.” Dad’s voice said.

“But, Beibei—-” the mother’s voice questioned.

“I’ve taught him a good lesson, so that he won’t dare to mess with the dragon priest in the future. This ignorant boy… If there is another time, I must personally teach him His hands and feet were interrupted.” Dad’s voice said angrily.

The werewolf boy didn’t make a sound, he just quietly returned to the room.

He looked at his brother who was dying on the bed. At this time, he had a terrible idea.

He climbed onto his brother’s bed, and caught his brother’s neck with both hands.

A painful expression appeared on the already dying face of the polar bear Paparov. Unable to breathe, she gradually began to suffocate.

Bediver cried quietly, but his hands squeezed harder and harder. His calm and murderous eyes stared at his brother’s face distorted from pain in the dim room.

“It’s just a little bit, and he will die. If he dies, he will disappear from my life forever, and he will never come to compete for the love my parents gave me.” The werewolf boy thought so, “as long as I use more I can kill him. I can do it, I will do it.”

“If he dies, I will be able to live happily.”

However, as if protecting his younger brother, the polar bear hugged Bedivere gently with his arms.

“Don’t cry, Bebe.”

It was the tears that fell on my brother’s face, awakening the unconscious brother. The elder brother immediately knew that he was being strangled by the little hands of his younger brother and was being strangled.

But he didn’t hate his brother. He just, lovingly, hugged his brother who was about to kill him, and wanted to make his brother stop crying.

He was speechless, but at this moment he was praying sincerely.

If killing me makes you feel better, then kill me.

However, the younger brother finally let go. Papalov put his arms around his brother, who was trembling with crying, and he wept himself.

“Sorry. Also, thank you.”

In that instant, the village burned.

The older brother stands in front of the attackers so that the younger brother has a chance to escape.

The younger brother ran away without looking back.

In the next instant, a black phoenix passed by the two of them.

Arms were burned, heart-wrenching pain for Bedivere. When he came to his senses again, his brother Papalov had been burned to the coke to protect him.

“I’m sorry, Babe.” My brother’s voice echoed around Bedivere. “Now I’m finally going to disappear. Are you happy at last?”

“No!——Brother!!!” The werewolf boy stretched out his hand to grab the figure of his brother who was constantly moving away.

However, his hands had been burned, the muscles were peeled from the arms, revealing the bones, and then the bones were also burned to ashes in the flames and scattered on the ground.

The brother who seemed to be close at hand had completely turned into ashes at this time, and dissipated in the wind along with the residual temperature of the flame.

“Brother!! No! Wait for me!!” Bedivere shouted, “Don’t go!! I still have a lot to say to you, I haven’t apologized to you properly!!”

“I don’t want my happiness! I just want to exchange it for your life – even if it’s only for a moment – come back to life!”

“I just want to tell you that I still love you!”

No matter how you shout, what awaits the werewolf boy is nothingness and darkness.

(Brother is indeed dead and will not come back.)

(I caused all this.)

(It’s all my fault.)

Darkness, like thick ink, dyed Bedivere black. From head to toe, inside and out. Then he began to sink deeper into the dark ocean.

(It’s all pointless.)

(My brother died and will never come back.)

(In this world, I am alone again.)

(Instead of continuing to live on like this, I might as well disappear into this boundless darkness together.)

(Give up thinking, stop breathing, and let both body and mind be swallowed by darkness.)

(If it becomes non-existent, maybe it will be more relaxed.)

(I want to die.)

Just as Bedivere was about to sink completely into the dark sea, a shimmering hand grabbed him.

Bedivere was pulled out of the dark sea again, and the owner of this shimmering hand was none other than Papalov the polar bear.


In the twilight, Papalov didn’t say anything, just smiled at Bedivere and shook his head.

That hand was so warm, with a little wetness unique to the palm of a polar bear.

This warm feeling is the same as the warm feeling of being held in my arms by my brother.

“Already, is it okay?”

“Even if I’m not here, you are not alone. There are countless lights in your world. These lights will illuminate your life.”

Bedivere looks around. Behind my brother, there are familiar and unfamiliar faces. One by one, they all glowed faintly, as if to illuminate Bedivere’s path forward, and these rays of light continued to extend to infinite distances, until, endlessly, into the future.

Standing at the front of the crowd, Arthur stretched out his hand to Bedivere.

“Follow up.” Arthur’s voice resounded in the darkness, as if to repel darkness and coldness.

Feeling that Papalov pushed him behind his back, the werewolf boy fell forward and reached out to Arthur subconsciously.

Bedivere came back to his senses and found himself still in the cave, clutching his necklace, and the white stone on the necklace was still glowing faintly.

It took him about a second to think about his reasons for being in this dark cave.

Then he understood All he saw was an illusion, an illusion created by the magic of nightmares.

That evil thing is still watching not far away, and has no intention of attacking or escaping.

No, rather than attacking or fleeing, it can’t move at all. This kind of mental attack magic may consume a lot of mental energy and requires a high degree of concentration. It cannot move during this process.

The other teenagers on the side fell to the ground incessantly, still tormented by the nightmares created by the nightmares. Only Bedivere is awake now.

“Tristan, wake up!” Bedivere yelled, slapping the murloc boy several times in the face, trying to forcibly wake him up.

“Don’t, don’t come here! Goddamn spider!” Tristan cried in a sleepy voice.

Seeing that no matter how much she shakes or slaps Tristan, Bedivere turns to check on Tol’vir. The leopard boy is hugging into a ball and whispering in pain:

“No. It hurts. Please, let me go, let me go!!——“

“Cheer up! Tol’vir, what you see is not true!” Bedivere still tried to shake the leopard boy awake.

“No! Dad! Don’t look at me like that, meow!” The child’s babbling couldn’t stop.

“It’s not that I want to become such a monster, meow.” The leopard boy cried.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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