Light Spirit Epic Chapter 156: Redemption is in the shackles (true)


Chapter 156 Redemption to the Shackles (True)

When Arthur woke up, he found himself in bed. He looked at the bandage on his arm, and then at Greenville, who was on the side, “What a fierce poison. It seems that you have taken my life back again.”

“I didn’t.” Greenville looked ashamed, her frown unexpectedly cute.

“I didn’t have time to help you heal your wounds, and your wounds healed automatically. Likewise, I didn’t have time to find an antidote, and the anti-venom serum already appeared in your body. It was the succubus in your body that saved you. strength, not me.”

“Really…it’s still a good dressing, thank you.” Arthur moved his arm, but the arm was still aching. It seemed that even if the surface healed, the damage to the inner nerve was still there. It takes longer to recover… In short, it’s fine if it doesn’t affect the fight.

He looked at the leopard boy who was sleeping soundly beside him. The child’s abdomen was wrapped in a thick layer of bandages, and the drip was still on the side.

“Did the operation succeed?” Arthur asked.

“I don’t have any other problems. What I’m more worried about is the bacteria that came into the sterile room in the middle of the operation.” Greenville said, “Antibiotics are used, as long as they can survive the dangerous period tonight, they will not There will be problems.”

“The Orc’s vitality is so strong, he will be fine.” Arthur said.

“Don’t overlook one point: this child dragged this tattered body all the way down. He has already been weakened to the extreme, and his immunity may not be much left.” Greenville said worriedly.

“Don’t worry. We’ll take care of him later. You’re tired today, so go back to the Northern Heaven Knights first?”

“It’s not too tired, but it’s definitely necessary to go back. There are still several knights who were injured in the assassin’s attack waiting for me to take care of.” Greenville sighed, “Okay, I Keep the necessary medicines and feed the child to take medicines according to the prescription I left. The injections and drips are left for you, I am afraid that you have no experience in giving people intravenous injections, and you can’t do them well… “

“Let’s leave this to ourselves to worry about, thank you for your hard work, Greenville. Go back now.” Arthur urged. Greenville gets long-winded when it comes to patients.

“…Okay. If you have any emergencies that you can’t deal with, remember to call me.” After Greenville finished speaking, she hurried out.

“She looks like she’s busy?” Bedivere said casually as she walked into the bedroom.

“Huh.” Arthur lay on the bed again and sighed, “The council’s assassins are already troublesome enough, are there another group of foxman assassins?”

“That way you won’t be idle before your duel with Duke Yones, hehe.” Bedivere forced a smirk.

Arthur reached out to knock Brady on the head, but he felt a dull pain in his arm, so he didn’t do it. Looking at Arthur like this, the werewolf boy stuck out his tongue slyly.

“Arthur, please sleep again. I’ll take care of it here. Tristan and Lian Yin are also taking turns to stand guard, so there should be no problem.”

“I can’t sleep if you say that.” Arthur took a glass of water and drank it, “Is the roof repaired?”

“Tristan has temporarily sealed it with ice magic,” Bedivere said. “We’ll have some craftsmen fix it tomorrow and we’ll be done.”

“As long as the craftsman doesn’t mix with assassins,” Arthur said coldly.

“It doesn’t matter, once a hostile person steps into the barrier of Lian Yinbu, she can immediately sense it.” Bedivere said.

“That’s good.” Arthur lay on the bed ready to rest, “I just hope that enough rest can make the arm injury heal quickly, and not affect the duel with Duke Yones four days later.”

“With Arthur’s current recovery ability, you shouldn’t have to worry about it.” Bedivere said, “But, don’t you need to investigate the contracted creatures of the Duke of Yones? Please Ivan’s words——“

“Let him investigate his father’s secrets and then give me a small report so I can gain an advantage in a duel with his father? Well, no. I don’t think it’s a good idea. Even if Evan agrees , this is also despicable.”

“However, the Duke of Yones knows your information very well, but you don’t do anything to balance the gap, can you win?” Bedi asked hastily.

“As long as his contracted creature doesn’t have a particularly tricky ability like a griffin, I can still adapt to it.” Arthur said, and then covered the quilt, “Okay, don’t disturb me, let me take a nap, and then dinner. Wake me up.”


About dinner time, Arthur smelled the smell of potato stew and got up. Seeing that Bedivere was not in the bedroom, he was probably cooking. He wanted to go out to eat, but a small sob caught his attention.

He looked at Tol’vir beside him. He was still in a coma, probably having a nightmare, muttering to himself as he cried.

Arthur did not learn the Leopard language, but he understood one word: “Mom.”

“This kid.” Arthur said, walking to the leopard boy’s bed, “I don’t know what happened to you, and what kind of fate you have to face. But, you are so closed to yourself, hiding in Crying in the corner…. nothing can change.”

Then he walked out without looking back.

The leopard boy opened his eyes slightly, and in his vision blurred by tears, he looked at Arthur’s back.

At the same time, the base of the Knights of the Western Heavens.

“Is this steak still appetizing?” asked the Grand Duke of Celestial Knight Yones.

Evan looked at his dad suspiciously as he ate, and remained silent.

“Why are you so restrained? Are you afraid that I will pour Ecstasy in my dinner?” Euns sneered, “Don’t worry, I am a dignified knight, and I will take advantage of it while I am eating with my son. My son’s words, in order to obtain the information of the duel opponent——I will not do such unscrupulous things.”

Evan looked at his father, still full of doubts, frowned: “Besides, I really can’t think of the reason why the celestial knight wants to eat with a kid like me. Your Excellency the Grand Duke has How long have you not paid attention to someone with a low status like me? Five years? No, no, maybe since I came to the Knights to join His Excellency the Grand Duke, I have been—”

“Aoyun is right, you are really in a period of rebellion,” Ewans interrupted, “I had my reasons for not being able to answer you before. Especially when someone claims to be my son, knight. With rumors flying all over the regiment, it is impossible for me to give you any special care.——No, that’s why it is necessary to be stricter with you, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the public.”

“Then it’s reasonable for you to force me to accompany you to dinner every day like this? The knights won’t talk about anything behind their backs?” Evan asked.

Celestial Knight Youns, at this moment, seems to have been stabbed in the laughing hole by something, and burst into laughter:

“First of all, you are no longer a member of the Knights of the Western Heavens, and I cannot give you any more ‘special treatment’.

Secondly, if you can convince the public, you should ask those idiots in the Knights who are drooling at your black dragon armor. The duel of the Knights of Arthur in Rome has been sent for a long time. If you want to talk about “rumours flying”, you should also talk about your privately using the name of Aoyun to go to a duel with someone. Aoyun was also teased for a while. That kid has a lot of self-esteem, and he didn’t get mad at you as soon as he saw you. You should be secretly lucky. “

“Uh, that’s it…” Evan shuddered like he was stinging. He knew he was wrong, so he could only whisper, “I was forced too. And I have tried my best to do my best.” To avoid embarrassing Aoyun, what do you think of me?…Why does Arthur even write such a thing in the report? Damn…”

“He had to report truthfully, things in Rome were a big deal, and he still had a lot of things he couldn’t justify. At this time, there were still a lot of interrogations waiting for him—–if there was no War of the Five Kings .Huh? No. It seems that Leon Digens kicked Arthur out of the knights? That guy is really messing up the situation. He has fooled things that should have been investigated clearly. That guy… .Accidentally a wily man?”

I just think that interrogation is too troublesome, it’s more fun to disrupt the situation, right? Ivan cursed inwardly.

While wondering, he picked up the juice on the side and prepared to drink it. Just then, an unnatural ripple appeared on the juice.

What, knocked over the cup in Evan’s hand at a very high speed. The cup fell to the ground, and there was a puff of white smoke that corroded the floor.

“This is… poison?!” Evan exclaimed in surprise.

“Get down!” Youns rushed towards Evan in an instant, stabbing a sword at the same time.

At that moment, Evan was still a little suspicious, thinking that his father was going to kill him. But he finally chose to believe, and he fell to the ground.

Yones’s sword stabbed deep into the assassin behind Evan’s back. The assassin was killed immediately, and the blood poured out all over Ivan.

“How is that possible! No one can get so close to me within my field of vision…” Evan was shocked.

“These are trained elite assassins, and their penetration magic can block all detection. Not to mention you have elf eyes, even the most advanced detection magic can’t really detect their approach~IndoMTL .com~Grand Duke Ewans Road.

“How could… such an advanced spell…”

“Yes, there will be a heavy price to use.” Euns said, “These people came to assassinate me with a life-threatening awareness. They would rather be petrified than kill me. “

“Did you just put poison in my cup? But how did you detect their presence?”

“I didn’t do it, it was my partner.” Celestial Knight Youns sneered, “How about it? Do you want to tell you more information? You can get the information, and then tell Arthur. Oh boy? I won’t call you mean, or eat inside and out. After all, I already know that Arthur’s mount is a dragon, so it’s fair to let him get to know my partner.”

“Is this the time to say this?!” Evan picked up his weapon, and at the same time dozens of assassins had broken in, “You should keep the intelligence or something, I will confirm it with my own eyes, during the battle in!”

“Impossible.” Ewans laughed and said, “Because there is no fighting at all. Because—” He pointed to the group of assassins beside him contemptuously, “They are already dead. .”

Assassins began to fall one by one. Either their heads fell, or they were divided into two halves, and the bodies above the waist slowly fell down.

Ewens is right at all: they’re dead.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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