Light Spirit Epic Chapter 15: The origin of silver (Part 1)


Chapter 15: The Origin of Silver (Part 1)

Small village on the French coast.

A werewolf boy climbed up from the smoke and rubble.

He was still a child. He is covered in pure silver, shiny and soft hair, has a pair of big blue eyes, and sharp and dexterous wolf ears. Even among the werewolves (Eskimos), he was also a noble purebred orc.

Now he is in a mess. The thick smoke made him cough again and again and burst into tears. The fire scorched the hair on his body, it looked dirty and messy, and even his eyes were clouded by the smoke.

“Grandpa? Grandma?” the werewolf boy whispered in the thick smoke, “you *cough*, how are you?”

“Beddie,” the old man replied weakly. A charred hand sticks out from the rubble.

“Grandpa? Grandpa!” The werewolf boy rushed over and started digging frantically with his claws, “Just hold on, *cough* I’ll save you right away!”

With a sizzle, the boy was scalded, and his hand retracted reflexively. A huge fragment in the rubble was burnt red in the fire, which is not a mass that can be moved by any means.

“Beddie,——I’ll leave it alone, you—*cough*—you run away alone.” The old man let out a deep cough.

“Don’t talk, Grandpa, I’ll take you right away—” The boy ignored the high temperature and just wanted to remove the rubble. But his weak and weak body could not carry such a huge fragment at all.

“It’s okay, really,” the old man said calmly, “grandpa has lived a long time, and that’s enough. And grandma is with me too. *cough*…we We won’t be separated again. Bedivere, you’ll be alone… *cough*—Be strong and don’t cry your nose ——“

An explosion drowned out the old man’s last voice. More rubble fell from the zenith, crushing the old man completely.

Blood splattered on the werewolf boy, dyeing the silver-white wolf fur red.

“Grandpa——” The werewolf boy climbed up from the ground, the fur of his whole body was burnt into pits and pits by sparks, and there were more than a thousand wounds on his body, all bleeding.

“Mingming…Mingming just wants to live a peaceful life. Can’t even this small wish come true?!” The long-standing anger in the boy’s heart finally erupted: “Damn—Damn it Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

The werewolf boy, who was mad with rage, completely lost his mind. A large number of photons were sucked into the werewolf’s body from the surrounding environment, and the boy’s body swelled instantly, turning into a violent beast. This is the talent of the orcs, the [Berrification Art] that absorbs photons and strengthens the body.

The giant beast was no longer afraid of the raging fire, he roared wildly, and rushed out.

In the town square, the tiger people of the Fierce Fang tribe are sorting out the results of their looting: they are stacking the gold and silver treasures they have grabbed, and they are ready to pack and transport them away; Burn the corpse.

Among the corpses were dozens of corpses of the Knights of the Shield of the Kingdom of France, apparently the patrols that had been wiped out. At that time, France was in turmoil due to the infighting of the royal family. The strength of the Knights was uneven, and the troops who encountered the orcs were only tortured.

And this group of vicious big cats, they have done all the bad things. On the surface, they are robbing for the sake of robbing, but in fact they only act to cover up a certain purpose.

They robbed, burned, killed—silenced all witnesses and swept village by village.

“Haven’t you found that kid yet?” The tallest and sturdy one of the tiger-men bandits said to the other beside him, “I’ve already found more than a dozen villages, what a waste of time. If this goes on, it will be a waste of time. Attracting the attention of the large army of the Knights, it will be much more hindering the action at that time.”

“It doesn’t matter, boss.” Another tiger man replied: “Thanks to the rule of the madman Clotilde, the political situation in France is now in turmoil. The Knights are busy with civil war, how can there be such a remote control Small village.”

“Wow!” Not far away came the screams of the soldiers, and a huge beast rushed out of the sea of ​​flames, grabbing the head of a Hungarian soldier with its right paw.

The silver fur of the beast was a dazzling crimson in the firelight. It howled and threw the soldier’s body in the direction of the robber leader.

Even though the leader evaded this wave of attacks, the soldiers beside him were not spared. coke.

“Have you gone crazy? What an exaggerated power.” The bandit leader sneered.

The monster howled wildly, with no sign of stopping. He grabs everything he can grasp in his field of vision, and throws it out like a child throwing a toy. For a time, the wreckage of the building, the burning trees, the corpses of the orcs, and even the various cargo containers in the port all flew into the sky as if they had grown wings, and then turned into a deadly meteor shower and fell down.

“It’s a messy attack,” the robber leader sneered while avoiding, “Silver wolves can use the maddening talent without training. This must not be wrong.—— Ahahahaha, I finally found you, Silver Wolf Belvere!”

The wild beasts roaring wildly in the sea of ​​fire and the bandit leaders laughing wildly, coupled with the continuous falling from the sky, countless burning rubble, what a strange scene.

However, this situation will not last long. The beast still roared, but his roar became more rapid and his movements slowed down.

“Tired? It takes a lot of physical energy to keep going crazy. How long can you last?” The leader smiled sinisterly, while not forgetting to avoid the attack, he seemed to be able to do it with ease.

“Ooooooooooooooo—–” the wild beast roared, throwing the boulder in his hand at the tiger man leader.

“Useless, useless!!” The robber leader easily avoided.

“Roar!” The monster had already followed closely behind the boulder, burrowed out of the blind corner of the opponent’s field of vision in an instant, and the sharp giant claws grabbed the opponent with a tendency to tear the sky and the earth!

At the moment when the monster claw is about to tear apart the bandit leader——

“Drink!” Another huge claw blocked the fatal blow of the beast.

“You’re a smart kid, you actually used the blind spot behind the rock to sneak up on me,” the tiger man leader sneered calmly, “But don’t think you’re the only one who can use the mad transformation!”

The maddening technique learned by the tiger-man leader after long-term training is obviously much more superior than the maddening technique that the werewolf boy learned by his innate talent. His left hand became strangely huge, and it was this huge left hand that blocked the blow just now. The left hand was holding on to the opponent tightly.

“Advanced application of madness: partial madness. Didn’t your parents teach you, kid?——Oh, sorry I almost forgot, you Eskimos have been exterminated by us. You This little wild species with nothing, hurry up and follow your clan on the road!”

“Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!” The wild beast roared furiously, his voice full of resentment. The werewolf boy lacked control over the maddening technique, and his own consciousness had long since disappeared. His mind was completely dominated by the consciousness of the beast, and he only knew how to attack madly.

Although one of his hands was caught, his other hand kept grabbing frantically at the opponent, shredding the enemy in front of him with every blow.

However, every blow of the wild beast was in vain—the bandit leader was skillfully dodged. This zero-distance hand-to-hand combat can’t hit each other, it can be seen that they have an absolutely irreparable gap in combat experience.

“Don’t make unnecessary struggles any more.” The tiger man leader raised his right hand, and his right hand condensed photons, which quickly became huge.

The wild beast stopped attacking, even if it only had the consciousness of the beast, it knew that being hit by this blow would be very bad. It tried to dodge, but the opponent still held onto one of its hands.

The giant fist is coming and it can’t be avoided!

——- pounds! ! !

The tiger man’s right arm slammed down like a giant hammer shaking the earth, and the raised air wave extinguished the surrounding fire, stirring up sand and dust dozens of feet high.

The sand and dust completely settled in a few seconds, but there was no sign of the wild beast around. Only a werewolf boy was left on the ground, lying motionless in a pool of blood.

“Hey, are you dead?” The tiger man leader walked over and kicked the werewolf boy, “I’ve already released the water, so I won’t die like this?”

“But…evil…” The boy only made a weak voice. His bones were shattered, his tendons were torn, and he couldn’t move. His life has been like a candle in the wind.

“Tell me before you die,” the leader asked coldly, stepping on the boy’s head, “The last seal on the wall of the world is really on you, right?”

“…God knows.” The werewolf boy couldn’t struggle physically, only mentally.

“Bah!” The leader spit on the boy’s face, “it’s hard to talk until death. Forget it, it doesn’t matter if you don’t say it. Cut your head off and let the fox people investigate the memory. That’s it. At that time, you will only have a living head left, and you will be squeezed out by the brain-exploring technique. This process will definitely make you feel like a fairy, ahahahahaha!”

“Bastard…” A certain light in the werewolf boy’s eyes was dissipating, and the world he saw was gradually shrouded in darkness called [despair]. He knew his fate would end here…

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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