Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1373: Trapped in the deceitful way (45)

Chapter 1373 Trapped in the Bewitching Way (forty-five)

Backstage from the chaotic press conference, the King of Knights relaxes and is about to head back to his office. But as he walked down the hallway, a quarrel in the distance caught his attention.

“Why not!? He has used this facility before!” A young man’s voice echoed in the corridor, quite loud.

“It was only given to him after the correct procedures and the approval of the superior. Now he has not been approved, and of course he cannot enter the frozen dormancy chamber.” The answer was an old-fashioned voice, listening to Makes you want to sleep.

“But he’s dying!” the young man’s voice shouted angrily: “This matter is life-threatening, you must be accommodating!”

“No, no, no. The Knights have strict rules and regulations that must be followed. If you can’t even abide by the rules, what about organization and discipline?”

“What happened here?” The King of Knights walked in the direction of the noise and asked in a higher voice before he got close.

“Long live Your Majesty!” The two knights present hurriedly knelt down and saluted when they saw King Arthur.

“Get up.” The King of Knights also took the opportunity to quickly look at the people present.

The gatekeeper is a middle-aged silver knight who belongs to the old-fashioned bureaucracy;

And the one who was arguing with the silver knight just now was a young black iron knight who looked about twenty years old, a little sloppy, and seemed to have just returned from an intense combat mission with multiple wounds on his body. The tattered armor still has blood on it;

What caught King Arthur’s attention the most was the stone statue beside the young dark iron knight. It was obviously a stone statue made of human petrification, and it should have been a teenage boy. The teenager was wearing slightly fancy plain clothes, and from the shorts and shorts, he looked a bit like a civilian.

“What’s your name?” the King of Knights asked the Dark Iron Knight.

“My name is Jefferson, Dark Iron Knight Jefferson.” The young Dark Iron Knight said.

“Then, Jefferson, explain what’s going on.” King Arthur continued to ask dispassionately, “Why did you bring a petrified civilian into the restricted area of ​​the Eastern Knights and contradict it? Your superior?”

“No, Your Majesty!” Jefferson hurriedly explained: “This boy… Daniel, he is a dark iron knight belonging to the Eastern Knights! He drank the blood of dragons in today’s battle before he changed his mind. It’s like this!”

“Oh, dragon blood?” The king of knights took another look at the stone statue: “Drinking the dragon blood will not save him. His whole body has been petrified, his internal organs have stopped moving and he is completely brain dead. Is the body back for a good burial?”

King Arthur turned to look at the house number next to him. This room is neither a mortuary nor a laboratory for the preservation of corpses. This is still in development, for the knights to quickly restore their spirits, the frozen sleep laboratory.

“Humph. Interesting.” The King of Knights snorted: “So you’re going to put a petrified corpse in a cryo-sleeping pod for preservation. Does it make any sense?”

Jefferson hurriedly put his hand on the chest of Daniel’s statue: “Your Majesty, this child is not dead. You can touch it and see, he still has a weak heartbeat!”

“Really?” King Arthur reached out angrily.

Sure enough, there was a faint vibration from the stone statue. The heartbeat was extremely weak, as if it would stop at any time—the life of the young man sealed in this stone statue was like a candle in the wind, and it was not surprising when it disappeared.

“Why is this happening? Humans who can survive after drinking dragon blood shouldn’t exist in the world, right?”

“I just took him to the infirmary for a preliminary diagnosis. The doctor said that there is something else in his body besides the magic of dragon blood… the poisonous magic of succubus.” Jefferson replied : “I think Daniel was poisoned by a certain succubus before he drank the dragon’s blood, and the interaction of these two deadly magic powers in his body led to the child’s current situation.”

“Oh?” Although he thought it was unlikely, the King of Knights snorted in response:

” So, since you don’t currently have a way to recover this child from petrification, the only way you can save him is to refrigerate him and slow his body’s necrosis. Guess it right?”

Dark Iron Knight Jefferson nodded quickly: “Your Majesty is wise, that’s how it is!”

“And you…what’s your name?” The King of Knights turned his head and glanced at the silver knight.

“The Silver Knight Didor.” The gatekeeper replied respectfully.

“Mr. Didore, do you think this child has not applied for the use of the cryo-sleep cabin in advance, and he cannot use the cryo-sleeping cabin according to the regulations, right?”

“That’s right, Your Majesty is wise!” The Silver Knight also hurriedly replied: “The rules within the Knights Order are absolute, and he cannot be allowed in without approval.”

“Even if he’s dying?”

“Not even if he’s dying.”

King Arthur snorted softly: “Okay. You did a good job. It’s a good thing to stick to the rules.”

The King of Great Britain turned to Jefferson the Dark Iron Knight again and said: “You have a good idea of ​​putting your companion in a freezer to delay his death. But that is a temporary solution, even if freezing him He’s going to die eventually. Breaking the rules of the Order for a pointless method is really disrespectful.”

“But, Your Majesty!…”

“I do know a way to save this child.” The King of Knights was about to say it, but then he thought, “Oh, right. Merlin has turned into a stone now, can’t help him.”

King Arthur pressed the communicator in his ear: “Mr. Li Can you figure out when Merlin will wake up?”

“Um… According to the speed of his recovery, he will have to wait for about half a day.” The voice of the crab man came from the earphone.

“And this child probably won’t be able to wait that long.” King Arthur turned and glanced at Daniel’s stone statue: “** Petrochemical and temperature have no absolute relationship, even if they are sent into the freezer, there is no guarantee that it will delay time.”

“Isn’t that there is no way?” Jefferson said desperately.

“Huhu, not necessarily.” The King of Knights smiled confidently: “Besides Merlin, the person who has the most research on de-petrification in Great Britain is my sister Vivian. After all, her husband petrified seven For the past seven years, she has been researching how to disarm the petrification.”


” There must be anti-petrochemical equipment in Vivian’s research institute. Even if the petrochemical can’t be removed directly, it can delay us for a while. Those equipment were originally intended for Palamidis, but now they are useless. It’s ready for this child.”

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