Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1372: Trapped in the deceitful way (44)


Chapter 1372 Trapped in the Bewildering Way (44)

The reporters murmured, apparently dissatisfied with Jaglowe’s remarks.

Because the reporter in the polka dot tie got to the heart of the matter. In this incident, the Knights of Great Britain had an undeniable oversight.

No matter how heinous the terrorist attacks carried out by the gangsters, the blame cannot be completely thrown on them. Negligence in guarding is the indisputable fault of the Knights of Great Britain, and it is precisely because of their negligence that the **** can take advantage of it.

It would cause such huge casualties.

“As far as I know,” the reporter wearing a polka dot tie was a little proud, and continued to ask: “The reason why this incident happened is that the Prime Minister Merlin temporarily moved his research institute to Ai Inside Elsenburg. What made the Chancellor have to move from the old research institute to the new one?——Oh yes, Merlin-sama’s research institute was also affected not long ago. The attack of **** was burnt down! Lord Merlin’s research institute was burnt down, was it also caused by the lack of security?”

The reporters off the field were talking several decibels louder. The superposition of this series of facts puts the British government in a very unfavorable position!

Jagolowe frowned slightly, and could smell the smell of the situation getting out of control.

“Someone was able to sneak into Lord Merlin’s research institute and set it on fire, burning it down. Someone was able to steal a mining ship under development from the heavily guarded Elsenburg and find it in the city. Wreak havoc. You Knights of Great Britain can only do anything about it, can’t you even prevent it from happening? You can’t even protect your own facilities, how can you protect the people of Great Britain?!”

Jagolowe was silent for a while. Such a question could never be answered, and any answer would put Great Britain at a disadvantage, and silence was the only answer.

King Arthur, who was on the sidelines, smiled, and gave Jaglowy a questioning look at the Knight of the Round Table, as if to ask Jaglowe if he wanted to be replaced. Before the Knights of the Round Table agreed, the King of Knights had already spoken:

“Our enemies are very powerful, they are everywhere, and they have installed thread in every organization and every industry in the world. If you think that simply increasing your security can prevent everything before it happens, you will be wrong. Too naive.”

“So, Your Majesty, do you think this is unstoppable?”

“It’s almost impossible to stop it, you’re right.” The King of Knights sneered: “But [it can’t be stopped at present], doesn’t mean [it will never be stopped in the future]. I should have also mentioned that, the Knights of Great Britain received When we come down, we will conduct a thorough security inspection across the country. We will do our best to eliminate the Twilight believers lurking in various industry organizations, and we will also wipe out all the reactionary forces in the country. ——Starting with you.”

“What?!” The strangely dressed reporter’s expression changed.

“The destruction of Merlin’s research institute was announced as a laboratory accident.” The king of knights looked at the male reporter coldly: “Only a very small number of people inside will know that it was a terrorist attack launched by the Twilight Cultists. However, as a succubus, you don’t know the world, and of course you don’t read newspapers. It’s impossible to know what news we are releasing to the outside world, right? So you kid take it for granted that everyone in the world knows from the news you know in advance. The Institute was destroyed by a terrorist attack.”

The reporter’s face changed again.

” Let me advise you again, Mr. Succubus. Before you come to my press conference next time to cause trouble, you’d better pay attention to your clothes. Apart from the savages running out of the deep mountains, I am afraid that you are the only ones who are out of touch with the times. Succubus, will you wear such unsophisticated costumes?”

“Damn!” The male reporter suddenly jumped out of the crowd and ran towards the exit of the lobby.

“Huhu.” The King of Knights was already prepared, and touched the hilt of his sword with his hand. He flew to the back of the male reporter in an instant, raised his knife and fell, one piece slashed the reporter’s head! !

"哇啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!—————""杀人啦!!!————- ——–” “No!———” The reporters present couldn’t help but panic and fled in the opposite direction of the center of the incident.

“Murder? It doesn’t seem right.” The King of Knights sneered and kicked the headless corpse of the male reporter with his foot: “Get up, monster. This level of injury can’t kill you at all, right? right?”

“Um hahaha…it’s really King Arthur…” The male reporter’s body began to move. Along with his movement, the reporters present let out even sharper screams!

“Everyone calm down! Hide behind me!!” Jaglow was still trying to maintain order in the venue.

And the decapitated male reporter also got up from the ground and picked up his head.

——Towards the neck, put it back. The stab wound on his neck healed instantly, the reporter twisted his neck and smiled calmly at King Arthur, as if the beheading had never happened!

“Well, Your Majesty the King of Knights, I lost. Can’t you just let me go today? It’s not a good thing to kill in front of so many reporters, right?”

“I also want to let you go, but your bad dress is really annoying, I can’t bear it.” The King of Knights drew a lightsaber from his waist: “Die!”

“Hahaha, the mere lightsaber——” The succubus prides itself on having a super recovery ability, and ordinary swords can’t kill him at all, and he doesn’t pay attention to the King of Knights’ attack at all.

“What?!” But the succubus immediately regretted it. The lightsaber with the [holy] white light pierced hundreds of holes in the succubus in an instant, and the monster’s body was rapidly disintegrating!

“Hmph, you are not sent by Morgan. Nor are you sent by Morgans.” The King of Knights looked at his opponent coldly: “It has long been known that I will use [Sacred]~ But you don’t know anything about it, it’s unreasonable. Which faction did you send?”

“Yes, hateful!” The monster’s body, which was eroded by the divine and gradually collapsed, continued to fall. He looked at King Arthur in despair and surprise, and roared in a low voice: “You absolutely, absolutely cannot know my master’s– ——-“

“Stop talking nonsense.” The King of Knights stabbed the reporter in the head with a sword. The opponent immediately turned into fly ash and was completely wiped out.

“It’s so fragile. Sure enough, it’s not a succubus, just an ordinary emerald knight.” The King of Knights whispered.

“Your Majesty!” Jaglowe hurried over to meet King Arthur: “What about the rest of the reporters?”

“The only disgusting smell I can feel from the crowd is the one just now.” The King of Knights glanced at the reporters present again: “The rest of the people are probably fine, they are just human beings. Let them go.”

So King Arthur walked towards the group of reporters who were still in a panic with a smile on his face: “So, fellow reporters. Do you have any questions to ask?”


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