Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1357: Trapped in the deceitful way (29)


Chapter 1357 Trapped in the trick (twenty-nine)

“What?!” As soon as Bedivere said this, the murloc prince Tristan was furious: “Don’t forget, the [metal detector] fell down because of your own negligence! That’s yours! Fault! You do not want to make up for your own mistakes, but instead put the responsibility on others and ask us to help you wipe your butt?! Have you taken all your morals to feed the dog?”

“Cough cough!” Knight of the Round Table Gwen coughed dryly.

Hearing this dry cough, Prince Tristan had prepared millions of words of vicious swear words that suddenly got stuck in his throat and could only swallow them all back into his stomach.

“I know what you want to say. If you want to scold, scold.” Bedivere also tried his best to remain calm: “But once this mission starts, it won’t stop. We will see the situation when we reach the reference room. Depends, may do damage to the ship and then flee immediately. We neither have time to detour to get the [metal detector], nor have the opportunity to come back to get this artifact. Divide the troops to complete the two synchronously. different tasks, is the best choice for now.

Originally, if I were not the commander, I would definitely ask Ying to retrieve that treasure. But now that I’m in charge of commanding the team, I have to focus on the main tasks and leave the secondary tasks to someone else. “

Evan listened quietly, not commenting. Bedivere’s words may indeed be unethical from Bedivere’s standpoint, but it is at least plausible.

“From here, go straight along the corridor and turn left near the bow of the ship. The first room is the captain’s room.” The werewolf continued to command: “After you successfully retrieve the [metal detector], from the ship Go out of the long room and go straight along the right side of the corridor. Turn right when there is an intersection. After three intersections, you can reach the reference room and meet us. If we have successfully completed the task, you don’t have to do anything, just stay where you are. Wait for the retreat; if our squad fails, you go in and get the job done. That’s it.”

“I have no opinion.” Evan said dispassionately.

“Humph!” Tristan also snorted: “Yes, Commander.”

Bediver ignored the sarcasm of the murloc prince and announced loudly, “Then let’s get started!”

The two teams parted ways, heading in two completely different directions. Bedivere and Gwen’s team headed straight for the Desert Ship’s data room, while Tristan and Evan’s team headed for the captain’s room.

“Your conduct has been excellent so far,” praised Duke Gwynne, who was running behind Bedivere.

“Uh, thank you.” After running for a distance, Bedivere immediately felt a strange feeling in the air, and hurriedly gestured for the team to let everyone walk slowly.

“What’s wrong?”

“There will be a trap soon.” The werewolf swung his whip forward. pat! His tungsten tongue whip was bounced back by some invisible force, as if there was something in the air.

“Anyone in this team can use Ice Mist?” Bedivere asked, turning his head.

The mage in the team shook his head. He seems to be proficient in attack magic and shield magic, but he doesn’t have much experience with such auxiliary spells.

“I have something like that.” Gwen stepped forward. As soon as he raised his hand, something like grains of sand suddenly flew out from his sleeve. Those sand-like objects turned into smoke before they hit the ground, filling the corridors. With this “sand smoke”, Bedivere finally saw the trap in front of him.

That’s a laser trap! It is a trap net made up of hundreds of high-energy red laser beams!

“That **** computer woman is so sinister.” Bedivere couldn’t help scolding in a low voice. Fortunately, his puppy sniffed the unusual burning smell in the air in advance, and was able to discover this trap that can kill people.

If other people don’t know the inside information and sprint stupidly into this almost invisible laser trap net, they will be immediately cut by these high-energy lasers, turned into countless pieces of minced meat, and immediately killed! This kind of trap, which is both invisible and has an instant death effect, has long been too cruel to be used in the European Convention on the Use of Humanitarian Weapons. No matter how high the security facilities are, similar traps are not allowed to be installed. But this ship is the heritage of the ancient gods, and it is certainly not restricted by the European convention.

“[The **** computer woman]?” Gwen asked curiously.

“It’s Eve,” Bedivere replied, using the smoke to study how the trap nets passed: “The ship’s artificial intelligence navigation system. Since she always pronounces it in a female voice, she puts it Treat yourself as a woman.”

He looked at the hidden surveillance cameras in the surrounding corridors again: “Eve, I know you’re watching us. Why don’t you speak? Would you say a few words to me?”

No response. From the moment when the golden ship was first invaded, the whole ship seemed to be abandoned, and it was eerily silent. Even the initial blockade settings have been canceled. Although there is no electricity, the automatic doors inside the ship can be forcibly pried open, giving Bedivere and others a chance to act inside the ship. However, countless sinister murder traps appeared on the various passages of the ship. The whole ship was like a huge mousetrap, waiting for ignorant people to fall into the trap.

Bedivere then thinks it’s the right solution to assign Evan to another team. The half-dragon youth has the eagle eye technique, and all kinds of traps cannot help his team. On Bedivere’s side, with the keen sense of smell and hearing unique to werewolves, he can always break through.

“Okay, I found my way.” After analyzing the distribution of the laser traps, Bedivere walked in the front: “But the route through is very complicated, I don’t know if you can remember… “

“Just go and I’ll mark you.” Knight of the Round Table Gwen slapped Bedivere on the back. Something like sand was sticking to the werewolf’s clothes, emitting mysterious blue smoke.

“Is this some kind of magic?” Bedivere asked curiously.

“Perhaps. Let’s go,” urged the Duke.

The werewolf scratched his head and began to crawl, taking a few steps before entering a laser array full of deadly lasers. Although the path forward has been established, and the surrounding lasers can be faintly seen through the smoke, Bedivere still walks very cautiously, which can be described as a startling step. As long as he is not careful, his hands and feet will be cut off by a high-energy laser. Can you be afraid?

Passed. Bedivere slid through the web of laser traps, and finally passed. Only now did he have time to look back at the road behind him, and found that a long trail of white smoke had been dragged on the road he had walked. The smoke seems to be the product of magic, and does not dissipate like ordinary smoke, but stays in mid-air motionless, providing a safe, reliable, and visible three-dimensional roadmap for latecomers.

Is this some kind of stunt by Gwen, Knight of the Round Table. What a strange technique. This kind of smoke seems to have no actual lethality, and it is mostly used to guide the way, or to command operations.

Gwyn followed the smoke route that Bedivere created. Although he is a burly man, the Knights of the Round Table did not appear clumsy because of his stature. He is very skilled (how can he be a knight of the round table if he is not good at it?), he nimbly dodged the laser beams and passed through the laser traps with ease.

“Nice warm-up.” Gwen got up from the ground and patted the dust on his body. It was the turn of the remaining knight and another mage to cross the laser array. Their skills were mediocre. It would take a lot of time for them to cross this dangerous trap.

“I think I have to apologize to you on behalf of that kid at Gwengreen, Mr. Bedivere.” Duke Gwynne took the opportunity to start a conversation with the werewolf youth: “It was the fault of his godfather that the kid acted on his own accord You and your group are in great danger, and it’s all my responsibility.”

“No.” Bedivere replied lightly: “How old is Gwen Green? Sixteen? Seventeen? How could he ask his parents to take responsibility for him when he is so old? He should be Take the consequences for everything you do.”

“You’re right.” The knight of the round table squeezed his fist: “When I see that kid, I must give him a solid punch in the face.”

Bediver does not speak. So far, Duke Gwyn, the Knight of the Round Table, has given Bedivere a good impression. Gwen is a man of fairness and integrity, and he has the air of a general. However, among such people, there are occasionally those who do not know how to teach their own children. Gwen Green’s character is distorted and arrogant, most of which are caused by Gwen’s improper education.

“Do you have any children, Mr. Bedivere?” As if seeing something in the eyes of the werewolf youth, Gwen asked inadvertently, “Looking at you so young and I’m afraid there is a girl already Pursue, or even have a family?”

“There used to be.” This sentence stinged Bedivere, and the werewolf replied in a low-key manner: “But the wife and children are gone. Killed by the monsters.”

“Really, I’m really rude.” The Knights of the Round Table also knew that they had touched the other party’s pain point, so they stopped quickly and turned back to their own affairs: “I have never had my own flesh and blood, and it is impossible for me to know that I have lost my life. The feeling of a loved one.”

“What? But Gwen Green——“

“Adopted. My wife and I are too old to have a child. The child was adopted by our husband and wife begging His Majesty King Arthur to cut our love.”

“…cut love?” Bedivere became more and more confused. What does this have to do with Arthur, why is it called renunciation?

“Oh, don’t you know about this?” Knight of the Round Table Gwen gave Bedivere a slightly surprised look:

“Gwen Green was supposed to be the adopted son of King Arthur and Queen Greenville. He was supposed to be the future King of Great Britain.”


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