Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1352: Trapped in the deceitful way (24)

Chapter 1352 Trapped in the trick (twenty-four)

With the last two minutes and twenty-five seconds left in the game time, the two teams realigned and the kick-off will be imminent.

In front of everyone is the airtight human wall of the Ghana team. The players who have taken the medicine and become Black King Kong giants are huge in size, and the human wall is even more spectacular.

“Sure enough, it’s impossible to break through by small means.” Shiloma muttered to herself, and then whispered a few words beside the cat-man boy Mutter.

Mutu nodded his head, his expression a little dignified, and seemed to be mentally preparing for the next difficult battle.

“You just need to jump up the moment you catch the ball and go over the wall.” Shiloma confessed in Albert’s ear again: “The right guard on the offensive and defensive line will be responsible for the Act as your footing board, just step on his back and jump up.”

Albert looked to Mutter’s right. The right guard was a young elephant man. His physique was similar to Gusta’s, with a slightly hunchback. He could indeed serve as a good take-off tool. .

Actually, a fully grown elephant man is far taller than an adult tiger man, not even a big guy like Gusta. But then their speed and agility are not good enough, and then there will be a problem of lack of mobility in the offensive and defensive lines. That’s probably why Albert never saw an adult Elephant Man on the Sphinx, God knows.


Just as Mutter, who was playing center, passed the ball to quarterback Hilomar, Captain Hilomar immediately sacked the ball to Albert. Under the lead of full running back Phileos, Albert sprinted forward and jumped to their “footing board”!

Boom! Phileos stepped on the elephant man’s back first and took off!

Clap! Albert followed closely behind, stepping on the back of the Elephant Man and jumping hard!

As if guessing from the start that the Sphinx would use aerial tactics, the Ghanaian defense jumped up! Although the Black King Kongs, who have grown bigger after taking drugs, do not yet have the tall stature of the giants, they are better than others because of their developed lower body strength and explosive power. Therefore, when they jump with all their strength, they are actually better than the giants of the Guinea Giants. more threatening!

In the air, the five players of the Ghana team swept up like two giant waves, three in the front row and two in the back, blocking Albert’s way with an almost foolproof formation!

“Humph!” Phileos slammed his body into the air, knocking out a gap in the aerial human wall formed by the three Black King Kong giants in front of him. He tightly pinched an enemy in front of him and shouted: “Catch me, go!”

According to the method previously agreed, Albert grabbed the clothes of the leopard Phileos with one hand, and used his strength to close the distance in an instant! He just got close to the Leopard Man’s back, and immediately stepped out! He stepped on the back of Phileos and used his strength to jump higher!

Albert’s second stage is high enough, and he could easily cross the walls in front of him. However, the Ghana team also kept a hand. In order to take advantage of the double jump in the air! The two players in the back who were responsible for forming the final human wall grabbed the corners of the clothes of the three people in front and stepped on them, also jumping! They jumped even higher than Albert was!

Crap! Tiger looked at the Black King Kong giants who were pressing on him, and knew that his attack this time would definitely be stopped! Time is running out, if even this kind of surprise attack doesn’t work——!

Whoosh! ——At this moment, Albert felt a huge force attacking from behind him. Its momentum is very strong, and the whirring sound of the wind cutting through the air stimulates Albert’s ears.

What the **** is that? Albert hurriedly glanced back.

It’s Mutter! ?

But how the **** did he do it?

Albert took another look at the Sphinx formation and understood in an instant. Just as Albert and Phileos stepped on the back of the Elephant Man and launched a double jump, Mutter was also pulled by his arms by the two teammates, and his body was pulled from behind by Shiloma. The special physique of the cat boy turned him into a makeshift slingshot! When the quarterback found the right time to let go, Mutter was thrown like a cannonball, approaching the two defenders of Albert and Garner at an alarming speed!

Wait! If you say that, isn’t it ——!

Boom! ! Albert’s worries were completely fulfilled, Mutter just bumped over, and there was no strategy at all! The cat boy slammed into Albert’s back, bringing huge kinetic energy to the tiger, and then the two of them slammed into the opponent in front of them at high speed!

Pounds! ! Before hitting, Albert had to hug himself into a ball and try to use the armored part of his body to resist the oncoming impact! The combined impact of him and Mutter was so huge that he just squeezed through the gap in the center of the human wall, and quickly disintegrated the enemy’s human wall!

Clap! Go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go! Albert only felt that he rolled out a long distance after landing, hitting the billboard outside the wall, and the rolling force was completely reduced.

“Ugh…!” The tiger got up with soreness all over, thankful that he miraculously didn’t die.

Where’s the ball? The ball is still in his hand! He successfully dribbled the ball past Ghana’s bottom line!

Touchdowns! —— The referee blew the whistle reluctantly!

In the last minute of the game, the Sandstorm Sphinx made a touchdown and the score became 27:24, once again overtaking the Ghana Black King Kong team!

With the little time left, this touchdown was undoubtedly a death sentence for Ghana! It is basically impossible to overtake a touchdown again in a mere minute!

“Are you okay, meow?” Albert looked at the cat boy on the ground.

“Ha, ha, ha, ha!” Mutt lay on the grass, panting, looking really tired. He was covered in small wounds, most of which were scrapes to protect Albert when he landed, but nothing major. Mutter’s “rubber” body was already very good at resisting shocks, and he suffered little damage from the strong impact just now.

“It hurts!” The cat boy sat up from the ground and licked the wound on his arm: “Can’t you handle the movements better when you landed? Just to protect you, I’m half dead in pain. !”

“Oh, is it my fault?” Albert felt exasperated and amused.

“You guys go down and have a rest, you’re going to play again soon.” Shiloma came over and urged.

“Still playing? Isn’t the game over already meow?” Albert looked puzzled.

“Hehehehehe——” Speaking of which, Shiloma couldn’t help showing a fierce look in his eyes, and he even laughed smugly: “Ahahahahahahahaha! No! The game has not yet It’s over! Even if there is only one minute left, there is still a possibility for Ghana to overtake! And what we have to do is to completely defeat them and send them complete despair!!”

Heard Albert and Mutter sweaty. It seems that Captain Shiloma is really angry this time.

“The guys who used their despicable means to slander the game again and again will never be forgiven!!” A chilling feeling behind the back: “Kill them all! Let them die tragically in despair!! These dead scum who don’t even have the most basic sportsmanship, send me to hell!!”

“Stop it, Shiloma. It’s not good for your body to get too excited.” A voice said suddenly.

It was a familiar voice. Albert and Mutter couldn’t help but be overjoyed and turned to look: “Mr. Gusta?!”

“Hey, lads.” The tiger man was bandaged and back on the court again: “I’m back. Did I miss the best part?”

“You missed it.” The cat boy wagged his tail and said, “But it’s okay! We’re going to win anyway!”

“You can’t say it like this, you must know the principle of arrogance and defeat.” Gusta and two young men walked to the bench outside the court together: “Quickly replenish the water, and I will play again soon. In the final In one minute, we must completely destroy the Ghana team’s offense.”

Albert took a sip of his sports drink, but kept his eyes curiously fixed on the thick bandage on Gusta’s body. The tiger man has been stabbed by poison needles many times before, and the muscle relaxant in the poison needle should have made Gusta twitch all over his body, and it is impossible to move without resting for a long time. But he got up again in such a short time, and he was covered in bandages. These bandages are definitely not used to treat wounds. Are they used to suppress spasms?

“Oh, did you notice?” Gusta tapped his arm: “Yes, this type of dressing is called [mummy dressing], which is a special medical technique in ancient Egypt. The bandage restricts blood flow within the muscle, forcibly calming the overexcited, cramping muscle.”

“How can this be achieved just by bandaging? The medical skills of Egypt are really extensive and profound.”

Gusta smiled and said He rubbed his shoulder again: “Thanks to this, I can continue to fight for a minute or two. Just let me in this game. Let me help you before we finish.”

“Yeah!” Albert and Mutter responded in unison.

At this point, the Sphinx’s bonus game is over. Needless to say, the kicker successfully kicked the ball into the goal, and the Sphinx earned another point. The score became 28:24.

But the four-point difference is not particularly meaningful, and a touchdown can be reversed. Therefore, how to stop the offensive of the Ghana Black King Kong team is the key to the outcome of this game.

“Go on, it’s time to wrap up this work.” Albert patted his **** and stood up.

“Speaking of which, the group of monsters from the Black King Kong team can really run more than 60 yards in one minute?” White Tiger looked at the group of big, slightly sluggish guys and expressed doubts.

“The group of fat people will definitely not be able to run. But with a human body, it is possible.” Mutter said.

Sure enough, the Ghana team changed as soon as the Catman boy finished his words.

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