Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1326: Explore in the Wilderness (42)


Chapter 1326: Exploration in the Wilderness (42)

Whoa! He passed!

The hair on his body rubbed the edge of the flywheel array and slipped away from the shrinking gap! Like the performance of the beasts in the circus drilling the ring of fire, the whole process is extremely thrilling! A little careless, Bedivere will be caught in the flywheel and seriously injured! But he still made it through! !

Bedevier, who just passed the gap, faces a more dangerous challenge! He hadn’t had time to change back into a human form, and couldn’t use the tungsten tortoise tongue whip to wrap the flywheel in the distance, but in front of him there was a deep pit ten yards away! He had to jump over this deep pit at least to get to the opposite flywheel! !

Bedivere had no choice but to retract both hind limbs and slam the flywheel behind him hard! He leaped out with the help of the reaction force, hoping to jump ten yards away, but found that he couldn’t jump very far in the jelly-like sticky air under this time stagnation! The jumping momentum has been reduced by most, and he is about to fall, deviating from the predetermined route gorgeously! !

Wait! Since this air is so viscous———!

Bedivere begins to swipe with all her might, like swimming in water! But in fact this is more effective than swimming in water, because the air frozen by time is far more “dense” than water! !

With a random stroke, he really pushed forward another five or six yards! At this time, he also changed from wolf form back to human form, just enough to reach out and swing the whip! He threw out the tungsten turtle tongue whip without hesitation, and the whip just reached the flywheel in the distance!

Under the force of the pull, Bedivere flew out! Only less than thirty yards away from the core of the power furnace! Although the route is slightly off, the werewolf can see everything very clearly (the effect of the flashbang is still there), so it is not a problem at all!

The only problem is that there is a sharp turn ten yards ahead, and then a sharp retreat! Bedivere was wondering why Eve would calculate such a bizarre route, but after watching it for a moment, he understood immediately!

Because of lightning! Occasionally, some high-voltage lightning occurs between the rapidly rotating flywheels. These lightnings have a voltage of tens of thousands of volts, and the moment a person is hit, they will turn into fly ash! They were so dangerous that Eve had to factor them in! If Bedivere moved forward blindly regardless of the risk of lightning, he would have slammed his head into a wall of high-voltage electricity and was roasted to a crisp! The part of the road ahead that suddenly retreated was because there was an almost invisible electric wall blocking the way, and the werewolf had to avoid it!

However, fortunately! Because of the relationship with multiple flywheels, the [acceleration] effect on Bedivere has been lost a lot, and the whole world is not completely static for him! He could see the flywheel array in front of him turning slowly, and he could also vaguely see the deadly electric wall! Lightning bursts from between the two flywheels. What was originally just a flash, now looks like a super slow motion in a movie. A lightning is divided into hundreds of frames, and in the world where time slowly passes, one by one. Play it on the spot and catch the werewolf’s eyes! !

The lightning that was originally extremely dazzling has been greatly reduced in brightness in a world where time flows slowly, just right for Bedivere! In such a dark world, it is particularly eye-catching, and the werewolf can even see its radiating structure that branches and extends like blood vessels!

Bedivere took advantage of the flywheel, and immediately came to this electric wall! He looked at the electric wall and was dumbfounded in surprise! The majesty of nature has created such a beautiful and mysterious scene, and Bedivere is outside of time, and has a panoramic view of this fleeting spectacle! To be able to see such a deadly and beautiful thing, I always feel that I have no regrets in this life!

But here comes the problem! Bedivere is crashing into this electric wall at full speed! He should have retreated sharply here to avoid this electric wall, but because the position of the flywheel was deviated, Bedivere couldn’t find any flywheel behind him that could take advantage of the rapid retreat!

He couldn’t back away, he could only be pulled by inertia and moved on!

The only solution for now is to go through this electrical wall! ! But this is lightning! A powerful current shot out between the two flywheels for a moment! !

Is it really possible to pass through this electrical wall? !

The answer is yes! !

Lightning is nothing but a powerful electric current that pierces through the air and causes a luminous phenomenon, and that lightning is exactly its roadmap as it travels through the air! The veins in front of you are like tree roots and blood vessels. It seems to be extremely complicated, but in fact there are only a few main routes! The other small forks represent the weaker parts of the current, they are not dangerous, and you will only receive minor injuries such as burnt hair when crossing them!

In other words, as long as Bedivere avoids the thickest and deadliest branches of lightning, there is no danger of being electrocuted!

But of course, going through the electric wall still hurts…!

If you don’t do anything, you will still crash into the electric wall, and you will die horizontally and vertically. It’s better to gamble!

The werewolf gritted his teeth and activated the animalization technique again! After turning into a silver wolf, his size plummeted, and he shrank even more, protected himself with hair all over his body, and then plunged his head into the electric wall like a cannonball, digging through the gaps of several thick lightning bolts! !

Clap la la la la la! ! ——— Silver Wolf can clearly hear the sound of high-voltage discharge ringing around his body. He could feel the stinging pain in his body, and he could smell the stench of his hair being scorched by the tiny electric beams!

But he passed! He forcibly passed through the electric wall composed of tens of thousands of degrees of high-voltage electricity! In a world where time is close to standing still, even the laws of physics have become extraordinarily strange, allowing Bedivere to do wonders that are impossible for ordinary people to do! !

Touch! The silver wolf slammed into the core of the power furnace, which seemed to be made of glass, but actually reverberated with steel!

He has reached the finish line!

He reverts to human form, holding onto the surface of the core desperately! He grabbed some hidden armrests on the core and grabbed it with all his might! Now Bedivere is like a koala hugging a tree trunk. The body and the core of the power furnace are so closely attached, and the whole person’s movements are so exaggerated that outsiders will definitely laugh when they see it!

And the [acceleration] effect on him is also continuously lost due to contact with other objects, and his “time” gradually flows into the core of the power furnace and escapes. He could see that the flywheels around him were spinning faster and faster, and soon regained their original speed. The [Acceleration World] in which Bedivere was located was completely over!

“I’m here!!” Bedivere exclaimed excitedly, “Did you see it?! I’m here!!”

His voice was very loud, but it barely suppressed the noise of the power furnace and reached everyone’s ears. In fact, it took only a fraction of a second from the time Bedivere accelerated to when he was attached to the core of the furnace. In the eyes of Arthur and others, the werewolf actually turned into a silver-white light, which almost overlapped with the predetermined route reflected by the holographic image, extending all the way to the center of the power furnace.

“He did it…he really did it!” Big Mage Logan was dumbfounded, even he was not optimistic about Bedivere, he thought the werewolf would be smashed to pieces by the flywheel array .

“Now, what should I do now?!” The werewolf gasped and asked Eve excitedly: “How can I stop this **** power stove?”

“There should be a switch on your left side, Acting Captain.” Eve replied without emotion: “Find it, pull the switch up, the cooling gas will be ejected from the core, and the surrounding The flywheel froze.”

“It’s like…wait!” Bedivere sensed that something was wrong: “The frozen gas will be ejected?! What should I do? Will they freeze me too?!”


“Am I going to die?!”

“The possibility is very high. After all, it is a strong freezing gas close to absolute zero.” Eve still said without emotion.

“Damn!” The werewolf immediately got angry: “You made me take so much trouble to reach the core of the power furnace, and then tell me this, you want me to die?! You **** computer woman, you planned from the beginning. Murder me, right!?”

The ship’s artificial intelligence was silent for a while before answering: “When the cooling system is activated, the acting captain can try to climb up to the top of the core of the power furnace. There is no hole in the upper part of the core to eject frozen gas. , can be used as a temporary shelter. Although your chances of survival are still only about 5%…”

Bediver was almost gasped with anger.

“Beddy!” Arthur shouted at this time, “Let go and do it. I will support you.”


“That’s right.” The dragon wings behind the King of Knights stretched out and flapped, sending him flying into the air: “I will never let you die easily.”

“Okay… The werewolf suppressed the anger in his heart, grabbed the handrail on the surface of the power stove with one hand, and reached out to fumble for the switch of the refrigeration system with the other hand.

He found the switch without much effort. Then he swallowed again, cold sweat rolling down his forehead. He knows that as long as he pulls this down, everything will become irreversible, and he can only desperately climb up to save his life. But even if he doesn’t do anything, he will eventually run out of energy and fall from the core while lying on the surface of the core of the power furnace, and be beaten into meat sauce by the flywheel.

In the end, I still have to bet again, hoping to survive on my own luck. Bedivere couldn’t help sighing, his life was like gambling, and it was always a life-and-death gamble!

This kind of life is both terrifying and wonderful!

“I’m about to start!” In order to better match King Arthur’s plan, Bedivere began to loudly announce the timing of the activation: “Three, two, one! Pull! ———- —–“

Crack! ——

The werewolf pulls the switch on the cold (self) but (kill) device.




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