Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1309: Explore in the Wilderness (24)


&nb9 Chapter Exploration in the Wilderness (24)

Crap! If this continues, the Cavaliers will be wiped out! In an emergency, Daniel had to attack harder to aid his companions!

Just as a black iron knight who was completely tripped and immobile by the vines began to scream in panic, a thief in the distance also aimed an arrow at the poor creature’s throat. The thieves have excellent archery skills and can easily pass through the gaps in the knights’ armors, causing fatal injuries to the knights! This arrow will either kill or be injured, this black iron knight is at stake!

But just as the thief took aim and was about to shoot, Daniel dashed forward, and the lightsaber pierced the guy’s stomach! The lightsaber, which was adjusted to the minimum output and emits a dim red light, easily slashed the thief’s unprotected abdomen, making the thug’s stomach flow!

Daniel kicked the thief’s corpse away, subconsciously refraining from looking at the **** corpse, and went on to hunt the next enemy! He had never killed anyone before, but today, in order to help his companions, within half an hour, the teenager killed more people than he could have imagined in his life!

At the same time, another Dark Iron Knight was tripped to the ground, the helmet flew off, and the shield in his hand fell out with the force of the fall. He was full of flaws all over his body, and he was simply a living target. The thieves are all aiming at this idiot who is making a lot of noise and constantly scolding his mother, ready to shoot arrows! But Daniel, who was hiding in the grass, raised his light gun and shot one, and six more thieves were killed by headshots!

But Daniel’s light gun failed under continuous use, he pulled the trigger impatiently, but the gun didn’t answer at all! Twenty yards away, a black iron knight was fighting with the thief. The knight’s swordsmanship was not bad, but the thief took advantage of the jungle’s terrain to lure the knight to go deeper, causing the knight to be entangled in the vines! At the moment when the companion was inconvenient to move and was about to be slashed by the thief with a knife, Daniel picked up the thieves’ bow and arrow from the ground with one shot!

His arrow passed through several trees and was lucky enough to land on the thief’s dagger-wielding right arm! The arrow in the thief’s arm hesitated for a moment, his opponent had already broken free from the shackles of the vines, and raised his lightsaber to split the thief by the waist!

The guys from the Starscream Thieves aren’t stupid either. At such a moment in the battle, they should also have noticed that while they were hunting the British knights, there were also people hunting them behind their backs!

They started fighting and retreating, watching every move in the grass and woods, trying to find Daniel!

This dense forest can be said to be the opponent’s back garden. No matter how well the black iron knight hides, it is not as good as these thieves. Once he moves, it is only a matter of time before he is discovered! And if it is discovered, arrows will roar from all directions, turning the weakly protected Daniel into a porcupine!

What should I do? !

Daniel hurriedly took off his breastplate and took off the gangster’s coat from the thief’s corpse beside him! It was the clothes that the thieves made from the fur of the wolf in the forest. In addition, the living conditions of the thieves were very unsanitary, so that this half-clothed and half-robed thing was full of intoxicating stench!

Daniel nearly fainted, but with a rag covering his face, he barely persevered! He rolled out of the grass and rushed towards the other thief!

The environment of the forest is dark and complicated. Daniel wearing this suit looks very similar to the thieves at first glance. It is a matter of course that the thieves mistake him for his companion! When the thief saw the unfamiliar face of the black iron knight boy, he was suspicious, but it was too late——Daniel slashed the gangster’s head with a sword without thinking much!

At the same time, about ten yards to the left of Daniel, there was a rather young dark iron knight. He saw Daniel attacking the thieves. He thought the thieves were fighting, and he raised his gun and wanted to shoot Daniel! Daniel made a gesture toward his companion, which was the default code word in the knights, indicating that he was his own. When the knight was puzzled, Daniel had already rushed over and pounced on the knight.

“What are you doing?!” The dark iron knight was about to curse. But dozens of iron arrows have already flown over their heads!

“It’s me, Daniel!” Daniel hurriedly said, “Quick! Take off your armor and put on the thieves’ cloaks! This will confuse them!”

“But knights can’t just discard their gear!”

“Do you want to die, Jefferson?” the dark iron knight boy said angrily: “Or do you want to wipe out the enemy and survive? Your armor is useless in this hellish place, so you should throw it away for now and see it later. Just recycle it!——But your life can’t be recycled!”

The Dark Iron Knight named Jefferson was silent for a moment, then nodded in agreement. He followed Daniel to hide in the grass, and with the help of his companions, he quickly took off his armor, leaving only a light cloth.

Daniel took off a wolf-skin cannon from the corpse of the thief on the side and stuffed it with his companion: “Where is the captain?”

“Dead, burned to death.” Jefferson hummed: “Although disobedience is not good, but we can’t watch ourselves be burned to death like that stupid Stross in the fire, and we will each run our own way. It came out….Looking at your appearance, you should have rushed out at the beginning? You are so courageous.”

“I just want to live.” The dark iron knight replied in a low voice, “Don’t tell me, okay?”

“You are not the only one who is disobedient. We are all in the same boat. You can rest assured.  …let’s stop the gossip, go and support your companions first!”

“Okay. You’re in charge of the east wing, I’ll go to the west wing.” Daniel grabbed his bow and arrow. In fact, the enemy in the east wing has been almost wiped out by him, and he has left an easy job to his companions.

Jefferson nodded again: “Okay. Little one, don’t die.”

Daniel and his companions looked at each other, and the two rushed out!

Daniel puts on the thieves’ wolfskin suit as if he had a talisman. And Daniel also approached these thieves one by one, using the most low-key method to eliminate them one by one. From the eyes of other thieves farther away, Daniel was just merging with his comrades and hiding together. In less than ten minutes, Daniel secretly eliminated thirty enemies. Then he ran to a dark iron knight who had been badly wounded by an arrow in his leg, and pulled him into the grass with one hand.

“Don’t, don’t kill me! I still have a wife and children at home!” the British knight thought Daniel was from the band of thieves and begged for mercy in a panic.

“Dore, calm down, it’s me, Daniel.” The dark iron knight boy said in a low voice.

“Yes, it’s you?!” The black iron knight in his mid-thirties looked at Daniel suspiciously, but he recognized the outline of Daniel’s face through the faint sunlight in the jungle: “Oh my god. , you dress like thieves!”

“Shh! Be quiet!” Daniel dragged Dore the Knight deeper into the grass, and turned back and threw a few handfuls of dirt to cover up the traces of blood on the ground: “Can you still act? If you can’t, then Hide here. Jefferson and I have disguised as thieves and counterattacked from both sides. When we wipe out the thieves, we will come back to save you.”

“Thanks, thank you!” Dore glanced at Daniel gratefully, and then glanced at the bow and arrow in the boy’s hand: “Come on, take my equipment. I am here to support you with bows and arrows.”

“Can you do it?”

“I’m very good at shooting, you just need to wipe out the surrounding enemies.”

“Okay…then be careful yourself.” Daniel left a sentence, and immediately felt out of the grass.

Meanwhile, a small golden lizard watched from the top of the tree at the battle scene.

“What?” Shi Xing couldn’t help yawning: “That kid can survive himself, so I don’t need to save him at all.”

However, because many accomplices lost contact for no reason, the bandits also began to perceive the abnormality of things, and began to suspect that there was a ghost in their comrades. When Daniel rushed towards a thief, intending to kill the enemy at the moment of approaching, the other party drew out his short knife in a vigilant step.

Crap! Daniel panicked. Now that I draw my sword out of its sheath, I am afraid I will be one step slower than my opponent! Moreover, his swordsmanship is not very good, and he may not be able to gain an advantage when competing with his opponents!

In this case, it can only be made up for by the advantages of the equipment itself! In a hurry, Daniel raised the lightsaber in his hand, adjusted the lightsaber to the maximum, and made a fatal jump!

Om! The turquoise light of the lightsaber swayed in the forest. Daniel’s opponent saw a powerful blow to his forehead, and subconsciously raised his thief short knife to block! At this moment, the performance difference of the equipment determines the outcome! Daniel’s lightsaber can easily cut through steel under the maximum output, but the opponent’s short knife has no enchantment, and the lightsaber will definitely be cut like butter!

Clap! ! The blade of the lightsaber broke the short knife, fell directly on the forehead of the thief, and then fell straight, splitting the gangster in two!

However, Daniel’s adventurous actions also attracted the attention of the thieves. Dozens of arrows were shot, and there was a sound of some kind of heavy object cutting through the air. It was estimated that it was the kind of incendiary bomb that would explode before!

Daniel sighed inwardly! While squatting down to avoid the arrows, he also put away his lightsaber and rolled violently! He rolled several times in a row, and as soon as his entire body sank into the grass, he heard a rumbling explosion behind him!

The splashing fuel almost devoured Daniel, but the boy was in the grass, and the waist-high weeds helped him block most of the flames. He rolled forward a few more times, and the fire on his body was extinguished.

There was a scream from the woods in the distance. It was the noise made by Daniel’s companions when they started to deal with the thieves. It is estimated that they also encountered difficulties when assassinating their opponents! Then there was the muffled sound of heavy objects cutting through the air, and then the roar of incendiary bombs falling to the ground! hT%@Fsj1




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