Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1296: Explore in the wilderness (11)


Chapter 1296: Exploration in the Wilderness (11)

At the same time, Africa, the subterranean sea of ​​glass in the Sahara desert.

Like a mirror, with occasional elevations, this sea of ​​glass stretches into the endless darkness beyond.

A cold blue light flashed across, like a ghost gliding on a glass sea. That’s the light from King Arthur’s Dragoon’s backspray.

“Huh.” Sitting in the passenger seat, Bedivere yawned heavily. The werewolf rubbed his eyes with his dog’s paws, then looked down at the direction of the two metal detectors in his hands, and reported, “Keep the direction at twelve o’clock and move on.”

King Arthur didn’t say anything, just focused on driving the dragoon. The people sitting on the airship almost fell asleep. The scenery of the underground glass sea is indeed magnificent and magnificent, but this kind of unchanging scenery that stretches endlessly in all directions is really sleepy after watching it for a long time, and I don’t like it.

“Your Majesty, do you want me to drive?” Tristan asked. He was a little worried that the King of Knights would have an accident due to long fatigue driving.

“Let’s go a little longer, and then change.” Arthur said bravely, wide-eyed. But in fact, he was so sleepy that he almost fell asleep, and he really wanted someone else to drive the dragon cavalry.

Bediver smiled wryly. No wonder today’s task has to bring such a large number of people. It turns out that a few backup drivers have to be prepared.

Just when everyone was about to die of boredom, there was a sudden movement in the underground glass sea.

“Arthur, raise your flight altitude,” Bedivere said hastily.

The king of knights twisted the joystick of the dragon rider, and the anti-gravity airship flew off the ground.

Fortunately, with such a move, Arthur’s dragoon avoided the attack from below the formation. A desert devil shark frantically jumped out of the “sea” of the glass sea and brushed lightly on the bottom of the dragon cavalry, causing the entire airship to shake slightly.

“Wow, is there really a shark?” Tristan exclaimed in disbelief, sticking his head out of the side of the dragon rider and looking at the ground.

Thousands of shadows surging beneath the sea of ​​glass. Because the glass can deflect the light, looking down from the dragon rider, it is impossible to tell how far the desert devil sharks are from the sea.

“Huh?” Evan, who was dozing off, was also completely awake, looked down at the group of sharks, and sighed in disbelief: “Oh my God! These sharks can really swim in solid emery?”

“I didn’t lie to you, right?” Bedivere hummed a little smugly: “Fortunately, at our current flying height, these sharks shouldn’t be able to jump up.”

“Perhaps.” To be on the safe side, King Arthur raised the flying height of the Dragoon again. It is thirty yards away from the sea of ​​glass, no matter how good the jumping power of these desert devils are, it is estimated that they can only watch Arthur’s dragon rider and sigh.

“However, how did these desert sharks do it?” Tristan asked curiously: “Can they really swim in solid bodies? Is it some advanced magic like [Wall Penetration]?”

“It’s [Quantum Collapse].” Gwengreen, who had been silent for a while, finally spoke up. This guy is sitting in the last row of the Dragon Rider, holding an electronic notepad in his hand and poking non-stop. He has been analyzing the actions of the desert sharks since just now.

“Quantum…what?” Bedivere was confused.

“[Quantum Collapse].” To repeat the sentence twice, Gwengreen was slightly displeased: “Simply put, these sharks use a powerful enchantment to generate an energy field on the surface of their body, which is so strong Enough to break down certain substances around them into supersolid states.”

“Super solid?” Bedivere only felt more dizzy.

“It’s a higher-energy form of matter above a solid.” Gwengreen smiled contemptuously and continued: “A body that is temporarily turned into a super-solid will become a zero-friction fluid. These desert demons Sharks can move through it like a normal fish swimming in water. . . . No. More precisely, they swim faster in zero-friction supersolid state than in water.”

“Damn, this is more advanced than wall penetration…” Tristan whispered.

“So, are we talking about a wild creature that can use high-level magic?” asked the King of Knights with interest: “These guys can pass through solids, if they use this ability to break into cities Wouldn’t it be bad to destroy it?”

“No, the substances that can undergo quantum collapse must be limited. For example, the high-purity corundum such as the underground glass sea——“

“For example, most of the sandstone in the desert.” Bedivere snorted, remembering that he had met a certain name in the underground cave where Sword Saint Yake was hiding before. juvenile. That desert shark can also sneak into the ground to attack.

However, in order to guard against desert sharks, cities along the coast of the Sahara have a layer of steel walls that can also generate protective shields. I’m afraid the sharks can’t easily pass through these barriers.

However, these cities protected by copper walls and iron walls are not watertight, and there must be more or less loopholes in the protective layer. If the sharks find these loopholes and sneak into the city, they will wreak havoc on the city.

All in all, the situation is quite worrying.

“Arthur, three o’clock!” Bedivere shouted suddenly. The two metal detectors in his hand were moving rapidly, and it seemed that the source of the signal was very close.

The king of knights changed the direction of the dragon cavalry and drove towards the direction of the metal detector.

“One o’clock!” Bedivere continued to report. The signal is moving very fast, and it seems to be deliberately avoiding the tracking of King Arthur and his party, and it is turning rapidly!

“Be careful below! Seven o’clock!” Evan also shouted at the same time. Desert magic sharks kept spewing out of the glass sea below, and the sharks that had already jumped out of the ground collided with the sharks that jumped out immediately. This kind of superposition of magical kinetic energy sent one of the sharks to an incredible height! Its jumps can even threaten the dragoon that King Arthur rides!

“It’s so clever.” The king of knights clenched his teeth and made a sharp turn. The dragon cavalry drifted beautifully in the air, avoiding the impact of the desert devil shark at the critical moment.

But it’s far from over! Desert sharks have become smarter and know how to cooperate in groups! There are more desert sharks attacking King Arthur’s anti-gravity airship by relying on the two-stage jump of “stacking human walls”, and the air is full of big sharks that leap dozens of yards from the ground!

“Humph!” The king of knights twisted several sharp turns in a row, and the dragon cavalry moved left and right, drawing a floating cold light in the air. He’s dodging and climbing as well, allowing the dragon rider to fly even higher to reach heights these damned big sharks can’t reach!

But it’s not over yet!

“Falling from above! Eleven o’clock direction!” yelled Evan.

That’s right! This subterranean sea of ​​glass in the Sahara Desert has a huge glass ceiling, and above it is the great desert! The desert was originally one of the active sites of the desert devils! These beasts descended from the top and fell to the dragon riders like huge raindrops. It has to be said that it is an extremely bizarre scene!

There are falling sharks on the top of the head, and there are also leaping sharks frantically jumping out of the ground under their feet. This is a three-dimensional encirclement and suppression of King Arthur and his party by the desert sharks! The situation became extremely dangerous in an instant, and the king of knights had to rely on his superhuman operating skills to control the dragon knight to cleverly avoid the attack of the sharks!

“That’s why I said, you shouldn’t sail on a sea of ​​glass.” Bedivere couldn’t help complaining. It is precisely because everyone wants to search more efficiently that this unfavorable situation is caused by the enemy.

“What’s the use of talking about this now!” Tristan gave Bedivere a glaring look: “Let’s help too! I’m in charge of guarding the right flank, and Evan is in charge of guarding the left flank! Don’t let those sharks get close!” Put on your seatbelt, pull out a pistol at the same time, and yell.

At the same time he spoke, a desert shark leaped out of the glass sea and was trying to attack the chassis of the Dragon Rider. The murloc prince shot decisively, and with a bang, he blasted the approaching shark away!

“What about me?” Bedivere also drew out the tungsten tongue whip.

“What can you do with that bony whip!” Tristan gave Bedivere another shot.

“Bedivere is responsible for guarding against sharks falling overhead.” Arthur ordered immediately to prevent the two from arguing. He was completely undistracted while giving orders, still carefully avoiding the sharks that were littering the grounds.

At this moment, a desert shark fell, and Bedivere drew his whip without thinking. His tungsten turtle tongue whip is not a cartilaginous head. It is driven by electrical energy, and the powerful whip quickly swept away the 500-kilogram shark that fell!

“Your Majesty! A huge shadow can be seen five kilometers to the northeast. That may be our target!” Evan pulled out two black iron pistols and fired at the sharks on the ground in a continuous burst. The sharks were suppressed in the glass sea: “The huge shadow is fleeing at full speed! If you stay here too long, you may be escaped by it!”

“Understood!” The king of knights pressed a button on the dragon ride: “Going forward at full speed! It may be a little bumpy, everyone hold on tight!!”

Rumble Rumble Rumble! ! The Dragon Rider’s photon explosion engine roared wildly, propelling the airship with its most extreme output!

“Woohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo: I can’t help but breathe a little bit of power when the dragon rides is going forward at full speed ~ INDOMTL.COM ~ Come! At this time, he could no longer use the whip to support him, and could only hold onto the armrest of the passenger seat with both hands, fearing that he would be thrown off!

Dragon Rider is traversing the storm of obstacles full of sharks at a frantic speed, still drifting left and right at high speed, and drawing a swaying arc in the endless darkness of the underground glass sea! At this high speed, the Dragon Rider will collide with a certain desert shark accidentally, causing a strong impact and even a big explosion! King Arthur is taking his life with a group of people. He must have enough confidence in his driving skills to dare to drive like this!

“Just ahead, three hundred yards!” yelled Evan, risking his tongue being bitten: “But wait…that doesn’t look like a ship?!”

It was stalking in the glass sea of ​​the Sahara Desert, a huge black shadow. It shook its head, looming in the sea of ​​glass, and it was not so much a boat as it was… a fish?

“Oops!!” Bedivere suddenly understood everything and exclaimed: “That’s Moby Dick!” Views, if you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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