Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1294: Explore in the Wilderness (9)


Chapter 1294: Exploration in the Wilderness (9)

“What are you talking about?” After listening to the pirate leader’s words, Albert could not help but gasp: “Someone wants to buy my head with money?!”

“Hehe, more correctly, the heads of you and the Sphinx. Both generations of [Sandstorm Kings] must die!” The hill giant raised the steel anchor and pointed at Albert, while Shouting to his minions>

“Take him! No matter how much sacrifice, no matter how much blood is shed, we must take him!! Kill them, and the reward will be enough to make us wash our hands in the future!!—— Those who can hurt this kid will be rewarded with an additional 300,000 yuan! Those who can take down this kid’s head will be rewarded with 3 million yuan!!”

Tiger couldn’t help but wonder: The pirate leader gave his subordinates more than six figures for killing Albert. God knows how much his head is actually worth? !

Albert just helped the Sphinx win a mere football game. Why should he be punished for this kind of crime immediately, and be hunted down with a huge bounty? ! Is this really just an ordinary American football game? !

Under the reward, there must be a brave man. Although the group of pirates were just a mob, and although they had been killed and fled by Albert just now, under the crazy price offered by the pirate leader, this group of desperadoes turned back and surrounded them desperately. Live Albert, prepare to attack! !

Crap! Albert groaned inwardly, he was completely besieged, and it was a group of lunatics who wanted to kill him!

The pirates attacked furiously, their swords, spears, swords and halberds fluttering wildly, and they became incoherent. In order to get a piece of fat from the tiger, they can even ignore their own companions!

Albert tumbled to the left to avoid a pirate’s slash, but another minion had already raised a gun and jumped to attack! The tiger raised his gun to shoot, and the large-caliber iron bead shot shook the pirates in the air! Unexpectedly, the pirate just flew out not far, and one of his companions had stepped on the unfortunate corpse and jumped over, hitting the tiger’s forehead with the heavy lead ball in his hand!

“Humph!” Albert groaned, and the storm spear blade that had just fired the shot was fired again. This time it shot out a kinetic shock wave, and the impact of the air hit the pirate with the shot put head-on, shocking him and causing Albert to slip back several yards!

But there are three other pirate minions waiting behind Albert, and they all fire at the same time, three bullets hitting the tiger’s back!

Albert, who was wearing American football protective gear, didn’t know whether his protective gear could resist the bullets. He didn’t want to take this risk, but dragged his backhand and used the back seat generated by the second burst of the gun blade. Yu Li turned around in a hurry! As soon as he turned around, he saw that the light bullets were only half a yard away from him, and the tiger raised the knife and dropped it, swept across it with one blow, and bounced all the three light bullets away!

Boom, boom, boom! The light bullets cut large holes in the heads, bodies, and abdomens of the three pirate minions beside them. The gunmen knew that shooting at such close range would definitely hurt their comrades, but they really did nothing to kill Albert——the less the guys who gave the money, the better!

But the pirates don’t seem to care about the death of their companions, but continue to attack! A pirate with a long sword swept a sword towards the tiger’s chest, and Albert had to back away! But I didn’t expect that the pirate with the long sword had just finished swinging the sword, and another pirate with a long spear behind him had already raised his gun and stabbed it! The spear penetrated directly through the former’s chest without any armor, and stabbed at the tiger! ! The tiger hurriedly accelerated and turned back, finally dodging the spear’s attack, but the tip of the spear still drew a shallow bloodstain on his waist! !

Crazy! It’s crazy! Are these pirates all from a lunatic asylum? !

As a hunter of monsters, the tiger man had fought against countless crazy and ferocious monsters in his life. He thought that there was nothing in the world that could scare him. But at this moment, Albert was still frightened when he saw the brutal actions of the group of lunatics in front of him!

He was stunned for half a second, then the situation took a turn for the worse. Five pirate minions raised their weapons and attacked at the same time, encircling Albert in a fan shape! Their weapons stab together, and each strike is aimed at the tiger’s vitals!

Albert had to dodge back when he saw this, but he just noticed the wind behind his head, and hurriedly looked back, he saw the pirate leader! ! The hill giant went around behind the tiger when he was besieged, and his steel anchor had already fallen on the tiger’s forehead! This blow would obviously smash Albert and the five pirate minions in front of him to pieces, but none of those minions seemed to be aware of their death and continued to chase after him, trying to kill the tiger completely! !

Crap! Do you want to use the gun blade to continuously fire to offset the impact of the giant anchor? But does this really offset it? !

At that critical moment, Albert’s brain raced.

No way! Even if the attack of the pirate leader was neutralized, the siege of the five pirates in front of him could not be cracked! Albert will be turned into a hornet’s nest by the weapons of the minions!

In this case, it can only be———

Blame blah blah blah! ! ! ——————Albert doesn’t care about 3721, while swinging his sword, let’s start with a crazy shot! His storm spear blade swept a half-moon-shaped trajectory in the air, and every inch it swiped, a shot was fired! The tiger frantically pulled the trigger of the gun blade and used manual operation to force its burst ability to the limit! The large-caliber steel ball shot flew out like a torrential rain, and within a second, thousands of shot were fired! The recoil caused by such a short time of continuous firing is also surprisingly high! Albert only felt that his arm was about to be shattered, he gritted his teeth and endured, and let his body be pushed by the huge recoil, and the whole person flew backwards! !

The sudden acceleration caused the tiger to slam into the giant on the hill before being hit by the giant anchor on its head!

More accurately, Albert’s carapace slammed into the pirate leader’s stomach! !

With a muffled sound, Albert only felt a huge shock shaking his whole body. But he’s wearing some of the finest American football pads in the world, a piece of gear specially designed to withstand impacts! The outfit protected the tiger from the impact, but the barely-armored pirate chief wasn’t so lucky!

“Wow!!” The hill giant spat out a mouthful of blood, and the giant anchor in his hand flew out! It was already smashing down at a very high speed, so even if it flew away from its master, the power of its blow on the deck remained undiminished! The five pirates who formed a fan formation in front of Albert were instantly smashed into flesh and fell together with the shattered deck!

And the stray bullets scattered by the tiger’s frantic shooting turned into countless raindrops of death, one by one falling on the group of little scoundrels! Their power is not that great, but the pirates who didn’t wear much armor were immediately thrown to the ground by these large-caliber steel ball scatters, falling to the ground one by one and even flying! The steel **** made big holes in people, blood flew all over the deck for a while, and there were sounds of broken bones and torn flesh everywhere!

“Wow ah ah ah ah ah ah!!” “Help ah ah ah ah ah!!” “Mom ah ah ah!!” What followed were the screams of the pirates who were shot, they were It was so terrifying and tragic that it instantly drowned out all other sounds on the deck.

But the battle isn’t over yet! Albert just gave the pirate leader a perfect hit, but Ma Shan realized that he had to get out as soon as possible! The physical strength and toughness of the hill giant is no joke. I am afraid that this level of impact can only roar the guy temporarily, and cannot make him freeze for a long time! If Bumashan slips away from the pirate chief, if he is caught, everything will be over! !

Albert stomped his feet on the giant’s thighs and tried to jump off the giant, but it was too late! !

Clap! The hill giant stretched out one of his huge arms just in time and grabbed Albert’s thigh!

“What meow?!” Tiger couldn’t help exclaiming.

“Hey, hey, hit me to avoid the attack? That’s a bad move, kitty.” The giant raised his hand and hung Albert’s entire tiger upside down in a very shameful posture!

The giant grabbed Albert’s other leg with the other hand and began to grin smugly, with a strong killing intent in his eyes: “The game ends here! Die!!”

“No—” Albert had already guessed the ending.

The giant grabbed the tiger’s two cat legs tightly and ripped it to both sides! !

“Wow ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ——-” A sharp pain began to spread from Albert’s thigh, and the tiger almost fainted from the pain! If it goes on like this, he will really be torn in half by the opponent! !

“Hahahahaha, call, call it! Crazy call before you die!” “Pirate leader smiled proudly.

The intense pain of tearing between the The whole body can’t work because of the severe pain! Not anymore! Even struggling is useless, Albert knew that he would definitely die at the hands of this pirate leader this time!

Paza! ! Under a terrifying tearing sound, Albert has been torn in half by the giant’s bare hands! Blood is raining!

…It should have been this tragic situation. But this is not the case!

“What… what?!” The pirate chief exclaimed in surprise.

The snap just now didn’t come from Albert, who was torn in two. Do not. The tiger was not actually shredded. Before the giant of the hill shreds Albert, his power will not be used!

Because the mountain giant’s source of power, his heart, was taken away! !

Someone’s sharp claws have penetrated the mountain giant’s chest from the last blow, and pulled out the heart of this evil pirate leader!





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