Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1259: Hunting on the Silent Night (2)


Chapter 1259 Hunting Demons in Silent Night II

“Woo” Bedivere only felt a tearing pain in his limbs. Countless black tentacles with barbs wrapped around his hands and feet, and were pulling hard, and in a few seconds, the werewolf youth would be divided into five horses

The tentacle that cannot be freed this time seems to be the most special among the monster’s tentacles. Its barbs are firmly clamped into Bedivere’s flesh, and once they are entangled, they will never break free

The joints of the whole body are dominated by a tearing pain, and the left arm of Bedivere’s metal prosthetic arm bursts with dangerous electric sparks, and there is no time to think about it on the edge of damage

“Paramedis, attack me with your cryogen” the werewolf shouted.


Beddieville doubled her volume and shouted: “Quick”

In desperation, Palamidis complied. He raised two Luna steel gloves and sprayed liquid nitrogen refrigerant from them. The cryogen sprayed out at extreme speed and landed on Bedivere, freezing the werewolf youth and the tentacles entangling the werewolf at the same time

“Wow” Bedivere took a deep breath before being completely frozen into ice.

“” Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah “He made a strong shock wave of the wolf roar, spreading him as the center, shocked the tentacles, and completely shattered the ice cubes on the werewolf.

“Woo” Bedivere fell to the ground, gasping for breath.

The werewolves have a very strong ability to resist the cold. Bedivere’s limbs were not destroyed by the freezing, but they were also damaged to a certain extent and became dull. In front of him, there was that black mass of unknown monsters. It doesn’t seem to be shocked by the wolf’s roar, and it continues to move forward. Its tentacles extend in all directions, completely blocking the escape route of Bedivere

It’s too late to run away, Bedivere has to dodge the monster’s attack, the only way is to step back

“Damn” Despite reluctance, Bedivere jumped back and fell into the pool behind him. It’s a desperate **, because Bedivere, who can’t swim, is completely incapacitated after falling into the water

Dong Werewolf fell into the sea and began to resign.

The hissing monster really chased after it and plunged into the pool

“It’s now” Tristan seemed to have long expected that the situation would develop like this, and now that the time was ripe, he immediately ordered loudly: “Open the floodgates”

“What?” Palamidis exclaimed.

Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Ivan and Tristan alone operate a console, opening the sluice, and the huge iron sluice rises upward, connecting the pool to the open sea

There is a certain height difference between the reservoir and the outer sea. When the pool is connected to the outer sea, the difference in water level immediately creates a vortex, which **** everything in the pool into Bediveville, only to feel that the world is spinning, and the body is dominated by the current. The huge black shadow that was spinning with the vortex thirty yards away from him was also swayed by the current. Its tentacles could not help it against the current. It could only move with the water, being pulled little by little and flowing out to the sea.

The water in half the pool was emptied within tens of seconds, and the Bedivere and the deep-sea troll who flowed into the outer sea had long since disappeared

“What are you thinking about Bedivere still in the pool?” Palamedis angrily ran to Tristan and protested: “Do you want to kill him?”

The murloc prince looked disapproving: “In order to destroy the thorny monster like the deep sea troll, this sacrifice is also a matter of course.”

The “Damn” Leopard Warrior snarled and jumped into the water immediately. He paddled frantically, swimming out to sea while resisting the unabated current.

“This is the [Ice Crystal], the preparation for the [Dark Blue Wave Cannon] is over, waiting for the captain’s order.” Nassandrana’s voice came from the intercom.

Tristan gave an order without emotion: “Shoot flares into the sea and stand by. As soon as the deep sea troll appears, attack it with the deep blue wave cannon.”

“As ordered.”

“Let’s go too.” Tristan raised his spear and fired some sort of frozen gas into the water. The frozen air froze with water and turned into a large ice floe large enough for many people to stand on.

“What if the [Dark Blue Wave Cannon] is implicated in Palamides?” Evan jumped on the makeshift ice ship and asked worriedly.

“He’s an emerald knight, and he won’t die even if he freezes.” Tristan plunged his spear into the water and activated a shockwave-generating plug-in. Immediately, the impact brought propulsion to the ice floes, sending the entire ice ship flying out to sea.

“Hmph, it looks like you don’t need my help at all.” Sha Xing also flapped his wings to catch up. Not having a chance to play makes Xinghuilong quite unhappy.

“We’ll need your help next, be patient.” Tristan unleashes another shock wave, propelling the ice floe into the sea.

Although it wasn’t intended, this suspected deep-sea troll became arrogant as soon as it reached the open. Half of its body floated on the sea, and hundreds of octopus tentacles stretched out wanton, constantly squirming, surrounding its body.

The werewolf who fell into the sea was washed deep into the water by the intense current and hit a rock, causing him to almost faint in pain. But he still held on to the two lightsabers with all his strength and danced in the water, sweeping them away before hitting more rocks to mitigate the damage he was about to take.

The water finally slowed, and Bedivere struggled to hold his breath as he headed to the surface. Fortunately, the two lightsabers provide additional resistance in the water while providing illumination, like two paddles, helping Bedivere, who can’t swim, to paddle more easily. The moment he tried his best to swim to the sea, he took a deep breath as soon as his head came out of the water.

Call alive but it’s not enough. The strong wind and waves on the sea once again swept the werewolf into the water, and even made him drink a big mouthful of seawater. Bedivere began to panic, his strokes became messy, his hands and feet were even more affected by the frozen sea water, and he became stiff and sore

Oops, I don’t even have the strength to struggle. Do you really want to die here?

There seems to be something in the water and suddenly hits Bedivere. The thing was quite buoyant and was floating upwards. The werewolf in the panic seemed to have caught a life-saving straw, and immediately just grabbed the floating object and let it bring itself to the surface

Puff Tong’s huge float has emerged from the water. A little relieved, Bedivere began to exhale desperately, replenishing the depleted oxygen first. At the same time, dozens of cannonballs with powerful white light flew from a distance, some fell into the water, and some exploded in mid-air. They burn violently, illuminating the sky and the sea as bright as day

“Flare?” the werewolf panted and shivered. At this time, he also found that the thing he was grabbing turned out to be a huge piece of ice floes.

“Stinky Kid” Palamidis jumped out of the water, “You should really learn to swim, I can’t come to rescue you every time”

“Next time, why don’t you go ashore now?” Bediveville continued to tremble. Although he had ice floes to catch to avoid drowning, the floes made of liquid nitrogen were very cold. of.

“Okay, hold on.” The Leopard Warrior leaned back on the ice floes, and suddenly his fists were drawn. Two shock waves burst out from his Luna steel glove, propelling the entire floe towards the coast

Pounds of ice floe crashed against the reef on the coast and shattered. But it moved a long distance, and the impact was not very powerful. Palamidis grabbed Bedivere, jumped off the ice floe before hitting the reef, and landed lightly on the reef.

“[Dark Blue Wave Cannon], fire,” shouted Nassandrana on the battleship.

The bow of the [Chrono-Submarine Ice Crystal] has emerged from the warp. It held up the main gun, which gathered a huge amount of energy negative entropy, and shot a dark blue beam of light towards the suspected deep-sea troll

Pala la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la. The powerful freezing beam draws a blue track on the sea surface, freezing the water and atmosphere into ice flowers and white mist along the way, paving an ice road that leads directly to the Ice Crystal.

Boom it hit the tentacled monster exactly, and the blue light shattered into a thousand, spreading in all directions

The tentacles of the monster began to freeze, and the ice spread everywhere with lightning speed, freezing the entire monster in a few seconds, and each of its black tentacles was covered with a thick layer of ice , it has become a complex and peculiar ice sculpture

Not only that. The freezing began to spread in all directions, freezing the entire sea, and within a few seconds an island of floating ice was formed

The cold front hit, and Tristan and Evan, who were fighting on another piece of ice floes, seized the opportunity to jump into the sky at the same time, just to avoid the oncoming freezing storm. When they landed, the ice floes under their feet had merged with the frozen sea and turned into a raised hill on a large ice sheet

“It’s Palamidis looked at the huge icicle from a distance and wiped a cold sweat. Tristan is a lunatic to come up with such a crazy battle plan. It wasn’t that Palamides rescued Bedivere in time and fled to the shore in time, both of them would be affected by the power of the dark blue wave cannon and freeze with the sea.

Bedivere was busy wringing out the shirt she had taken off, shivering and saying, “No. That thing is still alive”

The leopard warrior frowned: “It’s frozen like that, can it still live?”

“Trust me.” The werewolf took off his pants again, wringing the ice water from his pants: “Because that thing isn’t a deep sea troll. It’s not even [living]”

Boom, boom, boom boom boom.

Sure enough, there was some kind of knocking sound from the huge ice cubes

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