Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1241: Recuperate in the silent night (18)


Chapter 1241 Rest in Silent Night (18)

That is, wriggling, [Darkness]!

There really is something unclean in this ghost place. In the shadow of the compartment, there is something terrifying that is as pure black and non-reflective as the tentacles of an octopus, constantly gushing out! !

Shaxing didn’t hesitate for a moment, he drew his sword and slashed it down with his crimson demon sword! Whoa! The hand feels extremely bad, and the demon knife slashed at that mass of things, as if it had cut into a mass of rotten flesh!

The thing that was attacked immediately shrank back and disappeared at the end of the ventilation duct!

“Humph!” The dragon felt a wave of weakness, and the demon knife was drawing strength from him. Sha Xing had to immediately put the sword back in its sheath, and turned to chase after Husky, who had run away.

“Wow ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah” Haski was scared to run in the corridor.

“Stop, stinky brat!” Shaxing is an adult after all, and it didn’t take much effort to catch up with the dog boy: “You don’t need to run, that thing has already been cleaned up by me!” “Uh, really Wang?” “Perhaps.” Xinghuilong said ambiguously. At least he used the demon knife to temporarily repel the black tentacles.

The canine boy breathed a sigh of relief: “So, so, so there are ghosts in this world.” “I think it’s just some kind of monster lurking in the castle.” Shaxing whispered: ” This city is often attacked by sea beasts. Maybe there is something that has not been completely destroyed and is lurking in the city. In short, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. We will go back and report this matter immediately and let the people of the Knights deal with it.””But Husky raised his trousers subconsciously and said hesitantly, “It’s a little inconvenient to go back now.” “Inconvenient?” The dog boy blushed and replied, “Ha, Husky was scared just now.” When I jumped, I was in a hurry to escape, and I **** on my pants.” Xing Huilong smacked his lips: “Then take off the pants and dry them quickly.” Leaving Wang!” Husky protested: “If Hal and the others know that I peeed my pants, they will definitely be teased!” “You are asking too much.” Shaxing elongated his face: “It’s okay, take it. Take your pants off, I’ll go back to the bathroom to wash them. With the heat of that photon dagger in your hand, you can dry your pants in a few minutes. Is that okay?” “Okay, okay,” Husky stepped back. Shrink: “But Husky don’t go back to the bathroom with the ghosts. Can Husky wait here for Uncle Shixing?” Shixing looked around: “In this darkened corridor? Are you sure this is here?” Isn’t it more dangerous than that ghost place? And you’re naked and being seen by the patrolling knights, wouldn’t it be even more shameful?” “Uh!” Husky is waiting for Uncle Xingxing on the rooftop, please hurry up and come back, that’s all!” He took off his pants, rushed to the stairs like a smoke, and immediately disappeared at the end of the stairs.

“Stinky boy.” Shaxing held Husky’s shorts, feeling annoyed and ridiculous for a while. He was just a bodyguard for these little devils, not a nanny, and he was not obliged to do this kind of thing for the little devils.

Too bad.

The more contact, the more fetters;

The deeper the bond, the harder it is to let go.

Perhaps the situation has reached a very dangerous level, Sha Xing thought to himself. Perhaps, when that guy Arthur comes back, it’s time for Xinghuilong to leave all this behind and leave quickly.

He rushed into the bathroom, turned on the faucet and quickly washed the kid’s pants, wringing them dry. During this period, he has been paying attention to the weird toilet cubicle, in case any more monsters and ghosts run out of it.

When he finished all the things he should do, he felt that it was not appropriate to stay here for a long time, and when he turned to leave, a dark thing had already stood quietly behind him.

“You!” Shi Xing glanced at the thing, his mouth closed in surprise.

At the same time, also in the east wing of Ettenberg, in a medical room.

“Wow!” Bedivere rubbed his **** subconsciously as he lifted his pants. There was a stiff, cold pain spreading on the half of his wolf’s butt, and the blood-sampling needle had drained all his blood, which was terrifying.

“Okay, then the blood sample will be enough.” The old military doctor squeezed the blood out of the large syringe and sent it into several test tubes, and then put the test tubes into a huge box-like machine. Do an assay.

“Is it finally over?” The werewolf breathed a sigh of relief. At least he doesn’t have to suffer from blood draws anymore.

“It’s over? What are you talking about?” The old doctor chuckled, “Take off your clothes and lie down in this MRI scanner.” Bedivere glanced at the huge lying Metal cylinder. He does know this kind of equipment.

The werewolf was unhappy: “I know this is a scanner, but the scanner can scan through clothes, so why do I have to take off my clothes? Is this your interest?” “No.” The doctor glared at the werewolf At a glance, he threw a towel at Bedivere: “Your clothes are soaking wet and dripping water constantly. This moisture will affect the scanning results, and it will also cause rust and damage to the inside of the machine. Don’t take off the wet clothes on your body, I can’t put you in the scanner!” The werewolf was stunned and compromised: “Okay.” The spot on his **** that was just pierced by the needle is still burning, and he really doesn’t want to hide it like this. lying in that cold metal cylinder. But there was no way. After winning the medical examination that Tristan was about to do, he couldn’t give up halfway.

“How long does this scan take?” The werewolf wiped his body dry with a towel while taking off his soaked and smelly clothes.

“Soon. Great Britain is the world’s first in science and technology, and a thorough body scan can be done in just an hour.” “What?! I’m going to lie in this **** for an hour?” I don’t know if I should praise or complain: “I’m soaked all over, and I’m half-dead from the cold. If I lie there naked for an hour, I’ll definitely catch a cold!” “It’s just a cold, it’s no big deal.” “You really Is that a doctor?!” Bedivere nearly vomited blood.

“I’m the military doctor here, and I’m only responsible for the daily health care of the knights in the Knights of the Western Heavens. You, an outsider like you, come here to do any physical examinations, and then you catch a cold or die casually. In fact, it has nothing to do with me at all. “Unbelievable!” Bedivere continued to vomit blood. There are such unscrupulous black doctors in the world!

“You’re asking too much.” Evan, who was in charge of surveillance, finally couldn’t stand it anymore. He took off his coat and threw it to the werewolf who was almost naked: “It’s okay to have this drape. Hurry up, I But I don’t have a whole night to spend with you!” “Ow!” The werewolf muttered, “However, it’s really painful to lie in there for an hour and not move.” “In that case, I have something good to borrow for you to play with.” The military doctor took out a gadget that looked like a headband and stuffed it into Bedivere’s hand: “It just so happens that we are recruiting clinical testers for this gadget. If you feel bored lying in the scanner, you can try it out.” Is it?” Bedivere fumbled with the slender golden ring. It just fits on the werewolf’s forehead, and its shape is quite simple, but from the seam as thin as a hair, very delicate mechanical parts can be vaguely seen. This is probably a very high-tech thing.

“The ghost body is separated from the system. Huhu.” The old doctor said with a sneer.

“Nether, Nether Body?!” “Don’t listen to the doctor’s nonsense,” Evan hummed: “In short, you should wear it first, and lie down in the scanner. You will understand its use immediately.” Although it feels like a pit , but the other party said this mysteriously, but it made the werewolf feel very curious, trying to figure out what the use of this headband is.

Anyway. Bedivere can now be said to be deep into the enemy’s line, isolated and helpless. He can only be slaughtered by others, no matter how he is treated by the other party, he cannot say a word. Lying with the headband on for an hour was too easy compared to the worst-case scenarios he had ever imagined.

And he also vaguely believed that the knights of the Knights of the Western Heavens would not be the kind of people who would take their own lives. This headband shouldn’t do any real damage to the werewolf.

I put it on, I put it on, but Bedivere still felt ashamed to be naked. So he used the towel he got to wrap a circle around his waist, feeling that everything that should be covered was covered properly, so he lay flat on the metal bed of the scanner with confidence.

“It’s time to start, lie down and don’t move,” said the doctor, seemingly pressing some buttons on the control panel beside him.

The metal bed begins to move. It moved into the cylindrical scanner with Bedivere lying flat, and soon completely shut the werewolf in the huge metal cylinder.

One after another, the scanned light beams back and forth on Bedivere’s lean and fat-free body, and the scanned body data is sent to the machine on the side through the special magnetic nuclear resonance .

And the golden headband on Bedivere’s forehead also began to glow and activate. It didn’t feel uncomfortable, but brought a sense of relief to Bedivere. In this illusory joy, the werewolf’s consciousness gradually became blurred.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself floating in mid-air. Said to be floating because he couldn’t feel the weight of his body. Everything in front of you is like a dream, but it is full of real feelings?

From the surrounding scene, this is the medical room? The old military doctor and the half-dragon youth Ivan were standing beside the scanner, observing the data on the display; and the scanner was running continuously, making a low roar.

However, the person lying in the scanner is obviously Bedivere himself?

So who is this [him] who is standing here and now, watching all this? !

[Fiction Network,! ]___Xiao/shuo/ba/shi() “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D. Wixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The stand is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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