Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1233: Break in the silent night (10)


Chapter 1233 Rest in Silent Night (10)

At the same time, Bediveville in the Cairo Grand Hotel.

The werewolf helped Elaine the bear man to sit on the front seat of the sofa, and ordered: “I’ll go out, you can take care of yourself, right?” “Well.” The bear man touched his belly and said softly replied. I don’t know if it was due to the fatigue of today’s battle, or because of injuries, or simply because I was full and sleepy, Elaine seemed very lackluster.

“Okay, you should take a shower and then go to bed. Lock the door and don’t care if anyone knocks on the door. I have the key card and I will open the door myself when I come back.” Bedivere put the blanket over Elaine Body, get everything done and go out the door.

“Then, that” White Bear whispered, “Don’t, don’t come back too late.” “Got it.” Bedivere snorted and pushed out the door. That guy Elaine is just like a child who hasn’t grown up. He always needs someone to take care of him, which makes people feel uneasy.

Leave that little idiot Elaine aside. The werewolf stepped out of the room and stopped for a moment in the quiet corridor of the hotel. There are a lot more things to worry about next.

For tomorrow’s search for [Desert Ship], Bedivere must borrow an artifact. That is the ancient artifact belonging to the mermaid family that the werewolves disdained very much before—[metal detector]. Only with the help of detectors, can the whereabouts of the golden ship be found in the vast sandy sea. There is no other way.

The problem is that Bedivere has been destroying the artifact before, making it so useless and superstitious — and doing so angers Tristan and Evan. Regardless of the festival between Bedivere and these two people, how can I persuade these two stubborn guys to borrow that artifact from them again? Things will probably get very troublesome.

Bediver sighed and walked towards Tristan and Evan’s room. Even if it would be very embarrassing, even if he had long expected to be ridiculed by those two people, he still had to do what he had to do, and Bedivere had to bite the bullet and borrow the artifact.

Ding dong. After ringing the doorbell, there was a low noise in the hotel room. But no one answered the door.

Ding dong, ding dong. The werewolf pressed it twice in a row.

Still no one answered the door. At this time, Tristan and Evan should rest in the room, and they have nowhere else to go?

Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong. Bedivere continued to ring the doorbell. Those two playboys, shouldn’t they really go outside to play?

“Come on. Don’t bother!” Someone finally responded, it was Tristan’s voice. The door was opened at once, and the moment Tristan opened the door, the red color of Tristan’s body startled Bedivere.

“Wow?!——” The werewolf exclaimed in surprise, thinking the bright red on the murloc prince was blood. But his cry was immediately stopped by Tristan. The murloc prince covered Bedivere’s mouth with one hand and said fiercely: “What is the name of the late night, come in quickly!” “But, you——” Bedivere took another look at the other.

It turned out not to be blood, but bright red oil paint on Tristan’s overalls. Although he still has other colors of paint stuck to him, this guy Tristan clearly prefers to use red, so that the proportion of red oil paint sticking to him is greater than any other color. In the middle of the night, Hongyan in this outfit ran out to answer the door, wondering if she was scared to death.

“What the **** are you doing?” Bedivere asked in confusion.

“Painting, are you blind?” Tristan pushed the werewolf away and walked back to the side hall of the room. There was a floor of newspapers there, and an unfinished oil painting stood quietly on an easel in the middle.

“When did you have this kind of leisure?” Bedivere was even more puzzled, and took a closer look at the painting. The woman in the painting is quite beautiful, but it is very unfamiliar to a werewolf, and Bedivere has never seen this person before. Also, Tristan seems to hate this woman? He didn’t paint this picture to show the beauty of this woman, but to paint her **** head and her whole body covered in bright, dazzling red, which was terrifying.

“This is an unfinished work, don’t look at it.” Tristan covered the painting with a cloth and glared at the werewolf with a displeased expression: “Why did you come to me? I’m very busy, so I’ll make a long story short. “”Huh” Bedivere found a wooden chair and sat down, hesitatingly said: “I just want to ask what [metal detector] you used yesterday is still there?” “Do you think Borrowing the treasure of the mermaid family, [metal detector]?” Tristan glared at Bedivere again, his eyes full of wonder.

“Well, that thing you know doesn’t help in finding water, but it did manage to find that golden ship yesterday. Thanks to it, I was even [kidnapped] by a desert ship. Back, even my iron cavalry fell in the mechanical warehouse of the golden ship. I have to get it back.” “Humph!” Dirty work clothes, revealing a refreshing short suit under it: “I knew that you suddenly came to the door, it must be bad. Anyway, let’s borrow you.” The werewolf sighed impatiently: “I knew it would not be so simple. But you have to lend me—eh, wait?” He had already thought of a million excuses, hoping to convince Prince Tristan to lend him the artifact. Unexpectedly, Tristan’s answer was beyond Bedivere’s expectations, and he agreed right away? !

“Wait, are you willing to lend me the metal detector?! Lend me without saying anything?!””What are you surprised about?” “You saved me last night when I was seriously injured and needed a blood transfusion. This is just a favor for you. Don’t think I’m willing to help you.” Hard-hearted and soft-hearted, this is exactly the same as when I was a child.

“However, the metal detector has been returned to my battleship, and it is not easy to get it.” The fishman prince rolled his eyes: “If you want, you can, you have to follow me. When you get up, you have to undergo a thorough physical examination to prove that you are really qualified to use the treasure of our family. In this case, you can also borrow the detector.” It turns out that this is a game. Bedivere elongated his face. Bedivere’s ability to use metal detectors only available to the merfolk royal family, and his ability to give blood to Prince Tristan, was a big mystery. Tristan may be trying to understand the secrets hidden inside the werewolf through a thorough physical examination of Bedivere.

“How treacherous.” Bedivere frowned.

“It’s just an exchange of equal value.” The murloc prince looked at the werewolf without emotion: “You borrowed an ancient artifact from the mermaid family, which is very valuable. Just investigate your body from the inside out. Over and over, it’s actually quite cheap for you.” Bedivere crossed his arms in a gesture of unwillingness to compromise: “I don’t think those two iron rods can be so good.” Tristan also crossed his arms and said Unwilling to compromise: “If you don’t find it useful, don’t borrow it from me.” “Uh!” A blue vein appeared on the werewolf’s forehead, but he swallowed his anger instantly: “It’s good to check, just check it. “(Let you check it out. Anyway, you will never understand the secret inside me.) “Okay, let’s go.” Tristan picked up a light robe from a hanger beside him. up, ready to go out.

“Now?!” “Of course it is now.” The murloc prince looked at the werewolf with an idiot-like look: “A full physical examination will take about an hour. Data analysis will take longer. Go now. , you’ll get the results tomorrow morning. You’re going to go out with your metal detector early tomorrow morning, right?” “But now!?” Bedivere repeated: “Go to your ship now?!” “You What are you panicking about, idiot.” The murloc prince pressed the button on the Demon Sealing Bracelet and opened a portal: “Go from here to the battleship in Great Britain, and then use the teleportation system to go back to Great Britain, and you will reach your destination in no time.” “They allowed Do we use the teleportation system?!” “This is [official business], and the approval will be issued immediately.” Tristan was unexpectedly bold: “Before, in order to get the metal detector, Evan and I went back and forth several times. What are you afraid of?” (It turns out that Palamides is not the only lunatic here. There are many people who are abusing the teleportation system.) “Evan, what are you doing? It’s time to go.” Tristan shouted in the direction of the bedroom road.

“Well, can’t you let me be quiet for a while.” The half-long young man was lying on his bed, holding a notebook and a pen, as if he was busy writing I can’t go back alone [Bing Jing] No.], will make people suspicious. Tristan said without emotion: “We have to go together, and if something goes wrong, you will take responsibility together.” “” Selfish bastard! “Evan’s head was smoking with anger.

“Uh, are you writing a report?” Seeing Ivan’s focused look, Bedivere couldn’t help asking one more question.

“That idiot is writing a novel.” Tristan said coldly: “And it’s a knight novel that is too old-fashioned to die. No one wants to read that kind of stuff.” Down, he gave the murloc prince a dissatisfied look: “I want you to take care of it!” A helpless drop of sweat appeared on Bedivere’s forehead. One is painting, the other is writing a novel, and the two guys Tristan and Evan are really literary (leisure) people. Do they have nothing else to do? If you are so confident, you don’t need to worry about the preparations for the competition?

“Go.” Before the werewolf could resist, Tristan grabbed Bedivere’s arm and jumped into the portal together.

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