Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1229: Recuperate in the silent night (6)


Chapter 1229 Resting in Silent Night (6)

7pm, Cairo Grand Hotel, in the room of the Leopard Brothers Safir and Seglade,

“Woo…” The tiger groaned weakly on the bed, with a desperate look on his face, as if the world was about to be destroyed,

Palamidis and his two sons were busy fiddling with the parts of the Luna steel weapon, and when they saw the tiger coming up, a drop of sweat appeared on the forehead of the leopard warrior: “What’s the matter with him? ,”

“Huhu…don’t ask, you will regret it,” the werewolf tried his best to hold back his laughter,

“Ooooooooooooo, no reason, no justice, no reason,” Even if no one asked, Albert still started to roll on the bed and cry: “My performance today is so brilliant, why would I give it to me? The bounty is so small, even less than one-tenth of Bedivere’s, you will believe me, this special meow is joking with me,,”

“Out, appeared, six bursts of cat cavity…” The white bear man on the side stared at Albert with wide eyes, but he didn’t expect to be glared back by the tiger immediately, so frightened Elaine immediately shut up,

“What are you talking about, meow,” Seglade was at a loss: “What bounty, meow,”

“It was a gossip that Al got,” Bedivere explained casually: “Isn’t our knockout match today broadcast live on TV, there are tens of millions of viewers across Africa watching it, it seems It is said that the award money to each candidate is determined by the ratings, so that the candidates with excellent performance can have more funds to prepare for the war.”

“Really,” Palamidis laughed with a snort: “So, the little tiger is not satisfied with the bounty he got,—-how much money did you get,”

“One thousand Egyptian dollars,” Albert said with a sad face: “It’s only one thousand Egyptian dollars, you said that it might not be enough to pay for a meal, and the most annoying thing is that , Why did I only get 1,000 yuan for my performance so well, and this stupid wolf did almost nothing, and got tens of thousands of yuan in the account, it’s so unfair,”

Albert watched the replay of Bedivere and Logan on TV while he was having dinner, and at the time he hated the duel because the werewolf vs. mage was so boring and it looked It’s just a matter of two people slashing each other a few times. It’s not a good thing at all, and it’s not even one-tenth of the greatness of the battle of Albert vs. the giant Nimitz.

Of course, Albert doesn’t understand at all. Since Logan will use time magic to speed up his actions, his battles with werewolves are almost always carried out in a super-high-speed world. The huge change that happened completely exceeded the limit of the number of frames captured by the bee golem camera, and of course it couldn’t capture the wonderful moment,

Beddieville doesn’t speak, just smiles,

Albert pouted and continued to complain: “Bediveville’s boring battle can only make 10,000 yuan, and the most annoying thing is this stupid bear,—-he I actually earned 30,000 yuan,,”

“Ha, ha ha…” Elaine scratched her head embarrassedly,

“It’s not a compliment,” Albert angrily said,

“Uh——yes, sorry,” Elaine drooped her ears and shrank to the corner,

“This is actually quite normal,” Palamidis finished the game with a smile: “Beddy and Rogan are fighting, both are top-ranked candidates, and they are both big favorites, even if the fight doesn’t work out. Some people will turn on the TV to watch it; and the battle between the bear and the machete Moron is also very exciting and can attract the audience,”

Elaine’s battle is not so exciting, it is more visually gorgeous, the white bear destroys half of the battlefield, that trick [burning stars] is enough to shock people,

“What about me, my battle was bad meow,” Albert roared in resentment,

Palamidis shook his head: “Little tiger… You were beaten by the giant Nimitz from the very beginning. There was no suspense in that game from the beginning, it was just you. It was just a one-sided beating. Although you still had an unprecedented *** in the end, the reversal at that moment was also wonderful, but it was too late. The audience had already thought that the outcome had been decided and turned to watch other events. ,”

“Yes… so meow,,”

“That’s it,” Palamidis reached out and touched Albert’s cat’s head: “You’ve actually done a good job, it’s just that those ignorant audiences don’t know how to appreciate it, don’t worry about it on,”

“That’s right.” After listening to Uncle Leopard’s analysis, Albert’s whole person suddenly became enlightened, his sadness disappeared, and he rolled on the bed happily: “Uncle Palamidis understands me best, but those who do not The idiots who see my fight to the end know a shit, let them be surprised, meow hahahaha,,”

“That’s an idiot meow,” Zephyr, who was busy repairing the Luna steel weapon, could not help but muttered in a low voice,

“It’s really an idiot meow,” his younger brother Seglade also echoed, without even looking at Albert,

“Drink,” the tiger man jumped up from the bed and resurrected on the spot: “I’ve decided, I’m going to gamble to relax, let’s be self-willed first,”

Idiots really have the benefits of being stupid. Albert, who was sluggish one second, immediately became alive and vigorous the next second, and even had the heart to gamble,

“Spending money again,” the werewolf glared at the tiger,

“There’s nothing wrong with me,” Albert defended himself: “We have all the weapons for the battle, so there’s no need to buy any more; food, drink, and lodging are all provided by the hotel, and there’s no other money left. I haven’t spent more than a million dollars from gambling, so how can I not take the opportunity to be self-willed,”

He turned to Palamidis and spread his palm: “Uncle,~ give me money,~”

(The military funds of the group were handed over to Palamidis and Bedivere for safekeeping, and they were stored separately in their room cards.)

“Hoohoo, I can give it to you, but only 5,000,” Palamidis said with a smile: “If you lose, you have to go back to sleep, don’t play too late, understand,”

“How can you make it sound like I’m going to lose money,” Albert was dissatisfied,

Except for the white bear and the tiger, everyone present couldn’t help laughing. This kind of thing is tacitly understood. There is no casino in the world that is not dark. Tourists will lose money when they go to the casino. A little money is mostly just a reward for the tourists when the casino owner is in a good mood,

Albert is not an idiot, of course he knows such trivial things, but he didn’t go to Cairo Casino for fun,

The tiger ran away happily after taking the pocket money, and Bedivere was also preparing to go back to his room to rest. Before leaving, he glanced at the work in Zaffer’s hands and asked: “How are the weapons tuned,”

“Well…although the delay of the plug-in system has been reduced a little bit, it’s still not ideal meow,” Saifel looked unhappy: “Sure enough, with these devices in our hands, we need to The transplanted plug-in system is adjusted to the same zero-delay as the original version, which is still too reluctant,”

Bedivere wanted to say something to comfort the young leopard, but Palamidis winked at the werewolf, as if hoping that Bedivere would be stricter with the two young people,

The werewolf rolled his eyes: “Is there no other way?”

“If there were more sophisticated electronic measuring and mounting equipment, things would be much easier,” Seglade continued: “But such high-tech electronics workshops are hard to find in Cairo, right? I won’t be willing to borrow the meow we use,”

“It would be great if I could use Aunt Vivian’s workshop, meow…” Saifer complained, but unfortunately Vivian’s research institute is far away in Great Britain, thousands of miles away, and they are beyond their reach, /


Bediveville thought for a moment: “Isn’t this kind of workshop in Palamidis?”

“I have, where,” the leopard warrior was at a loss,

“No, I’m not talking about you, the live-action Palamidis,” Bedivere gave the **** panther a white look: “I’m talking about that battleship, [the attacking Palamidis], since It is an all-purpose warship specially made by Great Britain to support the front line. There will always be such a workshop,”

“I’m very suspicious meow…” Saifel frowned,

“No… Little Brady is really a genius,” Palamidis also had an idea, “Come on, let’s go to the battleship and look for it, even if there is no workshop, there is another substitute. It can be used to ensure that you can find what you need,”

“Substitute, substitute,” the werewolf suddenly had a bad premonition,

“It’s about the teleportation room,” Palamides was so daring that he came up with such a ghost idea: “I heard that Arthur also seems to be using the teleportation device of the battleship to quickly travel back and forth between Egypt and Great Britain. Well, since that transmission device can connect to Great Britain, why can’t we borrow it,”

“My God…” The werewolf’s face changed, just like everyone else present: “You’re crazy, Palamidis, you won’t forget, we’re taking exams now On the way, can not leave Egypt——“

“Who said we can’t,” the big cat interrupted with a sneer: “We were only brought to this place unilaterally, but the test organizer didn’t make it clear that we couldn’t leave,”

“But…they won’t let you use the teleporter,”

I didn’t expect Palamidis to come up with a bolder idea: “We don’t need their approval, as long as we sneak into the battleship and activate the teleportation device,”

“Dad,” the two Leopard youths shouted almost simultaneously,

“What’s the matter, don’t you dare,” Palamidis grinned, “you want to borrow Vivienne’s studio, right, use the teleportation device to go back to Great Britain, and you can go home in a few hours, The studio can be used casually, and I will also visit my little Howl by the way, hehe,”

“Dad is crazy,” Zephyr whispered,

“He’s homesick and crazy,” Bedivere sweated on his forehead,

“It’s really crazy meow,” Seglade echoed,

An obvious blue vein appeared on Palamidis’ forehead: “You cowards don’t dare to take risks, forget it, I’ll go alone, leave the weapons to be adjusted to me, and I’ll find Vivi when I go back. Ann adjust them and send them back,”

“However, this almost cheating practice——“The young people still want to continue to protest,

Just then, the phone in the hotel room rang,

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