Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1216: Selection in the ring (47)


Chapter 1216 Selection in the ring (forty-seven)

“There is a legendary uninhabited island in the far east. It is rich and peaceful. It is one of the pure lands like a fantasy,” Pasiva went on to explain: “A long time ago, a famous tyrant in the dark continent of the East In order to find the secret elixir of immortality, a large number of people were sent to sea to explore this legendary pure land. However, these people could not find the elixir of immortality no matter what. In Penglai, after decades of development, Penglai became an independent country, built its own army, and even used the special ores produced there to make special weapons, these [Penglai knives] are one of them,”

“Humph, a country of deserters and cowards,” Shaxing smiled contemptuously,

“Regardless of their national conditions,” Pasiva stared at the demon knife through the glass cabinet again, with a fascinated expression: “According to my speculation, there are probably ancient relics on the Penglai Pure Land, whether it is an elixir of life. , or the manufacturing process of these [Penglai knives], I am afraid all of them are masterpieces of ancient people, which also explains why Penglai people, who were backward in weapon production technology at the beginning, could build their own army in just a dozen years and have a share of them. [Penglai knife] to defend the country, you must know that the production technology of this kind of [ultra-civilized weapon] is actually far beyond their era.”

The evil star was silent for a while, listening to this interesting topic carefully,

“With the help of the [Penglai knife], the people in the Pure Land of Penglai successfully resisted the army sent by the tyrant. After that, the mainlanders could not take action against the islanders for thousands of years-until the East was destroyed by the [World Wall] blockade, the advent of the dark age,”

Pasiva finally recovered from the state of fascination and turned to look at the evil star: “We don’t know if the Pure Land of Penglai still exists, but the manufacturing process of these Penglai knives has been lost in our world, This [Crimson Blade] is probably the only Penglai knife. It is said that it cuts iron like mud and can easily split the body of a giant dragon into two. It is one of the most powerful weapons in the world. It’s a pity It was made in the form of a soul-sucking demon sword, and no one could swing it. We couldn’t even test the power of the Penglai sword, which is a pity.”

Shaxing glared at Pasiva: “After saying so much, you just want me to test this demon knife, right,”

Knight of the Round Table Pasiva’s eyes showed a sly light for a moment: “This is a rare sword in the world, many people dream of it but can’t even hold it, if the evil star can wield it, it is your,”

“The condition is for you to collect battle data, a very fair deal,” Shaxing sneered,

“Please put this on,” Pasiva took out what looked like a bracelet from his pocket: “This is one of the new technological products in Great Britain, [the magic bracelet], which was originally used for training, and was used for Seals the magic of the trainee, so that they can’t use magic, but this bracelet has been adjusted, all magic you use will be unlimited, it is only used to collect your battle data, and keep it when necessary your life,”

Shaxing laughed: “Oh, I still need this kind of thing to save my life,”

“You will need it,” Pasiva almost shoved the Demon Sealing Bracelet into the hands of the evil star: “The soul-sucking weapon will continuously absorb the user’s physical strength. Death, the magic seal bracelet will automatically detect the physical condition of the user. When it finds that the amount of photons in your body reaches a dangerously low level, it will completely seal your magic power, so that the soul-absorbing weapon can no longer absorb it. Life, please don’t leave this prop at all times,”

“It’s so exaggerated, you guys are making too much fuss,” Shaxing sneered,

“The terrifying aspect of the soul-sucking weapon, let’s try it out for yourself,” Pasiva pressed a button next to the glass cabinet and carefully opened the cabinet,

Without the barrier of glass, that terrifying demon blade—the crimson blade, was naked and naked in front of Xinghui Longshaxing’s eyes. The chill and evil it oozes out is even stronger than before. ,

Pasiva took a step back, as if he was afraid that he would be affected. He gestured to the evil star to get the knife with his eyes, and his eyes were filled with panic, which was difficult to hide.

Xinghuilong swallowed another mouthful of saliva, slowly, reaching out to touch the demon knife,


The moment he grabbed the hilt, Shaxing seemed to hear some kind of psychedelic sound, the sound of his palm being frozen by ice, although the blade was not as cold as imagined, it oozes more than physical The coldness of nature is even more terrifying, and it begins to spread along the arm and throughout the whole body of Xinghuilong,

“Wu…” The dragon snorted involuntarily, he knew that the demon knife was eroding his **, sucking away the free photons in the dragon’s body bit by bit,

“Wait and take a look, but be careful,” Pasiva reminded in a low voice, but he had already stepped back ten yards,

Shaxing found a relatively open and open place and began to swing the knife,

Om——The moment the blade swayed, its crimson ominous blade immediately rubbed the air, bursting out a neigh, like the howl of an evil spirit, and the roar of a beast, although it was far from To the extent of harshness, its hissing sound is very uncomfortable, a kind of nausea-like discomfort,

Although there are not many weapons that Sha Xing has touched in his life, this is the first time that he is extremely uncomfortable and his body is involuntarily indulged in it. There is a continuous roar in the air,

“Enough, really enough,” Pasiva on the side shouted loudly to stop the road, but the evil star couldn’t hear it at all, the dragon continued to wield the demon knife as if possessed by a demon, a sense of detachment all over his body. Surrounded, my energy is evacuated little by little, but I can’t stop at all,

“Huh…Is it like this again?” Pasiva was forced to retreat by the crimson sword wind. He wanted to step forward to stop it, but the crimson blade was too dangerous, and it was simply too dangerous. Can’t get close,

“No way,” the knight of the round table muttered, waving his hand to summon the Holy Spirit,

After a white light, Shaxing regained his consciousness. He found that he was lying on the ground, but his whole body was as heavy as lead. It was taken away by the dragon’s hand, it was lying coldly on the floor beside it, and temporarily settled down,

“How are you,” Pasiva asked worriedly,

“It’s okay,” Xinghuilong took a breath and got up,

“It’s still able to get up…the dragon’s physique is amazing,” Pasiva said in surprise,

Xinghuilong frowned: “From your tone, the same thing has happened before,”

Pasiva smiled bitterly: “Didn’t I tell you, 29 of the 30 testers are still in the hospital, and the actual number of casualties is even more than this, much more, just pick up The demon knife can’t stop, the testers will involuntarily want to swing it – until they die, those who want to stop will be cut into pieces by the demon knife, and we can only watch the test several times. The man was drained of energy by the demon sword and fell down, but fortunately I was there this time, and I suppressed the demon sword with the Holy Spirit—you are really lucky, Grand Duke Xingxing,”

Shaxing murmured in his heart, lucky ass, this bunch of **** wasn’t made by you kid,

The knight of the round table smiled and handed the demon bracelet to the evil star: “So, please wear this life-saving device at all times, and the demon knife must be properly stored in its sheath when not in use, only when it is most necessary. Take it out, if you can strictly implement these safety measures, at least the demon sword won’t kill you.”

Although very reluctant, the evil star still picked up the magic bracelet and put it on,

And Pasiva also put on some special black gloves, picked up the crimson demon sword on the ground, and put it into a special scabbard. The scabbard has a special electronic lock, and it seems that only certain people can Pull out the demon sword from its sheath——to avoid the danger of others accidentally pulling out the demon sword,

After everything was ready, Pasiva carefully handed the demon sword to the evil star: “According to the agreement, this crimson blade is yours, please be careful when using it,”

“Long-winded,” Pasiva repeatedly told Xingxing to be careful, and Xinghuilong was already a little annoyed. He stood up from the ground and looked around, only to realize that the riot he had just created had caused it. Such a serious damage: dozens of glass cabinets storing other soul-sucking weapons have been shattered. They were originally far away from the place where Shaxing tried the sword, and the glass was also highly strengthened by magic, and ordinary swords could not be seen through at all. ,

No, it is not appropriate to describe it as [shattered]. It should be said that those glass cabinets were cut open by the extremely sharp knife wind. The incisions are smooth like a mirror, and the parts of the glass cabinet that were cut open fell to the ground one by one, but they did not break. It feels like they can be glued back to their original place with all-purpose glue. The incision is simply amazing,

“Penglai people’s ideas are also quite unique, and they actually created this kind of demon sword that hurts both others and themselves,” Sha Xing couldn’t help sighing after putting away the demon sword,

“It is said that the tyrant on the Dark Continent had hundreds of millions of soldiers, all of whom were elite soldiers; while the island country has only tens of thousands of strong men – civilians who are completely untrained in combat,” Pasiva explained: “In order for those men who have never been on the battlefield to compete with hundreds of millions of elite soldiers, such crazy weapons are necessary, of course, they are manufactured on the premise of consuming the lives of their masters, and they can be killed by one person. Destroy an enemy army, why not,——In war, human beings are originally consumables,”

The evil star sneered, cruel and ruthless, willing to do whatever it takes to win, even showing no mercy to his own comrades – this is the essence of human beings, in a sense, human beings are stronger than dragons The class is more vicious and evil,

But it’s because humans are so vicious that they thrive today,

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