Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1212: Selection in the ring (43)


Chapter 1212 Selected in the ring (forty-three)

It is true that the bonding ability of medical gel is definitely not strong, and it is usually broken with a tear, and it is impossible to have any effect on Nimitz. But Nimitz’s body had already been scratched with countless small wounds in the collision with the rock, and now these wounds are bleeding! It was the blood of these frost giants that changed the plan!

The blood of the Frost Giant, even in its normal state, is an extremely powerful cryogen. When they encounter air, they will immediately exert a freezing effect, which has nothing to do with the consciousness of giants! They were originally produced to help the Frost Giants suppress bleeding, a self-protection mechanism that is very similar to platelet coagulation!

However, the excellent bloodline of the Frost Giant is killing Nimitz at this moment! Huge clumps of medical gel freeze when frozen, turning into a medical emergency bandage! Do not! —— It’s not so much a “bandage” as it is a “plaster”! They are made of polymer materials. After freezing, the molecular structure is extremely tight, and they can firmly fix the broken bones of the injured person. Even with a lot of strength, they cannot be easily destroyed! !

The mixture of medical gel and the blood of the Frost Giant instantly turned into the last and strongest shackle of the giant Nimitz, and the exhausted giant would never be able to break free from the shackles of this shackle! ! What’s more, the sticky mass not only affected the power of Nimitz’s arm due to its slippery, but it also started to stick to the surrounding rocks, and more and more soil was stuck to Nimitz’s arm. superior! It is no longer possible for him to escape the collapsing rock flow by throwing the reaction of the rock!

“No———!!” Nimitz exclaimed, his body was sticky and turned into a huge stone ball and rolled bigger and bigger, along with the rocks fell into the Red Sea!

Boom. The rolling boulder ball collided with the sea surface, making a wonderful muffled sound like water droplets falling into the lake surface, and the force was unexpectedly much smaller than expected.

The bee golem on the side has already heard the examiner’s impatient verdict: “The giant Nimitz has escaped from the battlefield. The winner is the winner, the monster hunter Albert!” “Hu” realized that he was fighting The moment he won, Albert calmed down and collapsed to the ground.

“Meow~” The Holy Spirit White Tiger also returned after finishing his opponent, turning into a little white cat, looming in front of Albert.

“Thank you for your hard work, Xiaobai. Come back.” Albert smiled indifferently. A white light rose from Albert’s body, and instantly merged with the phantom of the separated Holy Spirit White Tiger, and quickly retracted into Albert’s body and disappeared.

The transport boat has sailed to the battlefield at this time and separated into two parts. One part flew to the sea to search for the whereabouts of the giant Nimitz, while the other part of the transport boat was responsible for picking up Albert. When the tiger boarded the transport boat, the staff on the boat kept throwing strange eyes at the tiger.

Not only that. After Tiger returned to the deck, the candidates on the deck gave him the same weird look. The thoughts of these people, needless to say, are precisely to despise Albert. Albert, who can use the Holy Spirit, is like a cheating existence. It is really unfair to let such a guy take the test!

But people would never have thought that what just happened was just a blindfold. The Holy Spirit White Tiger is just a phantom, with no actual attack power at all. Albert is completely relying on his own strength to defeat a strong opponent like Nimitz.

Of course, other candidates don’t know Albert’s details, so they are suspicious. Bedivere and his party knew the details of Tiger very well, and knew that Al’s defeat of the opponent depended on his own strength and a little bit of wit.

So, when Bedivere saw the tiger with all the scars all over his body, he just cast a warm look knowingly: “We won the fight, Al.” “Hey, the fight was won, but It’s really troublesome! That kind of opponent, I don’t want to meet again in the future!” Albert rubbed his frostbitten left arm and complained: “No way, my arm is completely numb, I have to go to the medical room for a check.” He hurried away Lost.

“The little tiger has also grown up.” Palamidis looked at Albert’s back with a smile and said, “When encountering a powerful enemy far beyond his own strength, he can still be in danger, neither will he Losing the will to fight because of despair, and not getting hot-headed because of panic, this is the first step to growing into a great warrior.” “Well.” The werewolf also nodded lightly: “The key to the real decision of victory and defeat, Often, it is not the difference in strength between the enemy and us, but whether you can fully use the capabilities (resources) you have. If you can make full use of everything you have, it is not unreasonable to defeat someone who is several times stronger than yourself. It’s possible.” Saifer on the side listened silently to the conversation between his father and the werewolf youth, and kept everything in his heart. One day in the not-too-distant future, Zephyr will have to challenge his father Palamidis. In order to defeat his father, who is dozens of times stronger than himself, he must start thinking of strange tricks now.

(One day, I want to make my father impress me, and praise me like he praises Al.) At the same time, Seglade also returned to the deck in the transport boat. Looking at his relaxed look, it seems that the knockout rounds have been successfully advanced.

“Win?” Palamidis was a little surprised. The Syglade battle was not good at all. People never paid attention to the big screen over there, and the attention of Bedivere and his party was also distracted by the fierce battle between Albert and Elaine. Haven’t paid attention to the battle of Seglade. Didn’t expect Seglade to win so easily and unremarkably.

“Uh, I won, meow.” Seglade smiled wryly: “If it wasn’t for my opponent being a chattering idiot, I could have won faster meow. Oh, yes, it’s a trophy meow.” He took the handle of a weapon from his pocket and put it in Bedivere’s hand.

“This is?” The werewolf was stunned for half a second.

There is no blade, the handle is full of metal texture, and there is a complex mechanical structure. It’s a well-crafted lightsaber, and while it’s partially damaged, the savvy can still see its true value. It should be the weapon that Seglade snatched from the opponent’s hand. Although it seems unethical to use a hard snatcher, there is no strict rule that the opponent’s weapon cannot be snatched from the game.

Seeing the light shining in the werewolf’s eyes, Seglade knew that Bedivere wanted the lightsaber, and continued: “Didn’t Mr. Bedivere always want a lightsaber, meow? Use this one. Meow?” The werewolf hesitated for half a second before hurriedly dodging: “No. This is the trophy you won through the battle, and it should belong to you.” “If it was at my disposal, I originally planned to disassemble it into many pieces. Parts, for strengthening everyone’s weapons, meow.” Seglade himself showed regret: “Is this really possible?” Bedivere shrugged: “This is your trophy, you have the right to Go decide what to do with it.” When “That Meow” Bedivere put the lightsaber back into Seglade’s hands, the young Leopard Man looked at the slightly damaged lightsaber and fell into contemplation.

About half an hour ago, Game 2 of Group 3 of the knockout round: Viscount Roosevelt vs. Syglade.

Before boarding the transport, Zephyr whispered to his younger brother Segley, “Russford? Could it be that famous family of weapons manufacturers?” “Maybe.” Segley De said indifferently: “Even if he is, I have to defeat him, meow.” That’s right, everyone in the industry should know the Roosevelt family. For the craftsmen in Seglade, whose life goal is to build weapons, the Roosevelt family, the largest arms manufacturer and seller in Europe, is synonymous with the most successful weapons craftsmen. The munitions factory of the Roosevelt family is the most authoritative sacred temple in the industry for any weapon craftsman.

It is strange that the eldest young master of the Roosevelt family does not sit at home to run the huge family business, but instead runs to such a place to participate in the trials of the Knights of the Round Table.

However, no matter who the opponent is, Seglade cannot lose. He has a wish that must be fulfilled no matter what, so how could he be eliminated in the first round of the knockout round?

As he boarded the transport boat, the leopard youth couldn’t help but secretly surveyed his opponent. Viscount Roosevelt was a man of extravagance, and at first glance he knew that he was a son of a wealthy family. His handsome, thin face, his well-groomed blond hair, and his light armor, which was polished and clean, all gave a sense of awe. What a handsome young man! Even after about a week of extremely arduous round table trials, the elegance of Viscount Roosevelt has not been wiped, but it has added a kind of fortitude to the Viscount. I’m afraid this person’s strength is not bad!

——No, as it should be. Although Seglade had not paid special attention to the Viscount Roosevelt before, the Viscount’s ranking was far ahead of Seglyde. The reason why they were arranged to fight in the first round of the knockout round was not because of Seglade’s strength, but because of Viscount Rusford’s strength. The organizers of the conference had originally planned to let Rusford play at least three games to advance! It should be said that it is only the misfortune of the Leopard youth to let Seglade meet such an opponent in the preliminary round!

No. It’s useless to hesitate now. Seglade subconsciously clenched the handle of the Luna Steel Tomahawk. With the weapons he made himself and the blessing of the Luna Steel series of weapons, he should definitely win this battle!

At this time, Viscount Roosevelt also noticed the “glass” weapon in Seglade’s hand, and couldn’t help laughing contemptuously: “What is that? To fight with such a fragile glass-like weapon, what a layman. .” Seglade didn’t answer. The hidden strength of the Moon God Steel weapon is impossible for outsiders to understand unless they have personally experienced it.

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