Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1208: Selection in the ring (39)


Chapter 1208 Selected in the ring (thirty-nine)

The Luna steel weapons made by the principle of mass collapse have many strange physical phenomena that cannot be explained by current science. The incredible acceleration they produce when they collide with objects is one of these strange physical phenomena. one.

The moment the shotgun steel ball was hit by the Luna Steel Scimitar, it suddenly flew out at a terrifying speed that greatly exceeded the speed of sound. Two of the three steel **** flew out diagonally upwards and plunged deeply into the giant Nimitz’s right arm! !

“Wow?!” Nimitz suddenly felt a piercing pain. The steel ball with terrifying penetration ability penetrated the flesh on the giant’s arm within half a second, penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and stabbed the giant’s nerves! Before Nimitz’s huge arm, the two steel **** the size of soybeans were insignificant at all, and even if they were hit, it would only feel like a needle stick!

However, speed is power! Two steel **** the size of soybeans penetrated into the giant’s huge arm under the condition of exceeding the speed of sound, which can also cause a powerful destructive force! They shattered in the flesh and bones of the arm, rubbed and burned, turned into hot iron steam, and swelled and exploded in that arm! !

As a giant, Nimitz has always looked down upon anything [smaller] than himself. But he would never understand the truth: small things can do huge damage!

Clap! ! There were two terrifying large blood blisters on Nimitz’s arm, the size of a human head! Even the giant couldn’t bear the sudden pain, and the giant fist that Nimitz should have slapped suddenly flinched! In order to protect himself, the giant fist contracted himself like a conditioned reflex, and Albert saved his life!

But that’s not all!

There is also a steel ball, which changed its trajectory due to the subtle angle when it hit the Luna Steel Scimitar, and turned into a straight line to the giant Nimitz!

It shoots… Nimitz in the face!

More precisely, this small steel ball is hitting Nimitz’s right eye straight at three times the speed of sound! ! And it’s so tiny (the size of a bean) that Nimitz barely notices the little death oncoming! !

But after a hundred battles, the giants heard the sound of breaking wind and saw some kind of flashing light at that moment, and they felt that it was not good! He used his maximum speed to retract his left arm, intending to defend against this almost invisible attack!

However, the left arm he hit is still in a huge state, and it seems that it cannot be recovered in such a short time! And his two arms became bigger and swung out, which made Nimitz’s own center of gravity very weird, and he couldn’t do a big move to dodge at all! !

Crap! It’s here! ! ——Being helpless, Nimitz could only squat down as much as possible, and moved his face away from the flashing force, hoping that he could dodge this blow to the greatest extent possible!

Clap! ! The supersonic steel ball cut a big hole in Nimitz’s right ear, almost smashing the giant’s right ear! !

Blood! !

“Ugh!!” The giant gritted his teeth, and used his left arm, which he didn’t have time to retract, as a prop to clear the siege, and a sweep swept Albert away!

“Wow ah ah ah ah ah!” The tiger flew more than 30 yards and landed!

But this blow was not as painful as Albert thought, because Nimitz couldn’t use his full strength just now!

Albert struggled to get up and saw the giant Nimitz covering his ears and yelling, his mouth full of dirty words! And the giant’s right arm also has several terrifying blood bubbles, and the lava-like light is faintly revealed from the blood bubble – it seems to be seriously injured!

Albert is stunned. Even he himself can’t believe the miracle he just induced!

However, thanks to that lucky blow, Albert finally saw it through! !

The tiger laughed.

He was gasping for breath, his body was covered in injuries, and even his equipment was tattered. Albert, who was supposed to be at an absolute disadvantage, suddenly smiled confidently!

“What are you laughing at?!” The veins on Nimitz’s face were prominent, and the blushing skin was full of exasperation.

“I finally understand! [Giant’s Arm] has at least three weaknesses!!” Albert raised three fingers: “One, you only have two arms that can be huge, if they are used to attack at the same time If you do, the body will lose its defense ability completely!” Nimitz didn’t answer.

“Second!” Albert continued to scold: “No matter how big your arm is, it is only flesh and blood! If you can use attacks far beyond its protective power to cause damage to it, it will It will hurt, and you will lose the ability to become gigantic!——Nimitz, Nimitz, you dare to touch my sword with your bare hands, how stupid!!” The giant remained silent.

“The third!” Albert sneered: “I suspected it from a long time ago, and the blow just now confirmed my inference! Although your arms can quickly grow huge, they shrink and retract. The speed is very slow! And in the process of shrinking, they are almost weak!!” Nimitz groaned, using his uninjured arm to tear open the corner of his clothes, and quickly bandaged his ears. Then the giant looked at Albert without changing his face, scratching his head and humming: “That’s right, little tiger. So I underestimate you too much.” “If you didn’t underestimate me so much, maybe Your ears won’t be smashed.” Albert wagged his tail triumphantly. Although Albert’s shooting ability is extremely low, the shot that hit Nimitz from a long distance just now was pure **** luck, but the tiger is still thick-skinned and regards that exquisite shot as his own credit. .

At least, in front of the enemy, he must.

Just kidding without paying. If you can rely on this to bluff your opponent and bring huge psychological pressure to the opponent, it is equivalent to taking a huge advantage for yourself. Let Nimitz know that Albert can shoot him from such a long distance, and the giant will be alert to the tiger and will not dare to attack again!

And Nimitz’s right arm has been injured, the huge power is not as good as before, I am afraid that it cannot be used for offense, and can only focus on defense! Next, as long as you are careful about Nimitz’s left arm and find a gap to approach the giant, Albert may have a chance to win!

The premise, of course, is that Nimitz isn’t hiding another hand.

Albert frowned. Judging from the calm demeanor of the giant, I am afraid there is indeed another hand hidden. Think about it too. No matter how arrogant and arrogant that guy is, he can’t just unlock two giant arms and use that to challenge the opponent in the knockout round.

The question is, what is the secret weapon that Nimitz is hiding?

Tiger grabbed two weapons with his backhand and cleared his mind. The giant’s self-recovery ability is very good. After a long time, to restore Nimitz’s injured right arm, Albert will lose! ——It’s useless to think too much. Since you don’t know the details of the opponent, you can only take the initiative to attack and find out!

Having made up his mind, the tiger-man youth rushed over with his sword and looked intently at Nimitz’s two arms, especially the uninjured left arm! He is ready at any time, and can activate the weapon plug-in at any time, sprinting to avoid the oncoming giant arm in an instant!

“Humph.” Unexpectedly, Nimitz gave a treacherous smile and waved both arms at the same time.

Two arms gigantic at the same time? ! How could Nimitz be so risky? ! If he missed Albert with one blow, wouldn’t the tiger rush in front of Nimitz and give the giant a fatal attack? !

In other words, it was definitely not an attack with a huge arm! is something else! And Nimitz exuded a killing intent, which was probably a sure-fire blow that could inflict strong damage on Albert! !

Aware of this hidden danger, Albert has already pulled the trigger on both weapons! The shock wave of the Luna Steel Scimitar and the shrapnel of the Storm Gun Blade exploded at the same time, creating a powerful reaction force that pushed Albert into the air!

Fortunately, the tiger reacted fast enough! Swish, swish, swish—dozens of silver lights whizzed past Albert’s feet, like a torrential rain of some kind of giant needle!

Albert’s reaction wasn’t fast enough, however. The torrential rain of needles that whizzed past opened wounds on his feet, and a “needle” even went through the tiger’s left calf! !

“Huh?!” Feeling the pain, Albert has already soared into the air, and he has no way out now! The tiger raised his two swords and slashed at the giant Nimitz!

Two sword lights poured down like a waterfall! Albert’s goal is to cut off Nimitz’s two arms! If you succeed, it will all be over! !

But, it’s too late! ! The giant Nimitz, who had just projected the mysterious flying prop, immediately crossed his arms in front of his chest, making his arms bigger and doing enough protection! !

Clang! ! Albert’s two weapons fell on the giant’s arm, leaving only two small wounds several inches deep! !

The opponent’s two arms are obviously only flesh and blood. Albert clearly used all his strength to chop down, and the strength of the falling in the air should be enough to cut off the giant’s arm! ? Why only create such a trivial small wound? !

At the moment of impacting the past, Albert looked closely and only saw something stuck near his sword!

Hair! Frozen hair! Frost Giant Hair! It seems that medical gel and cryogen are at work, and a “protective layer” made of hair is glued to the two arms of the giant Nimitz!

Because the giant Nimitz cut his hair very Well-fed hair is thick, hard, and incredibly resilient! The giant Nimitz glued this needle-like hair to his arms, and they just became huge together with the giant’s arm! !

But, when is it——! ?

Albert took a deep breath and understood. Nimitz scratched his head just now, it turned out to be the preparation for this! The guy secretly grabbed a handful of hair on the back of his head and held it in his hand! !

And the “rain of steel needles” that flew out just now is also Nimitz’s hair!

The giant hides his hair in the palm of his hand, and the moment his arm is huge, the hair is also huge! These giant hairs as thick as fingers and as long as arms turned into countless deadly steel needles, which should have pierced countless big holes in Albert! ! ?——Although Albert avoided most of them, only the calf was hit!

[This book is first published from, see the genuine content for the first time! ]

…() “Act of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to Provide a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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