Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1206: Selection in the ring (37)


Chapter 1206 Selected in the ring (thirty-seven)

Faced with Albert’s joking questioning, Bedivere was serious and silent. Web

The blow just now was too weird.

The blow just now, in such a short moment, Albert really “disappeared”.

The tiger did not disappear from the werewolf’s vision, nor did it. Albert’s “disappearance” is more like the disappearance of breath.

As if his existence was completely wiped from this world!

A stealth magic?

No, not right. Albert, who was an orc, couldn’t use magic in the first place. What’s more, the strange move that completely hides “existence” is decisively different from ordinary stealth magic.

It’s not a technique to deflect light and make oneself invisible;

It is not a technique to block the photons with a powerful enchantment, so that their tracks cannot be detected by the opponent;

It is not an illusion that confuses the enemy by hypnosis;

That thing is more inscrutable, more inscrutable.

It seems that the tiger distorted its own [existence] at that moment, eliminating the fact of its [existence] from reality.

Twisted the law of cause and effect? ! ——impossible! !

It can’t be magic, it can only be a miracle.

But what kind of miracle is that? The miracle of erasing existence itself, Bedivere has never heard of!

What the **** is that? !

“Come on, again!” Albert sneered, crouching down again, ready to sprint.

Are you going to do that kind of sudden disappearance and sudden attack on Bedivere again? How can I let you succeed again! !

Bediver raised his sword and slashed the ground in front of him as the tiger sprinted!

The wooden sword stirred up a wave on the snow, and suddenly the snowflakes flew, and there was a localized snowstorm!

That’s right! Even if Albert can use that weird move to hide his aura in an instant, he still exists in this world! Tigers can’t really disappear in this world! If it doesn’t really disappear, even if Bedivere doesn’t notice it, Albert’s movement should be inferred from the movement of the air! !

As expected, the disappeared Albert, like an invisible figure, hit a big hole in the snow! right there! ! The werewolf raised his sword and stabbed out, and the shot was quick and ruthless, because he couldn’t miss this only attack opportunity!

But he’s still empty! ! There was no Albert in the big hole in the wind and snow. The tiger went around to another place the moment it smashed through the big hole!

The wind blows from the back of Bedivere’s head! Albert has done his best to slash down with a sword!

Fortunately, Bedivere also kept a hand, and the stab just now was only a false move! He withdrew his sword stance, without even turning his head, he immediately slashed behind him!

Bang dong! ! The two wooden swords collided violently, but they made an unprecedented muffled sound!

Then silence. (Baidu search network updates the fastest and most stable) In the cold and lonely wilderness of Western Siberia, accompanied by the bleak cold wind, there was a death-like silence.

Albert’s wooden sword interrupted Bedivere’s wooden sword and slammed **** the werewolf’s head.

At that moment, Bedivere fully understood the nature of Albert’s strange move.

That’s true stealth — a god-like concealment technique that completely disappears one’s own existence.

[God Hidden]().

That’s not magic. Strictly speaking, it hardly even counts as a skill. It is Albert, who is a monster hunter. In the process of hunting monsters for the past seven years, he has been ambushed in the dark countless times, and he has slowly cultivated the ability to “hide”.

In just a moment, the tiger completely wiped out his breath. Albert, who moved at a high speed without leaking any breath at all, seemed to have completely disappeared in the eyes of his opponent!

There are people in the world who are extremely weak and often ignored. After years of hard training, Albert has magnified this “ability” to the extreme, completely eliminating his sense of existence from the world! Even if the opponent’s eyes can see Albert, as long as they don’t realize the existence of the tiger, it means that El has never been seen!

It’s just a technique to suppress the breath and make it difficult for the enemy to detect it. Its principle could not be more simple, and it was not a magical technique at all. But when a skill is honed to the extreme, it will be sublimated to another realm. It was reborn and became infinitely close to the existence of God.

The knights of Great Britain also have a similar combat technique of suppressing hostility—[Wuxin]. That is the product of the highly sublimated technology of “suppressing breath”, which makes it impossible for opponents to predict their own attack trajectory with the mind-eye technique. This extremely high-level combat technique was originally a technique only used by Heavenly Knights.

Albert’s “Shen Yin” is probably the product of the further sublimation of “Wu Xin”, a kind of spirit that can only be used initially through long-term hard practice and a state of mind as clear and transparent as calm lake water. skills.

This is exactly the unique skill that the best monster hunter can use unconsciously and after eliminating all distracting thoughts. In order to make the Dawning area more livable, the tiger man Albert has devoted himself silently for the past seven years, endlessly hunting all kinds of dangerous beasts, and everything he has done is not in vain!

Bedivere, who understood everything, breathed a sigh of relief: “Well done.” (Although it’s just a stupid tiger.) “Hehehe,” Albert, who was bruised and bruised, revealed at this time. The winner smiled: “I finally beat you once. Then, according to the agreement, this month’s housework will be yours—-” “What are you talking about in your sleep.” Bedivere shook his head with a sneer: “Those ten chances were used up a long time ago, before you hit me just now.” “What, what, meow?!” The werewolf smirked like a mischievous: “Recall for yourself, did I deliberately just now? Missed a count?” Albert’s memory went into rewind mode. He remembered something. Yes, between his “last four” and “last three” defeats, Tiger was actually beaten one extra time, but Bedivere deliberately didn’t count.

“It’s so treacherous. It’s been all misleading since [three remaining times]?!” Albert was furious: “How can you be like this! You obviously admitted it yourself!” “I personally admit it What happened? I counted [I’m tired of playing with three remaining] instead of [You lose with three remaining], is there a problem with that?” Bedivere smiled even more treacherously: “Others You can believe whatever you say, what’s the difference between you and a pig?” “Ow!” Albert stomped his feet in anger, raising white mists on the snow.

“Then, I’ll leave you with a month’s worth of housework~” The werewolf swaggered back into the house and waved to the tiger: “Since you don’t want to wash your pants, I won’t force you. But I basically only wear one pair of pants at home, isn’t it cheap for you?——I will go out hunting more recently, and when I come back, there will be a lot of sweaty and **** clothes waiting for you to wash. , work hard, hehe hehe. And depending on your cooking level, you probably won’t be able to cook complex meals, right? When I’ve skinned and deboned all the prey, you can make them all into barbecue—— Of course, you will be arranged by you afterwards, please, oh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, “” “” Ah 嗷 嗷 —— “Albert continues to kick the snow irritated.

Time goes back more than a month, halfway through the battle between Albert and the giant Nimitz.

The tiger, who had recovered from his contemplation, just rolled over and avoided the giant fist swung by Nimitz. Fortunately, Albert was far away from his opponent, and Nimitz’s fist still had some time to react from the shot to the target. With his quick reaction, Al barely dodged the terrifying punch.

Although it dodged away, the giant’s fist still brushed past Albert’s side, creating a fist wind that made the tiger feel a tingling sensation all over his body. He knew that the punch was not over yet, because the killing intent emanating from the opponent still hadn’t dissipated.

As expected, the giant Nimitz saw that he failed to hit with a punch, and immediately raised his fist and swept away, slashing the tiger beside the giant fist with a knife. Fortunately, Albert was prepared and pulled the trigger of the two weapons in his hand! The kinetic shock wave of the Luna Steel Scimitar coupled with the recoil of the Storm Gunblade shotgun made the tiger fly into the air instantly, dodging Nimitz’s knife.

The hand knife slid under the tiger’s feet and began to shrink. At the same moment, Nimitz’s other hand suddenly hit out, hitting Albert, who was defenseless in the air!

Damn! So fast! The attack of the previous hand has just ended, but the other hand has already hit the second blow! Albert couldn’t dodge in the so he raised two weapons and fired them in front of Nimitz’s fist! The shot and shock wave blasted on Nimitz’s fist, which at least slowed down the power of the punch, and Albert, who retreated quickly with the help of recoil, could also minimize the damage he suffered when he was hit. It was supposed to kill two birds with one stone!

However, in the face of absolute power, these little tricks seem so meaningless! The giant’s heavy fist pressed down on Albert like a huge wall, and the shrapnel and shock wave hardly weakened its momentum! And Albert’s sudden retreat with the help of recoil was so insignificant! It was too late to dodge, the tiger had no choice but to raise two weapons in a blocking posture, and the giant fist slammed on Albert like this!

Pop! ——The tiger was shot more than 30 yards away and fell to the ground!

“Ugh…” Albert quickly got up regardless of the pain in his body. He didn’t even have time to breathe, knowing that he must distance himself from his opponent as soon as possible. With Albert’s current injury, if he gets within Nimitz’s range again, everything will be over!

[This book is first published from, see the genuine content for the first time! ]() “The Legend of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D. Wixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing healthy and green reading. platform. 【】,thank you all!


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