Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1160: Fighting at the Oasis (13)


Chapter 1160 The fierce battle in the oasis (thirteen)

Bediver turned pale, paler than ever. txt e-book download.75txt./

Not just the last trump card — that fate-changing crimson potion was destroyed by Tristan, but also because of the words the Murloc Prince said before he passed out.

Betteville’s nickname [Bebe] is known only to a very small number of people in the world. And everyone in this world has long lost their memory of Bedivere—that is to say, it is impossible for anyone in the world to remember the nickname of Werewolf Youth.

Unless, Tristan’s memory is restored?

Or, was it just some cryptic words he happened to say before he passed out?

Surprise to surprise, Bedivere doesn’t have time to be surprised all the time reads;. If it drags on any longer, Tristan will die, and the mystery will never be solved!

But what should I do? The crimson potion is gone, and that thing doesn’t mean that it can be replenished immediately.

…Only on your own!

If that’s the only way to save Tristan, Bedivere has nothing to do!

“Arthur…” The werewolf got up and made up his mind: “Take me to [Sacred Tree Seed]. I’ll do something!”

“You will die.” The King of Knights saw through the resolute light in Bedivere’s eyes that he intended to die: “If you intend to sacrifice yourself to save others, I will not help you.”

“No.” Bedivere tried to calm down and clear his mind: “I’m not going to die. I already have a plan, trust me.”

The King of Knights gave Bedivere a suspicious look. However, Wang finally chose to trust the werewolf. He nodded lightly and spread his wings: “Evan, protect Tristan, and help shoot!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!” replied the half-dragon youth.

“Beddy!” At the same time that Arthur called, the werewolf had reached out to the King of Knights. The moment he firmly grasped King Arthur’s arm, Arthur has already spread his wings and galloped up!

The air is full of turbulent air currents, which are the myriad shock waves generated by the violent confrontation between the two giants. They are like an elusive, endless, invisible death vortex, and its danger is self-evident.

“At seven o’clock, the elevation angle is 20 degrees!” Arthur bypassed these storms under Ivan’s instructions, avoiding the chaotic fists of the two giants in advance. txt Complete Works Download 75txt. The half-dragon youth’s eagle eye technique can easily see the invisible airflow, and can also predict the attack trend of the two giants. Of course, his guidance is extremely correct, and it is the only reliable flight guidance for King Arthur at present. Not only that, but Evan kept firing to distract the crimson thorn giant and provide cover for King Arthur.

“Beddie!” Once Arthur flew over the sky-blue giant tree vine, he immediately reminded his companions, and he also let go and threw the werewolf on top of the tree vine giant’s head.

“The seed of the holy tree!” As soon as the werewolf landed, he grabbed the vines as thick as the wrists of the giant tree vines: “Please, listen to my commands!”

The two giants fought so hard that the Seed of the Tree had no time to attend to Bedivere’s request. But the werewolf’s sincerity was conveyed to the inside of the Sacred Tree Seed through contact. It suddenly took a step back, turned from attack to defense, and caught the punch of the crimson thorn giant with one hand!

“That’s it! Tangle it!” the werewolf commanded loudly.

The power of the Seed of the Sacred Tree could have other uses, if not endlessly killing each other. The vines of its right hand—the hand that caught the opponent’s fist—began to disintegrate, turning into countless ropes, entangled with the arm of the crimson thorn giant! The sky blue vines and the crimson thorns began to entangle with each other, eroding each other, and the two did not give way! Not relying on brute force to knock down the opponent, but to erode the opponent from the inside and defeat the opponent from the inside out!

Of course, doing so is very risky! When the seed of the holy tree begins to erode the opponent, it also means that the seed of the crimson also begins to erode the seed of the holy tree! The crimson thorns eroded along the arm of the sky blue giant vine, and climbed all the way to the right chest of the sky blue giant! The crimson thorn giant is a collection of the entire forest, and its power is naturally stronger than the seed of the holy tree, much stronger! If they erode each other like this, the final loser must be the seed of the holy tree!

“It’s not over yet!” cried the werewolf. His intentions and plans have long been communicated to the seed of the holy tree through the contact point, so the giant azure tree vine has already taken action and began to execute the actions set by the werewolf step by step. And its next move is exactly——

A hand knife!

It used its left arm, which had not been eroded by the crimson thorns, to stab the opponent’s chest with a knife!

This hand-knife attack is fierce and fast, and the crimson thorn giant is busy eroding the right arm of the Sacred Tree Seed. He didn’t expect his opponent to keep it like this! It was too late to dodge, the sky blue tree vine giant’s hand knife had penetrated deeply into the chest of the crimson thorn giant!

Does it work? Arthur, who was flying in the air, couldn’t help but wonder. The entire body of the crimson thorn giant is composed of thorns, and these thorns can regenerate endlessly. Even if it penetrates the chest, it is impossible to cause any fatal blow to it?

But it’s not over yet! After the sky blue tree vine giant’s hand knife stabbed into the crimson thorn giant’s body, it split immediately! It scattered into four sturdy branches made up of countless sturdy and powerful vines, and began to tear the chest of the crimson thorn giant with brute force! !

Clap la la la la la la! ! —— The power of the vine giant must be extraordinary. It tore apart the tight collection of thorns, and the sound it made was like the cracking of the earth, which was very harsh! The four-lobed, sky-blue torrent of vines also began to be eroded by the opponent’s red thorns, and the red and blue rays of light continued to entangle and fight in the torn chest! One side wants to tear the opponent’s body apart as much as possible, while the other side keeps reclosing its torn body in the process of occupying the opponent! The thorns and the vines are getting tighter and tighter, and they are almost indistinguishable from each other! And in the torn body of the crimson thorn giant, something with an intense red light gradually appeared!

Is it the core? Absolutely can’t go wrong! All its power comes from that red light, and the more powerful it is, the brighter that red light is!

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shouting and rushing out, stepping on the road paved with thorns and vines all the way, waving frantically Photon Short Sword! Whether it’s thorns or vines blocking the way, the heat of the dagger can easily shred it! He used his sword to open the way, and he ran wildly towards the core of the crimson thorn giant! !

Aware of the werewolf’s attempts, the Crimson Seed certainly won’t let the opponent succeed! More thorns attacked Bedivere like a storm, intending to tear the werewolf to pieces! But the sky-blue vines also arrived in time, trembling with the storm of thorns, killing a **** path for the werewolf! !

Whoosh whoosh whoosh! ! More, more thorns attacked, so many that even the vines couldn’t suppress it! They’re about to catch Bedivere! !

“Roar!!” The werewolf took a deep breath and let out an earth-shattering wolf roar, shaking everything around him! !

The thorns, which were temporarily blown away, only flinched for half a second, and immediately attacked again, entangling Bedivere! The crimson thorns wrapped around the werewolf’s hands and feet, preventing him from moving forward, and ripped apart Bedivere’s body with terrifying power, and he was about to be divided into five horses! !

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ah ah

It is indeed over.

Bediver suddenly stopped screaming, the corners of his mouth rose, and he smiled smugly: “Hoohoo, I lied to you.”

The Crimson Seed thought he had captured the werewolf, but in fact it was all a game planned by Bediveville, and everything was under his control!

Yes, Bedivere is just a decoy reads;! It doesn’t matter if he gets caught, it doesn’t matter if he is torn apart by five horses! The important thing is the offensive on the other side, the one that can really kill the crimson thorn giant in seconds!

While the Crimson Seed focused on chasing the werewolf youth, the road had been paved, and the Crimson Thorny Giant’s middle door was wide open, full of flaws! The King of Knights quietly and silently circled behind the crimson thorn giant, only ten feet away from its core, and nothing could stop him! !

“Arthur!!” Bedivere yelled, “Now is the chance!!——“

Arthur dashed to the core in the crimson with the imposing aura, and the holy sword that had been charged for a long time was suddenly unsheathed! “Die!!”

———[Double King Blade], move! !

It cuts the air, it cuts the space, and the highly condensed photon blade on the holy sword is like a golden crystal, shining with dazzling golden light! The strong golden light completely immersed everything around!

Plan! ——The light blade easily shattered the core of the Crimson Seed! !

Clap la la la! —— Numerous cracks appeared on the core and began to fall apart! The deep red submerged in golden light suddenly lost its luster! From this ominous red light nucleus, another mysterious white light suddenly seeps As if something was being released from the clutches of evil forces!

“Huh?!” King Arthur was shocked when he saw the white light! —— He vaguely guessed what it was!

That’s something so important that it can’t be damaged with the Crimson Core! At the moment when the sword of the Holy King cut the red core, the King of Knights also grabbed it with one hand, taking the risk of retrieving a white object from the crack of the red core!

And the silence! Everything is immersed in the golden light, and it is as absolute silence as time freezes!

As if all power was taken away, the red core was instantly exhausted, and the power of the crimson thorn giant was immediately overwhelmed by the sky blue vine giant, and the sky blue vine covered the torrent of the crimson thorn! The fate of the crimson thorn giants ended with the complete erosion of the sky blue vine giants!

At the same time, a shock wave was raised, blowing everyone away! Along with this shock, a certain memory flowed into the minds of everyone present in the form of telepathy!

!!() “Act of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vickers. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing A healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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