Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1139: Lost in the Oasis (21)


Chapter 1139 Lost in the Oasis (21)

Paramedis narrowed his cat’s eyes to take a closer look.

The tender pink steak, lying quietly in a sauce full of the aroma of roasted shallots and garlic, is dead but has some kind of startling sense of coercion.

Looking at the color of the meat on the plate, it’s obviously not beef?

The tender pink meat, cooked with a vibrant sheen, seemed to come from a creature higher than a cow, a kind of life full of vitality that, after death, after being cooked into steak, still carried Creatures with an incredible breath of life.

“You must try this.” Dad said with a little pride on his face: “This is the meat of dragon beasts. It’s a good thing I occasionally hunted when I was out hunting half a year ago. Their meat is harder than abalone. Dealing with it, it took our chef to boil the soup for six months before he managed to make such a little edible dragon beast steak. It is no exaggeration to say that this is a rare delicacy in the world.” Dragon Beast Meow? But I heard that dragon blood is poisonous, and most people can’t eat it casually…” Albert looked at the food on the plate curiously.

(Note: Albert’s understanding of dragon blood is very general, and his statement is full of errors. In fact, dragon blood is not poisonous, but dragon blood contains great magic power that ordinary people can’t bear at all, and the body will be affected by drinking it. It was petrified under the blood of the dragon.) “Huhu, this is a drake, not a dragon.” Father Sphinx corrected patiently, as if he was teaching his little grandson: “Although a drake is a A close relative of the dragon, but strictly speaking, there is a difference between the two – the situation is like the difference between a human and a gorilla. Also, the dragon blood in the steak has been carefully cleaned, it can be safe Eat.” “Okay, okay.” The tiger picked up the knife and carefully cut a small piece from the dragon beast steak, and put it into his mouth with a fork.

He thought the dragon meat would be tough, so he couldn’t help but take a big bite. The bite scared the tiger so much that it almost bit off his own tongue.

No, no. Dragon beast meat is not as tough as imagined. On the contrary, it is very tender and full of flavour. It’s succulent yet soft and smooth. After a long time of boiling to soften the meat of the dragon beast, the world’s top chefs carefully cook its outer layer with the perfect heat, allowing the heat of the flame to penetrate into every piece of the dragon beast little by little. in fleshy fibers. As a result, this dragon beast steak became tender on the outside and tender on the inside, smooth and elastic without sticking to the teeth. It tastes a bit like beef, but it tastes a hundred times richer, but it is fragrant.

It has the fragrance of broth and the chewiness of abalone at the same time. The meat fiber is incredibly delicate. After a few bites, it melts instantly like chocolate, seeping into Albert’s tongue and teeth. , and then slowly slide deep into the throat. This touch, this deliciousness, is simply the best in the world!

“Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!” Tiger held his chin and hummed intoxicatedly: “Okay, that’s amazing meow!” Although he practiced table manners all day, I have to cooperate with Father Sphinx in acting, but now that I can eat this dragon meat, all the hard work is worth it! No, he felt that he could eat dragon meat once in his life, and it was worth living in this life!

Daddy Sphinx turned his head to look at Albert and was amused when he saw a little dragon steak sauce on the tiger’s face. He threw the tissue paper for Albert with a smile, and said without temper: “Young man, where have all your manners gone? Don’t worry, eat slowly. There is still a lot of dragon and beast meat in stock, you If you want to eat, next time I will ask the chef to make another for you.” “Really? Thank you in advance!” Tiger wagged his tail excitedly.

“Hehehe, it’s all a family, you’re welcome.” Daddy Lion smiled kindly.

He looked like he was really talking to his little grandson. This god-level acting, this unmoved firmness, if this guy Sphinx is an actor, he will definitely be able to win a certain Golden Man Award awarded every year in Europe. Looking at the face of the Sphinx, Palamides sneaked another glance at Phileos, who was starving as a guard by the box wall. The leopard warrior’s heart couldn’t help but feel a chill.

After Father Sphinx finished the play, he turned to Rosetta, Queen of Gems, and said, “My dear Lady Rosetta, you say you can’t do business with people who don’t have a family. You think there is no family. I’m not prudent enough, right? Now I have called my family, and you have confirmed that they are indeed my family. Now you should be at ease, and are willing to talk business with me?” Finally got to the point. Palamidis swallowed. So far so good, it’s up to Ms. Rosetta to interpret the message of the dinner. The leopard warriors even expected that the Queen of Gems would reject Father Sphinx’s request. After all, the big cat knew best that this underworld boss was really a person with ulterior motives. Palamides’ impression of Rosetta is not bad. If the Queen of Gems rashly agrees to do business with the Sphinx, the big cat will always feel ashamed of this noble lady.

“Hmph, you’re right.” Ms. Rosetta thought for a while, “Since you’ve shown enough sincerity, I can’t keep pushing it. We can talk about that business, but not Today, not now. It’s rare for everyone to gather for dinner, please don’t talk about money-stinking things in front of your children and grandchildren, which will ruin everyone’s elegance.” “Of course.” Sphinx raised his eyebrows, At least his plan was initially successful. As for the outcome of the business they were going to talk about, that’s a matter of the future.

Palramidis secretly felt sorry for Ms. Rosetta. But he had already made an appointment with Father Sphinx, and he couldn’t expose the matter on this occasion, he could only hide everything in his heart.

Daddy Sphinx smiled and waved, “Then, let’s continue with today’s dinner—“Whoosh—–crack! !

Before the lion man’s words were finished, a loud bang exploded in the sky thirty feet from the crystal box, which shocked everyone!

The entire sky was lit by fire, and something exploded!

At the same time, Sahara Desert, City of the Dead, East Wing of Quarantine Zone Zero.

King Arthur and Ivan walked side by side, sneaking in a rather dark jungle, in order to search for the source of the mysterious sound.

Although the jungle is dark and deep, and there may be countless unknown dangers lurking, Evan has a calm face.

His eagle eye is so powerful that the darkness can’t help him at all. Even in such a dark and complicated environment, even though his power has been sealed by the Demon Sealing Glasses and the Demon Sealing Bracelet, the half-dragon youth is still as relaxed and comfortable as walking on the flat ground in the daytime.

Seeing Ivan’s mighty appearance, the knight king beside Ivan seemed very unhappy. After walking for a short distance, Arthur began to complain in a low voice: “Evan, I advise you not to rely too much on the power of those eyes. You should already know that where we are going in the future [that place], everything Magic and talents will be nullified, and your Eagle Eye will be useless. If you don’t get used to fighting without Eagle Eye now, you will suffer in the future.”

“Your Majesty, are you talking about the Dark Continent?” The half-dragon youth turned his head and glanced at King Arthur, and asked tentatively, “So, Your Majesty has decided to take me to the Dark Continent to explore?”

The King of Knights elongated his face: “Looking at the way you are overly reliant on Eagle Eye, I have to think about it again.”

“No way, it’s force majeure.” The half-long youth shrugged helplessly, apparently thinking that it wasn’t his fault: “Even if he was double-sealed, these eyes can still see clearly. I can’t even see if I don’t want to. .

I will try to use a stronger seal in the future to suppress the power of Hawkeye and fight without relying on the power of Hawkeye. But for now, let’s borrow the power of these eyes for a while to ensure your Majesty’s safety. “

“Hmph, I really know how to talk.” The king of knights still had a displeased expression on his face, snorted, and chopped off some plants with his sword: “By the way, you are really an idiot. It is rare to successfully apply for a vacation, Instead of going back to accompany your wife, you come to a place like this to take the Knights of the Round Table exam. It’s a lifetime of misfortune for Elaison to be your wife.”

“Well,” the half-dragon youth hummed disinterestedly, “Elyson will understand what I’m going to do. She is the wife of a knight, and she knows what the knight is after.”

“Selfish thoughts.” Arthur hummed again, full of disdain: “I feel more and more pitiful for Elaison. That child is obviously a great beauty, gentle and kind, and sings. It sounds good.

I really don’t know that she’s the one who’s not right. She would marry you, a wooden man who wants to have no face, be gentle but not gentle, and has a bad character.

Thanks to you, she has made great sacrifices. Now she has to live that lonely and boring life in Attenborough, while her husband is thousands of miles away, chasing some stupid and boring dream——”

“Your Majesty!” The half-dragon youth was a little unhappy, afraid that the other party would continue to talk about hurriedly interrupted King Arthur’s complaint: “This is a problem between me and Elaison, please don’t be too much, Your Majesty. Interject. I’ll find a chance to go back with Elaison. Just…not now.”

“Not now, when is that? Next week? Next month? Next year? Ten years from now?” Arthur sneered disapprovingly, his sermons mean and ruthless: “The elves have a very long life, then The child may be able to wait patiently. But what about you? You’re only half human, a short-lived ghost. Even if [that kind of thing] didn’t happen, your normal lifespan would be less than one-tenth that of elves. Just do the math. Let’s see how many days you can spend with your wife.”

Knight King’s questioning silenced the half-dragon youth for a while. Evan immediately sank into the memories of the past.

[From, see the genuine content for the first time! ]

() “The Legend of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D. Wixas. If you find any content that violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing healthy green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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