Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1138: Lost in the Oasis (20)


Chapter 1138 Lost in the Oasis (20)

“Yeah, it’s been a long time indeed.” Tiger replied calmly, and began to complain endlessly: “Because of that **** round table trial, we’ve been sleeping in the open air for the past few weeks. , not only did not have a good meal, but also was always chased by monsters in the wild. We had to travel from Cairo to Mount Kilimanjaro within three days, and the journey would be exhausting!” Oh, exams. I’ve heard of it.” Jewel Queen Rosetta’s brows loosened a little.

“My sons and I used to live in Great Britain. Recently, I came to Egypt to sit for the Knights of the Round Table exam.” Palamidis hurriedly followed the trend and added, “These spoiled brats just can’t bear any hardship. , ah ha ha ——” “Nothing. Regardless of one’s background, it is a good thing to have lofty aspirations,” Ms. Rosetta nodded and praised: “I heard that the round table trial is a very dangerous and difficult test. Very high test. Since you can take the test and go all the way to this point, it proves that you are very good?” “No, we are just lucky…” Asked the point, Palamidi Si Gang wanted to humbly dodge the past.

Unexpectedly, his son Zephyr suddenly added a sentence: “Dad was an excellent warrior in the army of the orcs. The king of knights is tied, meow.” “Oh, really?!” The queen of gems looked at Palamidis with a little surprise.

They are not fools, they never fight unprepared battles. Knowing that Ms. Rosetta can distinguish the truth from falsehoods, Zephyr can recklessly put out all kinds of amazing facts to bluff people. It is always good to do this. On the one hand, it can bluff the opponent and make the Queen of Jewels Sora constantly amazed, and has no time to ask all kinds of questions that are difficult for them to answer; The somewhat exaggerated statement embarrassed his father Palamidis. Even if this is done out of respect and love for the father, it is also out of jealousy and hatred for the father—hate and love are inherently one.

Palamidis glared at Zephyr with anger, then turned around and hurriedly laughed: “Don’t listen to this kid. Well. Actually, in our last duel, Arthur beat me to the ground. Since then, I have been recaptured by him and had to join his knights.” Because Palamidi at this time Steve had to confess. If that was Sefer’s purpose—to embarrass his father—the brat’s purpose might have been achieved.

“Nevertheless, you are already very good.” The Queen of Gems took a sip of red wine, the ruby ​​red in the glass reflecting on the face of the noble dark elf in the light, adding a bit of rosy to her. color. She breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, “But since your son is so powerful, I’ve never heard you brag about your son, Sphinx?” As if amused, Daddy Lion suddenly thundered. General sneered: “Huhu. Do I look like the kind of person who likes to brag?” “No, of course not.” Ms. Rosetta also smiled sweetly, took a bite of the crystal apple, her eyes full of mystery. For business purposes, it’s probably not a day and a half for these two to deal with each other. They already have a certain degree of understanding of each other. The dialogue at this moment is even more hidden, and there is a lot of fighting behind the seemingly relaxed words. .

The atmosphere became a little tense, but at the same time, the waiters wisely brought the second dish, temporarily interrupting the conversation.

Plates of fragrant and delicious golden corn egg drop soup were placed in front of everyone, and white mist was floating. The lights of the luxury box shone softly in the mist, making people feel like they were in a fairyland.

Although it is golden corn, those corn kernels are actually full of the texture of golden crystal, which is very different from the metallic color. They are beautiful, translucent and elegant, with an extraordinarily clear and luxurious luster in the translucent egg drop soup.

Without the egg yolk, the white egg flower soup base, which is translucent and foggy like a cloud, contrasts with the golden corn. Mysterious color.

The soup before a formal dinner is of course for appetizers and appetite. This egg drop soup is no exception. It cleverly removes the cholesterol in eggs, and is paired with the incomparably rich vitamins and dietary fiber of golden corn, making the whole bowl of soup full of nutrition and health.

In addition to its beautiful color, its fragrance is even more wonderful. It exudes the mellow aroma of eggs, the strong aroma of corn, and the tempting sourness of non-fat sour cream. It is both a healthy starter and an appetizing soup before a feast. It seems that even if you don’t drink it into your stomach, just smelling the fragrance of this dish is enough to arouse people’s appetite.

Palamidis took a cherished sip, and the sweet and sour feeling immediately rippled in the big cat’s throat, making the big cat feel floating!

“Yeah.” Ms. Rosetta put down the spoon and continued the topic: “By the way, Mr. Palamidis, wouldn’t your wife object to you bringing your sons to participate in such a dangerous round table trial? “How could my wife not object. She was still arguing with me the night before I left.” Palamidis smiled wryly, his eyes drifting to Zephyr’s face for a moment, and then again. Kai: “But I have a reason why I have to take the test anyway, and Vivienne will definitely understand it. I don’t want to brag about how strong I am, but I am a survivor, no matter what the next trial is. How hard it is, at least I can survive.” This is the truth. Palamidis, who became an emerald knight, possesses amazing self-healing abilities. Unless his head is completely destroyed in a short period of time, or he is severely wounded with a weapon with [Holy] enchantment, ordinary means cannot kill him at all. Even though most of his power is sealed by the Demon Sealing Bracelet, his ability to save his life will not diminish much. He had never worried about his own survival in this trial.

He worries about his sons. Zephyr and Seglade are just ordinary leopards, and their physical abilities are not much different from other orcs. Along the way, seeing how dangerous the Round Table Trial was, Palamidis grew more and more worried that his sons would lose their lives in such a horrific test. Fortunately, these two boys have participated in several round table trials. If they knew from the beginning that the round table trial was such a dangerous test, Palamidis would definitely stop the two sons from taking the test.

“Hehe, you men are all creatures who go their own way. Anyway—” The Queen of Gems also seemed to sense Palamidis’s true intentions from his words and deeds. But she didn’t say it explicitly, but changed the subject: “Since you are experts in combat, you must know how to save your own life in danger, so I won’t say more. But your mother—children Where’s your grandma? Didn’t she persuade you not to take this kind of exam?” “My mother—” The leopard warrior’s heart tightened, knowing that the one who was coming was still here. Originally an orphan, Palamidis, who had survived by stealing and committing crimes, had no way of answering this question at all.

Fortunately, they were well prepared before attending this dinner, and they knew that the Queen of Gems would definitely ask about Palamidis’ background, so they already had a fixed answer.

Palamidis sighed: “I don’t want to say more about my mother…” As Daddy Sphinx ordered before, if there is no way to answer the question, choose silence .

Papa Sphinx did the rest: “Rowling passed away a long time ago, when this kid wasn’t sensible.” Once again, the majestic lion man was talking Big mouth, brazenly speaking a big lie. Palamidis couldn’t help but wonder in his heart, how powerful self-hypnosis did Father Sphinx rely on to take the lie as the truth, believe it all, and say it?

“Oh…I’m so sorry.” An embarrassed look flashed across Rosetta’s face for a moment, perhaps she’d heard Papa Sphinx saying “truth” ‘, perhaps she realised that she had asked a very rude question and touched a sore spot in Palamides – even though it didn’t exist in the first place.

“No need to be sorry.” Palamidis shook his head gently and finished the soup, “I can’t even remember my own mother. For those I don’t remember, there is no way Mourning, no reminiscence. They didn’t exist in my life from the beginning.” These unfortunate words of Palamides should not have been said on this occasion. But as a wandering child abandoned by his parents since birth and lonely in the world, the leopard warrior always harbors more or less resentment towards his biological parents. When someone accidentally touches the thorn in his heart, the big cat will even release all the negative energy in his heart regardless of the occasion or the The speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention. Everyone present showed complicated expressions, which was quite embarrassing. There was even a mysterious embarrassment on Papa Sphinx’s face, as if Palamidis’ resentment against his biological mother had something to do with him.

But the embarrassment on Daddy Lion’s face quickly disappeared, and he smiled generously: “Don’t say such bad words. Come on, tonight’s main course should come too. Now, let’s eat as much as you like.” Under the father’s order, the waiters in the restaurant brought the main course of the dinner, which was also the most anticipated delicacy — steak.

Or, not a steak, but a steak from another creature?

[From, see the genuine content for the first time! ]

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