Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1110: Seeking secrets in the sand sea (32)


Chapter 1110 Searching for Secrets in the Sand Sea (Thirty-two)

“My God!” Looking at Elaine’s broken arm, the foreman exclaimed: “Call an ambulance! Immediately! There is a safety accident!!”

“No!…I’m fine…good!” Elaine reluctantly knelt on the ground, trying to stay awake: “Mr. Sola, please put me …my hand…picked, picked up…!”

“I’m sorry, my friend.” The magic swordsman handed the severed arm to the bear man, his face full of guilt.

“Yes, it will be fine…” Elaine took her arms. And his arm began to heal at an astonishing rate.

After a few seconds, the arm is drawn back. Except for the blood stains on his arms, everything seemed to have never happened.

“Look, look, connected, no, no problem…” Elaine smiled bravely.

“Oh, God!” The overseer looked at the white bear man with amazing self-healing ability, his face full of surprise. The way he looked at the white bear man, he seemed to be looking at a monster, an alien.

“Foreman, I-I want to get off work early, can I?” Elaine whispered. Although the severed arm was attached, the pain would not simply go away, and the polar bear did not think he could continue to work.

The foreman looked at the pool of blood on the ground and looked a little uneasy: “Okay, you can go back. The salary will be sent to your account — but the lunch box will not be given to you at the construction site!”

“It’s alright.” Solar helped up Elaine, who was pale. “Let’s go, my friend. I’ll treat you tonight.”

Ten minutes later, in a small restaurant on the outskirts of Cairo.

“Hmmm~” The bear man swallowed a large plate of seafood spaghetti, his face full of satisfaction. The sautéed prawns and the tender vegetables work so well together that the umami bursts in Elaine’s throat.

“Is it delicious, my friend?” Solar looked at the intoxicated face of the white bear man and couldn’t help but laugh for a while: “There’s a lot more, eat slowly.”

“Yeah!” After cleaning up the plate of spaghetti, Elaine gulps down the curry, one sip of curry and one sip of Coke, and she can’t stop eating and drinking.

“Speaking of which, your hand doesn’t hurt anymore?” Solar looked at Elaine’s arm. The arm was only hastily bandaged, and the bandage was still oozing blood. When the magic swordsman saw the big movements of the bear man while eating, he couldn’t help worrying that Elaine would use too much force and break his arm again.

“This? No, no, it doesn’t hurt anymore.” Elaine touched her arm subconsciously: “It’s always been like this, compared to the previous, those injuries, it’s nothing. Nothing.”

“But don’t force yourself too hard.” Solar looked at the white bear and persuaded sincerely: “No matter how strong the body’s recovery ability is, if you act too recklessly, you will eat it one day. It’s a pain.”

Elaine was stunned for a moment, and suddenly tears came into her eyes: “Dad, I used to say this often…”

“Your father?”

“Well…Dad is a very, very great adventurer.” The polar bear filled his stomach with a sip of Coke and recalled the past: “I walked with my father and traveled half the world. , in order to find and retrieve a certain key. Although the Master said that it is no longer necessary, but traveling and traveling with my father, the life is really happy. If that kind of life can, can continue forever That’s it.”

“Really.” Solar asked thoughtfully, “So, where is your father now?”

The white bear man’s face darkened for a moment: “Trapped, trapped in some ruins. I thought and wanted to save my father many times, but I was too, too weak.”

“That’s why you want to be a Knight of the Round Table and use the power of the Knights to save your father?”

“Hmm, um!” Ice Bear gently wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes: “Wish… can it be fulfilled…”

“It will definitely be achieved. In order to save your father, you have worked very hard.” Solar said: “There is no wasted effort in this world, and you will definitely be rewarded for your hard work. You can’t be a knight of the round table. If you still want to save your father, please call me to help.”

“Yes, but, Mr. Solar…”

“My friend, you saved my life just now, and it is only natural for me to help you.” The magic swordsman said with a smile: “Although it is impossible to give you water during the exam, I will definitely do anything other than the exam. It is obligatory to help to the end.”

The white bear man hesitated for a while: “But, that relic is really, really dangerous. I have the ability to regenerate, even if I break a broken arm or a foot, I can recover, but you…”

“I’m fine. I can protect myself, my friend.” Solar insisted, “Can’t you trust me?”

“I don’t, that’s not what I meant.” Elaine thought for a while. “Then… well, thank you, thank you, Mr. Solar. You’re just like Bedivere. Nice guy.”

“Oh, did Bedivere promise to help you too?”

“Hmm, um! With Bedivere and you here, I, I’m much more at ease.” Elaine smiled happily.

Solar was silent for a while, looking at the white bear man: “May I take the liberty to ask you a question? Who do you think is better than Mr. Bedivere?”

“It’s…hard to say…” Elaine took another bite of curry, thinking.

“Doesn’t take into account factors such as weapons, just look at strength?” Solar continued to ask: “Tell me with your intuition, I fight him with fists, do I have a chance of winning?”

The white bear was stunned again: “Well… Mr. Solar can, may lose.”

Sure enough.

“Thank you, my friend. You are very honest.” The magic swordsman laughed generously: “It seems that I have to step up my training.”

“There is one more question – please continue to answer me with intuition: among our candidates, who do you think is the strongest person?”

Elaine had just cleaned up the plate of curry that was moderately sweet and spicy, and tasted very good. The moment he put down the spoon, an image of a person suddenly appeared in his mind.

But why is that person? It’s a bit unreasonable, isn’t it? Even Elaine finds it strange.

“Who did you think of just now? Don’t hesitate, please tell me.” The magic swordsman urged: “Trust your intuition.”

“Then… well.” Elaine scratched her head: “I just saw, well, it seems to be that guy named Mordred.”


Solar was surprised by the answer. Elaine believed that the strongest candidate was not Tristan or Evan, the chief, nor Palamidis or Bedivere. It turned out to be the white-haired boy Mordred who had only one relationship with them.

“Because his whole body exudes an aura of danger and danger like a wild beast.” Wiping his mouth with a napkin, the white bear man said in a low voice, “More dangerous and dangerous than anyone else. What a terrible person. I and I Dad went on adventures outside and outside together, and I have seen a lot of terrifying and terrifying beasts, but I have never seen or seen such a terrifying one.”

“He’s not human.” The bear man rarely showed a serious expression.

At the same time, in the subterranean glass sea of ​​the Sahara Desert, in a certain golden ship.

“Here.” Arthur looked at another large gate in front of the corridor. From the surrounding arrangement, it should be the bridge of the sand ship behind the gate.

“Wait, let me open it.” Bedivere shoved the keystone in his hand into the keyhole in the center of the gate.

Kala la la la—a series of complex mechanisms on the gate move, and soon shrink into countless circuit-board-like objects that are absorbed by the keystone. The remaining two large gates became unlocked automatic gates, which opened automatically from both sides.

And the otherwise dark room behind the door was also lit up, revealing its true appearance in a soft pale golden light.

Bediver looked around, and the bridge of this battleship was huge and spacious. In addition to the captain’s seat in the middle, there are several places that appear to be the control seat and the bombardment control seat. However, there are no windows in the bridge, so I don’t know how to see the outside scenery from here.

“Very good ship.” Arthur also walked into the bridge to observe the environment: “Sure enough, it is similar to the ship system of Great Britain, is it a legacy left by the gods?”

“” A voice said suddenly.

“Huh?” The werewolf looked in the direction of the source of the sound, and saw a spherical holographic image emerging from a disc on the ground five yards in front of the captain’s seat.

“dekee sund denuua.” It was making a series of mechanical sounds that no one could understand.

“What are you talking about? Who’s going to translate?” Bedivere wondered.

“Translate, translate.” The holographic image ball began to imitate what Bedivere said, “The language parsing module is 80% complete, and simultaneous translation begins.”

“Huan—welcome you, Acting Captain.” The thing was beginning to speak intelligible words.

“Acting captain? Me?!” Bedivere subconsciously clenched the keystone in his hand.

“Please put the key into the activation port of the captain’s seat.” The holographic image ball said again. Its icy, inorganic voice is very much like someone the werewolf has met…” the werewolf whispered.

“What are you talking about?” Arthur asked curiously, unable to hear Bedivere’s muttering.

“No, it’s nothing.” The werewolf vaguely said one sentence. In his memory, his wife Lian Yin had been killed by the “Snow White God” together with his son Husky. They have become the past, and it is meaningless to mourn now.

Bediver approached the metallic captain’s seat and found a square groove on the right armrest of the seat, which seemed to fit the keystone. The werewolf put the keystone into the groove in the mood to try it out.

“Ignition completed. Multipurpose tactical transport ship No. 137 Muldersandia is officially launched. I am the auxiliary system of the ship, Eve, please log in with your username, acting captain Sir.”

This book is first published from, see the genuine content for the first time! –xs9h+10293628–>() “Act of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only Committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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