Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1096: Searching for secrets in the sand sea (18)


Chapter 1096: Searching for Secrets in the Sand Sea (18)

“That’s great.” Sha Xing smiled smugly, and the matter was easier to solve than he thought: “It’s great to have such a considerate brother-in-law like you.”

“Uh, what did you just say?!” Lancelot frowned in confusion.

“Oh no no no.” Shaxing knew that he had missed the point, and quickly changed his words: “I mean, it’s great that Charlotte has a brother like you.”

“Why did you suddenly get involved with my sister?”

Shaxing deliberately diverted the topic to muddle through: “Then, I’m taking these two brats to log in to that game now, probably before dinner tonight. Can you help us muddle through during this time?”

“Of course.” After deciding to assist the evil stars and the others, Lancelot became very good at talking: “The lake area is so big, this matter will not be broken by anyone. I’m here to fish for an afternoon, and so on. Come back.”

“Very well, take this.” Xinghuilong took out a golden dragon scale from his arms. The crystal clear scales were about the size of a fingernail and shone with golden brilliance in the sunlight: “This is the application of The scale of the special positioning spell, hold it, and we can teleport to you at any time. This kind of thing was originally used by me and Arthur for the contract, but this time there is a special reason, so I temporarily borrow it I’ll give it to you.”

“Thank you, it’s my honor.” Without the slightest doubt, Lancelot collected the dragon scales: “What about you? Are you planning to use a spell to teleport there?”

Lancelot is not stupid, he knows that only dragons can pass the teleportation spell of dragons – this is one of the most common senses in the Knights.

“You don’t need to worry about this, I have already thought of a solution.” Shaxing took out the crystal candy box from his arms: “Go in, little devils.”

“It’s this…narrow Wang again.” Husky complained.

“This time I will use magic to shrink you even smaller, so there will be no problem, right?” Speaking of this, Shaxing was also angry: “But you have to stay calm, don’t be on my side anymore. The mouth suddenly became bigger. If something like that happens in the space-time channel, I can’t protect you!”

Husky and Hal looked at each other and shrugged together. They’ve already been locked in a candy box once, so they shouldn’t panic this time.

The evil star held the heads of the two orc teenagers and instantly reduced them into a candy box. Then he quickly closed the lid and put the whole candy box in his mouth.

“So it is.” Lancelot watched quietly, not frightened by Xinghuilong’s astonishing move.

“Hmm…” Shi Xing couldn’t speak with a big box in his mouth. He didn’t bother to talk to Lancelot, so he opened the portal and jumped in.

Seconds later, the vision of the two orc teenagers was restored from darkness – the evil star spat out the crystal candy box that contained them.

As soon as he crawled out of the box, Husky’s body grew rapidly, disarming the shrinking magic applied to him.

“You guys are so slow, this prince has been waiting for a long time.” As soon as he saw Husky and others appear, the little fish-man prince Calvin began to complain.

“Here is—” The canine boy looked around and found himself in the blue crystal sand cave in the center of the battleship. The beautiful crystal sand is still spread all over the ground as yesterday, and next to it is the crystal clear warm water lake where the crystal dolphins live.

That’s right. Calvin was waiting here at noon, so when Shaxing took Husky and the others to teleport, he teleported directly to this beach. That’s fine, saving Husky and the others the trouble of swimming through that long waterway.

“Hal also brought a lifebuoy over here, the cat.” The leopard boy was well prepared this time, thinking that the equipment he brought would come in handy, but he did it unexpectedly.

“At least you didn’t have the wrong swimsuit.” Husky forced a wry smile and began to undress, down to a pair of swimming trunks. Considering they’re going into that water (electrolyte) spy chamber again – they’ll be soaking wet by then – bringing swimsuits was a wise decision.

“So thoughtful,” Calvin sneered at Husky: “Hehe—if you’re afraid of getting your clothes wet, it’s okay to take off your clothes before entering the spy cabin.”

“No need, thank you Wang.” Husky rolled his eyes at the little murloc prince.

“So, Bit?” Prince Calvin shouted from the lake, trying to summon the Crystal Dolphin.

“Beep~” The dolphin popped out of the water with half of its head, and immediately shrank back, as if in a fit of temper.

“What are you playing? Bit, come and help us activate the spy pod!” The murloc prince stamped his feet angrily, rustling the blue crystal sand on the beach.

“Beep.” This time, the dolphin showed a tail from the water and waved a few times at the crowd. That action is like saying to everyone: “I quit it.”

“What is he doing?” Calvin looked a little embarrassed: “He’s not usually like this, he’s always been good…”

“He’s jealous.” The evil star suddenly said: “This fish took us to that game for an entire afternoon yesterday, but it was in the form of a ball of light and couldn’t play with us. Probably. It’s because I can only watch us play and feel bored.”

The murloc prince was stunned for a while. At first, he thought that the evil star was joking, but after thinking about it, he felt that the evil star’s analysis was very correct. The Crystal Dolphins would be pitiful if they were the only ones playing and Bit could only watch.

“Bit…” Calvin scratched his head dejectedly: “Then what do you want Calvin to do? — Well, we’ll play with you here for a while, and then you Take us into the game, is that ok?”

“Beep~beep!” Bit jumped high out of the water in dissatisfaction, did a backflip, and fell back into the water. He raised a big wave and drenched the little murloc prince who was standing not far from the shore.

The wave even spread more than ten yards behind Calvin, submerging to the knees of Husky and others. Fortunately, Husky and Hal had taken off their clothes and were only wearing swimming trunks, otherwise they would not have escaped the fate of their clothes getting wet.

“Ow!” Prince Calvin wiped the water from his face: “You kid…!”

The canine boy is trying his best to hold back his laughter.

“Playing with you little **** is just a matter of a moment.” Sha Xing continued to analyze: “And then he will take you to that game and accompany you all afternoon. It’s me. I would never want to.”

“Then what are you thinking, Beetle?!” Calvin said angrily.

“Beep—” The crystal dolphin swam up and down the water, seemingly reluctant to pay attention to the little murloc prince.

“Let’s do it,” Shaxing advised: “Let’s talk to Cameron and give this stupid fish a role. So he can follow us on adventures and not get bored?”

“Beep~” Bit seemed to understand Shaxing’s words, and thought the proposal was a good one, and wagged his tail towards Chaoxing Huilong as if to please him.

“You will please whoever gives you a favor? You little bastard.” Calvin glared at the crystal dolphin.

“Beep.” Bit turned his head and avoided the eyes of the little murloc prince—so angry that Calvin screamed.

Several crystal pillars appeared out of thin air again on the beach. These photon network deep submarine spy capsules were connected to the main body of the battleship, and only the brain waves of Bits could activate them.

Husky can’t help but give the stupid cute bit a respectful look. The canine boy knew that no matter how the mermaids claimed to have control of this battleship, the real owner of this battleship was actually this crystal dolphin. Without Bits, many functions of this battleship would not function properly at all.

“Tsk…” Calvin took off his soaked shirt and beach shorts, wearing only one pair of pants, and climbed into the spy cabin carelessly: “Anyway, let’s go. It’s dinner time. Only six hours left.”

“Six hours is not enough, kids these days are really fun.” Sha Xing took the opportunity to sneer, he had transformed into a little golden dragon and flew to sit on top of Husky’s head. Just like yesterday, because the number of espionage cabins was not enough for the people present, Sha Xing had to squeeze in the same spy cabin with the canine boy.

“Wait.” Calvin suddenly thought of something, and stuck his head out of the espionage cabin again and asked: “Speaking of which, if you can cast the marking magic on this prince and teleport to Calvin at any time—— –Does it also mean that you can cast magic on Bit, or mark directly on this beach? In that case, you can directly teleport here, isn’t it more convenient to use the espionage cabin in the future?”

“Huhu, unfortunately that’s not possible.” Shaxing sneered and shook his head: “This beach, as well as that stupid jelly-like fish, have powerful enchantments on their bodies, marking magic can’t work here. This kind of enchantment lasts for a long time, and it will lose its effectiveness after a few hours. This should be the core part of the battleship, right? This is the most basic anti-intrusion facilities. So, marking you is the only feasible way — Do you want me to erase that mark?”

“Oh, no no no—” Calvin shook his head Afraid that the evil star would suddenly change his mind: “That’s good. It’s good if you like it.”

Shaxing smiled slyly and did not continue.

Actually, if you really want to work hard, the supernaturally powerful Xinghui Longshaxing does have a way to make an anchor for teleportation magic on this blue crystal beach.

But he doesn’t bother to do it, nor does it need to, or even avoid it as much as possible. The magic mark he made on Calvin, the little murloc prince, was not only to help the teenagers enter that virtual game world, but also for Shaxing’s own ulterior purpose.

Only this group of innocent teenagers would believe in Xinghui Longshaxing, believing that this malefic uncle would unconditionally help them enter the game and play.

And what the evil star is planning, only he knows. –6139+201502–>

() “The Legend of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D. Wixas. If you find any content that violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing healthy green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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