Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1074: Explore in the dark night (27)


Chapter 1074 Exploring the Dark Night

Shaxing chopped off his right leg! !

His entire thigh below the bone was chopped off with his lightsaber! !

“Uh!” Daniel’s face turned blue with fright and shivered: “You, you, you, you, you are crazy!?”

“Not crazy!” Shi Xing fell to the ground feebly, the severe pain of his broken leg made him a little dizzy. But he was using a lightsaber, and if he cut his limbs properly, he could scorch the flesh and stop the bleeding. At least he won’t die from a massive hemorrhage.

“Boy, do you have a rope? Give me the rope and help me tie my broken leg.”

“What do you want to do?!”

“I heard that there is a doctor in this game who can help players recover the severed limbs. In other words, as long as they can get out of here alive, it will be fine?”

Daniel remained silent, took out a long, thick hemp rope from his inventory, tied one side to Shaxing’s broken leg and the other to Shaxing’s waist.

“Then… another one!” Xinghuilong resisted the pain and slashed at his left shoulder with a knife!

Pop! He also chopped off his left arm! During the whole process, he didn’t even hum, but instead, Daniel screamed for him.

“You don’t, don’t it hurt?!” The apprentice knight thought it was incredible.

“It hurts. It hurts.” Enduring the severe pain of a broken arm and a broken leg, Sha Xing sneered calmly: “Although it’s a game, Arthur, this bastard, still made this game very fucking. It’s true! … But it’s just right! It would be boring if you didn’t do it!”

Daniel finally understood that the boy in front of him was actually a tough guy. Although it looks very different from the image of [man] on the surface, Sha Xing is such a strong man. The sky falls in front of his eyes without being moved by his color, and he is not afraid even if he cuts flesh and bones when necessary. This seemingly ordinary “teenager” is actually a tough man who cannot be compared with many heroes and heroes in the world.

However, he’s also pretty crazy.

“You really are crazy…why do you do this for a stupid game…” Daniel tied the left arm that Shaxing had cut off and tied it around Xinghuilong’s waist.

In this way, the evil star can drag his broken arm and broken leg through the stone crack. Although he still looks unlikely to get through.

“Don’t ask me why, you can find the answer yourself.” Shaxing crawled on the ground with his right arm, carefully digging into the cracks of the stone: “Then, I’m leaving. Follow me if you like, no If you’re happy, just stay in this cave and wait until the world is old. I don’t have time to play with a kid like you.”

The evil star who cut off one hand and one foot reduced its cross-sectional area, and it really went into the crack of the rock without a problem——that’s incredible!

Daniel looks at the male star in surprise and walks further and further away. The whole cave immediately quieted down, and even Calvin’s lighting ball went out, and it became darker and darker everywhere.

(Will die here?)

(A person, alone, dying in such a place?!)

“Wait…!” The young apprentice knight was frightened.

“Don’t leave me alone…!” He tried to squeeze through the crack.

Impossible! Whenever he squeezed his whole body forward, hoping to let this body pass through the narrow stone crack, the severe pain on the stone wall would feed back to his whole body. This crystal-filled passageway is not only narrow, it is also like a **** full of needles. Whoever wants to squeeze through it will definitely be cut to pieces by the red crystal!

“Ow!—” Daniel couldn’t take the pain and backed away. Impossible is impossible! He can’t escape from here, he will die here!

For him, it’s all over. He cannot escape, he will die here, he will be deleted, he will be expelled from the Knights.

He will go back to his slum like a stray dog ​​and continue his muddy life.

He sits against the wall with his legs folded, contemplating his life regretfully.

Waste is waste. People who lose at the starting line from birth are destined to never succeed in their entire lives, destined to be degenerate, decadent, and forever rolling in the quagmire of poverty and despair.

Want to be a knight? From the very beginning, it was a delusion, an extravagant hope that the people at the bottom could never achieve.

Give it up.

He opens the inventory menu, intending to log out of the game.

He was afraid of hardship, fatigue, pain, and death, and he was not suitable for this crazy life that risked his life every day.

Leave the **** out of here, then take the initiative to admit your incompetence and quit your job with the Order.

How can he be compared to a hero like the Grand Duke Shaxing?

However, is that really the case?

The conditions are almost the same. Didn’t the evil star just use a human body with only one level to defeat an adult red fire dragon?

There is no support for any skills, no good equipment, and some are just an ordinary lightsaber.

Shining’s combat skills aren’t even great. As a dragon, he is not used to fighting in human form at all, and his swordsmanship is even worse, only slashing and slashing indiscriminately.

So, why?

Is the difference between them really that big?

What is the difference between them? !



He was frantic, squeezing desperately into the cracks.

This time, he went out of his way.

This time, he ignored the pain of being cut by the crystal, and didn’t bother to care about the possibility that he would get stuck in the crack of the stone.

The body moved like a worm. It was ugly and humble to the extreme, and the body was gradually cut by the sharp stone thorns in the crystal passage.

“Hmm! —— Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh on.

It hurts so bad, it hurts all over my body.

It hurts, but it’s proof of being alive.

As long as he has this constant pain on his body, he knows he is alive and not completely dead.

As long as he is alive, he must continue to move forward. No, maybe it’s not even about leaving this ghost place anymore,

Just to see how far I can go.

Then, of course, feeling that he was going numb, his whole body was swallowed up by the cold, and when he could barely move, a hand pulled him out of the passage.

“Brother Daniel Wang.” Husky patted the apprentice knight’s face a few times: “Is there any interest Wang? Wait a minute, Husky will heal you Wang.”

The almost unconscious Daniel only felt a warm current flow from the opponent’s palm and toward his wound.

He opened his eyes slightly and said in a low voice, “I thought you…have… gone back…?”

“They sent Uncle Shaxing back to heal first, but Husky was the only one who blew. Husky knew you would escape.”

“You here…waiting for me?” Daniel wiped the blood on his face with his scarred arm, in fact the blood had been mixed with his tears and had been diluted a lot: “You actually believe that I’ll get out…I’m like…”

“Husky knew that big brother is not the kind of person who gives up easily.” The canine boy smiled and took out the teleportation scroll from the inventory: “Let’s go back?”

“Go back…” Daniel fell into a coma before he could answer. He fell into a coma from the blood loss, but it didn’t cost him his life. Because Husky had already taken Daniel and used the teleportation scroll to return to the Altar of Eternity. In towns, the player’s health is locked and will never die.

“Let’s rest here, brother Daniel Wang.” Husky put the apprentice knight next to the campfire at the Altar of Eternity, but was worried about Uncle Shaxing’s condition, and immediately ran to the doctor’s clinic.

“What happened to Uncle Sha Xing?” he asked as soon as he rushed in.

“Shh! You’re interrupting my work!” The doctor was operating on the evil star, taking back the limbs that Long had cut off without authorization. Of course, for Husky and the others, the images of excessive blood, blood, violence, and violence have been blocked by the system, and what Husky saw in front of his eyes was only the evil star surrounded by mosaics.

“It’s a big fuss.” Shaxing half sat on the operating table, allowing the doctor to play with his body, connecting his blood vessels and nerves with extremely thin sutures.

He may have been under local anesthesia so he doesn’t know the pain, but even so, it is absolutely impossible for a normal person to be so calm during the operation.

“Uncle Sha Xing is okay, meow.” Hal explained in a low voice, “The operation went well. The doctor said the incisions on the hands and feet were smooth, and it was a piece of cake to take it back, meow. Uncle Sha Xing was slaughtered. That dragon, the money from selling the materials is just enough to cover the cost of the surgery, so you don’t have to worry about it at all, meow.”

“Okay.” Husky glanced at Shixing: “But Uncle Shixing, you are too stupid. How can you do such a thing that hurts yourself at will.”

“I don’t need you **** to teach me a lesson—Ow!” He howled: “What are you doing?! Was that intentional?!”

“Sorry, there are occasional mistakes,” the doctor said. He seemed to have sewed a certain blood vessel or nerve wrong just now, which brought an unimaginable pain to the evil star.

Of course, this also means——

“Uncle Shaxing, you didn’t use anesthesia?!” Husky’s expression changed.

“It’s all said, there’s no need to make such a fuss.” Xinghuilong squeezed out a sneer: “This little injury is like a joke. You guys are short of money, so save the cost of the anesthetic.”

“And you didn’t stop him from doing that?!” Husky looked at Hal and Calvin reproachfully.

The leopard boy shrugged helplessly: “Uncle Sha Xing is very stubborn Okay, the operation is complete.” The doctor has completely sewed Sha Xing’s arm, and even the muscles and skin are perfect It was sutured, leaving only a small scar.

He smeared disinfectant on Shaxing’s arm, while commanding: “Take more rest these days, don’t be too foolish. Otherwise, your foolish left hand and foolish right foot will definitely break again. drop.”

“It turns out that this guy Constantine is also a poor mouth in the game.” Sha Xing couldn’t help muttering.

The crowd laughed bitterly. –6139+126321–>


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