Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1072: Explore in the dark night (25)


Chapter 1072 Exploring the Dark Night (25)

At the same time, in a virtual world.

“Ha!” Sha Xing swung his lightsaber, the blade’s trajectory just catching up with the attack of the dragon’s claws. The two collided, producing a violent reaction, and the Shaxing side received a greater impact, and was bounced several yards and lost its balance.

“Die!” The dragon roared and chased after him, using his huge claws to grab the evil star, which was covered in flaws.

“Humph!” Jin Twinkle sneered and fell to the ground. The red dragon’s sharp claws filled with fiery red light slid over the head of the evil star, grabbing an empty space.

“Is that so?” Shaxing twisted his body for a while before landing, swung his lightsaber with all his strength, and slashed at the dragon’s empty arm. This time, he made the move after careful planning and careful observation, because he saw Arthur do the same thing, and there is no possibility that the evil star could not do it.

As expected, the fire dragon’s arms were originally covered with indestructible dragon armor, but these dragon scales also had gaps. Sha Xing’s exquisite sword, just bypassed the toughest part of the dragon armor, and slashed through the gap between the scales.

Pop! It’s hard to cut it in! The light blade slashed the flesh and blood on the dragon’s arm, making a continuous sound like a chainsaw. At the same time, green light splashed around, and the excess photon particles flew like sparks, reflecting the dark cave!

And the evil star just fell to the ground at this time. He supported the ground with his hands and dragged it with his strength!

Paza! The entire arm of the fire dragon was cut off!

“Wow ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!” Then came the heart-piercing scream of the giant dragon!

“Too noisy!” Jin Twinkle got up from the ground and kicked away the broken arm of the dragon beside him: “A little injury can make you scream like this, I’m not as worthless as you!”

“What is he talking about?” the apprentice knight Daniel, who was watching the battle, asked suspiciously.

The little friends beside him shook their heads. Few of them know the details of Xinghuilong, and it is even more impossible to know the secrets between Xinghuilong and this red fire dragon.

The red fire dragon has been greatly damaged and has begun to change its attack mode. He used the remaining arm to cover his body, and at the same time attacked with fireballs and pillars of fire spit out of his mouth.

Swipe, swipe, swipe! ——-The dragon claws with red light roared in the dim cave. The evil star kept rolling and dodging, and at the same time avoiding the fireballs ejected by the dragon.

Touch! bump! bump! bump! ——-The fireball exploded in the cave, and there were flashes of fire everywhere, and the cave began to become brighter.

The figure of a (pseudo) boy with blond hair and golden armor with a medium stature caught the dragon’s eyes.

The current Shaxing is not very strong. He plays this game as a human. He doesn’t have many muscles on his body, and he still wears paper armor. Our standard lightsaber. Everything about him is so humble and ridiculous!

The whole body exudes a beautiful and dazzling fiery red brilliance, and the figure of the majestic and burly giant beast is also reflected in the eyes of the evil star.

This dragon, which has lived for tens of thousands of years, is at the age of youth and strength. The crimson dragon armor on his body is actually translucent. It is only under the influence of the excess light of the firelight and the photon itself that such a fiery red beauty appears, and there is a flame burning in every piece of the lin. The bright golden eyes are the most beautiful decorations that adorn this red fire dragon, just like the gold diamonds set on the ruby ​​colossus.

The greatest and strongest epic photonic creature, against the smallest and weakest human beings.

The disparity in strength is as great as the sky and the earth. Facing this hopeless and inevitable battle, there was no fear on Sha Xing’s face.

History repeats itself. He knew that a miracle that had happened to him was going to happen again, it’s just a reversal of positions.

Plan! The sharp claws brushed across Shaxing’s chest, tearing only the clothes. He flanked, briefly avoiding it.

Swipe again! The sharp claws slid across the top of Shaxing’s head, only cutting off a few strands of hair. He crouched down slightly, dodging easily.

Swipe! The dragon’s sharp claws danced wildly, instantly raising dozens of arcs of light, overwhelming the sky and grabbing every vital point of Jin Shining’s body. The evil star turned back and slipped through the gap between the dragon’s claws!

Swipe, swipe, swipe! The dragon’s claws were violently grabbing, but Jin Twinkle rolled, crouched, and blocked with his sword, always reluctantly brushing past death in the nick of time!

He’s been out of the loop, focusing on dodging. On the surface, the dragon that was in the upper hand became more and more impatient. ——Why, why do you always miss? ! Could this weak human being be able to avoid death? !

After calmly dodging hundreds of attacks, Shaxing strikes. It was just one blow, but it was a sure-kill blow.

This sword slashed the right claw of the red dragon! From the part of the wrist joint, through the gap between the scales, cut off the epidermis, cut off the muscle, cut off the bone, and cut off the entire dragon’s arm!

"呃啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!!!!!!!!"鲜血喷洒,龙一阵钻心的疼痛! Just when he lost his balance due to the pain, Sha Xing charged forward with his sword and came to the fire dragon! He stepped on the fallen dragon’s right arm and jumped onto the dragon’s chest!

“Roar!!” Knowing that the situation was not good, the red dragon spit out a fireball at the oncoming teenager!

Shaxing swings his sword to fly the fireball, ignoring the burns on his arm due to the heat of the fireball.

He landed firmly in front of the dragon’s chest scales, the tip of his sword pointed directly at the heart of the fire dragon.

The fire dragon also opened its mouth of blood, ready to bite the boy to death!

The evil star sneered, and with a twist of the sword, he stabbed the red fire dragon’s throat with his lightsaber! The big mouth of the big fire dragon had no resistance at all. The lightsaber penetrated the upper jaw of the monster unobstructed, and pierced deeply into the head of the red fire dragon! !

“I remember this moment.” Sha Xing sneered, clenching his arms. His hand was deep in the dragon’s mouth, and the dragon’s sharp teeth cut Shaxing’s wrist, but did no particularly serious damage. Because the head of the red fire dragon had been destroyed by the lightsaber, and the dragon’s cranial nerves had been severely damaged, and it was impossible to move it at all.

“As expected, that idiot Arthur still showed mercy to me. At that time, he stabbed my heart with a sword instead of directly attacking the head from the mouth.” After changing the angle and experiencing the original battle, Sha Xing couldn’t help muttering: “If it were a guy like me, I would have killed your stupid dragon long ago.”

“Uh…uh!…” Blood gushed out of the fire dragon’s throat, even from his seven orifices. The fire dragon seemed to be shedding blood and tears. This is already a fatal blow, everything is a foregone conclusion.

The next second, the red fire dragon’s body disintegrated, and the props on the ground exploded.

The evil star also landed: “The props you want, pick them up.”

“Uncle Shaxing…” Hal came over and looked at Xinghuilong’s arm.

“Oh, this? It’s not as serious as it looks.” Sha Xing wiped the blood on his arm, which had dozens of cuts made by the dragon’s teeth, because the dragon’s teeth easily penetrated the Sha Xing’s The paper-pasted armguards made his arms look bloody.

“But…it hurts, meow?” Hal said with a frown as he held Shaxing’s arm. Xinghuilong is different from Hal, the pain is not blocked by the system, so the injury in the game is as painful as in reality.

Hal unleashes a combat technique – his newly learned [Self-Healing Enhancement] – which can not only heal himself, but also provide teammates with less health benefits through physical contact. efficient treatment.

The wound on Shaxing’s arm slowly healed, albeit only on the epidermis.

“Thank you. I think I should say thank you.” Sha Xing said coldly, although he felt that he didn’t need to be treated at all: “Kids, have you got what you want? Then we should go. .”

“Wait ——” Husky was busy picking up the last item on the ground: “Okay. After all, Uncle Shaxing is amazing! I don’t rely on any skills, I challenge one by myself. The real Longwang.”

Shaxing smiled smugly: “Huhu, of course. That guy has something to do with me, and I can’t be more familiar with his movements. If I’m not so familiar with him, this battle may be more difficult than I imagined. Much more difficult.”

“Are you related?” Daniel frowned as he looked at the evil star, and at the pool of blood left by the red dragon on the ground—the dragon’s body had disintegrated, and it could be said that there was no evidence of death.

“Huhu…I’m the red dragon.” Sha Xing smiled mysteriously, his words full of self-deprecation: “That red fire dragon is the way I first met Arthur. This battle It’s a re-enactment of our fight back in the day, albeit with a little difference in the details. I just [killed] myself.”

The little murloc prince Calvin looked at Xinghuilong in disbelief and asked suspiciously: “Which dragon are you? The red fire dragon?! How is this possible…”

They haven’t seen the true dragon form of the Shaxing, only the Shaxing in golden armor, the humanoid form, and the shrunken little lizard form of the Shaxing. But no matter what, it is impossible for a red fire dragon to become a golden dragon, right?

“There’s a long story in it.” Sha Xing waved his hand and put away his lightsaber: “I won’t tell you anyway, so don’t ask too much.”

There is a little-known story in the process of Shaxing’s transformation from a red fire dragon to a star dragon.

Thinking that Xingxing was maliciously selling off, the teenagers couldn’t help but glance at Xinghuilong at the same That…” Ha Er asked curiously, but embarrassedly asked: “In the fight back then, you and Ya Who the **** won Uncle Se, meow? You were defeated meow? “

“No, we were tied.” Sha Xing admitted frankly: “But now it seems that he should have been able to kill me directly at that time.”

“Wait.” After listening for a long time, apprentice knight Daniel finally couldn’t help but ask: “You have been talking about Arthur, Arthur. The Arthur you are talking about, shouldn’t it really be… …”

Xinghuilong grinned and laughed hilariously: “It’s your Majesty the King of Great Britain, kid.”


…() “Act of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to Provide a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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