Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1058: Explore in the dark night (11)


Chapter 1058 Probe in the Dark Night (Eleven)

Zheng! ——As the werewolf raised his sword and drew out, a crisp sound rang out in the empty square.

The sound of the lizard-tooth dagger cutting through the air, just like the roar of the ancient bell when it was unsheathed just now, was only amplified several times and reverberated continuously during the sword dance.

People in the distance cast curious glances at the werewolf.

Zheng! —— hum —— hum hum! As the frequency of Bedivere’s sword swing increased, the blade cut through the air, and the sound was also intensified. One after another, the ancient bell-like sword sounds superimposed on each other. The werewolf has been using this lizard-tooth dagger for a while, but he has never seen such a strange phenomenon. Sure enough, it was because old man Odin did something to the sword, changing the nature of the dagger itself?

Passers-by nearby all stopped, and many people who knew the goods even closed their eyes and listened, listening to the unique sound of this short sword as if listening to the sound.

The werewolf just feels ashamed, he’s a full-blown busker now. But it all started, and it was even more embarrassing to stop halfway, and Bedivere had no choice but to go out and swing the sword more vigorously.

Buzz buzz buzz! The sword light danced wildly, and in the dark night, a cold light shone loomingly.

——— pop! Suddenly there was a strange noise mixed in.

Smack zi zi zi! —At the same time as the sword dance, the lizard tooth dagger shone with lightning.

One after another golden arc, along the trajectory of the blade, left afterimages in the air——gold afterimages! The thunder and lightning that burst out as the sword dance accelerated, seemed to be one of the hands and feet of Father Odin again. Not only does it increase the gorgeousness of the blade dancing, but it should even have some kind of special effect—probably using electric shock to cause extra damage, right?

“My God—” The shop owner took a breath: “In this era, there are still people who made magic weapons by hand!” Magic weapons? Bedivere muttered inwardly. Maybe it’s a weapon with a special enchantment. I have seen a lot of this kind of weapon, Bedivere, and I didn’t think these magic weapons were rare.

But if you think about it, it doesn’t seem to be the case – as small as Bedivere’s Hydra dagger, as large as Arthur’s Dragon Martial Flame Dagger, which magic weapon with special effects Isn’t it priceless?

The werewolf continued to wield the lizard-tooth dagger, watching the electric light from the dagger grow brighter and brighter, drawing golden tracks in the air. This should be a weapon that uses the electrons in the environment to generate electricity the more it is swung. In the past, Palamides and the others could use weapon plug-ins to achieve similar effects, but the power bonus brought by weapon plug-ins was very small after all, and it was incomparable to the electric shock effect that comes with this weapon enchantment.

So, is this mutated lizard-tooth dagger really worth a fortune?

“Oh!” Bedivere heard tutts from the people around him. He was a little proud and danced his dagger even more vigorously. The trajectory of the lightning almost surrounded Bedivere, forming a lightning sphere with a radius of about two yards with him at the center. The electricity and light are interacting with each other, gathering energy and becoming very unstable.

The weapon merchant felt vaguely bad, and immediately called Bedivere: “Enough, enough! Stop wielding that **** dagger!” “Uh!” The werewolf was suddenly stopped, and couldn’t help but panic. He stopped his hands and feet and stood still. At this time, the thunder and lightning storm beside him had accumulated to a rather terrifying level. At the same time as the werewolf stopped swinging his sword, it was also detonated!

Boom! Hundreds of electric currents flew out uncontrollably, drawing wonderful arcs, sweeping everything around like a whirlwind.

“Wow ah ah ah!” Pedestrians on the road ran away, and some unlucky ghosts who were too late to dodge were struck by the electric current and flew a few steps away in a shock.

“Wow!” The beam of the weapon shop was also hit by the electric current and collapsed. The owner shrank under the table in panic, watching his storefront collapsed under the impact of the beam!

“Uh!” Seeing all this, Bedivere couldn’t help but break out with cold sweat on his forehead: “Hey, everyone, aren’t you hurt?!” “Ugh…” The shop owner got up from under the table and propped up his shop. The wooden beam of the man said: “You have to be responsible for fixing this!” The passers-by around didn’t seem to have been hurt too much, at most they were paralyzed by the electricity. Instead, they cursed Bedivere in Egyptian whispers, mostly “why don’t you have eyes” or “be careful, you idiot” or something like that.

“So…” The werewolf hurriedly put away his weapons, walked over to the store, and watched the boss temporarily support the collapsed beam with a large wooden pole: “Do you want to buy this sword?” …Aren’t you going to ask me to lose money for the damaged things in your store?” “Humph!” The boss looked at the mess on the storefront. The various weapons placed or hung in the shop were not actually damaged, only the beams of his shop were damaged, and this kind of shop, which was simply constructed from wooden shelves, was very easy to repair.

“I want to lose money, but it’s only a small amount.” The arms dealer has not lost his fairness at this time: “But you have to tell me, who made this weapon? There are still people these days. It’s really…””Unbelievable?” A voice sounded from behind Bedivere, interrupting the businessman’s words.

“Well, it’s incredible.” The businessman was stunned for a while, then suddenly shouted: “Ah! His Royal Highness!” “Prince…His Royal Highness?” The werewolf turned his head in confusion.

Standing behind Bedivere is a young man with a handsome face and a very dignified and luxurious dress. He was wearing a black dress with neatly cut black hair. He didn’t wear any gold ornaments, and he didn’t have the slightest pretense of dressing up, but because of this refreshing simplicity, he showed his own extravagance.

And the bodyguards in black who followed the “Prince” were also wearing very decent suits, as if it was their employee welfare.

By the way, this brand of dress is the high-end goods that Palamidis and the others rented before… What brand is it called? Bedivere was blinded for a while, only remembering that this suit was very expensive, in short, a luxury that poor people like him couldn’t afford.

“This little brother, can you lend me the weapon?” The man who was turned into [His Royal Highness] by the businessman stretched out a hand to Bedivere. Also on his hands were snow-white, silk gloves made of very fine material.

“Yes, yes, but…” The werewolf took his lizard-tooth dagger to observe carefully, wiped the hilt with his clothes, and felt very embarrassed. The sword wasn’t actually dirty, but he always felt that giving this “dirty thing” to the prince would stain the other’s pair of clean gloves.

“It’s okay,” the prince didn’t dislike Bedivere’s sloppyness. He snatched the dagger from the werewolf and held it in his hand to take a closer look: “That’s it. The workmanship is indeed very particular, whether it is from a work of art. From the point of view of the weapon, or from the point of view of practical weapons, they are all good products. The thunderstorm just now was like a live thunder lizard roaring. This is indeed a rare boutique.” He walked to the weapons store and took out He took out a checkbook and pen to write, and put a check into the arms dealer: “Boss, I’m sorry to hinder your business. This money is a gift for you, and by the way, it can also be used as the cost of repairing the storefront. Is it enough? ?” “Too, too much!” The weapons merchant looked at the check with a pale face: “How can I accept such a large sum of money, His Royal Highness!” “No need to shirk, just accept it.” The prince did not talk much. The shop owner was long-winded, then raised the lizard dagger, and said to Bedivere, “I bought this child, can I ask for a price?” “Uh…” When asked this, Bedivere was dumbfounded. He didn’t know the price of weapons at all, and he was expecting to get more reports from the owner of the weapon shop——at least he had to know the approximate price. But now that there is no reference, the werewolf has to bite the bullet and estimate the true value of the weapon by himself.

Odin Odin said that a processed weapon can be worth the price of a barrel of insect pulp. In addition, the prince seems to be quite rich, and the price of the dagger should be raised a little bit, shouldn’t it be a problem?

“This.” Bedivere raised three fingers, intending to ask for 30,000 Egyptian dollars: “Is this okay?” “Is it?” The prince smiled lightly, saving even the effort of haggling: “Well, very A fair price. That’s it.” He quickly wrote a few words on the checkbook, tore a check and handed it to Bedivere: “It’s a pleasure to work with you, little brother. Hope to do business with you in the future. “Uh… OK, OK, Your Royal Highness.” Bedivere accepted the check, even though he had no idea what the prince was.

“Then, good night, everyone.” The prince left like this with a vote of bodyguards, really in a hurry.

Bedivere was full of doubts, hoping that this wasn’t an empty check. Shouldn’t it? This prince seems to be frequent in this market, and he is a big man with a big face. It is impossible for him to write a bad check because of the mere 30,000 yuan.

“That…how much did the prince give you?” The owner of the weapon shop behind Bedivere asked uh, let me see. “The werewolf followed the store lights and glanced quickly at his check. He couldn’t help shivering at this sight.

That’s not a check for 30,000 yuan at all. On it was written thirty times that amount, or 600,000 Egyptian coins!

If it wasn’t a bad cheque, then it was indeed a fortune, a fortune far from Bedivere’s expectations!

“You are so lucky to have met His Royal Highness.” The weapons merchant whispered, “If it were me, I would only give you one-sixth of the money at most.” “Eh?!” The werewolf couldn’t help but straight up: “What did you just say?!” “I said,” the weapons merchant said with a sneer: “Your dagger is indeed a rare quality, but the workmanship is not hot enough, it is not worth sixty So many.

If I make an offer, I’ll give you only one hundred thousand at most. “[From this book, look at the original content for the first time!]() “Act of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D. Wixas, if you find that its content violates national laws, please write Delete processing, the position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform.【】, thank you!


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