Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1057: Explore in the dark night (10)


Chapter 1057 Exploring the Dark Night (10)

Faced with this sudden change. Arthur almost spit out his half-drinked black tea. But the king’s self-control was beyond ordinary. He still held back.

“Elaine…” Arthur exclaimed in surprise. His tone was full of reproach.

“Woo woo woo…” The white bear man was already sobbing. Kneeling on the ground and crying like giving up on himself: “Please save, save Dad. I can do it alone, I can’t do it alone. I, I need your strength.”

“Oh.” Arthur looked at the white bear man coldly: “Your [father]. Are you talking about Bols. Where are the others. Are you in trouble.”

It is mixed with crying. Elaine’s words were a bit incoherent: “Dad, Daddy was in Atlantis…to get the shards, the shards, the shards. But he’s trapped, trapped inside. I, I’m too weak. Can’t save him. Every Tried to go and rescue. All failed. Was kicked back.”

This is a big jump. Quite difficult to understand. But the King of Knights simply deduced a coherent logic from these incoherent words: “After all these years. Is Boles still looking for the key fragment of the Wall of the World. How stubborn. And trapped himself in Att In a secret place like Lantis that no one has ever set foot on. How stupid you must be.”

“Woooooooo…I persuaded him. But Dad, Dad just wouldn’t listen. He said that his mission as a golem is to guard and guard these key fragments. So…”

“Elaine. Do you still know the way to Atlantis?” Arthur changed his words.

“I know, I know.” The bear man wiped his tears and replied, “Although, it’s a little far. But I can take you there anytime.”

“Is there an immediate life-threatening situation for Boles.”

“No, no. Dad is just trapped, trapped…”

“That’s fine.” Arthur stood up from the sofa: “Your wish. I did receive it. Now it’s up to you. Elaine. Work hard and finish the exam. Let me make a wish. In this way, I will use the power of the entire Knights of the Round Table. More and faster chapters are coming. Help you achieve your wishes.”

Elaine was slightly disappointed with tears in her eyes: “Guo, do you really want to become a Knight of the Round Table first?”

“Yes. If you are not the Knights of the Round Table. I have no obligation to do anything for you father and son.” There was a cruel and stern smile on the corner of the King’s mouth: “Even if I am willing to help you. The other Knights of the Round Table will not. Definitely.

——So ah. Elaine. stand up. do not Cry. Instead of crying. Instead of begging. Rather than trying to get stronger.

The one that really saves your dad. In fact, it is only you. Fight for your life. Let’s move the Knights of the Round Table with practical actions. all your efforts. They will see; every drop of blood and sweat you shed. The first update they all know. When they both admit that you are their companion. Your wish will surely come true. “

“Your Majesty…”

“And that’s it. Elaine—” The King of Knights touched the head of the white bear. It’s like soothing a child: “You are not weak. I have seen the battle records in the past few days. You have done well. Your real weakness is not your skills. It is your heart. Show some confidence. Fight for that desire of yours. You will definitely get stronger.”

“Um… um woo woo…” At this time, Elaine was no longer able to respond. He knelt on the ground sobbing. Tears wet the premium red carpet in the luxury room.

“Then. Good luck for the first update.” The King of Knights did not continue to comfort the crying white bear. Turn away.

Same time. Cairo’s black market. Bedivere holds an enchanted lizard dagger. Wander around the market.

His current mood can be described in seven to eight ways: on the one hand, I hope that this short sword can be sold at a high price as much as possible. To profit from it; on the other hand, I don’t want its price to be too high. So frustrating that arrogant father Odin’s spirit.

Even so. Werewolves still know how to keep a low profile. Wealth is invisible. He didn’t join in the fun in those big stores that were buying and selling in full swing. Instead, I slipped to some small shops where the storefronts were relatively deserted and not many passers-by were staring at to see the situation. More faster chapters to come.

And. He wouldn’t take it out of its scabbard lightly to show it. On the one hand, he was afraid that this crude and crude weapon would lose his face. On the other hand, I am afraid that this weapon is really worthless. It will attract too much unnecessary attention. Before he finds the store to sell the goods. Deliberately wandered around several times. Remember merchants who sell fair prices, are polite and honest when they do business.

Werewolves have their own unique way of looking at people. At first glance, he can roughly know whether a person is honest and whether he is cheating in business. And when he confirmed a dozen or so shops that looked good. He got closer and watched quietly. when the business is talking to the customer. Watch the expressions on the faces of the businessmen. to determine if the businessman was lying.

Several stores were screened in this way. The first time to update the last three remaining. Bedivere deliberately walked back and forth between the three stores. Observe what these stores sell. From the quality of goods to identify merchants’ ability to appraise treasures. after all. Even if the other party is a sincere good person. If it’s an ignorant idiot. Everything is in vain.

“This little brother. You have turned the twelfth circle in front of my shop.” Finally, the owner of a shop couldn’t help but say: “Do you have anything you want to buy? If you have any, please tell me. It’s cheaper for you.”

“Um…” Bedivere shrank back slightly shyly. stopped. He looked at the shop owner carefully. Recognizing the wrinkles on the face of this weather-beaten middle-aged Egyptian: “Selling things is free. I have a weapon that I want to sell as soon as I update. I don’t know if you are willing to buy it.”

The shop owner is also looking at Bedivere. Bedivere at this time can be described as terrifying. He was covered in blood. Not only the slightly tattered short-sleeved clothes that had been fighting for a day was stained black and dark red with blood. Even the silver hair of the werewolf had a black mark on it – the product of blood coagulation and long-term oxidation.

“Wow. Bad day.” The Egyptian businessman suppressed his surprise. Ask in a very gentle tone.

“Hmm. Bad day.” The werewolf scratched his head. As he scratched his head, he felt some dry blood clots falling from his body. like sand. Only then did he realize how bad his outfit was. Those who do not know may think that Bedivere is some kind of murderous robber.

“Anyway… let me see the goods first.” The store owner asked suspiciously: “If you’re really short of money. I’ll pay a little more for your goods. Everyone has a difficult time. No need. Be polite to me. Brother.”

Seems to have been misunderstood. Bedivere wondered for a while. But that’s fine. The werewolf also wanted to see that weapon seen in this situation. What an interesting response from a businessman.

He removed the Lizardtooth dagger along with its leather sheath. Put it on the table in the shop. Let the shop owner identify. More faster chapters to come.

The middle-aged Egyptian man carefully raised his dagger. Pull it out of the sheath.

Bright light. Flash made the boss blink involuntarily.

Zheng——The merchant completely draws the dagger from its scabbard. What was drawn was a pure black dagger. It rubbed lightly against the scabbard. Makes a crisp sound. It seems to be the echo of an ancient bell being struck.

“Wow. This is…” The boss took a deep breath in surprise.

“Hmm.” Even Bedivere finds it odd. His lizard-tooth dagger was originally ivory white. Even more golden. Why was the old man smeared with insect pulp? After a few hits. In the sheath within less than half an hour. Even the color has changed.

“Good sword.” The weapons dealer holds this weapon, crafted from thunder lizard fangs. Looking up and down, left and right: “Is this made of monster teeth? It’s an exquisite splicing method…and this hardness. How is it processed?”

“Uh. Sir.” Bedivere was dumbfounded when he saw the businessman holding the dagger. I don’t know how long I will be obsessed. He quickly used the call to bring the other party back to reality: “How do you feel?”

“Hmm.” The weapons merchant looked away from the dagger in disappointment.

He hesitated for a while. As if he didn’t believe that he was holding a good product. He shook his head suspiciously. Return the short sword to Bedivere: “Little brother. Could you please swing this sword.”

“Swish. Right here.” The werewolf was a little embarrassed.

“Yes.” The merchant emphasized again: “Look at you. It must be a battle-hardened warrior. If this weapon is genuine. This child will show his true value in your hands. .”

This happens to be the emptier side of the market. There’s a lot of space beside him. You can dance your sword freely without fear of hurting passers-by. but. This is still a public place. Lots of people watching. Weapons are wielded freely in such places. There is always a feeling of being a street performer. Very embarrassing.

“It’s people do this often.” The boss insisted: “There are many people who buy weapons. They can’t wait to try the knife. We will prepare a dummy for them to test. But small Don’t think too much, bro. Just wave this kid. Let me hear his singing.”

“The child’s singing” – is that a description of the dagger.

And. Why listen to the sound. singing. . Bedivere was even more puzzled. You can judge the quality of a weapon just by hearing the sound. This is so unscientific.

However. These businessmen are already veterans of the mall. Thousands and hundreds of weapons are traded every day. Maybe they just rely on the sound of the blade slicing through the air. You can tell the difference between good and bad weapons. God knows.

“Then.” The werewolf blushed. Embarrassed, I took a few steps back.

After confirming that there is no one around. He raised the lizard dagger in preparation: “It’s about to begin.”

From, see the genuine content for the first time! () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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