Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1052: Explore in the dark night (5)

Chapter 1052 Exploring the Dark Night (5)

“Here, my friend!” The werewolf had just said goodbye to his two companions, while Solar had already walked to a small bar by the port and turned back to greet the werewolf.

Bedivere could have ignored this natural and dumb magic swordsman, but he vaguely felt that this fellow Solar would be targeted by some unknown force, and it would be very dangerous to leave it alone, so he had to stay with him for a while longer. .

Two blood-stained, terrifying-looking young men walked into the bar, and naturally met with hostile glances. Fortunately, there are often bounty hunters hired as bodyguards for merchant ships near the sand port. They often return to Cairo after a day of killing, and push the door into this bar covered in blood. The locals are also used to it.

“Oh,” Bedivere found a seat and sat down, only to realize how uncomfortable the blood on his body was, itchy and sticky. He was eager to finish dinner quickly, received the money from Kana, and immediately went back to the hotel to take a shower and sleep.

“Mr. Bedivere,” Solar ordered some food and drinks at random, then asked the werewolf, “What are you going to do with the worm slurry in that car?” “I don’t know.” The werewolf was at a loss for a while:” In short, first ship it back and see if there is a warehouse near the hotel that can be rented, and then store it first?” “If I tell you, someone might be willing to pay for it…?” “Great!” He was in a hurry to get rid of the worm pulp of the golden bug, and when he heard Solar say this, he couldn’t ask for it. He couldn’t help but ask with bright eyes: “Do you know the way?” “I can’t guarantee anything. But I can take you there first, and you can talk to the people over there in detail.” “What?” Kana’s voice interrupted the conversation between the two.

“It’s nothing.” The werewolf didn’t want to talk too much with the people in the business group, and quickly cut off his chat with Solar: “What about the money?” “These.” Kana handed Bedivere a check again. : “Don’t think it’s too small, the second payment has already deducted the cost of the worm pulp barrel and truck rental. If you think it’s okay, just sign it here, and our contract relationship will end.” “Very good.” Werewolf Glancing at the cheque, the cheque was marked with the words one thousand Egyptian coins. Although it seems very small, in fact, the caravan has paid a lot of extra tips to Bedivere, because the total cost of the pulp barrel and other expenses has exceeded 20,000 Egyptian dollars.

The werewolf hurriedly signed the note that Kana handed over, ending the commission, and then watched Solar collect the money to sign. It seems that the unfortunate Solal has only received more than 2,000 yuan, which is the second half of the predetermined contract fee. The caravan did not give any reward to the magic swordsman. It is estimated that they felt that they did not do so. necessary. Only then did Bedivere sigh to himself, it turns out that a person is shrewd enough and can really take advantage of it.

“Goodbye then.” Kana put away the contract between Bedivere and Solar, turned around and planned to leave: “If you have the fate, I wish us a happy cooperation next time.” “Oh, happy cooperation, my Friend.” Solar smiled bluntly and even waved at Kana.

“Yes, it’s a pleasure to cooperate.” Bedivere’s attitude was much colder. He knew what this Mohammed business group was doing, and he didn’t plan to accept any more commissions from this damned caravan. Anyway, if the twenty-two barrels of insect pulp can be sold smoothly, a huge amount of wealth will come rolling in immediately, and Bedivere and the others don’t have to worry about money for the time being.

“Then,” After saying goodbye to Karna, Bedivere and Solar quickly finished their dinner. After paying the bill, Solar patted his **** and stood up: “Going to [that place], are you ready, my friend?” “Do you need such a mysterious thing?” Get off the knife and fork, and swallow the last bite of spaghetti: “Come on, you lead the way.” The two of them exited the bar and jumped into the van — of course, Bedivere was in charge of the drive.

The night road in the suburbs of Cairo is not easy to walk, because the street lights are quite dim, and the city’s desolate roads have been lost for a long time. The truck he was driving was even an old four-wheeled car that didn’t even have an anti-gravity device. The bumps and bumps on this broken road made the two of them feel particularly uncomfortable.

“Go right from here,” Solar seemed to be familiar with Cairo’s path, directing the werewolves.

“Oh, you used to live in Egypt?” Bedivere drives the van carefully, chatting casually.

“Lived for a while.” Solar replied lightly, widening his eyes, finding the correct route from the hard-to-recognize suburban night road: “My… clan, often in the world Travel around, settle down, and establish a stronghold. There are a lot of good materials near the Sahara Desert, and we will visit the stronghold here to brush materials every once in a while.” “Uh, clansmen? Are you some kind of traveling merchant?” Bedivere felt that there were many strange doubts in Solar’s words. Now that he thinks about it, he really doesn’t know much about Solar, and he doesn’t even know what race the magic swordsman is from, but only knows about Solar’s nationality.

“Traveling Merchant… This statement is actually correct.” The burly Norway man scratched his head, a little embarrassed: “It’s not easy to explain this now. When you meet my clan, you will Understood. Turn left at the intersection ahead.” Bedivere twisted the steering wheel, and the truck made a nice drift and turned into the intersection on the left. What appeared in front of them afterward was an extra-long, bumpy road leading straight to the city center.

Amid the rumble of the car falling apart, the two remained silent in a boring and awkward atmosphere.

“Then,” in order to ease the awkward atmosphere a little, Bedivere asked, “The place you want to take me to is a place similar to a market? A market specialized in weapon material trading?” “Almost. But We call that the black market.” Solar replied in a low voice, leaning back on the hard leather seat of the van, “In addition to trading weapons and materials, there are all kinds of contraband for sale. Even You can also find lightsabers that are regulated for sale on the market. Anyway, you can buy a lot of good things there.” As long as you have the money. Bedivere groaned inwardly. On the surface, this guy Solar looks upright and upright, but he did not expect that he also has a dark side, which is related to this contraband market.

“Cough…they’re all kinds of stolen goods that are sold in the black market, right?” the werewolf asked in a low voice, as if afraid that their conversation would be overheard by pedestrians on the road — but this highway There isn’t even a half of a figure.

“Not quite.” Solar seemed to be trying to justify himself: “Some of the gear isn’t loot, but good stuff made by real weapon craftsmen. But they’re just too powerful to take from normal sources. It is sold inside and outside. There are also some equipment, and the materials used to make them come from rare creatures that are almost endangered, so—” Bedivere didn’t want to hear Solar go on, and hurriedly interrupted with other questions: ” Does the Egyptian government just ignore this black market?” “The boss of the black market pays huge taxes to the Egyptian government every year. When the government collects the money, it will turn a blind eye to this black market.” Solar coughed dryly: “Of course, only people who know the way can enter this black market. Okay, turn right at the intersection ahead, we are almost there, my friend.” The werewolf drove around according to the magic swordsman’s instructions, but the truck got into a road in a dead end alley.

It is surrounded by alleys surrounded by stone walls, and behind the stone walls is a building that has been abandoned for a long time and seems to be only half-built and unfinished. This scene is desolate and silent, boring and deserted, how can it look like there is a market? !

Bedivere’s heart froze instantly — was he being tricked? Could it be that Solar forgot his righteousness and joined other guys to ambush Bedivere here, trying to **** the twenty-two buckets of golden bug pulp from the werewolf? !

It is indeed possible. Insect pulp is an invaluable high-level enchanting material, and anyone who sees it will be moved. If they robbed the cargo of Bediveville and then resold it, the profit would be enough for a dozen people to spend the rest of their lives leisurely.

But is Solar really that kind of person?

“What do you mean?” The werewolf stared and questioned the magic swordsman in the passenger seat. His hand had already reached for the weapon on his waist, ready to fight against the ambush that might come at any time.

“Calm down, my friend.” Solar was very calm, raising his hands, without any intention of fighting: “Just drive past.” “There’s a wall in front of you!” Will complained angrily.

“I know.” The magic swordsman repeated calmly and kindly, “Please drive past like this.” “Hmph, you’d better not play tricks on me.” Bedivere stepped on the accelerator suspiciously. Drive the truck to the stone wall in front of you, and see that the car is about to slam into the stone wall—this is a rented vehicle, and the maintenance cost is not cheap, right?

He thinks it’s all stupid to die–why should he trust Solar at this point?

But the van didn’t hit the wall, but went straight through it. Is this a wall of air?

“I see. Is it optical camouflage?” The werewolf sighed: “In an old city like Cairo, there is such a high-tech thing hidden…” “Because of this, it is impossible to It’s easy to be noticed.” Solar responded with a smile and put down his raised hands.

Indeed, with the use of optical camouflage as a cover, those who do not know the way will not be able to enter, and the secrets of this black market are only known to very few people. This further shows that the operators of the black market are genuine. After all, the use and maintenance of optical camouflage requires huge funds.

The van quickly traverses the wall of optical camouflage.

In stark contrast to the dilapidated and desolate scenery outside the walls, what is presented to Bedivere is a vibrant and brightly lit night market.

[From, see the genuine content for the first time! ]() “The Legend of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D. Wixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing healthy and green reading. platform. 【】,thank you all!

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