Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1043: Hunting in the Sand Sea (17)

Chapter 1043: Hunting in the Sand Sea (Seventeen)

“Damn. Don’t try to run away” shouted Bedivere. But the figure of the hunchback man has long since disappeared without a trace. It is estimated that he has escaped all the way.

The onion-scented dust from the smoke bomb made the werewolf sneeze violently. Bedivere had to cover his nose and try not to breathe the irritating smoke. Let this **** white smoke dissipate as soon as possible.

But. Let the Sword Saint Yake escape. It seems to have become a decision. It is irreversible. This old guy is cautious. He even has a smoke bomb ready. Traces. Let no one trace it.

Before the white smoke completely dissipated, the first thing Bedivere did was to raise the whip in his hand and lay a stumbling trap at the entrance of the cave.

Plop, plop. Sure enough. Two idiots got caught.

The white smoke completely dissipated. Bedivere coughed for a while. He also wrapped the whip around the feet of the two thief brothers. He dragged the two little boys toward him.

“Cough cough cough cough – stinky boy.” The werewolf was choked with tears by the smoke. At the same time, he was also furious: “Don’t run. I have a lot to ask you.”

“Uh.””No.”The two little devils hugged and shook.

“Mr. Bedivere. Watch the time, meow.” Seglade looked out of the cave worriedly. It was easy to tell from the height of the sun. It was about two o’clock in the afternoon. Time to leave Hong Kong.

“I know.” The werewolf used a whip to wrap the two thieves around. It was a tie. He had a lot of things he wanted to question these two boys. But time was running out. It was inconvenient to stay here for a long time. The two little devils are locked up. Go back and find time to interrogate them.

“If you don’t want to die, answer me honestly.” The werewolf glared at the two thieves: “Do you have any comrades?”

The two Egyptian boys shook their heads. There was no falsehood in their eyes.

“Very good. That means you will be alone when no one comes back. It also saves me the time to send you to the police station.” The werewolf grinned. He didn’t want to send the two thieves to the police station. Egyptian The police station is too unreliable. They don’t take care of the two little thieves. When Bedivere goes to the police station to find them again. They are either killed by the police. Or they escaped from the prison. The werewolf can’t even ask a word.

The reports of these two boys are too important. Instead of leaving it to the police, it is better for Bedivere to find a way to imprison them. I will slowly interrogate them when I have time.

Speaking of which. The old ghost seemed to have said something like “house” just now…

Bedivere looked into the depths of the cave. Sure enough, there was a dilapidated house made of tin. Can’t say how habitable this thing is. But it’s better than being outside in the sun and rain.

The werewolf walked over and kicked open the door of the house. An unpleasant odor hit the face. There were a lot of supplies in the house. Most of them were dry food such as bread. But they were obviously expired. Vaguely It smells sour. Even so. These poor Egyptians who are used to eating junk food can still eat. With these supplies. Even if two little devils are locked here for a month. They will not starve to death.

Bedivere rummaged around the house. Found several thick, strong hemp ropes. Use this to tie up the little devils. Keep them in the house. He made up his mind. outside.

“Pants, pants.” Elaine had recovered his pants. He happily put them on. And Seglade recovered Bedivere’s dagger. They got everything they stole.

“I had a lot to ask you.” Bedivere glared at the two little boys and began to tie their hands and feet with hemp rope: “But I’m in a hurry. I’ll lock you up first. Say it again.”

“No. Don’t.” “Help. There is a perverted uncle here.” The two stinky little devils began to cry for help. But this is an underground cave formed of sandstone. Not only is the sound insulation performance excellent. In the most hidden corner of the city. Even if the thieves break their throats, they will not be saved.

The werewolf tied the two stinky little devils back to back with a rope in an instant. Let their four arms and four legs be entangled with each other in a very twisted form. Use hemp rope to limit each other’s space for movement. This way Come on. One of them will try to break free. The other will suffer unspeakable pain. They will limit each other’s movement in each other’s struggles. As a result, neither can escape. Still. If they cooperate with each other. Move slowly If it is a body, there may be some room for movement.

Bedivere picked up the two tied-up teenagers with one hand. He threw them into the tin room. Then he threw all kinds of bread on the ground: “I’ll keep you here for now. I’ll come back tomorrow. There’s food here. Yes. You will never starve to death. Goodbye.”

“No. Don’t leave (us).” “Help. Please.” The thief brothers struggled harder. At the same time, they were tied more tightly by the ropes because of each other’s struggles. The pain was overwhelming.

“Humph.” The werewolf closed the door of the tin room without saying a word. At the same time, he locked the tin room with the tenon. In this way, even if the two thief brothers had a falling out in the room, as long as their Their hands and feet are still tied up. There is absolutely no way they can escape from the house.

“Mr. Bedivere meow.” Seglade tapped on his arm. He made a movement of looking at his watch. Remind the werewolf to pay attention to the time.

“I know. Let’s go now.” The werewolf packed his things. Ready to leave immediately.

“Those two children are so good, so pitiful…” Elaine said worriedly.

“They won’t die. It is estimated that when we come back tomorrow, they will still be alive and kicking.” The werewolf said without a word. He ran out of the cave.

He pulled the tortoise’s tongue and whip. Pulled off the stone by the entrance of the cave. Blocked the entrance with dozens of boulders. In this way. Even if the two children were able to break free of the rope, they would never be able to move these with their strength. The stone escaped from the cave. And other people can’t easily see this cave hidden behind the rocks from the outside. Everything is arranged to perfection.

In other words. As long as the Sword Saint Yake doesn’t come back to save the two boys. The plan is perfect. And the werewolf doesn’t think that the old man will risk his return. Abandoned tool.

Ten minutes later. The three finally arrived at the sand port in Zwar in time. The merchant ship was whistling. Ready to go out at any time.

“Wow. You guys…” Kana could not help but be surprised when she saw Bediveville and the others washed cleanly: “Going to take a bath. It’s really relaxing.”

Bediveville quipped: “Because some kids can’t concentrate on fighting without washing their important parts.”

“Bee, Bedivere.” “Mr. Bedivere meow.” Seglade and Elaine shouted at the same time, blushing.

“Huhu.” Bedivere’s words made Kana sneer for a while: “You guys feel so good. All right. Get ready. The ship is about to sail.”

“Are you sure we won’t run into Moby Dick again on our way back to Cairo.” Bedivere asked tentatively.

“Let me think about it…” Kana put her cheeks on her face and pretended to think: “We only brought a small amount of Zvar’s local products. There is no meat in the sand boat. There is no canned fish. So. The sharks should It won’t be too aggressive.”

That was of course just her unilateral statement. Escorting the merchant ship was full of doubts. Bedivere had already seen it. Just too lazy to expose it.

“Meet again. My friend.” Solar walked past Bedivere. He must have heard the call and returned to the merchant ship.

This guy is exactly the same as when he got off the boat. It’s **** and dirty. Obviously he doesn’t like to be as clean as Bedivere and his party. He probably doesn’t know that he can bathe in the sand for free.  … Apparently he didn’t get any extra money from the caravan.

“Can’t you at least wash your face with water?” Bedivere asked in confusion, handing a camel-skin water bag filled with water: “Here. Here’s a little more water. Use it up. No need. Thank you.”

It was originally bought by him on the way back. He planned to add water on the way back. He and Elaine and others shared most of the drink. There is only a little water left in the water bag.

“Really?” Solar looked at the werewolf in disbelief.

“Idiot. After returning to Cairo, water will not be rare. What else do you cherish.” The werewolf said with disapproval.

“Okay. Thanks anyway. My friend.” Solar poured out the water carefully. Half to wash his face. “

(So exaggerated.)

“Then. Let’s talk later. My friend.” Solar returned the empty water bag to the werewolf. He turned around. Going to chat with a few other human hunters.

“Solar.” The werewolf deliberately kept the magic swordsman: “It’s rare to meet here. It’s fate (Kama). Let’s talk for a while – or say. You have to be with those human buddies. It’s impossible to talk.”

“Uh…that’s not the case.” Solar couldn’t help but be at a loss: he was rejected by Bedivere before. He felt that he couldn’t get together with the werewolf. One hundred and sixty degrees of change. Really confusing.

“Then it’s better to be respectful than to obey. My friend.” Solar stopped. He didn’t go to get together with the group of human hunters.

Bediver kept his face calm. From time to time, he glanced at the human hunters warily.

What is telling Bedivere. The group of human hunters. Except for Solal. What do they know.() “Act of Light” only represents the opinion of the author Raven D Vixas~IndoMTL. com~ If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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