Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1041: Hunting in the Sand Sea (15)


Chapter 1041 Hunting in the Sand Sea (15)

“Damn! What have you stolen?” the werewolf Bedivere asked nervously, picking up his clothes.

“Pants, pants!” Elaine had an unspeakable embarrassment on her face.

“It’s okay, meow!” Seglade picked up his spear and shield, and threw his shirt to the polar bear: “My gun and shield are still meow!”

The werewolf took another look at Elaine’s luggage, and the polar bear’s great shield and rhino horn sword were still there. The two thieves were only teenagers, and they couldn’t hold the heavy equipment of Seglade and Elaine with their physical strength.

As a result, it was Bedivere who lost the most. His lizard-tooth dagger and tortoise-tongue whip were stolen, and he didn’t have a single weapon in his hand, so he couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy!

Seglade gave the spear to Bedivere: “Chasing meow?”

“Of course I have to chase!” The werewolf said decisively.

It’s not a big deal to lose the lizard-tooth dagger, but Bedivere’s tortoise-tongue whip is a “superior” weapon that can respond to the electricity from his prosthetic left arm, making it move freely like a tentacle! How can this be lost!

Bedivere could vaguely identify the scent of the two thieves. The desert sun slowly melted and eroded everything with high temperature, making the surrounding air permeated with a strange smell of baking. Even a werewolf with a keen sense of smell might not be able to distinguish the specific smell left by someone after a long time. In other words, the only time to hunt down the thief is now.

“Um.” Elaine wrapped her shirt around her waist to cover her shame, and got up embarrassedly, “One, you must get your pants back!”

“That’s all you care about?” Bedivere was a little unhappy: “Actually, you don’t feel good wearing it like this?”

He looks at Elaine: the polar bear, who wears only a pair of pants, a shirt around his waist, and nothing on his upper body, looks a little like a pervert.

“Don’t, don’t laugh!” The white bear man could not laugh or cry.

The three packed up their gear and ran, chasing the scent of the thieves and heading deep into the slums of Zvar.

At the same time, the two thieves brothers also turned several alleys, through the shabby and intricate buildings of the slum, and came to a place that resembled an underground cave.

“Uncle!” one of the little ghosts shouted: “I got something good! Do you have anything to eat tonight?”

“Oh?” A hunchbacked man in a tattered cloak came out of the darkness. He is called Uncle by the children, but his appearance is more like an old and frail old man.

“What good stuff?” The “uncle” asked in a flat tone.

“This!” The boy happily waved the whip and replied in his very poor English: “Treasure! Treasure! That idiot is holding this, (like) tentacles (in control)!”

“Really, Matt?” the man in the cape grunted in disbelief.

“Really! Look!” The child waved the turtle tongue whip: “Move! Move! Move me!!”

Swish, swipe! The boy kept waving the whip, but the tortoise-tongued whip seemed lifeless. It only swayed weakly a few times when the boy’s little hand was waving.

“Hey~!?” The thief boy shouted in disbelief: “Why don’t you move? This is different from what you saw!”

He thought Bedivere’s whip could be controlled as long as he wanted, at least that’s how the werewolf used it before.

But in fact, the turtle tongue whip certainly does not simply respond to the user’s request. It is not a high-tech weapon, and it is impossible to move autonomously with the user’s will. Bedivere is the only thing that can make it move — and it’s powered by electricity from the werewolf’s left prosthetic arm.

“Uh…this shit!” The boy threw the whip on the ground in a fit of anger. If you can’t move on your own, this whip is just a strange whip made from the tendons of unknown monsters.

Seeing the thief boy making a fool of himself, the man in the cloak groaned unhappily: “Matt, lying is a bad habit. Then, as punishment, you won’t have food tonight.—- –How about you, Jiut? What have you gained?”

“This, this.” Another thief boy pulled out his [harvest]: Elaine’s pants, and Bedivere’s lizard-tooth dagger.

The blood-stained trousers didn’t have much value at all. When the boy took it out, he thought it was ridiculous and took it back immediately. And the hand-made short sword didn’t seem to be worth much. Take this Is it really okay to come out?

The teenager was very worried, fearing that he would be treated the same as his younger brother, he tremblingly asked: “(relying on this) can I… eat?”

“Oh!” The man looked at the dagger in a trance, as if he had seen some masterpiece of a famous teacher. He snatched the dagger from the boy’s hand, and scrutinized the weapon in his dry, wrinkled hands, all the while whispering admiration: “This is… this! This work! This fineness. Degrees! It’s just the right polishing and setting! It’s ingenious curves! It’s… a masterpiece!”

“Eh?!” The thief boy named Jiut was very surprised. He didn’t expect this kind of home-made weapon to be given such a high rating by men. Among the various treasures stolen by the child’s thief career, this is still the first time.

“Then, can I eat?”

“Go to the kitchen, you can eat as much as you want, until you’re full!” The man in the cloak seemed very happy: “Go back!”

“Matt!” called Jiut, “let’s eat together!”

“Brother!” The other thief boy said gratefully and planned to follow.

“Wait!” The man in the cloak stopped the thief brother: “Jut, you can eat it, but he can’t. I don’t have food for liars here!”

“Yes, but!” The thief boy’s brother waved his hand and protested, perhaps because he was not very good at speaking, he could only express his feelings with this clumsy body language.

The man in the cape seems to be very stubborn: “Stop talking nonsense! You can either eat your own food and leave Matt alone, or don’t eat both and starve tonight!”

“There is one more choice: don’t eat it, return my weapons to me!” came the roar of Bedivere from outside the cave.

“What?” The man in the cape was taken aback, watching the three figures run into the cave, and glared at the two thieves with reproach: “Have you not confirmed whether you are being followed?”

“Yes, yes?!” Jiu Te shouted innocently: “(We) obviously turned (passed) a lot of alleys (to get rid of the stalking)! How is it possible (there will still be people following)?!”

“It’s not their fault, old man.” Bedivere carried the gun into the underground cave, his face full of anger: “We orcs have very sensitive noses, and smell tracking alone can take you from any city in the city. Do you think you can escape?!”

“Oh?” The cloaked man smiled disapprovingly and raised his lizard-tooth dagger: “How would you know if you don’t try it?”

Seglade and Elaine had planned to come forward and besiege the hunchbacked man with the cloak along with Bedivere. But the werewolf hurriedly shouted: “Don’t come, I will meet him myself!”

Bedevier did not say this out of his ego. Not also. From the footsteps and posture of the hunchbacked man, he saw the unusualness of the man, and suddenly realized that the man was a master swordsman! If Seglade and Elaine attacked without knowing it, they would definitely be violently counterattacked by that person and seriously injured. Among the people present, I am afraid that only Bedivere’s skills can compete with that hunchback man!

Being so drank by Bedivere, the young Leopard Man and the White Bear Man stopped. Seglade even threw the shield in his hand to Bedivere: “Come on!”

What a good company, a word can make them understand. Bedivere secretly praised Seglade and Elaine, and at the same time, holding a shield and a gun, challenged the mysterious man: “Old man, return my equipment to me, and I can spare you for a while. life!”

“Hahaha, I’m afraid it’s impossible.” The hunchbacked old man and Bedivere faced each other, and the two slowly paced each other around an invisible point.

“May I ask you a question?” the man in the cape added before he shot, his eyes fixed on the spear and shield in the werewolf’s hand: “This is a really good sword, and your gun and shield are equally good. You made all these yourself?”

This sentence made Bedivere wary. He was afraid that the man in the cloak would attack Seglade’s bad idea, so he quickly put everything on his body: “Yes… so what? What do you want to do to me?” “

“If it is, then the old man will praise you for the moment! You do have a pair of skillful hands, it would be a pity to lose these skillful hands! Don’t worry, I won’t kill you, nor will I make a move. It hurts your hand—it just cuts off your legs!”

A blue vein emerged from the werewolf’s forehead. Faced with such a humiliation, the werewolf calmed down: “What a big breath, old man!”

But he knew he wasn’t talking rhetoric. The old man in front of Bedivere may really be as hunched and old-fashioned as he looks on the But the guy’s footsteps are unusually steady, and every inch he moves, his figure is as silent as a windless mountain forest. calm!

To meet such a top swordsman in a place like this!

Tens of thousands, no, hundreds of thousands of battles. I am afraid that this guy has already experienced too many killings, baptized with blood, and he has slaughtered more than 10 million enemies under his hands. With skill alone, the werewolf and this old man are just as different from the cloud and mud!

If the magic power hadn’t been sealed, Bedivere would still be able to fight it with madness—whether he could win or not is unknown.

But now, werewolves can only rely on their own swordsmanship to win. Facing this old monster with superb swordsmanship, Bedivere has no idea!

…and can only bite the bullet!

Bediver stabbed a shot at the old man’s face!

!!–by:–>() “Act of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it , is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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