Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1007: The ultimate battle against Ziyan (7)


Chapter 1007 The ultimate battle against Ziyan seven

“You’re lucky. The game doesn’t have a water pressure system. Even in the deep sea it won’t turn you into meat sauce.” King Arthur swam back. He sneered at the crowd: “Come on. After the cave is filled with water. Swim out of that gap right away. Can you all do it?”

“Er—” Hal stiffened immediately.

“Ducks.” The leopard boy of the Knight Dynasty sneered: “Don’t be afraid. This game also has no oxygen system. In fact, you can’t drown. Just paddle hard in the direction of light. Understand.”

“Uh, okay. Okay meow.” Hal replied helplessly. despite this. The leopard boy still has no bottom in his heart. The fear of water in landlubbers cannot be eliminated overnight.

Wow. The sea came up. The first update flooded the crowd. The scene in front of Howl was all dark, hazy, and still. The horror of that moment shocked the Leopard boy.

However. There is some kind of light. The only light in the dark. Guiding the leopard boy.

The red light. From the lightsaber in the hands of King Arthur. He turned the lightsaber’s output to a minimum. The lightsaber became this kind of light that only glowed like a campfire. Almost no lethality. And a pitifully short little dagger.

But it’s also the only light that Hal and others have in the dark. It’s a life-saving light.

The Arthurian swam out in one direction.

In order not to fall behind. The leopard boy, who couldn’t swim, also tried desperately to row his hands and feet. Swim out with that light. The red light swayed constantly in the darkness of the deep sea. But it never goes out. As if standing at the end of despair but still steadfast. That spark of hope.

The water is icy cold. The waves are turbulent. They are like the tentacles of death. Touching the body of the leopard boy back and forth. Continue to erode Howl. Gradually strip away the anger and physical strength from the boy’s body.

(so tired meow…)

(Just a little bit. Don’t give up.) Someone is encouraging him.

Darkness and cold engulf the world. bring despair.

People demand light and warmth. Eternally. Running towards the end of the light and heat.

This is instinct.

What. Actually there is nothing to be afraid of.

Even if you can’t swim. More faster chapters to come. Even surrounded by darkness. Even in this despair there is no end to sight;

——You still know the pursuit of light.

“Hal. Hal. Wake up, wake up.” Husky’s voice came from the leopard boy’s ear.

“Ha…ski meow.” The Leopard boy opened his eyes. Now he is lying on a large piece of ice floes. It was probably the last lifeboat that the murloc prince made using the remaining magic.

He turns his head to look. Uncle Arthur and others were all there. Everyone escaped safely. Everyone present is familiar with water. It seems that only Hal can drown.

“How long has Hal fainted, meow.” The leopard boy asked in a low voice.

“Not long. Not even a minute.” Husky smiled and said, “You fainted from shock. Drowning in breathing water for the first time update. It’s unheard of.” “

“Just an idiot who doesn’t even know how to breathe.” The murloc prince also sneered.

“Hahaha. I’m sorry. I’m too nervous. I forgot to breathe, meow.” The leopard boy shyly got up. “What about the castle, meow. What about that monster, meow.”

“See for yourself.” King Arthur pointed to the island in the distance.

Zhangren’s island is in a series of explosions and fires. It is being razed to the ground step by step. Those chapter people simply had no time to escape. In other words, as game characters, they are limited by the program. There is no way to escape this island. So I watched helplessly as I was burned to death.

“It’s amazing, meow. The map of the game can also blow up meow…”

“Yes. More and faster chapters to come. But this map will be reorganized in a week. Castles and enemies will be refreshed.” The King of Knights explained: “If you still have nothing to do. Welcome to come.”

“Don’t bark.” Husky said with tears in his eyes, “Hassky has had enough of this shit.”

“Huhuhuhuhu——” King Arthur took out the scroll of returning to the city: “I’m going back. Grab my hand.”

“But there are still many treasures in that castle that haven’t been found—-” The murloc prince said regretfully. But he was only halfway there. He saw everyone staring at him with sad eyes. He quickly changed his words and said: “Okay. It’s fine if you don’t search. Go back.”

The crowd put their hands on Arthur’s arm. The King of Knights shouted at the same time: “Teleport. Update as soon as possible”

A flash of white light. When Hal opened his eyes. They have returned to the bonfire of the Eternal Altar.

“Home. Sweet home.” King Arthur said with a teasing smile: “Everyone is tired. Let’s stop here today. Log out of the game now.”

“Uh. But Husky’s rank———-“

Ding ding ding ding ding ding. A continuous ring of bells rang in the ears of the canine boy. He looked up. It turned out to be an upgrade prompt. Husky went straight from level three to level five.

“Huh…why wang. The **** who was promoted to a level before was obviously very rare to die—–“

Hal looked at Husky silently. The leopard boy himself also had an upgrade prompt above his head. He had probably guessed something. . .

“Husky. You destroyed the motor of Zhangren’s castle. Detonate the whole castle.” King Arthur breathed on his hips: “Stinky boy. Just love to cause us trouble.”

“Uh. Husky doesn’t understand. Why is this related to the upgrade.”

“Of course it has something to do with the upgrade. Husky meow.” The leopard boy tugged at the corner of his friend’s shirt. The prompt said: “You blew up the whole castle. The people in the city are dead… The experience points they give are all counted on your head meow.”

“This, this is also OK.”

“That’s fine.” The evil star on the side interjected.

As of now. Xinghuilong, who has been watching for a long time, actually already knows very well what the experience system of this game is all about.

The so-called [experience] in this game. . . It does not mean absolute [combat experience]. but some kind of [merit].

For a player. Even if he didn’t kill an enemy with his own hands. But if he used some indirect means to kill the enemy. So. [merit] for killing this enemy. will be counted on the player’s head.

This is the same way that knightly merit is calculated in the Knights of Great Britain. a knight. Instead of using brute force to go head-to-head with the enemy. Might as well kill the enemy with clever tricks. Doing so will make it easier to get higher evaluations from your superiors.

What’s more. A knight needs to accumulate a certain amount of merit. Only allowed to grant a special combat skill. Think carefully. This is also a matter of course. —— A knight who has no merit whatsoever. How could it be possible to gain the trust of the Knights. Granted a powerful combat skill.

“Anyway. More and faster chapters to come.” Arthur patted Husky’s head lightly: “Your kid has also been promoted to level five. For the time being, the agreement with me has been fulfilled. Well. The reward will be given to you. Don’t worry. This way. You should also be satisfied. Please log out of the game.”

“Hmm. That’s great.” Husky smiled innocently. No doubt at all.

“Then—” King Arthur pressed the button in the menu. Log out of the game.

Everyone is also instantly logged out of the game. When Husky opened his eyes. The hood of his simulator has been removed. The leopard boy’s kitten face came over. Looking at the dog boy eagerly: “Husky. It feels good, meow.”

“It’s okay to bark.” The dog boy frowned as he got up: “What’s wrong with you barking. I always think you’ve been barking weirdly since the afternoon.”

“Hahaha. No. No meow.” The leopard boy laughed along with him. It was a **** trying to hide something. But Husky was exhausted. There is simply no time to take care of these things.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. His body needed something else more urgently. It was already six o’clock in the evening. Time to eat too.

“Let’s go.” The King of Knights grabbed his hand. Pick up two teenagers. “Where do you want to eat next? Shaxing, do you want to come too?”

Shining next to her has no sense of shame. He said bluntly: “Of course. I’m here to eat and live. How could I have less of my portion to eat.”

Husky looks up and down the male star. He blurted out: “Uh~. It’s the pervert brother Wang at noon.”

“Lust…” Shixing’s face immediately flushed red: “Stinky boy. Don’t talk nonsense. Although Charlotte called me a pervert. But I’m actually a real gentleman. Ahem. And not [ Big brother]. It’s [uncle].”

“The gentleman’s big brother is so strange meow. Obviously he looks like a big brother meow…” Hal also interjected.

“Puhuhuhuhu——” Arthur couldn’t hold back at this time: “Shaxing. So I told you not to use this transformation. It will make children misunderstood.”

“Noisy. It’s not so easy to control what shape it takes. And I never took the time to study this——“

“So what?” Arthur explained to the two children: “This [elder brother] is indeed an adult. He was an adult a long time ago. Let’s assume that he became like this because Lazy. Not because of his fun. You will call him [Uncle] in the future. Not [Big Brother]. Got it.”

“Understood.” Husky nodded. “It turned out to be Uncle Wang, the pervert.”

“Hmm. That’s right—Huh. No…——-” Shi Xing hardly vomited blood from anger.

At this time, King Arthur also put his eyes on the murloc prince on the side. See Calvin looking at himself with longing eyes. He pretended to be apologetic. There was a faint smile of a winner on the corner of his mouth: “I’m sorry. Your Royal Highness. Without the approval of your mother, the Queen of I can’t take you anywhere to eat and drink. I won’t invite you to this dinner. I want to be together. If we’re going to have dinner together. Another day. Wait for your mother’s approval.”

The little murloc prince pouted angrily: “Very well—I wish His Majesty the King of Great Britain a pleasant evening. Goodbye.”

King Arthur suppressed a laugh. He walked out with two orc teenagers. The evil star is at the end. Go slowly on purpose. When King Arthur and others left the simulation training room. Xinghuilong just turned around. One more look at Prince Calvin.

“Well. This gentleman. What do you want to say?” The little murloc prince also glared at the evil star.

The little prince is surrounded by a large group of mermaid maids. It seems to be windy. To be like rain.

See it all. There is no need to mention the matter that Shaxing originally wanted to ask. He showed a subtle expression: “It’s nothing. Take care.”

“Yeah.” Calvin looked at Ginger, who turned and left. Feeling a bit confused. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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