Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1006: The ultimate battle against Ziyan (6)


Chapter 1006 The ultimate battle against Ziyan six

About ten minutes ago. The basement of Zhangren Castle is the first floor.

The alarm bell rings. The alarm came that the castle was about to explode. A broadcast urging everyone to evacuate.

“Those stinky brats.” As soon as King Arthur heard the broadcast. His face immediately became very terrifying: “Why don’t you know how to wait for me to rescue you honestly. I always touch those superfluous things.”

“If they hadn’t been so naughty. That incident wouldn’t have happened last time.” Sha Xing looked at the King of Knights happily: “What to do. There are only ten minutes left.”

“This is a disaster. But it also saves me a lot of work.—–they are in the enchantment room on the negative second floor. If you go from here, you’ll be there in no time. More chapters coming sooner. “The King of Knights lifted the vent cover on the side. There is a passage down through the dark and deep vent. Directly to the negative second floor.

He is one of the game developers. Know the structure of this Zhangren castle. It’s really helpful at this point – although this is a bit of cheating.

Shaxing frowned: “Hey, hey. Shouldn’t he want me to jump off.”

“Of course.” Arthur had a cat’s waist burrowed into the vent. After a second. From the vent came the sound of the King of Knights landing—he slid to the end.

“Tsk. Damn it. I hate this.” Shaxing seems to be disgusted by this kind of pit-jumping adventure. And the several chapter guards behind him didn’t think so. They wish the evil star could stay. To fight with them.

“Humph. There will be a period in the future.” Xinghuilong made a provocative move towards the group of miscellaneous soldiers. He got into the air vent himself.

Hey. He found himself sliding down almost ninety degrees. The dirty and damp vents made Xinghuilong feel uncomfortable.

Clap. He landed. Feet numb. Fall from dozens of feet high. The soles of the feet really don’t feel good.

“Go this way.” Rush through the corridor to the left of Knight Dynasty. Raising his sword, he slaughtered the soldiers who stood in his way.

Now. Husky here. The monster they faced was also just blocked by four ice floes. . .

“Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.” After a period of strenuous exercise, the canine boy. Tired and gasping for breath. The water level had risen to Husky’s chest. This put a lot of pressure on his breathing. It also made the canine juvenile more irritable.

“We sealed it up. What’s next.” He asked Leopard boy Howl.

The leopard boy pondered for a moment: “Next… let’s circle around him. Luring him to keep shooting meow. The closer you get, the better. The faster you circle, the better meow.”

“Are you sure this will work. Little black cat.” Prince Calvin was even more skeptical.

“If it doesn’t work—” Hal smiled bitterly: “At that time we can only wait for Uncle Arthur to rescue meow.”

“Humph…” The murloc prince grunted. Randomly cast a spell. A flat ice floe is created. It’s shaped like a big skateboard. Enough for three people to grab at the same time: “Come on up. Swim on this. Faster than swimming with your bare hands.”

“Yes, saved meow.” Hal was already worried about drowning. There is a ready-made lifebuoy in front of you. How could it not be used well.

Three teenagers grab the end of an ice skateboard. Husky yelled, “Now—start paddling.”

Their upper bodies are on the skateboard. The lower body kicked the water violently. Continue to circle around the monster sealed by the ice in a counterclockwise direction.

“A little dizzy.” After three laps. Husky grumbled in a low voice.

“Come on… I’ll fix it in a minute.” Howl kicked the water with all his strength. He could see the ice-enclosed glitches still shooting seven-colored bricks at them. And the rate of fire increased as the boys moved faster. As if to catch up with the speed of the teenagers.

(That’s it meow. Keep going crazy meow. You will eventually destroy meow by your own madness.)

“Going to speed up, meow. Hold on tight, meow.” Hal shouted. The combat technique [Powerful Sprint] was activated.

His combat skills act directly on his legs. On the ground, it manifests as a gallop with amazing explosive power. In the water, it manifests as a burst of high-speed kicks. He kicked the water like a human flesh propeller. Let the speed of the ice skateboard suddenly increase to an amazing level. An ice skateboard that rotates at high speed around the faulty body. More faster chapters to come. It made the monster even more anxious. Its firing rate and frequency have increased dramatically. reached a crazy level.

“Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo out out out there” Husky felt that the river was tumbling in his stomach. He also began to hold back.

“Hold on a little longer. You’ll be fine in a minute, meow.” Hal urged loudly. Up to now, he can only use the stimulation of words to maintain the consciousness of his friends.

“Ahhahahahahahahaha.” Don’t maintain it deliberately. The murloc prince seemed to enjoy this tortured centrifugal spin. He saw the Leopard boy kicking water so hard. Not to be outdone. Kick up the water with a faster speed.

There are two minutes left until the castle explodes. Running out of time. Hal decided to go for it. Combat skills move continuously. Use up all four of his remaining [Intense Rush] for the day.

Swish, swish, swish. The ice skateboard circles the monster at dizzying speed. And the monster also shoots bricks frantically at a speed beyond the limit. The size of the bricks is getting more and more exaggerated. Hal worried several times that the bricks would break through the ice wall. hit them. But those colorful bricks never penetrated the wall. Instead, they started bumping into each other. cancel each other’s existence.

They were supposed to disappear instantly before touching the object.

But there are too many of them. The volume and collision area are too large. So much so that it puts a huge burden on the system of the game. . . As a result. These bricks that were supposed to disappear immediately became too late to disappear. and gradually piled up. .

The ice skateboard spins faster around the monster. This accumulation phenomenon is more serious. Severe to the point of contact with the faulty body itself.

And finally. The monster was in that narrow space where he was. Filled with colorful bricks shot by himself. Colorful bricks with petrification ability surrounded the fault heavily. and negatively affect its body.

“No. No way. ————-” After Husky said this. The whole person was thrown out by the ice skateboard.

“Husky Meow.” The leopard boy shouted. Also stopped kicking. The speed of the ice skateboard also slowed down. Update as soon as possible

“Husky. Husky. Husky meow.” Hal put aside the skateboard. chased out nervously. In fact, the water level has already passed the neck of the Leopard boy. Almost capable of drowning people. And the small Husky should choke on the water.

What worries Hal most is not Husky’s drowning. But the shock that ensues. Husky must not lose consciousness at this point. He will be attacked by nightmares.

The direction that Howl flew out with his friends. He stretched out his hand nervously.

“Ugh…” He got it. Husky’s head sticks out of the water: “Ha, Hal Wang…”

“Don’t pass out. Please meow.” The leopard boy shouted. A hand slapped Husky’s face. More faster chapters to come. Trying to keep the canine boy who was about to faint.

“Ha, Husky hasn’t fainted yet. So please don’t slap Husky again.” The dog boy said helplessly.

“Uh. Sorry meow.” Hal blushed. That’s what stopped.

“That monster…is it solved? Wang.” After recovering a little. Husky immediately asked nervously.

The little murloc prince is pushing his ice skateboard over at this time. By the way, I answered Husky’s question: “See for yourself.”

The glitch trapped in the ice wall. There was complete silence at this point. It’s petrified. ——It was petrified by the petrified bricks it spit out.

Seeing the dog boy was at a loss for a while: “Husky doesn’t understand…what the **** is going on.”

“It’s a [malfunction]. It can only be cleaned up with a more powerful [glitch], meow.” The Leopard Boy explained. “Generally speaking. It should have the ability to resist petrification. To avoid being hurt by its own petrification attacks, meow. But we enclosed it in an ice wall. Using rapid spin to accelerate its attacks. Those petrification attacks eventually It bounced back on it, meow.”

“And it withstands thousands of petrification attacks in a very short period of time. It can’t even withstand its own ability to prevent petrification. Does it break in the end? Interesting.” A familiar voice interjected .

The moment I heard this voice. The leopard boy was overjoyed: “Uncle Arthur meow.”

“Yo. Little devils.” The king of knights descended from the sky. Or jumped from the gap above the cave: “I’m still worried about what danger you will encounter. I didn’t expect it to be solved smoothly. What a genius.”

He looked at the stone statue of the malfunctioning body next to him: “I have never made such a thing in my game. Where did it come from.”

“Uncle Arthur doesn’t know Wang either…” Husky was surprised.

“The main body of the game has tens of thousands of The core personnel who open the game have thousands of people. Who has done anything in this game. I can’t find them out.” King of Knights Explained: “Even if it can be found out. It can’t prove that he is related to this incident. At most, it proves that the programmer has done superfluous work.”

“Hello. You guys are still chatting.” The evil star also jumped down from the top of the cave. A huge wave splashed: “There’s only one minute left. It’s about to explode here. Don’t run away.”

“Hoohoo. Don’t worry. It’s all firm.” Arthur walked to the wall. Raise your lightsaber. Adjust it to maximum output power.

He held up a massive ten-foot blade of light. Hit the wall hard.

Boom. . —— The full power blow of the lightsaber’s highest power. Burned a large hole in the wall of the underwater cave. Its power is simply terrifying.

Wah la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la. With such a big gap. Of course, the sea water poured in at an even crazier speed. The water level began to rise at an alarming rate. The entire cave was about to be submerged. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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