Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1005: The ultimate battle against Ziyan (5)


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Chapter 1005 The ultimate battle against Ziyan (5)

“Husky, come and dodge meow!” Hal struggled to move his body, which was barely able to maintain his balance, and stumbled to hide behind the ice.

“Oh, oh!” The dog boy was too tired to breathe, and even his response was very perfunctory. He dodged a few times and rushed over to join his companions.

dong dong dong dong dong dong dong! Wonderful and funny noises exploded on the ice at once, and the scene was funny and terrifying.

But Hal saw that the bricks hit the ice cover, but they didn’t even have the strength to push the ice floes. These petrified rainbow bricks have no quality at all, but are just an extension of “malfunction”.

They’re just improvised things that don’t fit into the game, and aren’t even considered an object by the game’s physics engine. So these seemingly deadly bricks can simply be held back by ice blocks! And that malfunctioning body doesn’t seem to be endowed with too much artificial intelligence? Seeing that the seven-colored bricks it spit out were easily blocked by ice blocks, it still spit out there and continued to target Husky to attack. Maybe it doesn’t have a second tactic to bypass the ice and attack the opponent, or maybe it doesn’t even know that the ice is blocking its attack?

Anyway, as long as they stay behind the ice, the teens are safe?

No! This is not enough! They must find a way to fight back immediately – before this underwater cave is full of water!

“Husky, smash the ice cube with your fist and push it towards the monster, meow.” The leopard boy commanded.

“Will this work?” The canine boy was very skeptical. That malfunctioning body had almost no weaknesses, and was completely invincible.

“Anyway, try meow first!” urged the leopard boy.

“Okay, okay, Wang.” The dog boy put away his sword and replied gloomily. Indeed, there are the last seven minutes left. If you don’t want to do anything, the explosion of Zhangren Castle will also implicate everyone.

Husky took a step back, took a deep breath, and, with all his strength, moved [arm burst]. His strengthened right arm slammed on the huge ice block in front of him, pushing the suspended ice block forward!

Whoa! The ice cube set off a big wave and hit the monster! The monster still shoots that kind of rainbow bricks, and doesn’t seem to notice the ice cubes that are pressing on it!

The ice cube is about to hit it!


The ice cube collided with the malfunctioning body, but it was like a ball of jelly, or a thinner object, directly passing through the monster’s body! Watching the colorful cubes disperse away from the ice, the teenagers stared at it for half a second.

This thing is like a cloud, and all attacks on it are ineffective! And the ice block in front of the crowd has been pushed out, which means that there is nothing to block the monster’s shooting. It naturally shoots more colorful bricks at the crowd, and the ice block’s attack seems to have never hit it. caused an impact! ?

“Wow!” Huskie dragged the leopard boy with limited mobility to hide behind another piece of ice floes, and complained dissatisfiedly: “Hal, no, woof! It doesn’t wook at all?”

“Trust Hal, come again meow!” The Leopard boy insisted, “This time, the ice cube should be pushed right in front of him meow.”


“You should be able to control the strength of your combat skills, right?” The leopard boy demanded unreasonably.

“Well… well, Husky will try Wang.” The canine boy didn’t understand the intention of his friends at all, but he himself had no better way. He could only use a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Try again.

Husky took another deep breath, ready to [arm burst].

Twenty yards from the opponent. To push this piece of ice just in front of the malfunctioning body, it can’t be less or more…? If the force is too small, it is estimated that the effect that Hal wants will not be achieved. On the contrary, if the force is too large, the ice cube will pass through the body of the monster, and all previous efforts will be lost.

It’s okay, the weight of the ice cube and the feel of pushing it, Husky tested it in the attack just now. If you control the strength well, ice cubes of the same size will definitely be pushed to the expected position!

“It’s on!” Husky shouted, and he shot at the same time as a reminder to his friends even if they avoided the brick shots they might face next – after all, Husky might have messed things up. smash.

Touch! The canine boy had good luck and slapped the ice floe with his palm, pushing the three-yard-high piece of ice out!

dong dong dong dong dong dong dong! Ridiculous and terrifying sound effects sounded on the floating ice, which was the sound of seven-color bricks hitting the floating ice. As the frequency of this noise becomes more and more dense, it means that the ice cubes are getting closer and closer to the faulty body!

Although he didn’t understand what Hal was trying to do, Husky couldn’t help but sigh that he did a good job! The floating ice just stopped in front of the inexplicable monster, and had a slight contact with it, but it did not completely pass through!

“Very good! Next up is another ice floe meow!” The floe five yards across from Howl. At that time, the water level had already risen to the position of the belly of the teenagers, and it was very hard to walk in this water, plus that was the other side of the monster, and the ice cubes stuck to the monster could not cover it. This means that Husky will be in the range of the monster before running over and hiding in cover.

This is indeed a very risky operation. But Husky has no other choice, only his combat skills can push these heavy ice floes, he has to go!

“Then… Husky went to meow.” The dog boy wondered. He leaned down, not preparing to sprint, but intending to swim through that dangerous area as quickly as possible!

“Howl will cover your meow.” The leopard boy picked up the bow and seemed to want to use the bow and arrow to counteract the attacks of the monster’s colored squares. But the water level is getting deeper and deeper, and it is not easy for him to aim when he is standing here, and he may even accidentally injure his companions!

“Since that’s the case, are you standing on this to cover?” Prince Calvin couldn’t stand it any longer, and cast a Frost Arrow. His ice arrow did not fly out, but fell in place, landed on the water, and extended toward the ground in a straight line. In an instant, a very stable icicle was formed that was connected to the ground, and it was just enough for a teenager to stand on it.

“Thank you, thank you, meow.” The leopard boy climbed up the pillar, raised his bow and got ready.

“Okay!” Husky also flew out at the same time and swam towards the ice cube on the opposite side!

That glitched body is sure to target Husky to shoot. When the canine boy circled to its left, the shooting angle of the colorful bricks changed with Husky’s movement. Although this distance is short, since Husky can only swim, he cannot roll and dodge in the middle. This short five-yard distance is actually extremely dangerous!

dong dong dong dong dong dong dong! Dozens and hundreds of colorful bricks exploded around the canine boy’s body, but Husky swam so fast that the bricks were not so easy to hit. However, they were very numerous and the shots were very dense. A few colorful bricks were about to hit Husky, and Hal quickly drew his bow and shot, and Miki arrows scattered out!

Boom, boom, boom! The trajectory of the wooden arrow in the air just coincides with those colorful bricks! The bricks collided with the wooden arrow and disappeared directly, as if it had never existed, and the wooden arrow did not change its flight trajectory at all, and continued to fly away in a parabola until it fell into the water!

Using Howl’s cover, Husky also swam behind the ice floe. He took a breath, at least he was safe for the time being. Then he calculated the strength and distance again, and slapped the ice cube! The ice cube is slowly sliding towards the faulty body, and it is estimated that it will soon seal the other side of it.

At the same time, Hal also instructed Calvin next to him: “Can you use magic to connect those two pieces of ice together, meow?”

“I ordered this prince to do things again…” The little murloc prince seemed to be very dissatisfied with the attitude of the leopard boy.

“Please, Your Majesty, Meow.”

“Hmph… Okay! Calvin has had enough of this **** place too, just get over it soon!” The murloc boy walked over to the monster. At that time, the large ice block that Husky pushed over also happened to stick to the left side of the faulty body, and firmly sealed the missile it shot. Calvin cast a magic trick, and the ice fog glued the ice cubes in front of the monster and on the left side together!

“All that’s left is its right side and back meow!” Hal urged, “Husky, hurry up, there’s no time, meow!”

As it turns out, Howl intends to seal all four sides of the malfunctioning body with four pieces of ice floes. Only then did the canine boy understand a little. But does this really work? It’s actually a moving enemy, and it’s like a phantom that can pass through objects like ice floes at any time. As soon as it moves, isn’t everything Husky and the others have done for nothing?

But then again, does this glitch really never move? It’s been firing hard at Husky since the beginning, but it never moved half a step?

Perhaps its AI is designed that way, as long as the target stays within range, it doesn’t move half a step, but instead focuses on shooting?

With more doubt, Husky hugs another ice floe. This time, he pushed the ice floe first, let it go around behind the monster, and then swam at high speed to meet the ice floe.

He will still be within range of the malfunctioning body midway through his swim but he is confident that Howl will find a way to cover him. ——that’s the truth. At the last moment, Hal didn’t need to be stingy with the arrows in his hands. He threw out all the arrows he could use, and flew out at a low speed. The arrow rain with almost no attack power became Husky’s best cover. Although the opponent’s brick attacks are very dense, as long as they can’t penetrate the arrow rain, the Husky hiding behind the arrow rain is very safe!

“One more woof!” Husky piled the third ice floe against the monster as well. This faulty body has been surrounded on three sides, and all its attacks will soon lose its effectiveness!

“This kind of thing, let’s end it soon!” Calvin used a spell to sew the third ice floe to the other ice blocks.

And Husky is also full of doubts, moving towards the last piece of ice floe, as long as he pushes the piece of ice on the right side of the monster and completely seals it in the ice wall

——Maybe it can be eliminated?

There are only three minutes left before the explosion of Zhangren Castle. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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