Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1000: Fighting for Ziyan (34)


Chapter 1000: The fierce battle against Ziyan 34

“What are you thinking. Husky meow.” The leopard boy saw greed in the eyes of his friends. His spine shivered. Have a bad feeling.

“It’s all for this sake. If you don’t take the white, you won’t take the Wang.” Husky gave Hal a sly smile: “Let Husky destroy this enchantment room machine. It’s good to breathe. “

“This… this is not good meow.” The Leopard boy strongly objected. One more thing is worse than one less thing: “It has destroyed the enchantment generator. The purpose of our trip has been achieved. It’s better to leave here quickly, meow.”

“No way. Now that we’re here, we have to do the damage to the end.” The nature of the dog boy urchin was fully revealed at this time. More faster chapters to come.

And. Since the Zhang people are “bad guys” who are hostile to Husky and the others. There is no need to leave any face to these bad guys. All the buildings to be demolished are demolished. All the treasures that should be robbed. Kill all the enemies that should be eliminated. This is the fixed rule of the various adventure games played by the dog boy. And this “game” is no exception.

Husky wagged his tail. His face was full of malice: “This group of people has made us so miserable. How can we not take the opportunity to take revenge. ——Hey hey. Come on. Let’s dismantle the machines here. “

“Good idea.” Calvin echoed with a playful heart: “Let’s dismantle all the machines here. Dismantle and rob everything that can be dismantled and sold for money… Hahahaha .”

Only that. The little murloc prince understood the canine boy’s thoughts very well. Maybe the stubbornness in their roots is actually the same. The canine boy thought.

“You…” The Leopard boy Hal, who only knew how to abide by the rules since childhood. It seems that he can’t understand the thoughts of these urchins. At this time, he felt very depressed. It’s like being forced by your friends to do some kind of prank. But he was afraid of the kind of anxiety that would be blamed by adults afterwards.

But everyone insists on wreaking havoc in this room. Hal was embarrassed to object. It’s just a game anyway. Anyway, the Zhang people are the hostile forces of the teenagers. Destruction here is justified. Nothing wrong with it.

“Then, then. Be careful with the first update, meow.” Hal helplessly smiled and said, “Maybe there are some traps hidden here, meow.”

“Wang will pay attention.” Husky lit another torch. Brighten the surrounding environment: “Now. Which machine will destroy first.”

He’s smart and doesn’t want to destroy things aimlessly. At best, his purpose was the most valuable machine in this enchantment room—–the motor—–.

And finding the motor is easy. Just distribute along the wires of the various instruments. Keep going upstream. where they end up coming together. That’s where that motor is.

——This is where the treasure is. . .

Husky watches carefully. Look along the countless black, finger-thick wires. The wires were gathered behind a rather small wooden shelf. And that wooden shelf is full of machine parts and other sundries. It doesn’t look like a motor at all.

Husky walks to the wooden shelf. Hold a torch in each hand with Hal. Look closely at the shelf under the bright firelight.

There must be something behind this shelf. Husky fiddled with the machine parts on the wooden shelf. But one of the spherical parts could not be moved. He pulled hard in disbelief. The part remained motionless. So weird. This thing isn’t a clutter that’s haphazardly placed on a shelf. Rather, it is linked to some kind of mechanism. More faster chapters to come. Semi-fixed to the shelf.

Husky tries again to twist the spherical part from both sides. Click. The parts moved—–it really was a mechanism.

The wooden shelf begins to move slowly. Move aside. Appeared in front of Husky and others. Another dark room in the room. In the dark room, there was a machine as tall as an adult. There are countless rings rotating on a light sphere. Is this a motor?

“Watch Husky tear it apart.” The canine boy raised his sword.

“Are you sure it’s a good idea meow.” Hal asked uneasily, “It’s still running meow. Hit it. It won’t explode meow.”

“It’s up to the prince to fix this. More and faster chapters to come.” Calvin approached the motor. Raised the staff in his hand.

A icy mist rises. Float towards that motor.

It was sticky and thick. With low temperature icy fog. It quickly sticks and solidifies on those fast-rotating rings. They make the whole machine. In particular, the connection points of the rings on the machine froze. Constantly slows down the speed of the ring’s rotation. at last. The whole machine stopped working. Frozen into a giant hockey puck. Only the light of the light object in its center has not been extinguished.

“Hmm. Great.” Husky hurried up. Raise the sword and knock out the rings one by one. They moved crunchy. It’s effortless to destroy.

In the end, only the light core of the puck remains. More faster chapters to come. This thing is probably worth a fortune. Husky was drooling looking at it. He smashed the core of the puck with his long sword—it was some sort of translucent glass structure, after all. The purpose is to seal the core of light in it.

The canine boy takes off his shirt. Use this as a glove. Reach for that core of light. At first he thought he would be scalded or electrocuted with a strong current. But his worries were completely superfluous. This light core just lay quietly in the hands of the canine boy. No harm was done. It is very stable under freezing conditions. It’s a pale yellow. Crystal with high transparency.

“This… this is not the Thunder Stone Meow.” Hal remembered the [Thunder Lizard] monster that he met in [Golden Stone Valley] before and had this kind of golden crystal on his back. . . And the [Lightning Stone] that Uncle Arthur mentioned.

“It’s really [Lightning Stone].” The murloc prince also came over to look. “And the purity is very high. If you have this, you can make a lot of money.”

“That’s great.” Husky couldn’t wait to stuff the crystal into his inventory: “We’ll sell it for money when we go back. Now——“

It’s time to go.

“desus, desus. lunmada, entatde le aunmubm——-” There were alarm bells ringing around. A strange alarm came to mind. More faster chapters to come.

“Warning. Warning.” Prince Calvin, the only one who could understand Zhangren’s language, translated simultaneously: “There is an intruder. The intruder has destroyed the main motor of the castle. The main motor is out of control. It will explode in ten minutes. .Repeat. The main motor is out of control. Will explode in ten minutes.”

“Oh no,” Husky exclaimed. “But. We obviously have ——–.”

He thought he was pulling the core of the motor away. The motor will stop working completely. He thought so beautifully.

Originally frozen. Disassembled motor. It is shaking constantly at the moment. Husky just now. They only destroyed a very small part of the motor.

The larger body part of the motor. . . Connected to the ceiling. It was almost imperceptible in this dark room. Only when it whizzes. Shake off a lot of dust and rust. Only the youngsters know to look up.

Consists of hundreds of iron pipes as thick as an arm. A very complex structure. Filling the ceiling of the darkroom. There are thousands of wires scattered around this thing. It is estimated that this is the body of the motor. It must be drawing power from the core of the motor. Then spread the power out. Distributed to every machine in the castle.

And the thing doesn’t seem to stop working with the core gone. It still has some kind of reactor running in its center. However, problems began to arise due to the uneven distribution of local power. The whole machine roared. It let out a low roar like a wounded beast. It is expressing its anger at the reckless vandalism of teenagers.

“Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.” Hal exclaimed, “Get out of here meow…”

The machine on the ceiling collapsed after a jolt. Just about to hit Hal and others on the head. The boys are very lucky. Machines are connected by countless wires. Greatly hindered the tendency of the machine to fall down. Husky and the others had already escaped from the darkroom. Just in time to escape before the machine fell. Avoid the fate of being crushed into meat sauce.

“Okay, very dangerous.” Husky had just escaped from the darkroom. He turned his head and looked at the condition of the huge machine when it landed. Not only did it fall. There was also a big hole in the floor. The situation is very scary.

“Don’t look. Let’s get out of here meow. It’s going to explode meow.” Hal exclaimed.

“Hmm.” Husky had just set his sights on the vent. There is also a rope for the teenagers to climb back on. But did they get away in time?——–from those blackened ventilation ducts. Get out of this castle in fifteen minutes. .

While Husky was still hesitating suddenly felt his body sway back and forth involuntarily. Or rather. Some kind of force pulled him back.

The floor on his feet, along with the remains of the huge motor in the darkroom that smashed through the floor. collapsed together. The floor collapses in a terrifying chain reaction. Not just the darkroom. Even the ground nearby. They also fell down together. The large-scale collapsed floor devoured everything around it. Including the three teenagers who were too late to escape.

"呜哇啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊。"哈斯基惊呼着。 Hands scrabbling feebly. Want to catch something in the process of falling.

All he holds is a fluffy cat’s tail. Howl’s kitten tail. But it was by no means something he could crawl back to.

“Wow…” The leopard boy screamed. As his tail was pulled, he only felt an indescribable throbbing deep in his buttocks.

But he didn’t have time for the excruciating pain. In a strong sense of weightlessness. The leopard boy and the dog boy fell down together. Fall into an unknown abyss. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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