Legend of Ling Tian: Jinglong 9 heavy

There was a sharp pain in the meridians around the body! Ling Tian suddenly found that he had overlooked an important thing! True Qi comes slowly from the meridians to the dantian, and in the end it is attracted by the vortex, and the middle is a long and slow process! However, the gathered internal force suddenly dissipated after forming a vortex, like a mad dragon frightened, rushing into their respective lairs madly! , Then it’s like the meridians that originally endured the calm lake water but suddenly endured the impact of the raging waves, how can they not collapse? Thousands of meridians, how to not hurt? !

Ling Tian finally understood why the ancestors of the previous Ling family always reached the eighth peak of internal strength, but when they marched to the ninth, they suddenly burst and died of meridians! It’s just that it’s too late!

From now on, regretting is useless! Since you have decided to go in danger, you must bear the consequences!

Now that regret is of no avail, it makes sense to seek luck!

Ling Tian forcibly endured the pain of turning over the river in his body. At this moment, Ling Tian had a terrifying feeling that all the meridians all over his body were broken. The skin all over his body swelled up, the blood veins were gradually visible from faintly to the fissure muscles about to come out, and the whole body gradually oozes tiny drops of blood! But at this moment, a small part of the Qi Jin at the dantian is still violently dissipating to various meridians…

Sitting at the door in the early morning, watching Ling Tian practicing, with a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth, watching the concentration of his beloved man practicing the exercises, I feel peace and happiness in my heart early in the morning!

Suddenly, the eyes widened in shock in early morning! She saw the muscles on Ling Tian’s face twitch in pain, and then the naked skin slowly swelled, and a little bit of blood slowly oozes out, more and more…

Under the influence of Ling Tian all the year round, I have already had a deep understanding of Ling Tian’s magical skills to start the dragon. Knowing this situation is what may happen when the ninth major hurdle is broken! I couldn’t help being shocked!

Suddenly remembered Ling Tian’s previous instructions, cold and hot mutual excitement, yin and yang complement each other. Chen’er, I’m afraid you will be indispensable when you rush through the customs! Without hesitation, his body came to Ling Tian like lightning, and a slender jade palm was attached to Ling Tian’s chest. With a slight effort, a cold and pure internal force was lost!

Ling Tian cried secretly in his heart! There is already too much internal force in the body. You girl didn’t come early. But at this moment, I am here to add a kick again. At this moment, it is really a crime that can be done by itself and cannot live! But at this moment, all Qi Jin of the whole body is used to suppress the violent true Qi in the meridians. But I can’t speak, even moving my lips is extremely difficult!

As soon as the inner force of the early morning arrived in Ling Tian’s body, it split into countless strands in an instant, and flowed to various meridians along the direction of the inner force of Ling Tian’s Dantian!

The endurance of the meridians in Ling Tian’s body has reached its limit! The skin on his body has been cracked in several places, and bloodshot as thin as a pinhole spurts out. The whole body meridians have reached the edge of breaking!

The face was full of tears in the early morning, and I crazily infused my whole body energy into my sweetheart!

Suddenly, the violent zhenqi in Ling Tian’s body seemed to have discovered the cold Xuanbing zhenqi input in the early morning, and suddenly rolled back like a raging wave!

This is like suddenly pouring a spoonful of cold water into a boiling oil pan. Under the stimulation of hot and cold, it must first evaporate the spoonful of cold water before the oil pan can resume its original boiling. situation! If the zhenqi in Ling Tian’s body is boiling like a pan, then the inner strength in the early morning is the spoonful of cold water that happened to be injected!

Under two-way contact. In the early hours of the morning, it was almost equivalent to withstanding a severe blow from Ling Tian’s body’s strongest strength! Suddenly hummed. A slender body was shot up into the air and flew far away. She was in the air, her lips were open, and a big mouthful of blood was sprayed out! He hit the wall hard and bounced to the ground again!

Speaking of the last sober mind, he barely raised his head to look at Ling Tian, ​​but saw that although Ling Tian’s face was still blood-red, but it did not have the shape of the skin that was almost broken just now, he couldn’t help but loosen his heart and suddenly fell into a coma. past!

Ling Tian clearly felt that the moment the internal force was returning, there was a short gap! Although he knew that the injury was bound to be serious in the early morning, Ling Tian couldn’t stop at this moment. Once the internal strength returned, then he would be weak again! Suppress my heart’s concern for the early morning,

Because he can save his lover only if he saves himself first, and the will to love often causes people to exert an incredible power and produce a miracle. People are governed by thoughts, but they also live by thoughts. This is all right.

Ling Tian knows that the things that he can have now that he needs to turn around are not only a coincidence, but also the last chance to exchange his life for the ground in the early morning. If he sits and waits for death, not only will he die, but even the early morning may also lose Save and die!

Ling Tian Lingtai suddenly flashed, or there is a clear understanding. At this crisis, it is to see a person’s true temperament. At this juncture, if you act recklessly, you will only make a mistake, only calmness. Of course, most of them rely on him for the top Only talents with intelligence can realize the opportunity to survive from death.

At this moment, Ling Tian suddenly understood the magical functions of the two unique martial arts of the Ling family in the previous life. There is already an invincible stunned dragon magic technique, why is there a cold ice magic technique specially practiced for women? And the ancestral training, the daughter of the Ling family must practice? ! That’s it!

Ling Tianmoyun’s only residual qi on the “Qihai” point, which is also the only residual qi that he can use at the moment, forcibly resisting the frustration of his heart, forcing back flow, and urging the scattered qi to gather. However, this afterlife is a great recovery, the true energy is once again popular in the human body, and the spiritual platform is also clear. This kind of joy in my heart cannot be described in words.

But this was just a good start. Ling Tian relied on his internal force to recover his self-control, and once again forcibly reversed to the dantian. I don’t know how long after that, the internal force dispersed in the meridians of his body finally formed a whirlpool in the dantian! Ling Tian was surprised to find that after this rush, the meridians in his body had doubled and more than doubled! If the previous meridians were just a trickle, the current meridians are undoubtedly the Yangtze River!

Xin Yiyi controlled the internal force to rotate. When the rotation reached a certain level, the dantian had already swelled to a certain limit. Ling Tian suddenly let go of control again, and the internal force of his whole body suddenly became like a frightened mad dragon. Rushing forward, almost effortlessly, the eighth level of the Shocking Dragon Magic Technique was rushed past, and the internal strength remained undiminished, and he continued to rush forward! Suddenly, he circled the meridians of his whole body for a week, and when he reached Guanyuan point, the source of zhenqi suddenly rolled back!

It turned out to be here! Ling Tian secretly said in his heart. The internal force does not stop at all, and the follow-up internal force is like the waves of the Yangtze River, rushing rushing in, reuniting the reversing internal forces again, and continuing the impact!

Ling Tian finally understood the magical effect of the previous Zhenqi flowing backwards into the body meridians! If you don’t expand the meridians in advance, I am afraid that when the ninth pass is hit, the original meridians can’t contain such a huge flow of real air at all, then it is really terrible! Thanks to her! But I can’t stop now!

Once! Twice! … the nineteenth time! Ling Tian also resisted, with forceful shocks again and again, each time Ling Tian was so painful that his whole body was convulsed! After that, Ling Tian seemed to have numb nerves, only knowing the perseverance of the impact, there was no other consciousness in his mind…

Finally—-Ling Tian only felt that there was a thunderous roar in his mind, and the huge air current rushed past, like a naughty child who suddenly returned home after many days away. Rampage in the celestial body! Ling Tian not only felt uncomfortable, but felt a strong feeling of warmth and excitement!

Controlling Zhen Qi to run through the meridians for a week, Ling Tian suddenly discovered that the current movement speed of Zhen Qi was twice as fast as before! Almost in an instant, Ling Tian had completed the task of steadily running Zhen Qi in his body for 36 weeks!

Slowly opened your eyes, and immediately shot out like two cold electric lights, and instantly presented a colorful world in front of Ling Tian! Although it was in the dark night, Ling Tian could still clearly see every place in the room, even the dust flying in the air, Ling Tian was also surprised to find that these things had their own colors! The whole world is full of vitality, looking up from the window, the bamboo swaying outside the window, Ling Tian clearly sees the different veins on each bamboo leaf, listening carefully, it seems that he heard the sound of earthworms turning over the earth… …

All of this~IndoMTL.com~ has caused Ling Tian to have a novel feeling that has only come to this world until today! With Lingtian’s calmness after two lifetimes, he was shocked for a while!

This is the so-called true innate state? ! Innate feeling! ?

Suddenly remembered the early morning when I was injured, and hurriedly looked around. I saw that I was already awake. You must know that I have already done the Ling Tianzheng, and the skill cultivation is still above Ling Jian, and the martial arts is even more Ling Tian’s family. Guan, the shock just now, although it was an accident, although it caused serious internal injuries early in the morning, it was by no means fatal, but this little girl fainted with anxiety.

Seeing that Keren’er stood up reluctantly, her back still weak against the wall, tears in her eyes rustling, but a beautiful ecstatic smile bloomed at the corner of her mouth, looking at herself, it seemed like endless relief! Ling Tian’s heart became hot, and he hurriedly took two steps forward and took her into his arms. After a long time, he said: “My Chener, silly girl!”

In the early hours of the morning, the fear of fear and fear can no longer be endured, and the little mouth is flat, and tears burst into tears. At this moment, in this warm embrace, I truly feel that the person I love has not left me! Could not help crying with joy. Thinking of my despair just now, I couldn’t help crying even harder! At this time, I really felt a deep fear!

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