Legend of Ling Tian: Despicable means

The atmosphere of evil suddenly filled the whole venue!

Shui Wubo, out of the instinct of a master, keenly felt something was wrong, with a loud shout, the lotus flower formed by the sword light and sword aura burst in advance, and the Man Kong sword aura concentrated in one direction and attacked mercilessly toward the Yumanlou!

At the same time, Shui Wubo’s body was spinning rapidly, and the long sword made a hissing wind, not seeking to hurt the enemy. Seeking self-preservation first, weave an almost impermeable net of heaven and earth around his body; the left hand is poured into the whole body, and the palms of the mysterious are constantly being shot. In an instant, a violent whirlwind has formed around him. Moreover, this whirlwind is extremely powerful, and it is getting more and more fierce.

For a time, the body of the water waveless in the center of the venue. Entirely shrouded in a small tornado. Everyone can almost see with the naked eye that the wind has almost condensed into substance, just like a blue-black flood dragon.

Shui Wubo didn’t know what method Yumanlou was about to use, but he was sensitive to what he felt. He could fully predict that Yumanlou’s attack seemed to be able to withstand it, but But it is absolutely unstoppable.

This is a very contradictory thing! But it was in Shui Wubo’s heart like this, so he immediately showed his full strength without reservation.

I have to say that Shui Wubo’s intuition is still very sensitive. As long as he is a moment later, he will suffer an irreparable loss immediately, but even so, it is still a little late.

Yumanlou has rushed through thunder and lightning and penetrated his full sky sword net.

Everyone held their breath.

Ling Tian’s eyes burst into light, watching carefully, this is Yumanlou’s life-saving means at the bottom of the box! As a generation of heroes, how could his last resort be simple? So even though Ling Tian was confident that he could steadily beat Yumanlou, he was still afraid of Yumanlou’s last move! And now, obviously it’s time to be announced!

Yumanlou didn’t know that Ling Tian had also come to Tianfeng. If he knew it, I’m afraid he would rather fight with Shui Wubo for three days and three nights and then decide the victory or defeat, and it would never be his own. The method of pressing the bottom of the box, because he always believes that his last killer, the person who should be the most tolerable in the world is Ling Tian.

Now that there are thousands of people in the audience, Ling Tian is the only one who can see the specific actions of Yumanlou every step, not even Ling Jian! As for the rest of the world, it is even more forgiving.

There was a bang, then a rush of clapping sounds connected together, there was a bang, and then there were two low muffled hums, each from the two people!

Yumanlou and Shui Wubo intersected in midair, and then the two separated in the air, and several blood sprinkled in the field. Red and glaring!

However, although the same retreat, the two are quite different. Yumanlou retreats easily and his body style turns like a wish, but Shui Wubo falls like a broken kite!

Ling Tian clearly saw that while Yumanlou was touching Shui Wubo’s sword net with the sword in both hands, his left hand suddenly moved away from the hilt, and then one left hand turned into a thick ink color. The color darker than the darkness, and the left palm that Shui Wubo is waiting for is a forcible fight!

This was originally an evenly divided scene, but just after the palm of the hand, Ling Tian suddenly widened his eyes and was dumbfounded!

After this palm, Shui Wubo’s left hand quickly turned black, and it was slightly enlarged. Then it was eliminated immediately, and the normal color was restored, but a black line followed Shui Wubo’s arm to climb at high speed!

At this moment, Shui Wubo’s original light body fell like a rock!

What a sharp poison!

Ling Tian changed color in amazement!

He was not surprised that Yumanlou used poison palms. It is the violent toxicity of this palm!

Shui Wubo’s internal power has also reached the peak of innateness. The pure innate skills are enough to dissolve the world’s hundreds of poisons. Even if it is the most violent poison, you can force the water to go out with just a little time for Shui Wubo!

But Shui Wubo obviously has no ability to resist the toxicity of Yumanlou’s palm. Moreover, it invaded his body very quickly, attacking his heart, the extremely pure innate energy, There is no resistance at all! You can’t even delay a little time!

What kind of poison is this? So overbearing!

If you hit yourself with such a palm. so what? Can I be spared? Ling Tian couldn’t help but feel terrified when he thought of this!

If Shui Wubo can stop this poison for a while, even if it still cannot be spared in the end, Ling Tian is sure that this poison will not hurt him, because his current skill is far better than Shui Wubo. , He can’t resist, he may not resist Chi!

But what he saw now was that the internal force of the Innate Peak was invaded without the strength to fight back. And it disappeared instantly, without any signs.

This kind of poison, even with the countless experiences of Ling Tian two lives as a person, I can’t recognize it! Not sure! horrible!

Ling Tian sees cold sweat on his face. He knew that the next time Yuman Lou made a shot, the target was himself! In this world, except for water without waves. At most, there are only two people worthy of this poisonous hero. One is Jiangshan Lingzhu’s gift to Jun Tianli, and the other is Ling Tian himself!

I thought of the last time I was facing Yumanlou. Ling Tian couldn’t help feeling a cold sweat. Fortunately, at that time, his poison palm kung fu hadn’t been fully developed! Otherwise, I am afraid that even my bones are now turned to ashes!

The self at that time was really careless! Extremely dangerous!

Shui Wubo’s face was angry, he staggered back violently, blood was splashed from two wounds on his shoulders and thighs, his eyes were staring at Yumanlou, his face flushed, and suddenly turned blue, as if he was about to open his mouth to Yuman. What did the whole building say or curse?

Yumanlou’s left chest shot a **** light, the original dark complexion has returned to normal, a kind of elegant, only a little pale, an upside-down somersault withdrew, the foot is not yet, the sword tip is on the ground, the sword body A bend, and then straight, with the power of this bullet, suddenly the man with the sword turned into a long rainbow, and it shot towards the flooded chest!

The sharpest sword qi, undoubtedly blocked the words Shui Wubo was about to export again! Yumanlou spent all his calculations and succeeded in one blow. How could Shui Wubo tell his biggest secret in public? This is his last stunt, and it is also shameful!

Shui Wubo wanted to raise his true qi, but when his true qi moved, his face instantly turned black, and then turned into a pale as death. At this moment, his eyes suddenly became very strange, seemingly ridiculous, and very far away . It seems to be laughing at something, but nothing seems to be like a void…

But Shui Wubo’s face glowed with incomparable brilliance in this spin!

The long sword spirit snake in his hand jumped out like the spontaneous movement of the long sword itself. Senhan’s sword aura gushed out, but it did not spread everywhere like before. The sword aura can only Set in front of Yumanlou’s chest!

Yes, after receiving such a fatal poisonous injury, facing the last sword that he could challenge in this life, it was also the most dangerous situation in his life. At the moment when he was on the verge of death, Shui Wubo finally broke through him. Own shackles! Having reached the higher realm of introverted sword aura mentioned by Ling Tian, ​​from this moment on, the kendo he has pursued throughout his life has finally achieved something!

A breakthrough in the realm will definitely bring double strength! If he had comprehended it a moment ago, then even if another jade mansion comes, he can calmly cut it under the sword!

Unfortunately, at this time of his breakthrough, it was too late, and it was a coincidence.

Although he successfully broke through this realm, he can now exert the power of this realm. But less than one percent!

With his martial arts attainments, he naturally understood this. He stared into Shui Wubo’s eyes and whispered, “It’s late!”

He also squeezed a cold sweat, and Shui Wubo broke through at this moment!

Fortunately, Shui Wubo only broke through at this time!

Sure enough, the **** of fortune still cares for me!

“Puff!” The steel long sword plunged deeply into the heart of Waterless Waves, thrusting it to the end! at the same time. Yumanlou hurriedly moved his body to one side, and Shui Wubo’s last heavenly sword flew over his chest, bringing a deep groove of blood out of his chest!

“Don’t kill him!” A shocking shout suddenly sounded the moment the sword was inserted into Shui Wubo’s chest, but it was too late.

The sky above Mokong Mountain seemed to be twisted suddenly, a figure appeared in the field like this dreamlike, grabbing the blade of Yumanlou’s long sword, and the sharp long sword caught his flesh. In the palm, his palm did not hurt!

Send Jun Tianli!

But everything is too late.

Yumanlou’s face was as elegant as usual, with a slight smile, letting go, backing away, quitting five feet away, and standing with his hands behind.

Let half of the long sword stick deeply into Shui Wubo’s chest, in his heart!

Shui Wubo’s dying eyes suddenly became hot. Looking at Tianli, he was already unable to speak, and even the last little vitality was taken away by this sword, but he did not know how, his face suddenly appeared. There was a weird blush.

He coughed faintly, and said in a low voice; “…Jiangshan…Ling Lord?” Although his voice was faint, it was full of peace. He was incompetent with Yumanlou’s despicable means and victory. Wu didn’t have the slightest bit of resentment, but he was calm.

“It’s me.” Send Jun Tianli calmly, looking at him peacefully.

“…he…” Shui Wubo’s eyes suddenly brightened, then dimmed for an instant, his eyes slowly closed, a slight smile appeared on his face, and his expression was peaceful and content.

This man has been a martial artist in his life, and his only joy is to practice swordsmanship, that is to practice martial arts. His only goal is the peak of kendo! The only wish is to meet the biggest opponent in my heart, and also the idol in my heart, and to give the Lord Heavenly Li!

Before dying, he did both of the two things he pursued in his life!

He broke through the kendo, saw Jiangshan Lingzhu send Tianli to the emperor, and also saw the Gedai Shenfa used when Tianli appeared, which was the realm he longed for but could never reach.

And his kendo has reached the height of his own dream! Although, it was just a short-lived.

But he is satisfied, so although he was defeated by disgraceful means in a fair decisive battle, he still has no complaints, although he died without complaints!

Because this is the final destination he chose for himself as a warrior! Was conspired to death. It’s better than being sick and dying in bed.

A generation of martial idiots, the elder of the water family, Shui Wubo, die!

Send Jun Tianli slowly put Shui Wubo’s body down, then with a brush, he drew the long sword of Yumanlou from Shui Wubo’s chest, and after a closer look, he had already noticed the strangeness. Place. Yumanlou’s methods may be able to conceal the people of the world, but how can it be concealed from the peerless master of martial arts, a peerless national master of medical skills! Suddenly raised his head, facing Yumanlou, his face was as cold as ice, and his murderous intent was vicious: “Patriarch Yu, don’t you think it’s not bright?” Shen Shen’s question of sin was obvious!

Yumanlou smiled freely, stood with his hands in his hands, his clothes fluttered, and said lightly: “This is the battle between the two families of Shuiyu. It has been the rule for thousands of years. Victory, survival, endless death, and this The rules are still set by you, do you have any objections to Mr. Tianli?”

Song Jun Tianli’s eyes filled with anger, and he said solemnly: “Does this rule also include shameless means?”

“Disgraceful means?” Yumanlou smiled elegantly, not stunned, and said in a leisurely manner: “I don’t know that the disgraceful means that Lord Master said is Yumou’s swordsmanship. Law, I’d like to ask the Lord to give me some advice.”

Send Jun Tianli’s face calm down, the Eagle Falcon generally looks at Yumanlou, with a strong aura of oppression, slowly said: “This battle should never have an ending like this, the last move of the Yu Patriarch, although it is very powerful. , It can be called kendo mastery, but if you want to kill Shui Wubo in one fell swoop, it is far from such a power, but why Shui Wubo received this blow, but he has no ability to fight back. There must be a reason for this. , And this reason lies with you. This battle is absolutely unfair. The result of this battle is naturally unfair.”

Yumanlou smiled, with a ridiculous expression on his face, said; “Does the Lord think that only if Yumou died under the Shui Wubo sword can it be considered fair?” He said to the person in front of Tianli. He ignored all what he said, but grasped the three words “unfair”, but the more he was like this, the more suspicious he was.

Song Jun Tianli snorted coldly, and said: “The battle of Jiazi has been for thousands of years. If it is a fair fight, Shui Wubo will die, but if he died under the trick of ghosts, no matter what Said, you can’t accept the death of such a clank warrior, especially, it is still in the battle of warriors of the same level! Yu Family Patriarch, your approach is really disheartening!”

Yu Manlou sneered and said: “It was originally a life-and-death fight, not a point-to-point discussion. Now there is no shortage of people seeking benevolence and benevolence. He is dead. The victory or defeat is clear. Thousands of people can witness it. Lord I don’t know what I mean by saying this?”

Send Jun Tianli looked at Yumanlou for a while, his face was solemn and expressionless. After a long time, he said: “Yumanlou, I will investigate this matter to the end.”

Yumanlou’s elegant face showed a trace of wronged anger, and said angrily: “If the Lord wants to do anything, please do! If there is no other order, the result of victory or defeat will be announced.”

At this moment, a gnat-like voice sounded in Jun Tianli’s ears: “Brother, I want Shui Wubo’s corpse, there will be traces on it, I am afraid I will have to trouble you later. A big country player helps.”

Song Jun Tianli’s face moved, he leaned over and picked up Shui Wubo’s body, and said faintly: “Life and death are divided. What else will you announce?” Just holding Shui Wubo, he walked out step by step.

The people of the Shui family were still in shock and didn’t wake up. No one actually stopped and said to return to the root of Shui Wubo fallen leaves. Shui Wubo is a figure standing at the top of the pyramid throughout Tianfeng. Not to mention that he will die in battle, and even if he will lose, no one has ever thought about it, even if the opponent is Yumanlou!

But now he is not only defeated, but he is also defeated so inexplicably, and he died instantly! This is like a bolt from the blue!

Send Jun Tianli has actually come a long time ago. He was not interested in this Jiazi battle to the extent of Ling Tian. He had been invisible and watched with interest at this time, and commented in his heart from time to time. Fan, it’s a pity that no one has this blessing.

He discovered that there was something wrong with the battle between Yumanlou and Shui Wubo. He still didn’t plan to take action; it was a life and death battle. Even if Yumanlou used poison or hidden weapons, it was understandable. Shui Wubo If you die, you will die too. In the decisive battle between the two families, according to the record of no heaven, no matter how despicable and insidious, some people have used it. This is nothing at all.

It wasn’t until Shui Wubo finally broke through after the final pass, and sent Jun Tianli suddenly moved. Shui Wubo’s breakthrough is so rare and precious for Tianli, who is hungry for opponents but cannot. This breakthrough of Shui Wubo has reached a level close to sending Jun Tianli.

After the breakthrough, Shui Wubo has the qualifications to fight Send Jun Tianli!

But at this time, everything is too late~IndoMTL.com~Tianli’s stop has no effect at all. After all, Shui Wubo still bites his hatred under the sword of Yumanlou, and for nothing he lost an unusually rare opponent, so Tianli was furious.

Seeing that Send Jun Tianli walked out with Shui Wubo in his arms, Ling Tian naturally didn’t have any interest in the next melee. Now he is most interested in the poisonous skill Yumanlou has cultivated to the fullest. This is also something that threatens him, very dangerous.

And these, or only Shui Wubo’s corpse can provide this answer, and Tianli is undoubtedly the most authoritative doctor, so he winked at Ling Feng and others, and left Ling Jian quietly. Pursue Jun Tianli.

Ling Tian’s arrangement for Ling Feng and the others is that the engagement has ended, and Yu Bingyan will stay here, and she will definitely not be able to follow the Yu family back, otherwise, I don’t know what poisonous tactics Yumanlou will have. But Ling Tian was reluctant to take any risk now.

Yu Bingyan has fulfilled her last responsibilities as a descendant of the Yu family. Since the Yu family is ruthless, from then on, Yu Bingyan has only one identity, that is, my Lingtian woman.

And I Ling Tian, ​​never allow anyone to hurt my woman, even if it is a potential threat, absolutely not!

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