Legend of Ling Tian Chapter 88: I am not a hero

Meng Lige chewed carefully, then suddenly raised his head and asked: “What will happen to the son? What will the people of the world be like in the mind of the son?”

“Tools too!” Ling Tian did not hesitate, with a long eyebrow, and said: “If you are doing things and conquering the world; then, the people are the sharpest tools in my hand! I can take their wealth and raise my soldiers. Draw his sons and soldiers to serve me; agitate public opinion and build momentum for me; stir up public anger and uphold my righteousness! Therefore, if I rise up, the people of the world will be a tool!”

Meng Lige’s brows tightened: “If the son is the lord of the world? What will happen? The people of the world, how to deal with it?”

“Children!” Ling Tian finally stopped spinning the wine glass, raised his head, and said with a serious face: “If I am the lord of the world, the people of the world, for my people! I will do my best to benefit the world and be the common people! There is support for the old and the support for the young. This will remain the same for generations to come!”

“With the current strength of the son, it may not be impossible to benefit the world, and the common people; but now the people are miserable, and some places even starve to death, but Meng has not seen any action by the son. I don’t know why? How can the son win the trust Lige?!” Meng Lige chased very sharply.

“Hahaha…” Ling Tian laughed: “Now Ling Tian is neither the lord of the world nor the **** of creation. I am only the son of the Ling family. The money and silver of the Ling family are hard work. One cent is earned righteously! The people under the world are in desperation and hunger, so what is it to do with me? What I save is human favor, and it is my duty not to save! The gentleman asked me this way, it would be unintentional!” Ling Tian asked back.

“This world is not the world of the Ling family, the people, nor the people of the Ling family! Even if the flood is torrential and the death is clean, what about it?” Ling Tian’s eyes are full of ridicule: “As long as my Ling family is rich in food and clothing, glorious Wealth; why be afraid of the sorrow of the world? Even if the world is turbulent! It has nothing to do with me!”

Meng Lige’s face was cold, and he said angrily: “Ling son’s words. It’s too ruthless and unjust! How to cross the world?!”

Ling Tian sneered and said: “At the current situation, if the Ling family has no intention of being in the world, then only ruthless and unrighteous can survive! If the Ling family has no ambitions, but is waiting here to help the victims, then only destroy the door The disaster comes immediately. There is no other possibility! The husband can say that I Ling Tian has no intentions and morals; but the husband knows that even if the Ling family does not pay a penny, how many people can be supported in the entire world? And if the Ling family is not there, How many people will have their families destroyed?!”

Meng Lige said coldly: “I don’t know this Lige, I would like to hear the details.”

Ling Tian snorted. He said unceremoniously: “Sir, you know that the Ling family industry has grown in power in recent years. It is no longer limited to Chengtian country? The Ling family industry is ten million. It is distributed throughout the mainland. Even the Tianfeng and Tianyang continents have many. The land semicolon exists; every year because of these industries, at least 500,000 people work for the Ling’s family. In addition to these people, their families, young and old. Every year, at least two million people are fed with the help of the Ling’s existence! And these People are feeding themselves at the same time. Either helping or not helping others. At least hundreds of thousands of people will not starve to death! To put it bluntly. If Ling’s family suddenly disappears, these millions of people are most likely within ten months of months. The family is broken and the people are dead. The gentleman said, is there any reason for me to say the land?!”

Here. Ling Tian stood up and said, “But if the Ling family is doing good deeds everywhere. One year is enough to save millions or even more lives! But at that time, the prestige of the Ling family is bound to rise. It will become a living Buddha of ten thousand families. Exist like this! But the Ling family must be jealous! If there is still no heart to dominate the world, it will be slaughtered by then!” Ling Tian’s eyes shone with cold. Looking at Meng Lige: “No monarch can tolerate such a existence! The Ling family will definitely become a good person in the hearts of the people of all countries. But it must become the greatest enemy in the eyes of the monarchs of all countries!”

Meng Lige’s expression changed in amazement. He already knew what Ling Tian was going to say. Can not help but sigh.

“By then. How can Ling Jiadang be on his own?” Ling Tian said slowly. The voice is low: “There is Ling’s family. The people are suffering. You can help it; but if the Ling’s family is in trouble. Even if the people in the world praise their good, how can they save thousands of lives in the Ling’s family?”

“So. The hearts of the people in the world. For me. What’s the use? This son regards them as ants. But it can guarantee their livelihood for millions of people! If you think of them as brothers and feet at this time. On the contrary, it will do great harm to them! Therefore, the Ling family will die! But if the Ling family perishes, the industry will be divided up. The millions of laborers who depend on the Ling family will live. It is no different from the previous victims! Although the Ling family It’s done a good thing. But in reality, it’s done the biggest wrong thing. Cause and effect. There is cause and effect. The effect comes from the cause. Mister thinks. But doesn’t it?

Meng Lige shook his head. He sighed sadly: “What the son said is true. What is said is the fact. It is true that you know everything. There is no end to it! However. You son. You can be a hero. Such practices are not what a hero does!”

Ling Tian laughed and said, “Mister or knowingly ask?! You must know that since ancient times, people who have become great undertakings are not the heroes of the world! Heroes, haha…Heroes can be generals; they are invincible! They can be handsome; Invincible! If you can be an official, you can ask for life for the people and benefit one party! However, a hero must never be a king, an emperor, or an emperor, let alone be respected! Otherwise, there will only be dead hero corpses, not a living hero emperor. !”

The corner of Ling Tian’s mouth showed a smile looking at the world: “Heroes, can only be subordinates for Xiao Xiong, otherwise, he will die!”

“Xiaoxiong’s greatest advantage is his cruel heart and his six relatives do not recognize him. In order to achieve his goal, he can do whatever it takes! Therefore, Xiaoxiong is talented in knowing someone who has the hope to rise in troubled times and achieve a great cause! The biggest disadvantage of a hero is also his greatest. The advantages and characteristics of the land are the importance of love and righteousness, a promise of greatness, no regrets until death, and righteousness everywhere; a man who does something but does not do something! Therefore, in troubled times, heroes can rise instantly, and It can be glorious for a while, and can even be passed down through the ages! But it will never achieve the great cause of immortality! Just because of these shortcomings of the hero against the hero, there are countless ways to put the hero to death! Therefore, I am not a hero! I am not a hero! Willing to be a hero.”

Ling Tian said with a slight smile. “I am the hero, the hero of Ling Tian!”

After a word was over, everyone was silent! Each bowed his head in contemplation, his face was heavy, and he felt enlightened.

“Flap, pop, pop,” Meng Lige’s face sank as water, but applauded: “What a heroic theory! What a heroic theory! This remark made Meng Lige’s eyes wide open! Honesty! It’s a high-level argument! It really means knowing everything, saying everything!”

Ling Tian smiled slightly and said: “Mr. Ling Tian has already answered the question, dare to ask Mr., are you satisfied?”

Singer Meng Li twisted his beard, and said solemnly: “What the son said, honesty is the most reasonable truth in troubled times, the magic word of governing the world! Now the troubled times will rise, it is natural and reasonable!”

“Then, Ling Tian’s previous question, Mr. hasn’t answered me yet.” Ling Tian picked up the wine glass in a leisurely manner, respected it from a distance, and then touched Yu Bingyan next to him and drank with his head high.

Yu Bing Yan Jiaoyan became red, and seeing that the glasses of the three were all empty, he got up and filled the three of them. Just because Ling Tian had already screened out the serving people in Mingyanlou, and was not around in the early morning, Yu Bingyan, the eldest lady of the Yu family, had to make a cameo appearance to call the girl. This time, the quality of the wine service is so high, one can imagine. But instead of Yu Bingyan, she didn’t think she was disgusted. On the contrary, she was so sweet in her heart that the words Ling Tian said just now could not be said comfortably. Such a sky-defying, if not a close relative, how could he hear her.

What a confidential matter what Ling Tian talked about! But Ling Tian still didn’t have the slightest intention of letting him avoid taboos, just this thought was enough to make Yu Bingyan’s cute girl’s feelings excited. Because Ling Tian has explained everything with actions: You are my woman!

Although Ling Tian never said this sentence, Yu Bingyan had already heard it in her heart!

“If you can stay with Brother Tian for the rest of your life and be the little woman in the arms of Brother Tian for life, what a happy thing!” Yu Bingyan thought of this, but couldn’t help but arouse her own thoughts. He couldn’t help his face, Hyun Ran wanted to cry. I…I, will there be such blessings?

Not to mention that Yu Bingyan is falling into the feelings of her youngest daughter, and her expression is in a trance. He only heard Meng Lige and then Ling Tian’s conversation, saying: “If the general trend is going down today, the son must have already had a certain number in his heart. Since I don’t think that I can talk shallowly with the song, then I will express my opinion.”

He stood up, took a few tea cups from the tea table on one side, and set up the situation hastily. Both Ling Tian and Mr. Qin Da stood up and watched.

Meng Lige’s imaginary finger~IndoMTL.com~ said: “As with today, the next three continents are all in troubled times! It is the time when the heroes and heroes, the heroes and heroes stand side by side, and the great men make achievements! Tianfeng and Tianyang are now first I don’t want to talk about it, but you can put it aside. The Star Continent, the seven countries stand side by side, and the nine great families! The Yu family, Nangong, Ximen, Dongfang, Beiming, Ling family, Yang family, Lei family; and the Xiao family alone At present, it seems that the well water does not violate the river water, does not infringe each other, and each is safe. In the dark, they do everything and want to dominate the sky, and no one is immune!”

Meng Lige paused, took a cup of tea that Ling Tian handed over, and drank half a cup. Continued: “The Moon God Kingdom is remote and barren. If anyone can gain access to the world, he only needs a piece of paper to pass on the king and title, and he can be included in the territory. Therefore, it can be ignored for the time being!” Song took off a cup on the table and set it aside.

“West Korea and the Ximen family lost their natural dangers in a dramatic battle last year, and there is no risk to defend. The national strength may not be weak, but it is no longer a strong competitor. Therefore, West Korea can also be temporarily released! Chengtian is in the middle, and the enemy comes from all sides! But it can also attack from all sides. This is the most dangerous place, but as long as any family obtains the land of the heaven first, it is equivalent to gaining the full initiative. Therefore, now On the contrary, it is as stable as Mount Tai. Only the Chengtian imperial family is not limited by this. The safest place is the most dangerous for him. Unfortunately, the imperial family is still ignorant, pitiful, and sad! Come to the Chengtian imperial family again, because of the existence of the Ling family. , Basically exists in name only! Therefore, it can be replaced by the Ling family.” Meng Lige smiled.

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