Legend of Ling Tian Chapter 33: Heartbreaking

Ahei laughed happily, “The second son must be regarded as a treasure. A large reward is definitely indispensable. Haha, just like the few rabbits you sent last time, the second son did not reward you. Thousand taels of silver?…”

A few black lines appeared on Ling Tian’s head, almost vomiting out all that he had just eaten. Damn, this son just wanted to tease them, he didn’t expect to hear such disgusting things. Unexpectedly, this is not only the property of the Huangfu family, but also a place where the second son’s broken sleeves and peaches are supplied!

“Looking for death!” Ling Tianke no longer had the patience to listen. The anger started from his heart, the evil started from his heart, and the evil grew to the guts. He flicked the quack and laughed so happily. , Like holding a straw, slammed it on the table, and suddenly the soup splashed. The screams of killing pigs rang out lifelessly.

Ling Tian hadn’t planned what to do. After all, he had eaten the king’s meal first, but when he heard this disgusting thing, he suddenly felt that if he didn’t turn these scumbags back into the oven, it would be too much to be sorry, the party and the people. !

I lifted it up, it was bloody, and then pressed it down, it was even more bloody; lifted it up again, pressed it down again, with a bang, a hole appeared on the table,’A Hei’ just like this Inserted in the hole without moving—he fainted.

The other big guys opened their mouths and looked at them with a look of horror. Who would have thought that this gentleman with little white face would have such a cruel means? They shivered all together, begging for mercy in their eyes.

“It seems that you have done this kind of thing many times for the second son?” Ling Tian grinned very handsomely and charmingly while biting his toothpick.

“No…not a few times…” Love knows that the three big guys who met the tricky characters have turned their stout thighs into springs, and they only feel fearful from the front and back of the lower body.

“Not many times? In other words, more than once?” Ling Tian’s smile became even colder. “What’s going on today?”

“Today…you have to…” The big man clashed his teeth and had to rattle: “As soon as the son of Shi Cai came in, the fat man said… he sent someone to us and said yes, said yes… A good item…be prepared.”

“Good goods? What is good goods” Ling Tian asked coldly: “How to prepare!”

“Yes, there is a handsome young boy, let the second boy go over it first, if the second boy doesn’t like it, send it to the…Siuyiyuan in the south of the city, we sent it…what about the rabbit… …Welcome…” Seeing Ling Tian’s face getting bluer, the big man barely finished speaking!

Ling Tian was almost mad: “Who is your second son?”

“Yes… is the second godson of the head of the Huangfu family. He… likes beautiful women, and more like beauty…” Suddenly the three of them found that Ling Tian’s face was dark and clever, and they knelt down at the same time. , Crying like mourning: “The son is spared, we…we are also forced…”

“Forced?” Ling Tian gritted his teeth, “All of you are full of fat intestines, and you have a wealth of money! It’s really a good force, a good force!” Suddenly sneered: “I know this son is murdering. , It was also forced by you!” As soon as this sentence fell, the three great Hans suddenly became soft as drunk. In their temples, everyone had a chopstick inserted…

Looking at the fat shopkeeper, he had already fainted, Ling Tian got up, patted two heavy slaps, his fat head swayed from side to side, and his white teeth were washed away by bright red blood. Come out… The fat shopkeeper naturally woke up.

Ling Tian clapped his hands, wiped his blood-stained hands on the clean clothes of the fat shopkeeper, and then asked the fat guy amiably: “It’s fun, isn’t it? Do you want to play?! “With a bit of teeth, it showed white teeth, like a tiger with a big mouth open.

The fat shopkeeper, who was frightened when Ling Tian started his hand, immediately recovered. He opened his mouth and yelled, but he didn’t dare to swallow again in horror.

The little mung bean-like eyes blinked poorly, suddenly weeping and crying, just cried, and suddenly vomited, just vomited, but again saw the four dead bodies in the **** forest on the ground, all staring at him , Couldn’t help but tremble with fright, his eyes rolled white, and there was no time to say a word, and he fainted…

The poor fat shopkeeper was abruptly frightened.

“Huh!” Ling Tian looked at his feet boredly, wondering if he missed a second son of the Huangfu family? Huangfu Yanhan still has such a promising godson? There are such hobbies? It seems necessary to check it out.

Thinking like this, Ling Tian walked out slowly with a thoughtful expression on his face. When passing by the fat shopkeeper, he seemed to step on his fat head very carelessly, and the shot sounded crisply. It’s like stepping on a ping-pong ball, crunchy and crisp, and something with white flowers and red flowers is splashing everywhere…

Without looking back, Ling Tian went out of the restaurant, picking his teeth and inquiring all the way, all the people he heard were panicked. When he heard the name of the Huangfu family, it was like hearing the **** of plague. For fear, Ling Tian inquired about seven or eight people in a row, but no one dared to say it. He finally found the address from an old lady, but his heart was already overwhelming.

Ling Tian’s current hearing, no movement within a few hundred meters in all directions is clear to his ears, there are painful, curses, and the object of the curse is someone from the Huangfu family. The more he goes, the more Ling Tian’s heart becomes. heavy! Such a family has developed to the present! It is really an anomaly in the world.

Ling Tian has decided in his heart to completely wipe out this evil family today! Whether it is Tianfeng Continent or Tianxing Continent, such a scum in the world, Ling Tian will never allow him to exist in the world, especially such a powerful and powerful evil family, one day there will be countless innocent people suffering! Ling Tian asked himself that he was not the savior, but his approach was very clear. I can’t save the whole world, but as long as I see what I can see, I have to take care of it. Can kill a pair and never only kill one!

While Ling Tian inquired all the way towards Huangfu’s family, Huangfu Yanhan and Song Tianqiao were dying, riding horses back. Don’t worry, Ling Jian gave them only one day. I’m afraid one day later. There is no Huangfu family in this world.

Huangfu’s bitter cold doesn’t know, no matter how he chooses, the Huangfu family is doomed to destruction! His young and promising godson has quietly provoke the most terrifying disaster star in the world to his home.

The Huangfu family is destined to die!

If Huangfu Yanhan knew that the cause of this genocide turned out to be twenty taels of silver, I believe he would faint with a spurt of blood! If he had known it earlier, Huangfu Yanhan would rather devote 20 million taels of silver to avoid disaster! Even more is fine!

Ling Tian has given out the order to destroy the Huangfu family. I believe it will not be long before the Shuntian League will arrive under the leadership of Ling Jian and others! But Ling Tian couldn’t wait, he took the lead in entering the Huangfu family…

A loose hand, the body that was still alive in front of me just fell down like ooze, without any vitality, Ling Tian’s cold eyes shot sharp and cold murderous intent! If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes and heard it with your own ears, you would never have thought that someone could actually do such a detrimental thing! And again and again, never repent! On the surface, he has to make a hypocritical appearance of infinite purity! This Huangfu’s frosty godson is really a super talent, and he should definitely be a super talent! If God really has eyes!

Ling Tian doesn’t know if God has eyes, but Ling Tian knows he has eyes!

Ling Tian infiltrated Huangfu’s family’s Xikuayuan in a haunting manner. This was the residence of Huangfu’s Yan Han’s second godson’s favorite. Ling Tian became angry after he caught a guard for questioning. Then rose to the extreme.

Ling Tian and his two generations are humans. Although he dare not say that he has cultivated others, he is not happy and angry, but there is at least some restraint, which can make Ling Tian so angry, you can imagine this Huangfu “doing” the young master What good things have been done!

In the past few years, just the rough numbers that this guard can tell, there have been thousands of girls who have been trafficked to various places in Tianfeng through the hands of the second son. As for the incidents of forced prostitution and family death There are countless, and there are even thousands of young people who are imprisoned just because of their handsome appearance and used to commit indecency to the rich! And most of these boys and girls have been secretly sent to other cities in Tianfeng Continent, and some have even been sent to Tianxing and Tianyang Continent after traveling across the ocean, earning astronomical wealth for the Huangfu family. !

Such a terrifying number, and what an ordinary guard can know, how many are the real numbers?

So the disabled people do it!

Too much conscience, madness, I don’t want your Huangfu family to hold the funeral today, so you won’t be called “Ling Tian” anymore!

Ling Tian gritted his teeth, even if the Emperor Laozi went down to the world to plead for the Huangfu family today, the ending is irretrievable! Even if it is possible to surrender, then what is the use of surrendering such a scum? The place where these scumbags should go most, and the only place they can go, is hell!

If Huangfu Yan Han, the head of the Huangfu family, said that he didn’t know such a thing at all, then that would be a bullshit! You **** count a lot of silver every day, don’t you want to ask where the silver comes from? It’s strange not to know! Therefore, Ling Tian quickly decided: Even if all the members of Huangfu’s family from the five generations to the great grandson were killed, I believe that not one of them will be wronged, and the child is not guilty? In other places or like this, but in the Huangfu family, it is sinful for you to be reborn in this family!

Cut the weeds and roots, leave no one!

Leaving a corpse behind him, he entered the hall in a flash, Ling Tian searched, and finally saw a wide wardrobe in the inner room. With force, the wardrobe rolled away, revealing a wide tunnel entrance. , The first-level stone steps neatly lead to the underground; inside one person yells dissatisfiedly: “Wang San, you are so anxious, it will be your turn when the brothers are cool. I’ve been waiting every time, but this time I’m in a hurry to take turns outside, do you have any chances!”

A cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Ling Tian jumped down without hesitation.

Inside, the lewd laughter and desperate cry of women continued to sound. Listening to the voices, there are many people, regardless of men and women, and this is a secret large-scale secret place!

It only took a moment to move forward, and the eyes lit up, and there was a huge space almost half the size of a basketball court. The night pearls were densely packed on the top of the stone room, illuminating this huge space like daylight.

There are piles of wooden stakes all around, and there are many girls **** naked, with large limbs…the head hangs weakly, long hair covers the face, motionless, unconscious.

At a glance, Ling Tian couldn’t help but angrily flooded his face with blood all over his body, and he cursed at all: “Beasts, a group of beasts! Damn beasts!”

Hundreds of young women stayed naked inside, all of them desperate, and their gloomy eyes looked at something blankly. As for the subconscious exclamations, gestures, and crying for mercy, they were just the instinctive reaction of women. , There is no longer any hope of being rescued. (Web users, please log in to www.①⑹.с to download TXT format novels, mobile users log in to à.1⑥.С)

Thirty or forty men were also naked and naked, each pressed against a woman, savagely, with crazy smiles, twisted and cruel faces all over them…the woman below them weakly opened her eyes , Desperately bear…

Boom! Ling Tian shook his body and lifted the nearest big man from the woman under him. There were two big slaps on his head. The crisp voice instantly spread throughout the stone room. Everyone stopped and looked at him in a daze. With this uninvited guest, he didn’t even react for a while.

“Is that Huangfu Qingyun?” Ling Tian asked coldly.

“Who are you?” A big man stood up naked, looking at Ling Tian viciously. Suddenly there was a grinning: “No matter who you are, you dare to come here, are you impatient, Xiao Bailian? Or you can’t wait to have grandpa give you a babe? Grandpa will satisfy you later, and grandpa will definitely Very gentle to make you happy!”

Ling Tian smiled violently and shook his body. He grabbed the scalp and lifted the man who was talking to the ground. He grabbed his arm with one hand, twisted and pulled, and a **** arm was dragged down. , The big tendon of the arm was pulled out a full several feet long, twisted like a snake, blood surged, the big man screamed in vain, and the sound of slaps and pats came out, like stepping on a dry bamboo branch, upper arm The bones have been trampled to pieces!

Everyone screamed and screamed at the same time, and they were so frightened by this extremely terrifying scene. Hundreds of pairs of eyes stared at Ling Tian, ​​like a demon rushing out of hell. The whole body is cold! They still don’t know that the big guy who had been slapped by Ling Tian just now had his skull split and died, but he was still the luckiest. After all, he died very happily, so he didn’t need to lead the way to the torture of hell!

The big man yelled again in his bone marrow, and he woke up from the pain. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Ling Tian’s eyes full of infinite murderous intent, and he was shaking like a chaff.

Ling Tian looked at him and asked slowly: “I will ask you again, which one is Huangfu Qingyun?”

The big man’s cold sweat left on his forehead like a rain, his face was already distorted with pain, he barely stretched out his remaining arm and pointed it in one direction.

In the direction of his fingers, there was a pale, twenty-something young man who was still pressing on another girl’s body. At this moment, he looked at Ling Tian in horror, although he didn’t know who Ling Tian was. , Judging from the strength that Ling Tian showed, the speed of the body, the full of momentum, and the ruthlessness of the attack, even if the people who were on the scene swarmed up, it was definitely not his opponent! A heavy threat of death came to my heart.

Huangfu Qingyun stepped back step by step, his lips trembled, and said, “You…who are you? This hero, you have something…well…good talk; you…I can give you gold and silver , Here you… I give you all my money… you, you, you… don’t kill me, you are in love with that, although… take it, one… is not enough, you can take a few more… !——”

When he said this, Ling Tian slowly approached him step by step, looking murderous. Where he passed, all the big guys within three feet of his body fell silently, but none of these people died, none of them died.

This is not to say that Ling Tian has a sudden kindness and wants to let them go, but that Ling Tian is absolutely unwilling to execute them so easily! Let them die easily, wouldn’t it be cheaper for them, because what they did has violated Ling Tian’s greatest taboo, and they naturally have to pay the price! The cruelest price! !

So Ling Tian decided that even if they were to die eventually, the time from before they met themselves to the moment they really died will become a cruel memory that they would not dare to recall even if they were ghosts!

“Bang!” Huangfu Qingyun’s body stepped back and finally hit a wooden stake behind him. In his horrified eyes, Ling Tian slowly stretched out his hand and grabbed his neck, Huangfu Qingyun His eyes turned white for a while, and the long-term depression and self-knowledge that he was mortal made him fainted with happiness and coma. At this moment, it was already a great fortune!

Let it go~IndoMTL.com~Ling Tian watched him fall to the ground in disgust, and towards the girls who were looking at him with amazement and fear, Ling Tian smiled gently and said, “Girls, You are saved, I am here to save you. Now, would you please do me a favor?”

Hundreds of young girls suddenly learned that they were saved. The huge surprise for a while made all the girls weep with joy. They were too late to answer Ling Tian’s question. A round-faced girl shyly covered the vital parts of her body. In a low voice, boldly replied: “This…sir, what can the slaves and maids do for you?”

Ling Tian smiled, pointed to the pile of clothes in the corner, and said: “You put down the sisters who were **** first, and then find your own clothes to wear, and then tie the group of animals to these pillars as well. Do you?”

“Dare!” The women replied subconsciously. After hearing Ling Tian’s words clearly, they exclaimed one after another, rushing to the scattered clothes on the ground one by one, and quickly put them on. Until now, they were truly affirmed that the handsome son in front of them was really here to save them, and their hard days have finally ended, and the day of revenge has finally arrived! The eyes of every big man who could not move on the ground suddenly became immensely resentful and cruel. The devil who usually doesn’t even dare to face it, is today the day when the devil goes to hell?

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