Legend of Ling Tian Chapter 24: Lack of experience


   Soon in the early morning, the Harrier was released, and he sat beside Ling Tian happily. Yushou gently squeezed Ling Tian’s shoulders, her beautiful face still flushed after World War I. She had already heard Ling Tian say that this person is a top-notch player in the world, and that she was able to tie him tonight, and she had been one-to-two, and she was a little excited in the morning.

   Looking at the early morning with his face full of praise, Ling Tian couldn’t help being funny, but knew that it was definitely not the time to laugh. There were still big flaws in the response to the enemy in the early morning. Although he did not show defeat in the battle tonight, Ling Tian, ​​who knew the strength of the early morning, knew that the early morning had fallen. It was not a question of skill, nor a question of moves. In fact, the subtlety of the sword moves Ling Tian handed down was more than that of the black man.

  The downwind in the early hours of the morning was entirely caused by lack of experience. If Ling Tian praised her a lot now, it would be extremely harmful to her growth after early morning.

   Seeing Ling Tian staring at him with a calm face, he slowly put away his smiling face in the early morning when he was happy, and looked at Ling Tian nervously, feeling a little at a loss for a while.

   “Are you very happy? You, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl, was able to compete with the world’s first-rate masters, and still feel complacent, right?” Looking at the early morning, Ling Tian looked a little cold.

   “Uh…” I took a peek at Ling Tian’s face again in the early morning, and couldn’t help but lower his head deeply. The long eyelashes flickered and the eye sockets became red.

  ”Did you use the right timing for your tactics? If you make a move later, you will immediately gain the absolute upper hand, but you are greedy for merit. If the man in black handles it properly, you have already lost. Even injured.”

  ”There is also the black-clothed man’s trick similar to’Lao*’. I have taught you how to break it, but have you used it? If it wasn’t for your sword tricks that are far better than them , Today, it’s hard for you to retreat all over your body. Once you fight for a long time, your moves will be used to it, and then, it will be terrible!” Ling Tian whispered. Seeing Xiao Chen’s tearful appearance, Ling Tian also felt that his words were a bit heavy, but there is no way. If he can’t let Xiao Chen remember this lesson, he will suffer a big loss if he waits to start with these powerful enemies in the future.

   It’s better to shed some tears today than to shed blood tomorrow!

   stood with hands down in the early morning, afraid to speak.

   Ling Tian’s breath eased, and said: “Don’t think too much. These problems are just because you have insufficient experience in dealing with the enemy, so they will appear. If you are skilled in the future, they will disappear.”

   Wiped his eyes early in the morning, sniffed and said: “Yes, son, Chen’er knows his mistake.”

   Ling Tian sighed, and the words have already been said. With the early morning intelligence, he will definitely be able to understand what he means. He took her into his arms and said softly: “You have to remember that when a real master confronts an enemy, he will not temporarily see the enemy’s moves before trying to use that trick to solve it. You are very familiar with your own martial arts practice. When you are in the battle, you don’t need to think about it, you have already used the corresponding tricks. This feeling, I call it feel! Or, it is the instinct of a person in the martial arts! For ordinary people, thinking Speed ​​cannot keep up with the hands and feet; but for a warrior, the speed of the hands and feet must surpass the mind. If you wait until you want to understand everything before going to see the trick, then I am afraid that your life is already in the enemy’s Under control! But after you master this instinct, even if you can’t fight it, you can resist it without worrying about your life!”

   There were still tears in his eyes in the early hours of the morning, but he was plunged into thinking, silently understanding the meaning of what Ling Tian said. The petite body was nestled in Ling Tian’s arms, his head was lightly pillowed on Ling Tian’s chest, and a pair of jade arms wrapped around Ling Tian’s waist unknowingly…

   Ling Tian fondly caressed the soft blue silk in the early morning, a rare gentle smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. In the room, there was lightning and thunder just now, and in a blink of an eye it has become a tender feeling. Neither of them made a sound. Although the night was dark, there was no sleepiness. The flame of the oil lamp on the table was jumping happily in the sarong, and a lantern burst out with a pop, which also added a bit to the room. Happy…

   For the next two days, Ling Tian went out in the early morning with a woman disguised as a man when the sky was shining every day. Everyone knew that Lord Ling had gone to the palace. In fact, Ling Tian was in the past two days. But it was outside the city for the early morning and Fengyun Lei Dianchi to feed the others, further enhancing their strength. Inside the imperial palace, the spirit of wine was high, but the courtyard of Ling Mansion was full of sword energy.

   After the first battle that night, the result was informed to Fengyun Lei Dianchi and others the next day, and the five people were hit hard! They are not Wee Chen’s opponents yet, and the man in black can have the upper hand even if he fights Wee Chen! Upon hearing the news, all five of them blushed. In the past few days, everyone has practiced swords until the sky is dark, until the whole body can’t move a little finger, and then he reluctantly gives up.

   And Ling Tian did not hesitate to pass on some of his combat experience and subtle techniques. During the training, although the few boys kept complaining, they were increasingly desperate. Seeing the momentum of their training, Ling Tian felt a little relieved.

   And the two girls, Yu Bingyan and Wei Xuanxuan, the little princesses of the Yu family, did not see Ling Tian appear in the backyard the next day after that day, so they simply found the front hall. After Yubing’s face changed, he was not outstanding, it was nothing. But Wei Xuanxuan did not work. Seeing a beauty of the country and the beauty suddenly appeared, the girls all gathered around to show their hospitality, especially the three Yang family brothers, Nangongle, Wang Bo and others. The eyes looking at Wei Xuanxuan almost wanted to swallow her. Go on! This makes this beauty who has always been upright and self-respecting extremely troubled.

   The next day, for a whole day, still did not see Ling Tian appear, the two women were disappointed. Wei Xuanxuan wanted not to participate in this grand event on the third day, but Yu Bingyan was determined to find Ling Tian to study painting in the event, so she forced her into the front hall again.

  beauties reappear~IndoMTL.com~ The dying dudes are full of energy, jumping up and down in front of the two women as if offering treasures, but they didn’t see Ling Tian’s disappointed two women, but they showed no words to the crowd and hurriedly Find an excuse to leave.

  Walking on the way back to the Wei Mansion, the two women are a little unhappy. Especially Yu Bingyan was very suspicious: This guy had a dude’s name, but he didn’t participate in this kind of occasion. I’m a little sorry for the two words ‘纨纨纔’. However, thinking about it from the other side is relieved: this guy dared not even be present at the grand meeting held by the emperor himself, and it can be seen that his arrogance is at its extreme!

   Thinking of this, Yu Bingyan suddenly felt his dull state of mind lightened up, and couldn’t help but laughed out.

   Wei Xuanxuan, who was full of the entanglement of the audience, was full of depression, pouting her mouth puffingly; seeing Yu Bingyan actually laughed, she couldn’t help but feel a little puzzled and asked:” What happened to my sister?”

   Yu Bingyan smiled and said, “I was thinking about that guy, it’s really funny. A person who is brilliant and intelligent, and it is not easy to keep a low profile, but he did the opposite, and the high profile went to the sky. ; But no one doubted, he would only think that he was a tyrannical dude. The emperor personally held the celebration event for two consecutive days, even if it was just someone scolded him, it would be fine. I I’m really curious, how did he pretend to come over these years?”

   Speaking of this, Wei Xuanxuan also laughed, thinking that she would hate the situation when she heard this name before, she couldn’t help saying: “Weirdo!”

   “Hehe, Sister Xuan Xuan, how about we visit this weird person tomorrow?” Yu Bingyan said with bright eyes and a smile.

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