Legend of Ling Tian Chapter 138: Peerless Cold Toxin

Of course, when Ling Tian’s eyes were just cut off by the curtain, the three women came to numb and acted at the same time…

Thinking of three beautiful women like flowers and jade, with jade bodies, shy and shy in front of him, Lord Ling couldn’t help but be uncontrollable! Can’t help but cry out in my heart: I’m going to die! How can this be good? If at this critical moment, if you can’t control it and trigger the inner demon’s riot, then it’s a big deal.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Tian felt the beating heart in his chest, and walked into the curtain step by step. The young son Ling under his crotch has already raised his head, almost about to penetrate the thin. Thin underwear… this kind of abnormally depressed feeling made him even hotter.

The three beauties inside also noticed Ling Tianzheng walking in, and couldn’t help but hold their breath in embarrassment.

The curtain moved slightly, Ling Tian’s footsteps stopped, and the three women stared at the sturdy figure outside the curtain. They couldn’t help but feel a panic of tension. They leaned together in unison. Three small heads, At the same time they were squeezed together and buried deeply…

These infinite shame scenes…

At the same time as Li Xue in the early morning, I groaned Yu Bingyan, I blame you! What’s wrong? Do you have to get this kind of disease where people in need of treatment have to take off their clothes? The involved sisters are in this extremely embarrassing and embarrassing state with you…

Yu Bingyan was ashamed and anxious, and snorted, buried her head on her chest, and said in an inaudible voice: “You…what are you…shy…There is no… outsider…”

“Small hoof! You have reasoned for you!” The two girls were shy, grabbing Yu Bingyan with their teeth and dancing…

In the midst of the noise, Ling Tian finally stepped in. The three women screamed when they saw Ling Tian’s majestic body and shrank into a ball.

Ling Tian was also stunned.

Grandpa Ling only found out. There is no single guessing. It is impossible to guess such a beautiful place in any case. In front of Ling Tian. The three beautiful bodies of Xuexue Aoshuang are in sight. The beauty was so beautiful that Ling Tian’s eyes widened. Mouth opened wide. As if stupidly stunned.

In the early hours of the morning, Li Xue was of a slender figure with a pink curvy body. But it is all revealed. Yu Bingyan was on the ground. But there is a pink bellyband who blames this girl the most insulting face. The red bellyband matches the snow-white skin. It was like a red plum blossoming in the snow. The most attractive.

Three female figures. Both are uneven. Exquisite and translucent peerless beauty. A point gain is too fat and a point too thin. Ping Ping Tingting was shy and timid. Kandi Lingtian almost forgot everything, but felt a little itchy in his nose. Reach out and touch the bright red…


Ling Tian Gongzi, the flowers are vertical and horizontal. Read all the outstanding characters. I was irritated by the beautiful scenery in front of me and had a nosebleed. You can imagine how savory you are…

Ling Tian was greatly annoyed, and it was not that he had never seen a beautiful woman, how could he be so unbearable, is it because Young Master Ling has been holding back for too long? Now I’m losing the adult, so I hurried to wipe it.

Seeing Ling Tian’s frantic state, the three women all smiled secretly, covering their mouths and blushing. They were the most intimate in the early morning and handed over a clean towel.

Ling Tian wiped two of them and coughed heavily, dissatisfied with his performance. Angrily glared at the other two women. This son has been running around for a month, and his body has never been released. Now that he sees such a fragrant scene, what is it to have a nosebleed? You two girls dare to make fun of this son! When Yan’er gets rid of the mysterious veins of Xuanyin, this young man has to deal with you one by one, and will kill two birds with one stone. Chen’er can’t let it go, just kill three birds with one stone.

The temperature in the stone room is getting higher and higher, and the weakest Jade Bingyan is already sweating profusely. It is Li Xue, who has the magical skill of cold ice, with sweat stains on his face!

The time has come!

Time is running out and everyone will no longer delay. According to Ling Tian’s instructions, Yu Bingyan first sat cross-legged in front of him, and in the early morning she sat a foot behind Yu Bingyan, and Li Xue was behind again in the early morning. Behind Li Xue, there is a relatively wide space, and the ventilation hole of the stone room set by Ling Tian is in this position! This only discouraged place. It is also the only cold spot in the stone room. Li Xue, who has the second highest skill and deep ice magic skills, is required to be competent

The four people looked cautious at the same time.

Under Ling Tian’s sign, he immediately took out the Great Return Pill in the early morning, fed Yu Bingyan one, and then Ling Tian put a hand on Yu Bingyan’s shoulder, slowly outputting a wave The pure internal power of pure Yang.

Almost as soon as Da Huan Dan entered his abdomen, Yu Bingyan’s Dantian Qi machine was suddenly lifted by Ling Tian. Flashing up to the air current that was transformed by the power of the Great Huan Pill and entered the meridians, Yu Bingyan only felt that the inside of her body was shocked, and she couldn’t help but let out a sigh of blood, flowing out of her pretty nose.

Ling Tian drove this airflow through the meridian of Jade Bingyan. After passing through the Niwan Palace on his head, he suddenly turned straight down and went straight to the dantian. He whirred twice in the dantian. At this moment, Yu Bingyan’s body Ling Tian’s internal force attribute has been temporarily transformed into pure Yang heat.

During this process, Ling Tian tried his best to control the location of Xuanyin’s divine veins and did not touch any point. So now in Yu Bingyan’s body, a weird situation where the two heavens of ice and fire are facing each other is completely formed.

The whole body is red, and the heat is almost as if every trace of moisture in the body is roasted from the inside out, but the heart is cold to the bones, without the suppression of internal forces, the mysterious veins of Xuanyin will naturally expand their territory. , Has been running spontaneously.

This is the rebound phenomenon formed under long-term suppression, and the momentum is extremely large.

Yu Bingyan’s head and whole body are covered with white heat, but her chest is condensed with a small layer of crystal ice beads, exuding a trace of cold air, the whole chest has faintly changed to black . Moreover, this green and black still has the momentum of continuous development.

Xuanyin divine veins just bounced back, and the medicinal power of the Great Return Pill could not stop its spread!

Ling Tian’s eyes have long lost the slightest reverie film Qingming and calm, and he shouted: “Li Xue! Neidan!”

Li Xue flashed over quickly, squeezing Yu Bingyan’s chin with her left hand, letting her open her mouth and lifting the scaled dragon inner pill in her right hand, a silver needle pierced gently, cautiously Bingyan dripped three drops in her mouth.

A fragrant scent fell from Yu Bingyan’s mouth and roared down into her abdomen. Along the way, after a refreshing moment, the heat that was about to burn everything suddenly dissipated in the meridians like a gas in the body. The bomb, seemingly flat, suddenly exploded along the body

It spread all over the body in an instant.

Yu Bingyan groaned and bit her lip tightly. The raging fanatic air flow ran across the meridians of Yu Bingyan’s body, and even the undulations could be seen from the surface of Yu Bingyan’s skin. Under the skin that was white as jade, there were still unknown creatures walking through the bloodline, the situation was extremely strange!

Yu Bingyan’s temples also have blue veins slowly bulging, and the delicate pores all over her body gradually show a little blue gas…

In such circumstances, it is completely conceivable that Yu Bingyan is already suffering to what extent! But this stubborn girl bit her lip without saying a word, her face working hard to show calmness!

The long-term torture has made this delicate woman’s body more resistant to pain than ordinary people! In front of her sweetheart, she showed her strongest side and didn’t want her pain to affect him in front of her!

Ling Tian took a violent sip, and the pure sun power sinking in the Yubingyan Dantian rushed out like lightning, following the meridians of Yubingyan all the way up, every time he encountered a meridian in Yubingyan When the power of the raging scaly dragon’s inner pill, Ling Tian’s internal power will instantly change its attributes, turning it into soft power and enveloping it, and then slowly transforming back to the original pure Yang power, turning this force The violent power melted and refined into one.

In this way, Ling Tian’s internal energy cost is not very large, just a small internal force instructs Yu Bingyan’s internal energy to run, but Ling Tian’s spirit is extremely costly! At this time, even a slight glitch was not tolerated, so from the beginning, Ling Tian needed to concentrate fully, while looking at himself inwardly, randomly changing the rigid and soft mind, and also watching the changes in Yu Bingyan’s body to control internal forces. To avoid accidentally destroying the meridians of the body’s health.

Now Ling Tian, ​​all his minds have been immersed in it, and now I am afraid that even if thousands of troops are fighting by his side, Ling Tian is deaf!

When the power of the inner alchemy of the three drops of scale armored dragon is transformed, Ling Tian’s control of the Jinglong divine skill has changed back and forth 24 times! Such a transformation, in the eyes of anyone in this world, every time is enough to make a martial arts master’s meridian chaotically, even if it is to send the emperor Tianli, it may not be able to withstand this frequent change, the meridian must be chaotically chaotic. of!

However, Ling Tian relied on the ever-changing characteristics of the Dragon Shocking Skill, and he just fought like a barbarian, and passed through with surprises and no dangers.

The powerful internal force once again returned to Yu Bingyan’s dantian. During this process, Ling Tian still did not touch the area where the mysterious mysterious veins were located.

The pores of Jade Bingyan’s whole body have already shown bluish black marks, and the chest has faintly changed to purple-black, and even frost marks are faintly visible. His lips were blue, and his eyes were dull and bleak, but except for the chest, neck and lips, other places were still steaming hot.

Ling Tian calmly held Yu Bingyan’s dantian true energy again, and with a movement in his mind, he split a small pin-like internal force toward the **** Xuan Yin beside Yu Bingyan’s heart. The pulse rushed gently!

A tentative charge!

Yu Bingyan was convulsed all over…

Ling Tian’s small internal force quickly retreated again, and the Profound Yin Divine Veins were still immobile. Although they bounced back a little, those were just superficial chills and were of no importance to the overall situation. It seems that these medicinal powers are not enough to shake the mysterious veins of Xuan Yin!

Ling Tian slowly gathered all his aura, condensed in Yubing Yan’s dantian, and recovered his mind. Only then did he control his body, only to realize that he was already sweating profusely.

He shouted in a deep voice: “Scaly Dragon Neidan, three times the amount!” Three drops were obviously not enough, so Ling Tian immediately increased the dose! But in any case, judging from the situation of Yu Bingyan’s meridians, even if Ling Tian supported it with all his strength, I was afraid that it would only endure this at best.

This is also the maximum amount of medicine Yu Bingyan’s body can withstand! Also the last time! After this time, it will be the time when Pure Yang Inner Power and Xuan Yin Divine Veins go to war! Thorough stimulation triggers Xuan Yin divine veins!

Li Xue didn’t dare to neglect, and immediately followed Ling Tian’s instructions, and again dripped nine drops of Squama Dragon Neidan juice into Yu Bingyan’s mouth, three times the amount of medicine just now.

After Ling Tian said that sentence again, waiting for Li Xue to answer, his mind sank into Yu Bingyan’s dantian again, slowly running the energy, wandering round and round!

Huo Ran!

The powerful force of the inner alchemy of the nine drops of scale armored dragon burst out suddenly, and this force was so powerful that even Ling Tian was unexpected. The current situation is almost equal to ten buckets of water being poured into it at the same time in a big tank that can only hold one bucket of water!

If it were really a water tank, it would have been overflowing if it couldn’t hold it, but the container now is the meridian of Yu Bingyan! This has completely exceeded the capacity of the Yubingyan meridians themselves! If the jade ice face overflows, it will inevitably disappear in a very short time, and the body meridians will burst and die!

Ling Tian didn’t panic, closed his eyes, calmly made a contingency, turning the gas in Yubingyan’s dantian, condensing it into a spiral, and brazenly greeted him!


Two powerful forces collided within Yu Bingyan’s meridians, and even Li Xue and Wei Chen on one side clearly felt this strong vibration!

The bodies of Yu Bingyan and Ling Tian trembled at the same time, and blood spurted out of Yu Bingyan’s mouth and nose! It was sprayed on Ling Tian’s thick chest, and there was a trace of bright red blood at the corner of Ling Tian’s mouth, quietly hanging down!

Wei Chen and Li Xue only felt that a heart had jumped to their throat, and their eyes were full of anxiety, and they were ready to take action when they looked at them intently.

Ling Tian’s cheeks trembled slightly, and his closed eyes pulsed slightly. Although these two forces oppose each other, they are of the same origin. As long as the assimilation is successful, the danger can be overcome again, but he wants to successfully control the latter force. Not easy!

Long time!

In the dantian of Yu Bingyan, it has gradually been combed into a huge cyclone. Ling Tian’s mind was immersed in it, and he could even feel the whirl of the cyclone making a “swoosh” sound… …

Not too late!

A red light flashed on Ling Tian’s face. He had already achieved full of the dragon-shocking magic, transformed into a pure Yang attribute internal force, Hao Haoran rushed into Yu Bingyan’s dantian, and the cyclone Melt into one instantly! Now this power is no longer the weight that Yu Bingyan’s dantian can hold and bear. In fact, no one’s body meridians can hold this kind of power! Yu Bingyan can’t, Wee Chen, Li Xue can’t, even Ling Tian himself can’t!


The power of 12 drops of a great return pill is more powerful than the whole body of the thousand-year-old scaly dragon’s inner power of Ling Tian! Such a huge power, even if it is injected into the body of the world’s number one master, Songjun Tianli, it can burst him instantly!

Ling Tian tried his best to control, circling a circle within Yu Bingyan’s body meridians, suddenly he slammed his heart, and charged upward!

Yu Bingyan’s body was shocked and there was a bang, and the only obscene clothes covering the body suddenly burst and turned into silk threads, filling the air.

After all, Ling Tian underestimated this power!

Under his control, this power finally came to the edge of losing control, so Ling Tianyi did not stop doing it, and simply controlled this power and rushed towards Yu Bingyan’s Ren Du second pulse. !

This is no way out of the law! Even if you can’t break through the Jade Bingyan’s Rendu Channel, you can temporarily frustrate the edge of this force so that Ling Tian can control it. If you can break through the restrictions by luck, you can temporarily use the vast world of Rendu Channel. To relieve his burning eyebrows, Ling Tian can use this buffer to directly draw the internal force to the mysterious veins of Xuan Yin! In that way, if the power of the two channels of Ren and Du is increased, it will be more confident!

What Ling Tian didn’t expect was that Ren Ermai, under the impact of this huge force, actually broke through almost like a ruin|! This huge impact certainly opened up Yu Bingyan’s Ren Du two meridians, which also caused his meridians to suffer very serious damage!

Yu Bing at this time; is a veritable blessing in disguise! If it can survive until the mysterious veins are removed, Yu Bingyan’s martial arts will directly enter the world’s top masters!

Break through the two channels of Ren Du, this is what all warriors long for, and it is also a huge watershed between real masters and ordinary warriors! Countless people could not achieve Yu Bingyan in their entire lives, but they were washed away by Ling Tian while healed their injuries…

At this moment, Ling Tian is no longer surprised. He drove his inner strength through Ren Du’s second channel quickly, and did not return to the dantian again, but directly pulsed towards the Xuan Yin **** beside Yu Bingyan’s heart vein. At the same time in the past, Ling Tian gave out a gentle force, which firmly protected Yu Bingyan’s heart!

This shock will be an unprecedented fierce madness. If Yu Bingyan’s heart pulse is not protected strongly, I am afraid that Yu Bingyan’s heart pulse will be cut off before the stubborn illness is exhausted. Very possible thing!

As if a nuclear bomb exploded in Yu Bingyan’s body, it strongly shook the two people who were connected to each other and spurted blood from the seven orifices at the same time, which was extremely tragic! Wee Chen and Li Xue were both taken aback, but now Ling Tian and Yu Bingyan’s minds are tightly connected, and they are totally indifferent to the outside world. Even if the two are in a hurry, there is nothing they can do about it!

In Ling Tian’s perception, he was like driving a group of extremely violent elephants and crashing into a crazy speeding train!

It seems that the volcanic magma of the equator hit the collapsing iceberg in the North Pole. Ling Tian’s mind was almost lost at this moment!

The power of the mysterious mysterious veins in Yu Bingyan finally loosened due to this collision. Even the stubborn cold air like the mysterious mysterious veins disintegrated under the powerful force of this powerful force. Along with the disintegration of the Xuan Yin shell, the boundless yin to cold air rushed out like a tide, while Ling Tian controlled the yang to hot true power, but it penetrated like a sharp steel cone. The core of Xuan Yin Divine Veins!

The blue-black color on Yu Bingyan’s chest spreads towards the jade-like skin around it at a speed that can be discerned by the naked eye. In just a moment, Yu Bingyan’s whole body skin has been covered with a light blue On top of the gray hair, a layer of hoarfrost was already faintly on the cage. Under Yu Bingyan’s body, a layer of hoarfrost spread quickly at the speed that the naked eye could see.

At this moment, the temperature in the stone room has already exceeded the highest temperature in the sauna steam room. In Li Xue’s feeling, the temperature here is at least 40 or 50 degrees! And the surrounding charcoal is still burning, constantly emitting new heat, and adding it to the air, Ling Tian’s Dragon Shocking Art is fully activated, transforming into the sun to the hot power, flooding the jade ice face. In the meridians.

In this case, it is still not possible to immediately contain the full-scale outbreak of the mysterious mysterious veins! Yu Bingyan’s body still began to condense ice beads, and the frost on the ground under her body gradually gathered. The temperature in the air suddenly seemed to have entered a cold winter, and the burning charcoal around it seemed to have no effect at all!

The cold and warm air clashed fiercely in the air, and a thick white mist rose up. In a short time, the stone chamber has become invisible!

The power of Xuanyin’s divine veins has reached such a point!

As Ling Tian tried his best to urge, the mysterious mysterious veins broke out in Yu Bingyan’s body. The fierce cold poison even spread to Ling Tian’s body with Ling Tian’s arm, Ling Tian strong and steady. The arm was also covered with a faint blue gray…

Finally, Ling Tianyaguan knotted sound resounded in the dense fog: “Wei…morning…beginning!”

Wei Chen took a deep breath. She and Li Xue both practiced cold ice magic. Not only did she feel uncomfortable at this temperature, but she felt very comfortable. After hearing Ling Tian’s words, Wee Chen’s hands accurately touched Staying on Yu Bingyan’s smooth back, the Frost Ice magical power was fully activated, like an icy whirlpool, sucked into the body in the early morning!

The goal is naturally like the tide~IndoMTL.com~ the yin to cold air raging in the jade ice face!

Sisi’s cold air, from Yu Bingyan’s body, crazily rushed into the early morning body, Yu Bingyan’s full-length hair, except for the location of Ye Mingzhu, has been completely stained by frost. silver white.

Ling Tian let out a sigh of relief. As soon as he started to act in the early morning, Ling Tian immediately felt that the pressure brought by the boundless cold had finally eased. Although the situation was still extremely subtle, it made Ling Tian gasp. The breath made him regain his saneness in time. The Dragon Shocking Art in his body worked with full force to dissolve the cold air from Jade Bingyan’s body, and at the same time, it was continuously input into Jade Bingyan’s body. Now the jade Bingyan’s body is like Xuan Bing is as cold, even stiff! Relying on Ling Tian’s supernatural power to stun the dragon to protect his heart a little bit of warmth, so that he would not be extinct on the spot!

Xuanyin divine veins are really unsolvable in this world!

If there is no Ling Tian, ​​I am afraid that even if it is to send Jun Tianli, the generation medical sage, the world’s number one master of martial arts, if he rashly uses pure Yang internal force to drive out the mysterious veins for Yu Bingyan, I am afraid that I will have one The end of the hatred, together with Yu Bingyan, becomes an eternal mysterious zombie! (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please log in to m, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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