Legend of Ling Tian Chapter 10: Encounter on the street

“Hehe, that girl, Xuan…er, nothing, it’s ugly, stubborn, and naughty, headache.” Madam Wei was about to say what she said, and she suddenly understood Chu Ting’er. The meaning of the words suddenly became a little bit dumb. I was so irritated in my heart: This damned girl was so bold to go to find the notorious first dude in private! If you want to spread it, how will you find your in-laws in the future? Who dared to take the risk of offending Chengtian First Family by accepting his own daughter, his face suddenly a little hard to look.

Chu Ting’er can be praised and recognized by Mrs. Ling. As a stupid person, the lady keenly felt that she did not see that the other party had the meaning of reluctance to talk, and even disgusted, but the arrow was on the string. I had to post it, so I had to be cheeky and continued to talk: “Sister, Xuan Xuan from your family, I like the little girl more and more I look at it. Isn’t that girl too young? Look at that girl. The figure is the figure, the face is the cheek, there is really no beauty in the whole body, I heard that the marriage has not been decided yet, right? I think Xuan Xuan also has a little bit of my boy…”

“Uh, this, haha, sister, let’s not talk about it today, hahaha, besides, sister said it alone is not useful, you don’t know, our old guard is a big man , He has the final say on the major issues of the family…” Madam Wei had no choice but to bring troubles and push her husband. “Yes, yes, your old guard, that’s an honest and upright person who is known to all Chengtian people. What is especially rare is that Wei Shangshu is an official and upright. It is deeply loved by the people; it is even more affectionate at home, and it is Wei Shangshu in major matters. You can manage, but the little things are all based on your sister’s head. There is no big thing in your family year-round to be bothered by Master Wei. All the little things in the family are your sister’s work, and sisters who don’t envy your sister and your husband… that respect is like a guest.” Chu Ting’er is interested. Vigorously, she didn’t even let Madam Wei finish her speech.

“Uh…hehehe. This…sister. Xuan Xuan is still too young. Sister, I really don’t want to restrain her too soon. Your kid is really outstanding…” Madam Wei said in a miserable tone. .

“Yes, yeah, pity the parents of the world, sister, we are all the same to worry about our lives,” Chu Ting’er sighed, “that **** in my family, my sister is going to die too. . Really, from childhood to adulthood. I saw him and your Jia Xuanxuan also said a few words. When I talk to other girls, I blush…”

“Cough cough cough…cough cough cough…” Before Chu Ting’er could finish her words, Mrs. Wei who had just picked up the teacup and took a sip of water coughed violently; tears in her eyes streamed and her face flushed red. .

“Ah? Sister, what’s wrong with you? You are so careless when you drink water,” Chu Ting’er patted Madam Wei’s back tenderly and tenderly.

Mrs. Wei rolled her eyes: Your son is honest? Blushing when talking to other girls? ? I didn’t believe any liar! I don’t know how many good girls I’ve touched, I can make my girl jump into that fire pit!

“Heaven and earth conscience, we really blush as soon as we talk to a girl, a big good man who hasn’t touched half a girl!” Our protagonist Ling Tian defended hoarsely outside the screen.

“Sister, look. The two children are still very good. Anyway, they are still young, we can decide first…” Chu Ting’er spoke again without finishing, because Madam Wei, who was choking in front of her, suddenly met The super light work generally disappeared…

Looking again, Mrs. Wei was already asking her concubine Ling Ran to resign. She was not so good, and she recovered calmly. Mrs. Wei came to Chu Ting’er specifically; “Sister, sister, I suddenly remembered that there are still some important things at home. Do it right away, I won’t accompany my sister. Please forgive me. Our sister will be here for a long time. We must have a good time with my sister. See you next year at the banquet!” After finishing speaking, she hurried away without waiting for Chu Ting’er to answer. Looking at her anxious look, it seems that the house is really on fire. It’s a long time coming to Japan, and she will go until next year. Do you think that if Mrs. Wei suddenly becomes ill next year, will you see you next year? What? ! …

Chu Ting’er rolled her eyes bitterly, she didn’t know how many times she had scolded Ling Tian, ​​but she still suppressed it. Now that Mrs. Wei is gone, there are still so many officials with daughters at home. Madam…

Chu Ting’er showed a kind and gentle smile on her face and walked in front of General Shen’s wife…. This banquet that should have been a long time banquet, because of Madam Ling, the duration is shortened sharply…

At the same moment when Mrs. Ling Chu Ting’er racked her brains to deceive a daughter-in-law for her son, her good son Ling Tian was carrying two MMs—-Wei Chen, Yu Bingyan, leading a few A guard wandering in the street.

Just because Miss Jade is really curious, how did Ling Tian become famous as a dude? In Miss Jade’s mind, Young Master Ling is so gentle, gentle and talented. , Is such a seductive handsome guy, how can such a perfectly good man become the number one dude in the sky? !

Especially in the morning when Yu Bingyan was practicing Xuan Nv Su Xin Shen Gong, she unexpectedly discovered that she could actually practice this kind of internal force and successfully guided her internal breath to run in her body for a week, so she was so excited that she was almost too excited. Leading to chaos in internal interest.

Miss Yu, who needs to adjust her mood, drags Ling Tian to look at Ling Tianwan’s side. Ling Tian also planned to go out to see the futile search of the Yang Family, so he cleaned up a bit, and took the two girls away as a leisurely trip.

As soon as he left the palace, Yu Bingyan was taken aback by Ling Tian’s appearance. The big young man’s mouth immediately wore an evil smile, and a pair of eyes went up and down the women passing by. During the inspection, there were two evil laughs from time to time, and a sharp whistle broke out at every turn, frightening the big girls and little wives on the street like ghosts.

Looking at his image again, the golden crown on the top of his head is slanted, a few strands of hair are scattered, and it is even more wicked, the buttons on his chest are loosened, and the skirt is half open, revealing the moon-white shirt inside. , Stepping on the Eighth Step, seemed to be light and fluttering without half of the flesh, purely like a dull and domineering second generation ancestor, and there is also the usual Yushu in the wind, gentle and talented. (Special note: In weekdays here, especially the time spent with Miss Yu)

If Yu Bingyan hadn’t already known that Ling Tian was pretending to be like this, I’m afraid that the first time I met, he would spit on the ground fiercely, then turn around and leave! It’s a shame to walk with this kind of people! Rao already knew that Yu Bingyan still felt a bit like eating a fly in her heart, so she almost doubted that the gentle and elegant young man Ling Tian in the small courtyard of the Ling family, and the annoying guy in front of him. Not alone…

In front, Ling Tian suddenly grabbed a middle-aged man who was trying his best to avoid him. Of course, the guard of the Ling family behind him recognized it. The person caught by Ling Tian was a guard leader of the Yang mansion and had already beaten him. Have dealt with it many times. “Have you found the murderer who killed Nangongle?”

The head of the guard was suddenly grabbed by Ling Tian and was startled, but he didn’t dare to struggle, and said bitterly: “If you return to Young Master Ling, I haven’t found it yet.”

“Tens of thousands of you can’t catch even a single murderer? My dear! Yang Kongqun’s old boy raised you to eat rice? A bunch of useless trash! I really feel ashamed for Yang Kongqun, if only This son is Yang Kongqun, and there is a bunch of useless guys like you who eat plain rice under your hand. I have found a rope and two sets for a short time, pitiful! Sad! Yang Kongqun! You die. That’s it.” Ling Tian was full of affection, his voice was high, and his tone was weird, which immediately attracted the attention of the whole street, and people looked at him sideways.

The guards of the Yang Mansion were immediately ashamed and bowed their heads. I cursed in my heart: What does our failure to catch the murderer have to do with your Ling family? Why do you ask us like this? Dogs take mice~IndoMTL.com~ Nosy! Complete second generation ancestor, bastard!

Ling Tian yelled heartily before letting him go, and continued to stroll forward casually, like a crab, and the wide street was almost half occupied by him alone.

Wei Chen and Yu Bingyan followed him far behind him, their eyes looked around, but they did not contact Ling Tian, ​​their faces were full of expressions of “I don’t know him” or “I don’t know him”. This move is not new at all. The little girl in the early morning has this attitude every time she comes out. She has exercised it a long time ago, so her attitude is still very calm. The difference is that Miss Yu who came out today, Miss Yu looks around, but Don’t meet an acquaintance. If you meet an acquaintance, how can I explain it? If you don’t know him, does anyone believe it? Shame! What a shame!

Suddenly a bamboo pole was erected in front of it, with a cloth move on it, with four characters on it: The iron mouth is broken! Right in front of Ling Tian! Ling Tian never cared about these things, and was about to pass him by, but suddenly felt that his shoulder was lightly hit by this fortune teller!

Ling Tian stopped immediately, with a sneer in his heart! Let you pretend! I can’t see you if you don’t touch me, but you have touched me!

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