Legend of Ling Tian Chapter 1: Ling Tian’s Enemy

   The red sun is rising, and the morning wind is strong.

   The waves are sparkling on the sea, and the waves of undulating waves are like a mother’s gentle cradle, one wave after another, one wave after another, endlessly endless.

  In the distance, a swarm of seagulls burst into the sky, circling the sky, not falling for a long time.

   Ling Tian wears a snow-white windbreaker, Junyi’s face is smooth and soft, like a stone statue carved in marble. Sitting leisurely on the yacht, the whole person and the yacht are integrated, slowly rising and falling with the waves, the soft hair on the forehead dances with the wind, the eyes are persistent and affectionate, and the corners of the mouth raise a mysterious smile. It seems to blend into this quiet and beautiful natural picture, everything seems so harmonious and beautiful. Even the most discerning connoisseur of pictures cannot pick out any flaws in this purely natural picture.

   Ling Tian’s face was not surprised or happy, as if quietly enjoying the beauty of nature. In fact, there are turbulent waves in my heart, tumbling endlessly. There is no omission in the past, flowing slowly through my heart.

   Ling Tian comes from the Lingzi family, the most mysterious ancient Wu family in China. He has undergone the cruelest training in the world since he was a child. He is exceptionally clever and has emerged in the family at the age of fifteen. Among the young people of the same generation, no matter whether it is kung fu inside or outside, or piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, all kinds of miscellaneous studies, there is no one in the whole family. Known as the hope of the new generation of Lingzi family, the most outstanding representative.

   Thinking of this, Ling Tian showed a bit of bitterness in his eyes. Ling Tian was from the second collateral line of the family, not a direct descendant of the family. Therefore, since Ling Tian became famous in the family competition when he was fifteen years old, the entire second collateral line has not received the imaginary attention, but has received a series of ruthless suppression from the direct line!

   Ling Tian is sixteen years old, and the second collateral line is already struggling. If it weren’t for the efforts of several older generation elders in the family, I am afraid that the second collateral line would have been completely erased from the family because of Ling Tian.

  The conspiracy finally happened silently.

   Ling Tian clearly remembered that it was the summer when he was seventeen years old, one month and eleven days before the Mid-Autumn Festival in August. Feeling extremely depressed, he went to the lake to relax, but inadvertently found his clan sister Ling Xueer fell into the water!

   Ling Tian has always had little affection for this clan girl. She always feels that she is too vain, so strong to win, and always stays away. But in any case, it hasn’t reached the point where it will die. Seeing Ling Xue’er tumbling in the water calling for help, Ling Tian’s blood surged, and jumped down without thinking.

   At that moment, Ling Tian never thought, why Ling Xueer, who has always been pampered and embraced, came to the lake to play alone today in an unusual manner? Why do girls who have lived by the water since childhood can’t swim? How could Ling Xueer, who has a profound martial arts, fall into the water silently? Will Ling Xueer, who has always been arrogant and conceited, shout for help out of the ordinary?

   Maybe Ling Tian thought about these questions, maybe, didn’t think about it at all, but no matter what, he jumped off after all. Go and save this clan girl that I didn’t like since I was young.

  Although Ling Tian is smart, although he has a city in his heart; but this genius boy is only a seventeen-year-old child! Although Ling Tian, ​​who had never been in contact with the outside world, felt depressed in the family, his mind was still very simple after all. He was far from thinking of what people would do for power.

   Ling Tian just jumped into the water and approached Ling Xue’er. Ling Xue’er, who was dying, suddenly became alive and well. She fought him in the water and called for help loudly. His voice was terrible, miserable, and terrified!

   At that instant, Ling Tian suddenly discovered that Ling Xueer’s shirt was broken! It seemed as if someone had torn it with his hands forcefully, and then Ling Tian instinctively felt bad. Just when he wanted to break away from Ling Xue’er and go ashore, a dense crowd appeared on the shore.

   Ling Tian’s mind was blank. These people are all direct descendants! This is a trap! It’s a trap that can make oneself ruined! It is ridiculous that I jumped in unsuspectingly!

   Ling Xueer was certainly rescued! Then the public cried out in public that he had been assaulted by Ling Tianyu, and he resolutely refused to follow it, while Ling Tian was so angry that he pushed himself into the lake. The ripped clothes is a strong proof! At this time, the lineup of no less than fifty people by the lake has all become witnesses!

   The evidence is conclusive! Ling Tian’s misbehavior not only made her lustful family rights, but also wanted to be indecent towards her clan sister. His behavior was bad and heinous! Animals are not as good!

   Patriarch personally met the five elders and put Ling Tian on trial! Ling Tian didn’t say a word during this process, in fact, he didn’t need to speak anymore.

   So, in a moment, Ling Tian went from the hope of the family to the shame of the family! Ling Tian’s second collateral line is implicated, and he is not allowed to deal with all matters of the family within ten years! Ling Tian’s parents have no way to teach their children and are detained by the family, so they cannot go out for a lifetime!

   And Ling Tian, ​​as the culprit, the family scum; of course, the punishment is the most serious: abolish the whole body of martial arts, expel the house, and never return to the family forever!

   When Ling Tian was thrown out of the family like a puddle of mud, the whole person was still muddled, as if in a dream.

   From then on, Ling Tian began his dark life!

   Although he has been expelled by the family, Ling Tian’s cousins ​​did not intend to let him go! Ling humiliating a once unattainable strong man seems to be their greatest pleasure; they continue to appear in Ling Tian’s life like a shadow. Exhausted all kinds of insults, constantly torturing the man they had looked up to. For three whole years, this former prince of heaven struggled in a life far more cruel than hell! Until three years later, Ling Meng’er, who had been sympathetic to his sister, rescued Ling Tian and sent him to the East China Sea far away from the family. The hellish torture just ended.

   Every once in a while, Ling Meng’er will come; to bring Ling Tian the latest changes in the family and all the items needed in life. The years slipped away quietly, and the Ling family seemed to have forgotten that such a genius-like teenager had ever appeared in the family. But Ling Tian could never forget everything he had endured! Revenge has become the only goal that supports him to survive!

   The elder Dantian abolished his martial arts palm without leaving any affection. If he wanted revenge, he was hopeless with martial arts. In the past few years, Ling Tian spent all his time on firearms except eating, drinking, and sleeping. Above, the cold gun has become the only method he can use.

   Just three months ago, Ling Meng’er came here for the last time and told Ling Tian, ​​who had framed him, the marriage of Ling Xue’er and Donghai Huang Family. The wedding was held at sea. And vaguely said, this will be a super luxurious wedding, all big families, celebrities, will gather together to witness the happiness of a generation of heavenly daughter Ling Xueer! As for the Ling family, all the young talents will come together with the three elders.

   After Ling Meng’er sent the news, Ling Tian fell into silence. Ling Tian remained silent until Ling Meng’er left. When Ling Meng’er left, she said: “I know what you are thinking, and I also know what the only thing you want to do in your life is. This is the best opportunity. If you want to do it, make this call, no matter what you want. Whatever, the person who answers the phone will post it properly for you.”

   Ling Meng’er left a card with a phone number written on it, and then disappeared from Ling Tian’s line of sight. He walked very smartly and at ease.

   Ling Tian didn’t move all day and night, and the whole person seemed to have become a fossil. In the early hours of the next morning, Ling Tian, ​​who had been contemplating for a whole day and night, dialed the phone number resolutely.

   Ling Tian knows that this is his best opportunity. If he missed this opportunity, he may never avenge his revenge! However, this is undoubtedly the ultimatum that Ling Meng’er gave herself!

   If I kill all the people at the wedding, every family will be greatly injured, especially the Ling family, which will suffer a near-destructive blow, and in such an event, the only person who can benefit , Will be his sister, Ling Meng’er! And his collateral family of Ling family.

   figured this out, Ling Tian has answers to many things that were puzzled before! Ling Meng’er, this sister who has always been naive and innocent in her eyes, has such a deep motive for her sister who takes care of her in every possible way, and she has such a foresight! And the picture is so huge!

  Undoubtedly, this East China Sea project Ling Meng’er has been planning for at least five years! After she was expelled from the Ling family, Ling Meng’er had countless opportunities to save herself silently, but she still allowed herself to live in the insults of those people for three full years! Perhaps, she completed the planning of this matter just before she rescued herself. And the indispensable and most important part of this matter is yourself. Ling Tian, ​​a rare genius in his family for a hundred years, with his extraordinary calculations and his ingenious organization and arrangement! And his accurate calculation and understanding of zha medicine. The other is his mortal heart for revenge!

   All of this cannot be established without any link; however, Ling Meng’er has waited until this day after all! Now, the right time, the right place and the right people!

   After thinking about all of this, Ling Tian felt an icy chill from the bottom of his heart, as if his limbs were frozen. The last trace of beauty in my heart also disappeared. The deep gratitude in my heart for Ling Meng’er suddenly turned into sincere hatred!

   It’s no wonder that when she was expelled from her house and abolished martial arts, Ling Meng’er did not intercede for herself, and even in her own family, no one interceded for herself. It turned out that she had already become a tool. A tool for power struggle! And the incident of Ling Xueer’s frame-up was not only the result of all the members of the direct lineage, but also something that the two branches of his own lineage had long been waiting for! Abolished his martial arts and expelled himself from the house, the direct line of people eliminated their potential greatest threat, but the side line that he was in had buried an atomic bomb that destroyed the world!

  This project has been carried out silently for at least five years! No wonder, nowhere is it easy to send, but Ling Meng’er sent herself to the East China Sea! Presumably, the marriage between Ling Xue’er and Huang’s Young Master had been decided at least ten years ago. And Ling Xueer and the others have been preparing for a long time, and what they have planned is a blow at the wedding!

   Now ~ IndoMTL.com~ A large amount of zha medicine has already been buried under the Huangjia Donghai Bieyuan where the wedding will be held soon! The powerful zha medicine, which is enough to turn a hill into a small lake, is quietly buried in the ground and is about to hit. What is missing is the person who ignited the zha medicine.

   No matter who, to ignite these zha medicines, he is absolutely unlucky! In this world, fewer and fewer people can easily give up their lives for their ideals. Not everyone has the courage to make dedication.

   But Ling Tian is different! The reason why Ling Tian still lives in the world until now has only one purpose: that is revenge! Ling Tian and Ling Xue’er have an antagonism! The three-year insult and ravages of the direct descendants of the Ling family also prevented Ling Tian from coexisting with them in the world! In order to send all these people to hell, he will always be broken into pieces with his body, Ling Tian will not hesitate, even if he is happy!

   After Ling Tian dialed the phone, he just asked for some necessary tools. Ling Tian warned them seriously, no one is allowed to act rashly! This action, before detonating the zha drug, will only belong to oneself!

   Ling Tian deeply knew that as long as there was any abnormality, it would be enough to turn this revenge operation into water, so Ling Tian couldn’t take this risk. Although in this incident, Ling Tian had already acted as someone else’s **** unknowingly, Ling Tian was quite satisfied with the position of this pawn!

  Meng’er, my sister, although your purpose is to use me, but I am grateful to you! Ling Tian silently made up his mind: Since you want that family and want to achieve that position, then I will help you!

   Everything is ready!

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