Lantern: Reflection of the Peach Blossoms: Chapter 79, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Lanterns and Peach Blossoms!

“Brother Yan?”

The people in front did not respond, Chu He raised his voice again and said: “Yan Lanyu!”

The first reaction of Yan Lanyu was not to look back, but to lower her head and walk away quickly. There was something wrong in Chu He’s mind for a moment, but he didn’t think much about it. He stepped forward and grabbed his shoulder: “Yan Lanyu!”

Yan Lanyu turned her head, a smile appeared on her pale face: “Why are you?”

Chu He glanced at him up and down, and saw that he was only wearing a black shirt and jeans, and the hem of his clothes seemed a little wet, emitting a faint **** air.

In an instant, Chu He moved his heart slightly, took off his sunglasses and smiled: “I should ask you this. Where is Yu Fu? Where are you going?”

“Fu Yu didn’t come. I have something personal to go to another place.”

“Are you sick? Your voice is so dumb?”

Yan Lanyu covered her mouth and coughed twice, and said faintly: “I have a little cold…It’s okay, my plane is about to fly, wait until I return to Beijing to talk.”

He turned around and strode away, but Chu He’s doubts in his heart had reached the culmination, “Wait! Yan Lanyu!”

Yan Lanyu looked back again, but the slightly impatient look on his face and the tight lines of his body silently announced the fact that he would turn around and leave at any time.

Too wrong, Chu He thought.

Yan Lanyu, a person who has been rescued from overseas, can this kind of identity leave casually? And did he report to Yu Jingzhong when he went out, and did he report to Yu Jingzhong to make him come out like this?

“What else is going on?” Yan Lanyu asked impatiently.

At that moment, Chu He knotted his mind and asked subconsciously: “…When will you pay back the 100 yuan you owe me?”


At the door of the bathroom, Zhou Hui answered the phone and walked out: “What, Yan Lanyu was hijacked by a ghost?!”

“The demon took Yan Lanyu’s body as a bargaining chip, and seriously injured Long Jiuhou, robbed the car and fled to the airport. It should be to take him back to Japan.” Yu Jingzhong’s voice came from the other end of the phone: “The lens he was wearing It is always a hidden danger. The Tantric Sect will not give up this treasure that has been passed down for hundreds of years. If he is allowed to be caught back, Yan Lanyu will definitely be more fortunate…”

“I wipe it, I will dare to move my daughter in the next life!” Zhou Hui was furious: “What should I do now?”

At such an urgent juncture, Yu Jingzhong almost made the corners of his mouth twitch: “What is the next life girl… Forget it. I have now notified a group of members to go to the station, the airport and other places to search, if you can as soon as possible If you rush to the airport, immediately…”

“Coincidentally, brother is at the airport now. When will my boys arrive?”

Yu Jingzhong suspiciously said: “Aren’t you vacationing in hell, why are you at the airport?”

Zhou Hui: “…”


Zhou Hui walked out of the bathroom and returned to the waiting hall.

Not far from the boarding gate sign, Yan Lanyu looked at Chu He and asked, “When did I owe you a hundred dollars?”

“…” Chu He was speechless. He reached out to his pocket and took out his mobile phone to call Yu Jingzhong. He said in his heart how I thought of this question. Did my brain get twitched?

Yan Lanyu seemed to see through his thoughts of delaying time and said: “If there is nothing wrong, wait until I come back. I’m going to board the plane, see you later.”

Chu He shouted: “Wait!”

Yan Lanyu turned around and left, Chu He hesitated for half a second, and immediately chased forward.

At this time, there were not many people in the airport. Yan Lanyu noticed the footsteps catching up behind her, and suddenly accelerated her pace, abruptly squeezing past the first few passengers. When Chu He was about to step up to catch up with him, suddenly Zhou Hui rushed from the terminal not far away with his mobile phone, and shouted, “Feng Si!”

The flat ground exploded, and in an instant many people looked sideways, Yan Lanyu and Chu He looked back at the same time.

Zhou Hui said sharply: “Stop Yan Lanyu! Hurry!”

In an instant, Yan Lanyu ran wildly as if the starting gun sounded. Without any hesitation, Chu He ran after him!

“Hey!” “Hey what’s going on!” Pedestrians dragging their luggage in twos and threes were immediately knocked over, and the group of tour groups in front was knocked down. The tour guide shook the small flag and shouted at them angrily: “Hey! Are you going to reincarnate?”

Yan Lanyu grabbed an old lady who was still wearing a tour group sun hat and pushed back without looking back. The old lady tripped in a panic, was caught by Chu He in time, and threw it to the extremely angry tour guide, and then rose to the ground, almost stepping on everyone’s shoulders and the top of their heads, and rushed up without a little bit!

“Stop!” Chu He shouted, condescendingly grabbing Yan Lanyu’s shoulder.

Yan Lanyu turned her head, with a faint smile on her face, and hit Chu He’s face with a fist!

Yan Lanyu’s strength is actually extraordinary, his size and muscle density are placed there, and his attacks mainly rely on spells and onmyoji. However, this punch made Chu He see gold stars in his eyes, his throat became sweet, his ears buzzed, and he almost let go of his hand.

Yan Lanyu struggled, but the fighting consciousness cultivated by King Phoenix for thousands of years was not completely lost even in Nirvana. Chu He fisted back in the severe pain. Yan Lanyu did not expect the counterattack to come so swiftly. There was a slight creaking sound of bones, and Juli staggered him backwards!

“Who are you!” Chu He shouted hoarsely.

Yan Lanyu ran without a word, and was knocked to the ground by Chu He.

A riot broke out in the terminal, and Zhou Hui rushed from a distance.

But at this moment, Yan Lanyu and Chu He couldn’t care about anything. The fight was fierce in just a few seconds. Yan Lanyu hit Chu He’s temple with an elbow, and Chu He fell backwards, but pinched tightly. Holding his throat and not letting go, the nails pierced deeply into the flesh.

“…” Yan Lanyu had a spasm in her throat, as if she was swearing something, but she couldn’t utter a complete word.

His side neck was pinched, blood flowed down his neck to the ground in an instant, and bleeding began to appear in the corners of his mouth. At the same time, he kept scratching with his hands on his side, suddenly as if he had caught something, suddenly he lifted up and stabbed at Chu He!

From this angle, it is difficult for Chu He to see the blade glowing with blue light, but Zhou Hui, who arrived in time, stepped on Yan Lanyu’s wrist with a stride, and then pushed Chu He.

A stabbing the blade against Zhou Hui’s black jeans legs, Yan Lanyu staggered with one hit, her eyes suddenly rolled to reveal the whites of her eyes, and two lines of blood and tears were shed.

The surrounding people screamed in horror, and Chu He instantly stunned: “What is this?!”

Zhou Hui didn’t have time to answer, so he had to kick Yan Lanyu down when he went up–but at this moment, Yan Lanyu hissed: “You go up and try one more step!”

Zhou Hui stopped abruptly-he saw his blade pointed at his chest!

Zhou Hui said solemnly: “You are a demon, you must obey your master’s orders. Your master asked you to take Yan Lanyu back, but didn’t you say you could kill him casually?”

Chu He asked suspiciously: “Demon?”

“Yan Lanyu” smiled, the smile and the **** and tearful face looked particularly terrible: “I am in a hurry to get to the power, and even if Yan Lanyu is dead, I can manipulate his body and return to Japan. The time will be the same. I understand. Why? Why don’t you let me go first, and maybe you can get a whole body back…”

It was extremely difficult for Chu He to notice the first half step on the ground, but Zhou Hui raised his hand to stop him.

“I can almost guess who your master is,” Zhou Hui said lightly, “You can’t run away.”

The demon smiled contemptuously.

At this moment, there was a noise from the opposite side. A dozen members in a group of uniforms in black rushed into the terminal first, and the airport guard and the person in charge hurried in.

The demon glanced at them, and suddenly the whole person shrank into the air under all eyes, his body twisted into an unimaginable posture, and instantly disappeared into the void!

“Boss Zhou!”

Several group members rushed, but Zhou Hui waved to stop them, his face turned pale.

He plopped and sat on the ground, Chu He half-kneeled on his leg, peeled off his pants and looked inside, only to see that the cut skin and the meat had turned black.

“Yan Lanyu’s body is occupied by demons?”

“Well, Yu Jingzhong just called and asked us to do our best to stop him at the airport.”

Chu He bit his ring finger and dripped a drop of blood on Zhou Hui’s wound. In an instant, a layer of white smoke appeared from the scorched skin, and the wound slowly dried up and scabs at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“What do you think?” Zhou Hui asked interestingly.

However, Chu He showed no expression on his face, stretched out his hand and slammed him up to help him up.

Zhou Hui shook the injured foot, and said leisurely: “A ghost is a ghost that is captured and refined by a blood sea monster. Although very few humans can refine it, it may be the strongest esoteric sect in Japan’s Yin Yang Dao. It can be done. As for the rumors of the demon’s character and breath, it is just rumors, so if you and I feel that it smells like our big hair, you don’t have to worry too much…”

“Shut up!” Chu He finally couldn’t bear it.

Zhou Hui laughed: “Oh, I’m still annoyed. I told you a long time ago that Da Mao left the sea of ​​blood without saying hello, it must be tricky, you must say that the dead child just came to the scene and walked away. ……”

Chu He slapped Zhou Hui’s head.

The latter’s hair after finishing two kilograms of hair spray immediately collapsed.

Several team members finally took the official documents to get the person in charge of the airport, and then separately arranged the broadcast to comfort the people. Two young men with more seniority stepped forward and respectfully called the four team leaders, and then asked: “Boss, what should I do now? Mr. Yu said that if I can’t find Xiaoge Yan, everyone will deduct the bonus when they go back, how?” /

“He went to Japan.” Zhou Hui raked his hair angrily, and said, “I just don’t have a passport or a visa. I don’t know how he gets on the plane… and there may be people from Tantric Sect to pick him up. Be careful.”

“We will immediately send people to monitor the entrances and exits of the airport, and apply for warrants to notify the tower to monitor all flights to Japan.” The team members paused, and then asked with concern: “Boss, how are you? Do you want to return first? The unit goes to rest?”

Zhou Hui and Chu He looked at each other.

“In case he is too late to board the plane now. Tell Yu Jingzhong, let’s stop him on the plane first!”


Although the movement in the terminal was large, it was forcibly calmed down quickly and did not cause much commotion. The last few flights were not delayed because of this. One of them was to Tokyo, Japan. The plane was already on the tarmac and was ready to take off. At this time, it was too late to apply for a warrant to request the plane to be delayed.

Zhou Hui encouraged as he ran: “Hurry up! Let’s get on that flight, and it’s still too late to run faster!”

Chu He panted and said: “No… listen to me, the demon knows that if it is exposed, it may not be on the plane again…”

“Others have to transfer flights, only this one is the fastest! He dare not delay at the airport!”

“We…we can’t keep up…”

Zhou Hui turned his head and hugged Chu River, followed by a group of airport guards beside Hula La, who was like a thousand horses straddling the Yalu River, stunned countless people when he rushed down the tower, and the passing staff were all passing by. Evade all around.

Two groups of young men are carrying the chubby airport person in charge. The latter is sweating profusely, holding the walkie-talkie and shouting: “Ground dispatch center? Listen to me! There are special circumstances!… “

Zhou Hui rushed down the stairs and smashed open the glass door. On the tarmac in the distance, a silver passenger plane was slowly turning around and heading towards the night.

“Damn!” Zhou Hui was immediately furious: “Tell Mr. Yu, tell him to take the urgent red-head document to the airport tower, and closely monitor the suspicious people on the plane!”

“It… it may not be on this plane.” Chu He was hugged too tightly, panting and rubbing his ribs as he said: “And what if you anger the demon and cause a crash?… …”

Zhou Hui murmured, he just wanted to ask someone to check the next direct flight to Tokyo, Japan, but suddenly stopped.

He seemed to remember something suddenly, and he touched his chin thoughtfully and looked at Chu He: “My dear–“

Chu He: “………………”

The two looked at each other, no one spoke for a long while, and a group of members behind them looked at them inexplicably.

“Only this time.” After a long time, Chu He said blankly: “I will compensate for the mental loss afterwards.”

Zhou Hui pointed an orchid and said: “Madam! Isn’t all the fortunes of Xiaosheng yours?!”


Five minutes later, an inconspicuous corner of the airport runway.

The golden-red halo rises to the night sky, like a dance of yarn flying in the wind, and like the ever-changing aurora, showing a suffocating and gorgeous posture.

The young person in the halo turned into countless points of light, and then reunited to form a phoenix shape, spreading flame-like wings in all directions.

Zhou Hui grabbed the phoenix feathers and rolled over, straddling his back steadily, lowered his head and asked loudly, “My dear, are you all right—!”

Phoenix said coldly: “Can’t you change me to ride you?”

Zhou Hui immediately swears to the heavens and paintings: “My dear, you are wrong to say that——! If my prototype could not fly, I would welcome you to ride me——! You must have forgotten Nirvana, I used to encourage you to ride on it, but you were too shy and refused to move by yourself every time–!”

The phoenix suddenly spread its wings and rushed to the sky.

Zhou Hui’s energetic voice still echoed in mid-air for a long time: “If you don’t believe me, I will let you ride back after I arrive in Japan–! Ride as long as you want to ride, ride in whatever posture you want, then what kind of ghost, whatever It’s going to die…”

The long tail feathers of the phoenix flicked, and they sprinkled thousands of tiny dots in the night sky, gathering them into a brilliant band of light.

Then the light pointed to the east, drawing a majestic galaxy towards Japan.

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