Lantern: Reflection of the Peach Blossoms: Chapter 58, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Lanterns and Peach Blossoms!

Galuda feels that he has never done anything bad in his life, so it is really puzzling why he was so unlucky.

But he has been practicing Buddhism for a long time, and he still believes in cause and effect. Think about it, I haven’t done anything wrong in this life. Maybe it was the killing of Maha’s family in the previous life and the family owed him 5 million. This life has to pay back so many brothers’ debts.

A frightened sea snake was coiled on top of Garuda’s head. He left the blood sea blankly and walked through the barriers of time and space to the other end where the blood sea connects with the Asura Road. Yan Mowang’s palace is winding along the double iron wheel mountain, so far away, it is impossible to see it at a glance.

He threw the snake back into the sea of ​​blood, transformed into a golden-winged roc bird, flew over the sea and the Crystal Avenue under the gaze of countless monsters, landed on the top of the tower of the magic palace, and found a place with a wide view. The figure sat down.

The son of God who has lived in the snowy mountains of the plateau since childhood can hardly adapt to the harsh environment of the four evil realms. The ubiquitous blood in the air makes him breathe obstructed, sleepless at night, and even the sea snake meat in the blood sea. Can’t eat. After Phoenix came to the Demon Realm, he met him and suggested that he go back to the Snow Mountain, but Jialou Luo refused.

He doesn’t know why he wants to stay here. The family has been living in a fragmented state for a long time, and he actually doesn’t want to leave.

“Mother?” Garuda looked back.

Chu He walked along the moonlight stone tiles, stepped on the roof and made a creaking sound, came to him, reached out and rubbed the second son’s messy short hair.

“Where is your brother?”

“Just now in the sea of ​​blood, King Pozhi Asura led the ghosts to the human world, and when he passed the sea of ​​blood, he followed him to watch the excitement.” Jialou Luo paused and said, “It doesn’t have to be… Cannibalism.”

Chu He sighed almost silently, and sat down beside his second son, squinting at the cloudy sky in the distance.

Galouluo couldn’t help but whispered: “Maha’s hair has completely turned silver. Cannibalism is mainly to delay the symptoms of the five decays of heaven and man. In fact, he has been very restrained during this period, and only picks up Ashura. We eat the rest, he also knows that if we continue to eat like this, he will soon have to be struck by lightning again…”

Chu He took out a paper bag from his jeans pocket and opened a small handful of scarlet hay. He grabbed half a hand and gave it to Garuda, and then twisted it into his mouth and started chewing.

“What is this?” Garuda Roach asked.

“Makai Tobacco, refreshing.”

Galuda tasted it. The entrance was very bitter, but after a dozen chews, an unspeakable sweetness slowly spread from the base of the tongue.

He tasted the local smoke in Nepal. The entrance is not as difficult to swallow, but the aftertaste is not as mellow and long as this one, and it is true that the whole mind wakes up quickly, and the exhaustion of sleeplessness in the past few days has been reduced a lot. .

“I will give Maha another godhead,” Chu He said, “but not now.”

Garuda couldn’t help asking: “When is that?”

Chu He gave him a deep look.

This is a very strange thing. Maha’s facial features are similar to those of Phoenix. However, there is a cold and weird smell at the corners of the eyebrows and eyes. Think of snakes—the kind of gorgeous, evil, snakes that seem to suddenly appear behind you and give you a fatal kiss at any time.

But Phoenix has a sense of majesty in its gentleness, with beautiful eyebrows and nobleness that cannot be violated.

The military exploits proved that Wang He was successful in his merits as soon as he landed. Can it really make such a big difference? Jialouluo couldn’t help whispering secretly in his heart, imagining the picture of King Peacock Ming in a robe standing high in the lotus seat. The first thing that appeared in his mind was Maha Manshan running wild in a vacuum, instantly disappearing any thoughts.

“How much is your merit?” Chu He did not answer Garuda’s question, but suddenly asked.

“…I’m not bad…what,” Garuda thought for a while: “I don’t have much incense.”

“I’m not much worse, but Maha has never paid back a single bit. At least he has to kneel down and recite the Buddha for thousands of years to offset the current merits and debts. If he returns to the gods now, his incense will be even greater. Sheng, but without changing the habit of cannibalism, he will soon invite thunder condemnation again.”

Galuda Luoxin said that Maha’s instinct to eat people is almost impossible to change–the best way for him is to live in **** forever, and the blood sea is free for him to toss, and the human world is better not to go. .

“Wait, mother.” Garuda suddenly reacted: “You mean to hold Maha to pay back the current incense, and then the devil’s…”

Chu He raised his index finger, and Jialou Luo silenced him instantly.

“Yan Mo Palace is the eighth consciousness of Vatican,” he said, “Don’t talk nonsense.”

Galuda nodded, then frowned, saying that if this were the case, would his mother have to wait in **** for Maha to pay his debts for thousands of years before attacking the demon lord before returning to the human world to follow him Is Dad reunited?

This is too miserable. His dad will drive the bomber to flatten the **** first, and then catch Maha and strangle him alive.

“It doesn’t take that long,” Chu He seemed to see through his thoughts, with bright and deep eyes: “Seven days later, Fanluo will lead the **** demon to the human world to release his lifelessness, and I will follow…”

When Garuda realized something, his pupils opened slightly.

Chu He didn’t explain more, just put his hands on the shoulders of Jialuo Tower and looked at him carefully. For the first time in so many years, he was so serious and solemn, and he looked at his little son in the smallest detail, a handsome young man who had grown up without knowing it.

Children always grow fast, he thought.

No matter how long it takes, in the eyes of their parents, they always breathe out overnight and suddenly grow up.

Now I think of the impulse that he wanted to hang on to his children when they were just born, that kind of fanatical and abnormal love, seems to have become deeper and heavier in thousands of years of family life, and at the same time Also more gentle love. He is still willing to sacrifice himself in order to protect his children, but the fierce feelings that are so extreme that they don’t care about anything seem to have been a matter of the previous life.

He finally began to realize that the child had his own way to go in the future, and maybe the person they were destined to was hesitating and waiting around the corner. As a parent, he has a life that he has fully spread, and he also has people waiting for him in the distance.

“What are you thinking?” Garuda asked subconsciously.

“It’s nothing,” Chu He smiled slightly, and patted his stubborn hair, feeling like Zhou Hui with two kilograms of hair spray on his head.

Zhou Hui looks in the mirror for a long time every morning to make a hairstyle, his son is born like this.

Jaluda wanted to ask something, but then Chu He gave him a heavy shot and stood up and said: “Go back to the human world, don’t go to the snow-capped mountains in Tibetan areas, go to Beijing to find your father.”


“Vanluo travels freely in the six paths, not only relying on the godhead of the four evil Dao Asura King, but also the barrier that can corrode the space. In other words, the ability to freely shuttle is only effective within the scope of his barrier. A joking expression flashed in Chu He’s eyes: “Your dad is too arrogant to face the Demon Venerable, and yelling at the Seal Demon Venerable is just to deal with the Dao of Heaven. He has never seriously thought about how to solve Vatican’s ability to freely shuttle six paths. …I advised him to study more theories of magic forbidden, he never listened.”

Galouluo seemed to understand something, but he saw Chu He turned around and walked through the large patches of moonstone tiles, walking back and forth amidst the creaking sound.

“Wait!” Garuda suddenly stepped forward two steps: “But you have no original body, and Maha has fallen into heaven and man. I must stay to help you——”

“No,” Chu He said gently: “Go back, you have done enough for your brother, and the problem of your parents is the problem of your parents. Sometimes you have to trust the abilities of adults.”


I don’t know how Chu He greeted Demon Venerable, or he didn’t say anything, but Demon Venerable himself was jealous of this young man who looked like an enemy and didn’t want him to stay in **** for a long time; When Luo Lou left the Four Evil Dao, he was not hindered, and even Maha did not appear to say anything.

This is also normal. Maha’s daily energy is spent on the two things of tossing in the blood and slowing down the rate of degeneration. Garuda suspects that it will take at least three days before he finds out the fact that he has disappeared. .

Beijing, long-distance bus station.

Galuda jumped out of the car, raised his eyes and swept around when he landed.

He is carrying an old travel bag, wearing a gray pullover hood, jeans outline strong long legs, his face is tightly blocked by a yellow bandage except his eyes, and he wears black leather gloves with bare fingers.

This outfit looks like a weird migrant worker, and a little like a terrorist carrying a schoolbag about to blow up the station. People looked back at him all the way, but he didn’t realize it.

“Hey, stand over there!” The two police patrols found something wrong here, and immediately stepped forward to stop Garuda, staring at him vigilantly one left and the other: “Where did it come from? What’s the matter? Do you have a certificate?”

People passing by turned around frequently, Jialouluo was stunned, untied his schoolbag and began to turn over his documents.

After looking through it for a long time, I couldn’t find it. The set that Chu He arranged for him was packed with scattered cash. It was wrapped in a small cloth and stuffed in the inner bag of his schoolbag. Now the inner bag is empty. There is a knife mark that is not easy to detect in the deepest part.

Garuda: “…”

Jaluda had never seen a thief when he was born. He didn’t expect that even the Golden-winged Roc can be picked up by a thief these years, and he was a bit embarrassed on the spot.

The patrol officer glanced at each other, his tone more serious: “Young man, what is your name?”


Did the police say you are a minority? What kind of bad name is this? “What’s the matter with the face?”

“Be afraid of light.”

…what’s going on with being afraid of light, can you find an excuse for being smoother! The policeman on the left began to look back and beckoned for reinforcements to a colleague not far away. The other one glanced at Garuda with an undisguised, vigilant look: “Where did the young man come from?”

Galuda is very open: “Come from Tibet, looking for my father.”

“Who is your father and from which unit?”

This is the last straw that destroys the camel.

Galuda said: “The Ministry of National Security.”

Five minutes later, Garuda was escorted into a police car and roared away.


Police station.

Galouro sat on the chair properly, and the two policemen sat across from him. They looked up and down with unabashedly guarded eyes. There was a wide open schoolbag in the center of the desk.

The contents originally contained in the schoolbag were spread out-scriptures, scriptures, scriptures, and a string of agarwood beads.

“Is this young man reselling Buddhist relics,” said the policeman.

A voice from outside the door:

“The youngest son of our director, influenced by the family too deeply, went to Tibet to study Buddhism since he was a child… For the irresponsible second child, the parents tend to pay attention to the older child and ignore the second child… No, no , They shouldn’t have three children anymore. Is there another kid who wants our director to jump into the river? These years, Beijing housing prices are so high, so how can I get them money to buy a house and marry a wife!”

The deputy director let in two men in black and sympathized: “Yes, if you don’t have the ability, don’t fight for a second child. If you don’t have that ability, don’t give birth.”

Garuda: “…?”

“These two are comrades from the Institute of Religious Studies of Peking University. This young man’s father sent them to lead people.” The deputy director pointed to the two men in black and introduced them. The police stood up to say hello, and the man in black immediately came up to deliver Cigarette, the red panda who was given a special package: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s troublesome for your work, we will take this child away now…”

Both parties politely backed down, one said no need, the other insisted on what they wanted, after a few backs, the police satisfactorily took over one person and two packs of red pandas. The two men in black looked back at Garuda and saw him in bandages. The corners of the mouth twitched obviously on the face:

“Lao Zhou… Teacher Zhou asked us to come in to pick you up. He was waiting outside in the car.”

Galuda narrowed his eyes.

He couldn’t tell when his eyes were motionless and completely empty, and Zhou Hui’s shadow was clearly visible when he had an air. Especially the deep brow bones and eye sockets, as well as the sharp and calm eyes, are even more like a mold.

He stood up, packed the schoolbag on the tabletop, and walked out. When he threw the bag on his back, his arm showed obvious muscles.

When two groups of members saw his tightly dressed attire and an old schoolbag, they said that no wonder he was arrested as a terrorist. If he went to the square, he would not be handcuffed by the police on the spot. There are ghosts on the ground.


Galuda walked out of the police station, and there was a silver Lexus parked under the steps. Zhou Hui was wearing a leather jacket on a motorcycle. He leaned against the door and lit a cigarette. He saw his son come out and waved.

“How was it caught?”

Galuda walked down the steps, facing Zhou Hui a step away, and said lightly: “The money and documents were stolen.”

The father and son, who hadn’t seen each other for hundreds of years, looked at each other closely. Although Garuda did not show his face, his face, hair, and body were very similar to his father. In particular, the aura of Yuan Yu Yuezhi when he was silent, in the evenly matched collision, gave people a very chaotic and familiar similarity.

Zhou Hui is still very young, but Garuda is already seventeen or eighteen years old. When they face each other, they don’t look like father and son, but like a mature wolf and a young and strong challenger facing each other.

On the steps, two groups of members came out of the police station and stopped subconsciously.

For a long while, one of them hesitated and said: “Team leader…”

Zhou Hui grinned suddenly, flicked off the long burned cigarette **** on his hand, and held the cigarette in his mouth, took out the cigarette case and handed it to Jialou Luo: “Huh?”

Galouro took the cigarette, but didn’t light it, and said: “I’m here to tell you that the demon Lord will invade the border in a few days.”

Zhou Hui said: “I know.”

“There is also a mother who knows how to deal with the six-way shuttle of the devil.”

Zhou Hui paused, only to see Jialou Luo lowered his head and smelled the smoke. He didn’t seem too interested, and he threw it into the sewer on the sidewalk.

“…” Zhou Hui glanced up and down at his son, and said coldly for a long while: “Get in the car and say.”

It was the first time Garuda took a car after he was born. After getting in the car, he carefully looked at the instruments and steering wheel on the front driver’s seat, and seemed to be very interested.

Zhou Hui casually asked a few things about Ashura Dao. Garuda focused on what he knew and explained what he knew, speaking very concisely, and finally said: “Maha has symptoms of five failures. My mother told me not to stay. In hell, come to the human world to find you.”

Zhou Hui said blankly.

Garuda couldn’t help but turn his head to look at him.

“What’s wrong?” Zhou Hui asked casually.

“…I thought you would ask how your mother was in Yan Mo Palace…”

Zhou Hui turned to his second son, narrow and deep eyes slightly narrowed.

His eye sockets are already deep, his eyelids are not obvious, and his eyes have a qualitative focus that is unique to archers. When he stared at something immovable, it gave people an arrow-like penetration.

“How is your mother and me? It’s a matter between us. Parents can only solve the problem. Besides, worthless care can’t change Phoenix’s current situation, so you don’t need to tell me.”

Zhou Hui turned his head after speaking, leaning on the leather back seat and closing his eyes.

Galouluo stared at his father blankly, not understanding where the tit-for-tat strong emotions came from. After a while, he turned his face to look forward in a daze, and once again rose up and asked his dad for some travel expenses. , The impulse to go back to the palace of Yan Mowang to spend time with his mother.

However, Zhou Hui scattered the evil fire that had suppressed his heart for many days on his son, and he was immediately retributed.

——The first time that Jialoulu took a car after a thousand years of life. He was uncomfortable after a few hours of bumps on a long-distance bus. The roads in Beijing are crowded, and he drives and stops for a while, which is more exciting The dizziness in his brain.

Having finally stopped and stopped before the gray iron gate of Unit 547, Guoan, Zhou Hui turned to his son blankly. Just thinking of teaching something, Jialou Luo suddenly slapped his hand on his shoulder and screamed in pain. : “Dad…”

Zhou Hui was puzzled. In the next second, I saw the goddess Sahua who was facing me, and Garou vomited all over him.

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