Lantern: Reflection of the Peach Blossoms: Chapter 55, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Lanterns and Peach Blossoms!

The phoenix is ​​not a phoenix tree, it is not a sycamore, it does not eat, or it does not drink in Liquan.

Zhou Hui didn’t know until after Liuli Tian. The above are all habits that only exist when the Phoenix is ​​in the real form. If it is transformed into a physical form, it only needs to be cleaned and avoid fishy taints.

However, cleansing and avoiding fishy **** are impossible things in the blood sea of ​​hell. Therefore, Phoenix does not drip when he is not in the mountains. Fortunately, his dietary needs can be as little as almost nothing, so no problems have occurred.

Outside the Liuli Tiangong is a vast land of nothingness, and the wind swept across the plain and rushed towards the sky with a desolate atmosphere. Standing on the soil slope, you can see the horizon at a glance. The endless glazed azure glows at the junction of the sky and the earth. The aurora lingers when the moon rises at sunset, which is extremely magnificent.

There are many magnificent landscapes in the thirty-third heaven, but they are hidden in desolate places outside the heavens on all levels. Zhou Hui has also seen the scene of Mount Xumi through the water mirror. The deepest impression is the undulating mountain-like giant buildings with gold and jade carvings and ivory decorations. Even the fountains are full of broken jade, which is extremely majestic.

He once wondered whether Phoenix would be more comfortable with the luxurious environment of the temple, but Phoenix stayed in the hut he built in the wilderness, and seemed very peaceful.

Zhou Hui built a house similar to the small wooden courtyard on Buzhou Mountain, surrounded by stone walls. Phoenix planted a circle of red Shura flowers under the stone walls, which were the seeds he brought from hell.

On Buzhou Mountain, Zhou Hui didn’t think he liked those flowers at all. After the hut was built, after watching Fenghuang silently take out a handful of seeds from his pocket, he suddenly realized that he was not completely insensitive to the surrounding environment.

Liu Li Tian is at the lowest level of the 33rd Heaven, bordering hell. Zhou Hui goes hunting in **** every day, while Phoenix stays at home. At first, Zhou Hui was afraid that there would be problems when he left his sight, but after so long, Lei Zhou didn’t cut it off. In addition, it was a hundred miles above the barren, let alone beasts, not even a bug, it was truly a land of nothingness and silence. , So I put my heart down.

——However, it turns out that Zhou Hui’s heart was too early.

One day later, when Zhou Hui left home, Phoenix only woke up. The closed six senses did not fully penetrate, only the seventh last sense was still there, sitting in a lonely yard under the cloudy sky. The goddess of the Snow Mountain, Shakti, saw the scene through the cloud mirror. She was moved with her heart, so she secretly walked down Mount Xumi and came to this remote courtyard.

Her original intention was not necessarily to assassinate the Phoenix, but to maliciously tease him–even if the king was proved by military exploits, it is not as respected as the five great Ming kings of Tantric Buddhism, but the Phoenix was also an ancient sacred bird. Before Xumi Mountain, killing Phoenix would definitely be condemned by God.

But she found that when the six senses of the Phoenix were all sealed, it was really like a puppet with a thread. What was called what to do, and she didn’t even have a sense of resistance, so a bad thought suddenly sprouted in her heart.

——It is said that the Phoenix is ​​immortal, what if he is really just Nirvana?

What if you really forget everything after Nirvana?

If that’s the case, Zhou Hui’s frustrated face must be interesting.

Shakti thought so, took out the poisoned dagger, and passed it to Phoenix’s hand like a ghost.

Phoenix’s only seventh consciousness can’t distinguish good from evil at all, and it really obediently took it, looking at Shakti quietly.

At that moment, Shakti flinched, but soon his jealousy and malice overwhelmed his fear, and he leaned in Phoenix’s ear and said softly: “Go, pierce your own heart with the knife in your hand… let me See, will you be going to Nirvana or will you really die?”

Phoenix lowered his eyes and looked at the blade’s blade, with a blank expression on his face, and slowly turned the blade tip horizontally to himself for a long while.

Shakti took a half step back, with a hint of appreciation and expectation in his eyes. The next moment the blade pierced the skin of his chest, the golden red blood instantly bleeds through the front of the clothes.

——The thing that Zhou Hui was most fortunate for afterwards was that he was in **** that day, and he was shocked in his heart. He immediately returned home and rushed into the door to take the sword in Phoenix’s hand at the moment of his death.

Shakti was about to leave, but Zhou Hui lost his senses in a rage and stabbed her back in the neck with a knife.

At that moment, the sky revolved, the earth collapsed, Shakti screamed and flew back, and countless huge thunders crashed from the sky above them!

Thunder condemned actually two people-Shakti who intended to murder the primordial bird and Zhou Hui who harmed the goddess of the Snow Mountain. However, the six senses of the phoenix exploded in the lightning waterfall, and the lightning and the stone fired Zhou Hui. When he threw himself down, the moment when the landing thunder touched his back came to an abrupt end, disappearing invisible.

Shakti didn’t have this good luck. Lei Cun destroyed her godhead and directly drove the Snow Mountain Goddess into the six reincarnations.

Although Zhou Hui is a **** demon who has cultivated his body and rebelliousness, it was the first time he saw Thunder Tribulation. Although it was not the same as the situation in which King Peacock Ming was condemned by the sky, Wanren Glacier turned into powder and the vast plain collapsed. , But at the time, it was shocking enough.

The phoenix squeezed on him in the thousands of rolling thunders, and the golden-red Phoenix blood on his chest stained him. Then the blood sank into Zhou Hui’s body, as if it had been absorbed by a sponge without leaving any trace.

Then Zhou Hui felt that an extremely hot energy swept through the limbs, causing him to roar in pain in the lightning that was so bright all over the world.

At the end of Lei Jie Zhou Hui lost consciousness. When he woke up, he was lying on the cracked ground. Phoenix was sitting in the burnt wood ruins not far away. He was reaching out his hand, trying to touch the red sticking out of the gap. Florets.

It was probably from the light of his eyes that Zhou Hui was moving. He retracted his hand and asked: “Are you awake?”

Zhou Hui sat up, and was shocked to find that he had no scars all over his body. There seemed to be an unprecedented and majestic force in the sea of ​​qi that a beast was waiting for an opportunity to move.

“This is…”

“Shakti has gone to reincarnation.” Phoenix did not answer his question, and said without opening his eyes.

Zhou Hui got up, staggered because of his dizziness, walked staggeringly in front of Phoenix, half-kneeling on the scorched and smoky ground in front of him, looking at him with a little dodging gaze: “What are you thinking ?”

“…It’s nothing.”

Zhou Hui pulled up his hand and saw that the scar on his heart had healed, but there were still blood stains on his chest.

“What on earth are you thinking?” Zhou Hui repeated, his voice full of gentleness and earnestness.

Phoenix lowered his eyes, and from Zhou Hui’s perspective, he could see his long, thick eyelashes, as well as clear eyes with no emotion at all.

“…The yard is gone…” He listened to him softly after a long time.

The voice was not simply sad, but it seemed a little confused, but it was like an invisible hand that suddenly grabbed the heart, causing Zhou Hui’s breathing to suddenly stop.

“Let’s leave Liulitian,” Phoenix said, “I want to go to the Chaos Realm, where there is no one…”

The Chaos Realm is a nihility area outside of the Six Paths. There are no living things and no humans. If you insist on describing it, it is actually a bit similar to the colorless sky where the Buddha exists, but the emptiness is filled with the ocean tides formed by the collapse of time and space and its engulfing Of countless space debris.

Zhou Hui took the phoenix and lived in the chaos world for hundreds of years.

That was actually the most peaceful and pleasant time in Phoenix’s life. Only he and Zhou Hui. Repeated work and rest day after day made him almost forget the fear of loss, even the various things that the name Sakyya represents. The threats and shadows seemed to gradually dissipate as the years passed, leaving only the unobtrusive black dust in the corner.

Sometimes they will go to the Blood Sea together, and sometimes they will go to the Human World to stroll around. They have walked through the sand and smoke of the mortal world, and they have also seen all kinds of blur and happiness in the red dust. No matter where they are, they are close to each other, and there is a kind of illusion that will last forever and eternally from now on.

No news came from Mount Xumi, and Zhou Hui didn’t try to provoke the heavens. It seemed a bit of a well water did not offend the river.

In his opinion, Heaven’s Path should be something that wants to place Phoenix Mingwang. When his life as a **** demon comes to an end, Phoenix will naturally return to Mount Xumi. Then this thousand years of time will become a slightly unexpected episode in the long life of heaven and human beings, gradually drifting away with the passage of time, and eventually become a small insignificant anecdote in the history of heaven.

For Zhou Hui, although it is a bit sad, it seems to be true.

——Until one day finally, Phoenix got pregnant and gave birth to the Peacock Maha, who was the king of Ming.

The birth of Maha was the first time Zhou Hui entered the Buddhist hall from the main entrance. It was also the first time that this unruly **** demon knelt before the Buddha and knelt for seven days and seven nights.

However, it was of no use. As soon as the peacock was born, the death of the Phoenix was reflected.

Zhou Hui didn’t tell Phoenix about this matter—because Phoenix showed unprecedented joy for the birth of the eldest son. He had never seen Phoenix’s reaction to anything so strong. The emotion was so heartfelt and surging that Zhou Hui could not confide a single word of truth in front of Phoenix’s weak and happy face.

Maybe the things the Buddha predicted would not happen, he comforted himself so in vain.

——Maybe this child can grow up smoothly, peacefully and joyously, and don’t disappoint Phoenix’s full of happiness expectations of him today.

However, the cruel reality soon gave Zhou Hui a blow.

Maha is inherently evil and jealous. Because he was jealous of the Buddha’s bones, he went up to the 33rd heaven and swallowed the Buddha’s body, so that the golden summit of the snow mountain caused the most serious condemnation in the nine heavens and ten earth.

Phoenix was in a mental breakdown, desperately trying to rescue the child from the thunder and lightning, but Zhou Hui knew that it was almost impossible. He imprisoned the Phoenix to death with eighty-one demon bans. However, in the last step of the billions of thunder tribulations, the Phoenix still broke free, and at the cost of burning his own body, he saved Maha’s last breath.

Phoenix was seriously injured and dying. Zhou Hui took him to the Hell Mountain, and built a small wooden house exactly the same as thousands of years ago on the cliff where they first lived. The yard was filled with red Shura flowers. Phoenix was placed inside to recover from his injuries.

The difference from the past is that this time he centered on the small courtyard and cast countless forbidden curses within a radius of thousands of miles, and imprisoned the unconscious Phoenix to death, leaving no room for it.

Phoenix hates him now, he knows.

He has seen how much Phoenix used to love his two children-when Maha and Jialou Luo were little bird cubs, Phoenix often turned into a real body, curling up two little birds with long tail feathers Inside, gently groom them and play with them, sometimes even for several days.

When the little bird cubs were asleep, he maintained that position, looking at them tenderly and lovingly, and he was reluctant to even look away.

——If Phoenix has a little cautious temptation and cautious reservation for Zhou Hui’s company and loyalty, then when facing two young bird cubs who are still not sure whether they can be raised successfully , He looked like he couldn’t wait to pour out all his feelings, as if his entire life was pinned on them.

Sometimes Zhou Hui looked at that gesture like a sacrifice, and felt secretly surprised.

He used to secretly worry about what to do if the child is gone someday, will Phoenix have a nervous breakdown so that he can’t survive? However, this conjecture did not go deep because it was too terrifying.

Until now, the eldest son was almost killed, and the second son was taken captive to the snow-capped mountains of Tibet. He didn’t hear the news, and he realized that this terrible thing would finally come.

Phoenix hates him for sitting on the sidelines with his children. Even if he calms down on the surface as time goes by, that hatred will leave a shadow in the deepest part of his heart, and it will never disappear.

Sometimes Zhou Hui looked at Phoenix sitting there quietly, staying still and speaking all day, and indifferent to external stimuli. An unspeakable sorrow would arise from the bottom of his heart.

Has Phoenix ever been happy?

Really carefree and contented, have you ever felt safety and happiness?

Phoenix has been able to barely get down to the ground after healed for several years. Zhou Hui took him to live in a secluded place in the human world, and also removed the Ten Thousand Forbidden Curse, just like the two children before they were born. , Staying true to each other.

However, this can only temporarily relieve the situation, and does not really solve the problem.

When Phoenix was seriously injured, he seemed to be more and more disgusted with being “alone”, even to the point of a little fear. So Zhou Hui did not leave him as much as possible, and ensured that each other could be in each other’s sight at any time no matter where they were. Several times when he turned his head in the crowd, he could see the phoenix’s gaze following him. It was only when he turned his head back that he let out a breath of ease.

Sometimes Zhou Hui would go through the crowd to hold his hand and ask with a smile: “Miss me?”

Phoenix always doesn’t answer.

Only once they returned from the Human Realm to Hell and Fuzhou Mountain. Phoenix stood on a cliff, watching the endless sea of ​​blood at his feet, suddenly turning back and asking seriously: “Zhou Hui.”


“Will you leave here one day?”

Zhou Hui was stunned. I don’t know why he asked so suddenly. When he reacted, he immediately replied: “No, I will never leave you–what’s the matter?”

Phoenix shook his head, turning his face away from speaking.

However, Zhou Hui quickly understood why he suddenly had this problem.

——Because one day late at night, the phoenix suddenly disappeared.

Zhou Hui still doesn’t know how Phoenix, who is still weak and unhealed, evaded his perception, barely struggled to leave the **** and return to the heaven, through the blizzard across the plain, step by step up Mount Xumi. Once again, he walked into the Supreme Buddha Hall, which he had not set foot in for thousands of years.

Phoenix stood in the middle of the huge and empty Buddha hall, took off the Buddha bone wearing the red thread between his neck, and held it forward with one hand, his eyes filled with despair and desperation:

“I will return the Buddha bone to you, can you return Maha’s life to me?”

——There was a moment of silence in the colorless sky, and everything was silent.

The Phoenix King has not returned for thousands of years. No one thought that the return would be a break with the Buddha.

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