Kung Fu Way: Point of No End Chapter 927: Small test cow first.

Su Jie has been with little Dyson these days, almost hand-in-hand teaching various techniques of this person, and finally promoted him to the realm of a new human.


   Of course, Su Jie also got a lot of benefits. He and Dyson discussed science together and studied the informatics secrets of the human body. Although he was a tutor, he had to explain to Dyson all the time, but the most important thing was At every moment, little Dyson always has some sudden thoughts, and these thoughts can often open up a key breakthrough idea for Su Jie.


   This kind of inspiration flashed, and Su Jie never had it.


   In scientific research, the most fear is to walk into a dead end and not come out, but it is normal to walk into a dead end. Big scientists are easy to walk into a dead end, even those who practice martial arts.


   Even if a person has a high IQ, there are still misunderstandings and blind spots in thinking, and there are also unexpected places. And often a small person can think of things that a big scientist can’t think of.


   This is what the saying goes, “Three heads, one Zhuge Liang.”


The appearance of    Little Dyson has made up many misunderstandings for Su Jie.


  Big scientists have assistants. Sometimes, many things are actually researched by assistants. Now Su Jie’s assistant has become little Dyson, which has given him a lot of inspiration.


   These inspirations are hard for Su Jie to think of, and they are blind areas of thinking.


   In fact, these days, Little Dyson has made very rapid progress, almost from a small person to a new human directly. However, Su Jie gained more, and he was inspired by many problems that he could hardly solve through contemplation, and now they have been completely resolved.


   Some of his techniques have made breakthrough developments.


   For example, his most critical technology, the information group of “Wukong Mask God”, has become more and more influential and penetrating. It is blessed in Su Jie’s spiritual world, making Su Jie capture information. The ability has been enhanced a lot again.


  Look at one’s own destiny, and the destiny of others, are more far-reaching, and you can see more tributaries.


  ”Okay, now we will carry out the last experiment, that is, you and me will test your fists and kicks. No matter how we practice our kung fu, we will finally need to fight with fists and kicks, otherwise everything will be empty. In the future, new The battle between humans and new humans is very likely to return to the fist. Because the spiritual worlds of both sides are very strong, and the contest of various thermal weapons is actually controlled by artificial intelligence. Finally, to solve the problem, it is better to return to the best The original battle.”


  Su Jie asked little Dyson to attack him.


   This is the last training.


   I remembered that in the war-torn place, there were conflicts between some warlords. Instead of taking up guns to fight, they took out their fighters and solved them in the underground arena.


  In the future, the contradiction between the new mankind and the new mankind is likely to be the same.


   Because if the two sides fight with heat weapons, the consequences will not be bearable.


  For example, in the current war between a big country and a big country, both sides have nuclear weapons, and they dare not really do it. Instead, they use conventional weapons to fight the war.


   Moreover, the battle between the new humans and the new humans was initially compared to mental invasion, but spiritual invasions actually have to cooperate with physical movements.


  A good physical movement can expand the amplitude of the spirit tenfold, or even a hundredfold.


   This is in Kung Fu, but it’s actually called momentum.


  In some ancient practices, there is also this kind of expansion


  The movement of the spirit and aura. The most typical ones are Buddhist handprints, mantras, lion roars, and screams.


  Of course, Taoists also have thunder methods.


  A handprint, communication of mind, and being a fearless lion, the whole person’s spiritual temperament is completely different. Can cast down demons, suppress evil, and communicate with gods.


   However, no matter what mudra, thunder method, or even various ancient spiritual practices, they are not as good as the “five styles of sacrificial fist” created by Su Jie.


   offering sacrifices to heaven, earth, ancestors, gods, and temples of the five internal organs.


  The five sacrifice methods include all body, soul, dark matter, information, genes, evolution, humanities, and science.


   The five movements are complex and simple, and the spirit resonates internally and externally, and the changes are endless.


   Originally, Su Jie’s kung fu movements could expand his spirit infinitely and penetrate infinitely. Now that all the movements are summarized and converted into five forms of sacrifice, self-confidence is basically one-on-one. No one in the world is his opponent.


   single-handedly invincible.


  Little Dyson has also learned the five modes of sacrificial boxing in these days.


   Actually, this boxing technique is not a simple kung fu, but a science and technology. It is the most sophisticated instrument in the world, a technical tool for communicating information and dark matter.


   Modern, there are many instruments that can do many incredible things. For example, the newly developed chip can absorb many components in dark matter.


   But, in this world, the best instrument, the most complicated instrument, is the human body.


   There are no instruments, more sophisticated than a human body.


The   Ren instrument is actually very useful, but it hasn’t unlocked the function yet.


   The more Su Jie even cultivates, the more he feels that human beings are very different from any other creatures on the earth. It seems to be a biological machine made by some kind of higher alien creatures.


  It’s just that, for biological machines like humans, the unlocking degree of functions is too low, and it is possible that even one out of ten thousand functions have not been unlocked.


   Moreover, it is very possible that some kind of higher alien creatures that have created humans have forgotten the existence of such things as humans, or are observing the actions of humans.


  The earth, and even the solar system, is just a petri dish in a laboratory.


   Of course, these are all conjectures.


   But as Su Jie’s mental penetrating power gets stronger and stronger, sooner or later the truth of something will be known. Regardless of the truth, even if human beings are really guinea pigs in some powerful biological petri dish, Su Jie can accept it calmly.




   Just when Su Jie’s thoughts were flooding, little Dyson had already attacked.


  His hands are turned over, and the whole person seems to be the Optimus Prime, supporting the sky. This posture is a bit like an overlord lifting a tripod, but his elbows are grasping forward, and his feet are one after the other, which is a bit similar. Yu Xiangshang’s action is actually very defensive, almost completely covering the whole body, without the slightest flaw.


   Together with his posture, suddenly, it is like the ancient **** Pangu, holding a giant axe, splitting the chaos, distinguishing the turbid world, and it seems to be a heavenly sword, cutting through the void, the will of heaven is like a knife, killing everything .




  Su Jie only felt a very strong spiritual profound meaning cut down in the air, cut directly into his own spiritual world, and wanted to put his own soul


The    are all divided, under this sharp cut. Anything has only one end, that is, the spiritual world is divided and the mental state is in a state of confusion.


   This is Su Jie’s boxing technique, the first move, sacrifice to the sky.


   Sacrifice means communication, or cultivation, creation, etc., which contains many meanings. For example, when a certain ethnic group first offered sacrifices to the gods, did they create the gods? If this ethnic group does not sacrifice to gods, then this **** has no original concept, and it does not exist. In some theory, sacrifice is creation.


  As the number of sacrifices increases, the concept of God has penetrated into people’s hearts, and the influence of God is growing, that is, cultivation. It seems to be raising a child.


   Su Jie waved his hand and broke up this sharp will.


   It’s him who lost it. If he were to be replaced by a giant in the International Alliance of New Humans, such as Crusoe, he would be cut into the spiritual world immediately and suffered severe damage.


   The true meaning of boxing created by Su Jie now far exceeds that when he broke into the International Alliance of New Humans single-handedly a few months ago.


   The precipitation of these months and the advancement in technology have made Su Jie truly integrated. More levels unlock some of the functions of this precision instrument of the human body.


   And these improvements are reflected in Dyson’s body.


  Little Dyson’s starting style already contains such a clever mental attack, then if Su Jie makes a full move, I am afraid that no one can take it.




   With the cutting of the spirit, Su Jie broke up, and Dyson’s fist attack also smashed Su Jie’s midline.


  This kind of hacking and cutting is similar to the “hoe head” of the mind, but it is much sharper and the angle is more pure. It seems that there is a taste of finding Hook’s blind spot.


   Hooke’s law tells us that any powerful object always has a weak point. As long as this point is found, a light blow can destroy the structure of that powerful object.


   For example, after the glass melts and drips into the water, the formation of “Rupert’s Tears~IndoMTL.com~” is so hard that even a bullet can’t break it. But if you grab the tail and pinch it lightly, the thing will shatter. Then the tail is where its Hooker’s blind spot lies.


   The same is true for the human body.


   Now, the Su Jie Sacrifice Style learned by Dyson came out, which happened to be aimed at a certain blind spot in the midline of the human body. Even if it did not hit, Su Jie still felt that his blind spot was found. When the opponent’s fist wind blows, the whole body will be torn apart.


   This wonderful feeling made him shudder.


   “Very good, you have learned my essence.” Su Jie was very pleased, his body rotated a little, and the opponent’s attack was resolved.


   However, little Dyson attacked and killed his second move, “Sacrificial Land”.


   With this move, he stepped on and stomped his foot. As if transmitting power to the depths of the earth, Su Jie only felt the earth surging, as if the earth dragon turned over.


  He suddenly felt weightless as he could stand unsteadily. All the power in the body has lost its support.


  All martial arts movements emphasize that force starts from the ground, and the force must be supported by the ground. This is also the law of physics. Once you leave the ground, the fist and the legs will have no power.


   Now, the trick of sacrificing the earth directly cuts off the connection between the spiritual world and the earth.


   is like a person stepping on a staircase and stepping into the air. This feeling is that the mental vision is out of touch with the actual situation, causing the stepping into the air.

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