Kung Fu Way: Point of No End Chapter 918: I don’t stick to cause and effect, I will never move according to sentient beings

Su Jie didn’t tell lies, nor did Oudley tell lies. The fate of Su Jie he saw was definitely not a fright. Or it was alarmist talk, creating a shadow in Su Jie’s heart, but simply narrating the truth of a matter.

  Su Jie also believes that Oudli’s capture of future information is inseparable.

   Although his current cultivation base is in the midst of the sky, sweeping invincible, people in this era are progressing very fast, and various genius ideas emerge in endlessly, maybe one day an unknown person will be born.

   Because in ancient times, it was almost impossible to work behind closed doors. But in modern times, to engage in scientific research, it must be done behind closed doors. Many advanced technologies are created in sealed laboratories.

  The current information technology is so advanced that there is no need to go out to communicate. You can know the world without leaving your home. With the assistance of super artificial intelligence, you can even predict the future trend without leaving your home.

   There are some data calculations that cannot be calculated for tens of thousands of years. However, the supercomputer only needs one ten thousandth of a second. How much scientific research efficiency has been improved? Many experiments cannot be carried out in reality. Even if they are to be carried out, huge financial resources are required, but artificial intelligence can carry out simulations.

   Such as the nuclear explosion experiment, now there is no need for real, super artificial intelligence simulation is exactly the same. The same is true for interstellar navigation.

   As for the research of various robots, it is even simpler.

  In the test of materials science, artificial intelligence is the most proficient.

   Artificial Intelligence Xiaochen is best at materials science. Under her research and development, the artificial intelligence robots of Diandao Group will be ahead of the International New Human Alliance.

   So, what is popular among peerless masters now is working behind closed doors.

   can only create masterpieces behind closed doors.

  After the information is fully connected, no one knows which laboratory will create a peerless master.

  The so-called master, in the past, the most important thing is experience, and experience must be exchanged. Especially the actual combat experience. Of course, the experience in training skills is also very important. How to train is the most effective, and it takes a lot of communication to get it.

   But it is not needed now.

   A person has no fighting experience, that’s very good, information transmission. Sleeping directly, dreaming, waking up from a dream, all the scenes that have experienced many battles are vivid and innate. This kind of direct attack on the brand of entering the spiritual world is even more compatible than personal communication.

   Although this is unfair, this is science.

  Science itself is unfair. A civilization with a high level of science and technology must crush a civilization with a low level of science and technology. This is fair.

  A big era has come, even if it is as strong as Su Jie, Oudli and others, in fact, they can’t find the context of the future at all, and it is impossible to take the future into their hands. You can only take one step at a time to improve your ability and prevent others from catching up.

   “You have got what you want now, can you leave here?” Oudley said.

   “That’s right.” Su Jie nodded: “In this case, then I will go. Let’s see if the International Alliance of New Humans can elect Wang Tong as the governor.” “There should be no problem.” Oude Li Dao: “In about three years, it will be the era of your competition. At that time, there will be a victory or defeat. I look forward to your competition. Only when there is competition, will there be motivation, such as a world-renowned game of chess. , It takes two top chess players to be able to play against each other, and one is indispensable. And as a person who observes the chess game, outside the chessboard, I often see more clearly than your opponents. By the way. I hope, Take a look at my destiny. It’s hard for a fortune teller to figure out himself. This is because the information related to his core has a strong ability to repel his spiritual world. The principle of same-sex repulsion is in terms of information capture. , It can be verified.”

  ”The fate of your life, the later, the more bizarre. But it never seems to be in any danger.” Su Jie said: “Your destiny has a twisted arc, and after arriving, it seems to disappear, but It is not an absolute disappearance, but a kind of concealment and concealment, without any cause and effect. Without causing dust, it seems to be a bystander, looking at everything, everything, it seems that it has nothing to do with you, but your influence , But penetrates into all things and everything. Just like the sun, moon and stars in the sky, it shines on all beings on the earth all the time, and all beings can see and feel the light. But the cause and effect of beings has nothing to do with the sun, moon and stars. Yes, the light of the sun, the moon and the stars is there, the sentient beings are not there, and the light of the sun, the moon and the stars is still there. You can influence sentient beings all the time, but sentient beings cannot influence you. Bodhisattvas lower their eyebrows for sentient beings. It seems that your realm is long ago. Surpassed the Bodhisattva.”

  ”This evaluation is good.” Odley nodded, “It seems that you have indeed seen through my destiny. Although I have seen through your destiny, in fact, I think that in the next few years, you cannot be that way. It is easy to fail. My reason tells me that you will fail, but my sensibility tells me that your life is very variable. In fact, sometimes I envy you, because your destiny is variable, and your destiny is variable. It’s interesting. And the unchanging fate is actually very boring.”

   “Yes, change is easy. This is the most interesting place. This is what you taught me at first.” Su Jie laughed, bowed, and suddenly disappeared into this hall.

  All the monitoring, it seems that he can’t catch his figure.

   In other words, his spiritual information has penetrated into the Internet, erasing all traces of him.

   and others come back to their senses, he is no longer in the headquarters of the International Alliance of New Humans.

  Oderli returned to the large conference hall under the headquarters, spreading his hands: “Everyone, what do you think?”

   “This person is too strong.” A giant veteran made a buzzing voice, “His strength, if he joins our International New Human Alliance, will indeed subvert the power. We can’t control it. Stay in the situation. But now he has stolen all our research materials and retreats all over again. Then, didn’t we lose a lot this time?”

   “Yes, this time, it means that we can no longer completely control the new humans in the East. Didn’t our plan fail?” A giant frowned: “I still want to conquer the East, in the industrial revolution. At that time, we the West defeated the East, but we have not been able to completely conquer the East. This time the human evolutionary revolution, we must conquer the East.”

   “It is so easy to conquer the East.” “Head” smiled: “The appearance of Su Jie shows that although the number of new humans in the East is very rare, far inferior to us, but the tallest one is unexpectedly It is higher than us. Since ancient times, we have not really conquered Eastern civilization and let Eastern civilization disappear. Now it is naturally not that simple. You know, the last round of industrial revolution, actually ten years ago, Eastern civilization had already chased It’s on us. Fortunately, human beings have advanced to chemistry. We have temporarily taken the lead, but the gap will probably get smaller and smaller.”

   “I thought we could easily conquer the East, but now things are not that simple. I thought about many plans, but I didn’t figure out how to deal with Su Jie.” A giant was thinking, and this giant seemed to be very Wisdom, forehead is very big, it seems that the brain tissue inside is twice as many as ordinary people, looks very strange, a bit similar to aliens, and seems to be the “birthday star” in Eastern mythology.

   Human brain volume is not much, so the stored information is limited, if it is larger, then the stored information will be a lot more, as long as one gram of brain tissue cells, you can have a lot of functions, some life sciences Brain experts have even begun to study increasing the capacity of their own brains.

   In short, there are everyone in the International Alliance of New Humans.

   “Your brain is much bigger than others, and you can come up with great ideas every time. Now you are at a loss. It can be seen that Su Jie is really difficult to deal with.” At this time, Macro also came in, and he was deep. Suffer from it.

   “Is it true that only Wang Tong can restrain Su Jie? Isn’t that? Ou Deli?” a giant asked.

  ”Yes, Mr. Zhanodin, you are a scholar proficient in Western occultism. What you do best is prediction. You can see something you want to see in a crystal ball. Do you think this is the case? “Odley asked this giant~IndoMTL.com~ This giant is an old man in a cloak. He holds a crystal ball in his hand. The crystal ball is rolling around as if it is a living thing.

  This kind of crystal ball gameplay has surpassed all crystal ball masters in the world.

   Su Jie is also an expert in crystal ball, but compared with this person, he still lacks that kind of charm.

  This person seems to have his soul in a crystal ball.

   The crystal ball is used for divination and prediction in Western stories. Crystal stone possesses a kind of spirituality. Can help people see through the branches of fate.

  This giant is called Chanodan.

   He heard Odley speak, and couldn’t help but start playing with the crystal ball in his hand. He gently placed the crystal ball on the table, and the crystal ball began to spin on its own, as if it were electric. But everyone knows that this is a very ordinary crystal ball, but it seems to be completely connected with Chanodan’s spiritual world. Even Chanodan’s spiritual world is not in his body, but in this crystal ball. Among.

   This reminds many people of the “horcrux” and “phloem” of Western mythology and witchcraft. In theory, in fact, if people can hide the information and soul of the spiritual world in a single item After death, it can be resurrected.

   Of course, this is just theory.

   But there is no doubt that Chanodan’s crystal ball is almost where his soul rests.

   This is not only the study of occultism, I am afraid there are some scientific principles in it.

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