Kung Fu Way: Point of No End Chapter 816: Everyone’s fate has changed from snake to dragon

Su Jie can’t see the various trends in the future. Everyone has his own line of fate, and there are thousands of them. People often change their destiny because of a single idea. A poor student suddenly received some kind of stimulation, worked hard to study, and was admitted to a good university. And if he is not stimulated by this, he will be restrained by the original class, even fall into the social class, and will no longer be able to stand out.

  The destiny of a person often changes in a single thought.

   Su Jie didn’t know what everyone’s next thought was.

The birth of    is very random. Just like the half-life of a radioactive particle, no one can determine in which second it occurred, but can only predict a random period of time.

  The various thoughts of people are born, which affect the future destiny of the individual, and even the destiny of the people around them. For example, a big man, a plan he comes up with can directly affect thousands of people. The fate of thousands of families, even the fate of three or four generations of these families.

   These pieces of information are intertwined to form the direction of human society, and even constitute the various directions of the Earth’s biosphere and even space.

   Su Jie is actually somewhat powerless in the face of the fate of this kind of intertwined information. He and “Tou” had a conversation in Siberia. “Tou” said that for the time being, Su Jie is his own nemesis. , He couldn’t kill and deal with Su Jie, but in the next few years, Su Jie’s nemesis will also appear and grow up. At that time, Su Jie will also be powerless to this nemesis.

“   nemesis” this kind of thing is the horoscope in metaphysics.

   In fact, no matter what industry you are in, there is such a phenomenon. An industry will always give birth to a dominant overlord. When a rising star defeats this overlord, it means that the era of dynasty is coming. .

   Now the position of “head” has been challenged by Su Jie, but in the future, Su Jie’s position will also be challenged by another rising star.

  Su Jie doesn’t actually care about this, but it is interesting to study this phenomenon.

   Because this is likely to involve a kind of entanglement in consciousness.

   Consciousness entanglement is also a very strange thing.

   In the real world, there are countless scientific laws. Su Jie believes that in the conscious world, there must also be some complicated laws, but they have not been discovered and understood for the time being.

   If we can understand this thoroughly, human civilization is likely to enter a whole new era, or even a completely different path from before.

   At that time, it is not impossible to use consciousness to travel interstellar.

   Of course, this is probably a very distant matter. Maybe Su Jie’s generation can’t see it at all, but Su Jie still doesn’t matter. His interest is to explore, discover, research, and prove.

   “You have created such a strong child in just half a day.” After Su Jie was thinking about his death, a voice came out from behind.

   Su Jie doesn’t have to look back to know that he is the young Lord Shiva.

   This life experience is noble, but he concentrates on practice, breaks through the realm early, and becomes a new human. Now he lives in seclusion here wholeheartedly, exploring the supreme meaning of the highest realm of kung fu.

   “Why don’t you wear Shiva mask?” Su Jie saw that there was no mask on him. It’s just that a blood stain on the eyebrows is still very clear, it looks very majestic, with a faint divine temperament on his body, this temperament can only be felt by people who have cultivated to an extremely high level.

  ”Because I no longer need a mask to conceal my identity. Everything in the dark world has nothing to do with me. I have now restored my original name, the code name of Lord Shiva. I have abandoned it. You will call me Yang in the future. Pi is fine.” This is the real name of the young Lord Shiva.

   Shiva, the code name, he officially abandoned, “In the past, I felt that the dark world was very cozy, lawless, without any rules, as long as you have the strength, you can live and die, come and go free, and you can get true freedom. In the real world, no matter how great the ability is, there are actually times when heroes are useless, and they have nothing to do. But now I feel that there is no meaning to any grand plan. Any material things are actually in my possession. The spiritual world can be obtained.”

   “Oh?” Su Jie smiled: “You finally realized this level?”

   “That’s right.” Shiva young man Yang Pi said: “Actually, after you obtain a substance, hold it in your hand. This object will transmit a message and enter your spiritual world, this spiritual world. Combining material information will give you a sense of satisfaction. This content of satisfaction information will truly enrich your spiritual world. However, in our current state, without material information at all, it will automatically be born. This kind of satisfaction can even be expanded ten times a hundred times, or a thousand times. In this way, it doesn’t matter at all. Therefore, ordinary people, all their lives are for the pursuit of material satisfaction, which is reflected in the spiritual world. In. Ordinary people manage the material world to achieve the richness of the spiritual world, and we can directly enrich the spiritual world. In this way, we directly skip the level of material accumulation and directly reach spiritual richness, which is equivalent to jumping After passing the primitive accumulation, the efficiency is improved, which is equivalent to the use of wood energy directly from the primitive society to the use of nuclear energy.”

   “Go on, let me see what you have learned from your recent practice.” Su Jie nodded.

  ”Ordinary people must rely on the accumulation of material wealth in reality to achieve a little spiritual freedom and abundance, but this is not certain, because many rich people may not be truly happy, but they are free The degree is much higher than that of ordinary people. On the whole, the spiritual world of wealthy people is much richer than ordinary people.” Shiva young man Yang Pi seems to be studying some important things now: “But this conversion efficiency is too low. For example, a poor young man who occasionally gets a large sum of money, he will be excited for a long time at that time. This kind of emotional transformation will make There is a lot of satisfaction in the spiritual world, but this kind of satisfaction will gradually disappear with the passing of time. Finally disappears without a trace. If satisfaction is also a kind of energy, then ordinary people can get it. In fact, energy can’t be stored, and this kind of satisfaction cannot be born out of thin air.”

  ”This is the truth. It seems that you are already trying your best to manage your own spiritual world.” Su Jie said: “However, the Zen school pays attention to emptiness. All four must be empty. Such a spiritual world is pure bliss. How do you understand this?”

  ”That’s right, you must first reach the four emptiness, cut off the impact and influence of material information on the spiritual world, and then be able to autonomously control and build your own spiritual world. Just like a piece of paper, we must wash it out before we can You can paint according to your own ideals on it.” Shiva said: “The truth is very simple. We humans are no longer clean. We must be clean again before we can create the Bliss West. The Bliss West is actually a spiritual world imagined by people. , It may not be perfect. Of course, heaven is also the spiritual world imagined by Westerners.”

   “Your current spiritual world, I think it has a very stable structure, and a good information group.” Su Jie happened to be studying this thing too, he had already seen that the young man of Shiva Yang Pi In the spiritual world, the structure of the information group is very stable, and it will hardly be shaken by external shocks, and inside, it forms a closed self-circulation system.

  This shows that this kind of information group has the ability to grow by itself, as well as a strong defense. In any case, it will not be lost in despair.

   The structure of the soul, the solidification of the information group, and the amount of “spiritual energy” in it, although Su Jie has no specific data to express, he can vaguely feel some of the charm.

   There is an ancient term called Hun Fei Po San, and its practical consciousness scientific knowledge can barely explain it ~ IndoMTL.com~ It should be that the lack of kinetic energy caused the information group to lose the ability to operate on its own and could only disintegrate.

  ”I can only explore step by step to strengthen my consciousness. The more I practice to the end, the more doubts I have. I have heard the conversation between you, Saffor, and this young boy just now. I have a lot of feelings, and I have a general idea of ​​how long my consciousness group can exist. In other words, I can already know how long I can live.” Shiva said the young man.

  ”This is the fate of knowing oneself. Compared to knowing the fate of the heavens, it is harder to count the heavens and the earth, and it is harder to count the earth and people. It is hard to count yourself when you count.” Su Jie said, “But actually for us. , The general trend is also difficult to calculate.”

  ”I heard that you went to Siberia and had a hand with the head. The head admitted that he had no choice but to do nothing. But he predicted that in the next few years, there will be a young man who will be born and completely defeat you? You? Do you want to predict where this young man is? In fact, I am also very curious about who can beat you and who can stand shoulder to shoulder with you. I really can’t imagine how this person will grow. I even don’t even think about it. In doubt, the head is bragging.” Shiva young man Yang Pi said.

   “There will be, he can’t lie. In our state, lying and psychological tactics are meaningless.” Su Jie said: “In the next few years, many people will grow rapidly. It’s actually a good thing to change from a snake to a dragon. Why don’t we walk around here and spend a few days to see how many people here have this potential, and they must be big people in the future? This kind of training, for us, can Enhancing the awareness of the information group’s peek into the future.”

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